So Obama Wire Tapped Trump Tower

That's not illegal at all, now is it? They were trying to find a way apparently to save Hillary Clinton's bacon and the election for her by listening to Trump Tower 24-7 in the hopes of finding something they could tie Trump to Russia.

Guess what they found?

Absolutely NOTHING!

So now America knows how desperate and lawless The Left is.

We should impeach Obama after the fact and re-open Treason Charges against Hillary Clinton.

This has gone far enough. This resembles something worse than a mere witch hunt!

This is an all out coup attempt and a subversive effort to overthrow Democracy.

Wow! Did not think Obama could be so KennedyJohnsonNixon!
The reason Everyone thought it was bull is because it was unprecedented for a sitting President to wire tap a poltical rival without a warrant and no probabable cause even.

Not even Conservatives believed Obama would stoop so low as to engage in Felony Wiretapping. Yes what he did is a Felony.

It is above and beyond anything Nixon even tried to do and it is a gross and dangerous Seditious and Treasonous ABUSE of his office and power!

It represents a coup attempt, and so do the leaks. This is orchestrated sedition and rebellion and it needs to be put down and people need to be arrested and jailed.

I remember reading all about this server from Trump Tower communicating with two Russian banks, that a team of security and computer experts were following or asked to look in to it....I believe it was a thread on this board that lead me to read the very lengthy article on it, and all the Trump supporters on the board here said it was bull crud....

well, now we know the story was TRUE, or else the FBI would not have delved in to it....

the Trump team was contacted on it and denied the computer even existed or something of the sort, but when Alpha bank was contacted on it, the nxt day the banks and trump computers communicating with each other, WENT DEAD and stopped.... So Alpha bant stopped it all....

I am not by any means a computer expert and did not understand 1/10th of the jargon these computer experts were saying on it....

let me see if I can find the thread on it or the link that really delve in to it...

I remember thinking at the time, that it could have been bull....but only because it seemed to me, if these expert techies were telling the truth, the FBI would be all over it.....

and there was no indication of that, at the time...
this has NOTHING to do with obama....that's all gobbledygook partisa spinning to deflect from the ACTUAL MEAT AND POTATOES STORY

A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank

New Evidence, and Competing Theories, About the Trump Server That Appeared to Be Communicating With a Russian Bank

Well hell the Trump campaign had so much contact with the Russians they probably had them on speed dial. Trump should have made the Russian ambassador, Comrade Kovlak his campaign manager.

I told you this is going to end extremely bad for the democrats...Trump is not a Bush.

What's he gonna do? He's just trying to survive this ongoing Globalist Elite Coup attempt. That's occupying most of his time and effort. It's exactly what they intended.

Trump's far too busy defending himself, to take any action against a former President. So don't get too excited. Nothing is likely to come of this. Sorry to disappoint you, but it is what it is.
I told you this is going to end extremely bad for the democrats...Trump is not a Bush.

What's he gonna do? He's just trying to survive this ongoing Globalist Elite Coup attempt. That's occupying most of his time and effort. It's exactly what they intended.

Trump's far too busy defending himself, to take any action against a former President. So don't get too excited. Nothing is likely to come of this. Sorry to disappoint you, but it is what it is.
So tell me D Schrute, in this whole global elite conspiracy that you believe in, is Vladamir Putin and his government, the good guys.... and the entire western world, the bad guys?
if memory serves, there were no emails and no persons involved at no private messages from people were read....

it was simply the Russian Banks, and Trump's server, doing transactions with each other

I need to reread the articles again and any relating links....


dear dear dear.....:( :cuckoo:

Read the article it said The FBI told Obama that The Trump Russian Bank Connection turned out to be a dry well.

Furthermore and Obama rather than drop the illegal wire tap and was told it was actually illegal to continue the wire tap continued to try to have it extended and was turned down the first time and applied for it again.

The Trump Tower was under Surveillance for months and NOTHING NOTHING was found!

Nothing was found except the fact Obama Bin Lying was engaging in Felony Wiretapping and trying to illegally affect the outcome of The Election!.

How Ironic?

Karmic Justice may come
To visit Obama and The Dems very soon!

