So on Tuesday when Trump gets arrested…

j-mac they all run away over my challenge I issued in the flame zone that when trump never gets arrested as they keep babbling he will,will they stop posting,they pretend not to see this post because they know they are talking shit out of thier ass so they run off. :rofl:
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Are we going to see him in handcuffs? And will they show his mugshot?

Personally I don’t think there’s anything good that can come from this, just a more fractured country.
Mugshot is guaranteed. Handcuffs are unlikely.

Damn how I would love to see both though lol. The whole thing is music to my ears.
Mugshot is guaranteed. Handcuffs are unlikely.

Damn how I would love to see both though lol. The whole thing is music to my ears.
Bottom line here is, they'd better have the goods, and they'd better be good. From what I've seen, this is the lowest possible-level felony in NY. Not so sure this is a great idea for a first crack at him.
Hector12 hey stupid fuck,as Harry Dresden said earlier,then half of congress should be in prison you America hating commie.skews git embarrassed with shit on his face earlier with that fact and now it’s YOUR turn. :itsok:

Also dumbass,that is easily leaps and bounds the most retarded post on this thread and the most retarded post you will ever make in your life because every thinking American knows there is one differerent law fir politicians than there is fir us especially presidents,thst politicians and especially presidents get away with crimes everyday we go to jail fir,you are obviously a baby in diapers who was born yesterday. :rofl: :laughing0301: :abgg2q.jpg:
I see you are admitting it is indeed sad that half of congress should be in prison and thst you made the most restarted here on this thread the fact that politicians are criminals and commit crimes everyday we go to jail for and are above the law,nice to see you agree that is sad you are that stupid.thanks fir admitting that. :thup: :thup:
No, you’re the moron here. A coward, a liar who’s cant admit he still a lefturd, claims anybody supporting Trump is a “worshipper”. You’re just a joke.
:thankusmile: The understatement of the century.these paid shills for the dnc throw Hail Marys over their ass beatings they get,the lies they are paid to post.
Bottom line here is, they'd better have the goods, and they'd better be good. From what I've seen, this is the lowest possible-level felony in NY. Not so sure this is a great idea for a first crack at him.
The trial will inevitably be delayed as much as possible either way. It could take 1-2 years to even begin.
It's not about him. Trumpsters are angry, scared and stupid. That how fascism happens. DeSantis will happily take the reigns.
Interesting that the TDS here rarely post a reply without telling us how we feel, what we are afraid of, and other mind reading hooey..
That’s because they rarely have any response other than how We feel. We don’t feel. We think and with no rebuttals available that infuriates libs.
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Bottom line here is, they'd better have the goods, and they'd better be good. From what I've seen, this is the lowest possible-level felony in NY. Not so sure this is a great idea for a first crack at him.

I agree. I wish they had not done this, truly a waste of time and makes the other cases harder.
Rocko that is because there is an awakening we live in a third world banana republic dictatership,that politicians serve the elite and not the people,that if your not part of the corrupt two party system,they take you out as they did kennedy and in trumps case,put up false charges like Russia collusion,stealing documents try and put him in prison,it’s only the America haters that ignore these facts.
Rocko that is because there is an awakening we live in a third world banana republic dictatership,that politicians serve the elite and not the people,that if your not part of the corrupt two party system,they take you out as they did kennedy and in trumps case,put up false charges like Russia collusion,stealing documents try and put him in prison,it’s only the America haters that ignore these facts.

And your whining about it on the internet is really helping! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The statute of limitations has run out on your “crimes”. You’re being lied to yet again, useful idiot.

Let me know if you’re still confused.
This thread is about the imminent indictment of your orange loser. If the “statute of limitations” has run out, we wouldn’t be talking about him being indicted/arrested.

Try to keep up. :itsok:

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