So on Tuesday when Trump gets arrested…

The needy buffoon had no more evidence that he'd be arrested Tuesday than he had at campaign rallies when he claimed "the only way I lose is if it's rigged".

He just lies.

The date of any indictment and arrest is not known.
Assclown theater. And the fascists lick it up.
He won't be treated like a thug. It's ludicrous to think it wouldn't be handled professionally, though I don't put it past Trump and his minions to take offense at every turn.
It isn't ludicrous to believe it wouldn't be handled professionally. It's a very real possibility.
That's the only thing they understand, sweetums, and America is just the one to give it to them. And how.

At this point, it's no batte of ideology; It's a battle for survival. They wanna play hardball, but only can throw 53.

They are not going to win. The bullcrap will get squashed once and for all for a long time.

Nobody will vote for a Democrat for 20 years.

Nobody voted Democrat for 12 years after Carter, and Biden's worse.

And going after Trump?


The democrat party lost its respectability when Clinton came into office and has become worse ever sense then under each dem president sense that time.sense then it has earned the title Demonrats.the old guard gop party is evil and corrupt,trump changed all that,you got to go all the way back to Calvin coolidge to find a gop president that served the people instead of the establishment.

Everybody knows both parties are corrupt.ever sense Clinton,the dem party has become an evil monster getting worse and worse with each dem president we have had sense then.
No they won't.
These RWI clowns are sticking by the lie of 'trump has done NOTHING" illegal.
"This is all a political witch-hunt"

We’re sticking by the absolute fact that not one of your fake charges have found Trump guilty of anything illegal. Why would anyone in their right mind believe these latest allegations are any different?
I understand, since you’re a leftist, you’re nowhere near being in your right mind, but you at least should be able to grasp such a simple concept.
I wouldn’t be counting him out quite yet….friendly advice.

Really makes no never mind to me, we are either going to have the political equivalent of syphilis or the political equivalent gonorrhea in power.

I have no preference.
Lol, project much? Don't pay attention huh? You do realize your return response is evidence to the contrary there retard. Hilarious 😂
You’re the one losing your mind when confronted with facts moron. Continue acting the fool as this blows up in your face. We’re all laughing AT you and the rest of the morons who think this is it.
Actually, yes. Because if you do the crime, you do the time.

Let me know if you are still confused.

The statute of limitations has run out on your “crimes”. You’re being lied to yet again, useful idiot.

Let me know if you’re still confused.
We’re sticking by the absolute fact that not one of your fake charges have found Trump guilty of anything illegal.
Of course he hasn't been found GUILTY, because he has yet to be charged or tried. Yet.

Couldn't be charged as sitting POTUS, even though the House Impeached him twice, there's evidence right there of guilt, and the ONLY reason, which continues today, is the Cowards in the Senate that refused to hear and just acquitted.

If they indicted, there is a fair trial, then IF he is found not guilty, THEN you can crow.
Until that ^^^^ time, quit saying he's never been found guilty.
You can run if you want to, but that doesn't change the fact that the main stream is laughing at you guys as hard as the right is....

And that's just a few....

:thankusmile: Thst is comedy gold that even the msm media is coming out and admitting that most Americans have seen the light and are fed up with both parties understanding both are corrupt and one in the same trump being the first president sense kennedy not part of the corrupt two party system.priceless.:laughing0301: Right now all the Demonrat lovers like Care4all err idiot for all, sealybobo smellybozo, rightwinger Toro KissMy Billo_Really Dragonlady Dragonidiot The Banker ect ect are crying hearing this truth throwing chairs at the wall in anger over this post of yours @j-mac:laughing0301::rofl::abgg2q.jpg:
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You’re the one losing your mind when confronted with facts moron. Continue acting the fool as this blows up in your face. We’re all laughing AT you and the rest of the morons who think this is it.
:thankusmile::TH_WAY~113::yes_text12:The understatement of the year. :biggrin: :thup:
I don't see it as much of a mystery. They hate Democrats so much they'll cheer for anyone who flips them the bird.

And frankly, that's on Democrats.
Well, the Democrats played a significant role in his 2016 win, and refuse to see it, so they're indefensible.

But the sheer intensity of the adoration. The religion of it. The blindness. For this guy. I just don't get it.

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