About Obama's efforts against Trump: "There's a much bigger scandal here: We have a prior administration. Barack Obama and his surrogates, who are supporting Hillary Clinton and her party, the Democratic Party. Who were using the... intelligence activities to surveil members of the Trump campaign, and to put that information out in the public. Those are police state tactics. Nothing Flynn or Sessions has done is even in the same category as that," Levin said
The reason Everyone thought it was bull is because it was unprecedented for a sitting President to wire tap a poltical rival without a warrant and no probabable cause even.

Not even Conservatives believed Obama would stoop so low as to engage in Felony Wiretapping. Yes what he did is a Felony.

It is above and beyond anything Nixon even tried to do and it is a gross and dangerous Seditious and Treasonous ABUSE of his office and power!

It represents a coup attempt, and so do the leaks. This is orchestrated sedition and rebellion and it needs to be put down and people need to be arrested and jailed.

I remember reading all about this server from Trump Tower communicating with two Russian banks, that a team of security and computer experts were following or asked to look in to it....I believe it was a thread on this board that lead me to read the very lengthy article on it, and all the Trump supporters on the board here said it was bull crud....

well, now we know the story was TRUE, or else the FBI would not have delved in to it....

the Trump team was contacted on it and denied the computer even existed or something of the sort, but when Alpha bank was contacted on it, the nxt day the banks and trump computers communicating with each other, WENT DEAD and stopped.... So Alpha bant stopped it all....

I am not by any means a computer expert and did not understand 1/10th of the jargon these computer experts were saying on it....

let me see if I can find the thread on it or the link that really delve in to it...

I remember thinking at the time, that it could have been bull....but only because it seemed to me, if these expert techies were telling the truth, the FBI would be all over it.....

and there was no indication of that, at the time...
this has NOTHING to do with obama....that's all gobbledygook partisa spinning to deflect from the ACTUAL MEAT AND POTATOES STORY

A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank

New Evidence, and Competing Theories, About the Trump Server That Appeared to Be Communicating With a Russian Bank
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Barry Soetoro aka Mohamed Obama, probably wire-tapped the White House too.

It's expected of him and his gang of community agitators.

No surprises there.

Little scared, aren't you???? LOL

Wouldn't you be if the POTUS violated the COTUS willy nilly like that? Or are you merely yet another in a long line of Stalinists who approve of whatever criminal behavior they do so long as you get to be a camp guard?
Only because you daren't open your eyes to see your hero violating the COTUS you partisan hack.

So why did you personally decide to suddenly start hyperventilating over a 4-month old story that had nothing to do with Obama? You understand what a brainless GOP hack that makes you look like, right?

I suppose you see that as a good thing. By demonstrating your willingness to humiliate yourself by saying the stupidest things imaginable, you prove your loyalty to the leaders of DerParteiRepublikkan. Maybe they'll even reward you and the other lapdogs with some table scraps.
Only because you daren't open your eyes to see your hero violating the COTUS you partisan hack.

So why did you personally decide to suddenly start hyperventilating over a 4-month old story that had nothing to do with Obama? You understand what a brainless GOP hack that makes you look like, right?

I suppose you see that as a good thing. By demonstrating your willingness to humiliate yourself by saying the stupidest things imaginable, you prove your loyalty to the leaders of DerParteiRepublikkan. Maybe they'll even reward you and the other lapdogs with some table scraps.

I leave the hyperventilating to you stalinists. The fact that you seem to believe that because the story is 4 months old it is no longer relevant is amusing, but then we all knew you are a moron.
Obama assumed Hillary would win and they would use this wiretap info to destroy Trump after the election, the retard must be shitting himself that Trump actually won and its Trump who has all the power now to destroy Obama.
Not only that the idiots preserved all the illegal spying and warrantless wiretaps records and recordings in the hopes Hillary could somehow use them against The GOP like she illegally used The FBI files back during the Slick Willy Days and Obama illegally used the IRS and NSA against his political rivals.

The FBI already stated they found nothing. But tell you what, the Dems are going to get hit hard with some new investigations because The biggest Russian ties are actually to The Clintons, Obamas, Schummer and Pelosi and I would not be shocked to see McCain and Graham get nailed too.

Drain The Swamp!

Obama assumed Hillary would win and they would use this wiretap info to destroy Trump after the election, the retard must be shitting himself that Trump actually won and its Trump who has all the power now to destroy Obama.

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