So Obama Wire Tapped Trump Tower

Let's face it.

Mohamed Obama should be in jail already.

Everybody is up to here .....neck.......with him, and his idiotic moves against this democratically elected President.

Send him to jail for treason.
From your article. This is illegal and is grounds for being tried for Treason and there isn't even a question about it!

Radio host Mark Levin spent most of his Thursday evening show discussing the alleged scandal surrounding Attorney General Jeff Sessions and what he says is the real scandal: A "silent coup" by the former Obama administration against President Trump.

"They are not going to stop, I told you that the day after the election," Levin urged.

About Sessions' decision to recuse himself from 2016 investigations he wondered: "Did Loretta Lynch or Eric Holder ever recuse themselves from anything? This is the game they play! It is so pathetic to watch these Republicans on Capitol Hill. Not even 24 hours and they're all over the TV telling Sessions to recuse himself. Recuse himself from what?"

About Obama's efforts against Trump: "There's a much bigger scandal here: We have a prior administration. Barack Obama and his surrogates, who are supporting Hillary Clinton and her party, the Democratic Party. Who were using the... intelligence activities to surveil members of the Trump campaign, and to put that information out in the public. Those are police state tactics. Nothing Flynn or Sessions has done is even in the same category as that," Levin said.

"The question is: Was Obama surveilling top Trump campaign officials during the election?" he asked.

"We absolutely know this is true, the FBI did a preliminary criminal investigation based on a potential connection between a server in Trump Tower and a couple of Russian banks. That turned out to be a dry hole, but one of the most outrageous things I've ever seen... totally uncovered by the media. Instead of closing the investigation, the Obama administration tried to turn it into a FISA court investigation in June [2016]. Apparently the first application they submitted named Trump."

"Even the FISA court said no. There wasn't enough evidence to make out probable cause involving Donald Trump," he said. "In the middle of the campaign the administration was actively having Trump investigated."

Breitbart's Joel Pollack put together this timeline of the so-called "coup" launched by Obama against Trump:

Continued in the article

I'd like to know who the Phuck approved the 2nd FISA request which was an illegal act of sedition and treason.

Obama is engaging in full out Sedition and this has never been seen before except for perhaps right before The Civil War.

And again folks, tune in to Fox News. This is just getting rolling.

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I remember reading all about this server from Trump Tower communicating with two Russian banks, that a team of security and computer experts were following or asked to look in to it....I believe it was a thread on this board that lead me to read the very lengthy article on it, and all the Trump supporters on the board here said it was bull crud....

well, now we know the story was TRUE, or else the FBI would not have delved in to it....

the Trump team was contacted on it and denied the computer even existed or something of the sort, but when Alpha bank was contacted on it, the nxt day the banks and trump computers communicating with each other, WENT DEAD and stopped.... So Alpha bant stopped it all....

I am not by any means a computer expert and did not understand 1/10th of the jargon these computer experts were saying on it....

let me see if I can find the thread on it or the link that really delve in to it...

I remember thinking at the time, that it could have been bull....but only because it seemed to me, if these expert techies were telling the truth, the FBI would be all over it.....

and there was no indication of that, at the time...

You failed to read the rest of the links here....they found nothing....nothing....and then obama used a FISA warrant...that needs less proof and doesn't actually need a crime, to wire tap the Trump campaign......this is bigger than Watergate...
Obama never answered for 'Fast & Furious' and his IRS abuses. He was allowed to be above the law. To hell with him and his NWO Globalist Masters.

Not to interfere with your stupidity......but

MAY 15, 2913.......Steve Miller who headed the IRS is forced to resign by Treasury Secretary Jack Lew after it comes to light that he knew about the targeting. It is announced by President Barack Obama later that day.
I remember reading all about this server from Trump Tower communicating with two Russian banks, that a team of security and computer experts were following or asked to look in to it....I believe it was a thread on this board that lead me to read the very lengthy article on it, and all the Trump supporters on the board here said it was bull crud....

well, now we know the story was TRUE, or else the FBI would not have delved in to it....

the Trump team was contacted on it and denied the computer even existed or something of the sort, but when Alpha bank was contacted on it, the nxt day the banks and trump computers communicating with each other, WENT DEAD and stopped.... So Alpha bant stopped it all....

I am not by any means a computer expert and did not understand 1/10th of the jargon these computer experts were saying on it....

let me see if I can find the thread on it or the link that really delve in to it...

I remember thinking at the time, that it could have been bull....but only because it seemed to me, if these expert techies were telling the truth, the FBI would be all over it.....

and there was no indication of that, at the time...

Bizarre irony. This one fully supported Hitlery. :cuckoo:
Obama never answered for 'Fast & Furious' and his IRS abuses. He was allowed to be above the law. To hell with him and his NWO Globalist Masters.

Not to interfere with your stupidity......but

MAY 15, 2913.......Steve Miller who headed the IRS is forced to resign by Treasury Secretary Jack Lew after it comes to light that he knew about the targeting. It is announced by President Barack Obama later that day.

His other despicable lackey refused to answer questions and plead the 5th. Obama knew exactly what was going on. In fact, he likely ordered the abuses. He should have been Impeached.
I told you this is going to end extremely bad for the democrats...Trump is not a Bush.
The reason Everyone thought it was bull is because it was unprecedented for a sitting President to wire tap a poltical rival without a warrant and no probabable cause even.

Not even Conservatives believed Obama would stoop so low as to engage in Felony Wiretapping. Yes what he did is a Felony.

It is above and beyond anything Nixon even tried to do and it is a gross and dangerous Seditious and Treasonous ABUSE of his office and power!

It represents a coup attempt, and so do the leaks. This is orchestrated sedition and rebellion and it needs to be put down and people need to be arrested and jailed.

I remember reading all about this server from Trump Tower communicating with two Russian banks, that a team of security and computer experts were following or asked to look in to it....I believe it was a thread on this board that lead me to read the very lengthy article on it, and all the Trump supporters on the board here said it was bull crud....

well, now we know the story was TRUE, or else the FBI would not have delved in to it....

the Trump team was contacted on it and denied the computer even existed or something of the sort, but when Alpha bank was contacted on it, the nxt day the banks and trump computers communicating with each other, WENT DEAD and stopped.... So Alpha bant stopped it all....

I am not by any means a computer expert and did not understand 1/10th of the jargon these computer experts were saying on it....

let me see if I can find the thread on it or the link that really delve in to it...

I remember thinking at the time, that it could have been bull....but only because it seemed to me, if these expert techies were telling the truth, the FBI would be all over it.....

and there was no indication of that, at the time...
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The first Black ex president is attempting a coup? Man O man the shit is going to get knee deep. Hold onto your hats folks!
i wonder if some producer is working on a movie called "I See Dead Russian People"

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