So on Tuesday when Trump gets arrested…

You think a politically motivated for show arrest is going to unite the country? That is so far detached from reality, I don’t even know what to say about that…
If Trump has committed a crime he should be prosecuted.

Not prosecuting Trump because of how the violent lawless right might react serves only to undermine our democratic institutions and the rule of law.
Will the Secret Service allow the arrest? They are duty bound to protect the man. I don't think liberal morons even comprehend how this whole farce can go really wrong, really fast.
Will the Secret Service allow the arrest? They are duty bound to protect the man. I don't think liberal morons even comprehend how this whole farce can go really wrong, really fast.
Only his physical safety. Not from prosecution.
I got bullets and other things is what I got.
Money, brains, ability. What do you got?

"The narrative"? Okay, good luck with that. :rolleyes-41:
How wonderful. I'll be sure to follow your murder trial. w

You may have ability, what you're lacking is brains.
No, Trump won't be handcuffed. He won't be perp walked. I'm betting the booking will take place at Trump's house and no one will even know about it until after the fact. The Secret Service won't allow any of that for security reasons.
Trump has to appear in the jurisdiction where the indictment is filed. He can fly to his resort in Jersey when he feels like it, he can show up at rallies, CPAC & wherever then he can haul his ass to Manhattan. He's a private citizen & should be treated like anyone else charged with a crime.
You and Elon both think this. I am amazed at the diversity of opinion on the Right about this possible arrest! I think it's a puff of smoke and they won't arrest him, but that it's meant to scandalize the Right so they won't vote for him.

But I'm the world's worst predictor, so I am watching with interest to see what actually happens.

I don't THINK this is the fuse for Civil War and the Dems and/or Trump are handing us a match, but again, I could be wrong. Though really big events invariably happen very, very fast and unexpectedly and this is neither fast nor unexpected: Trump is actually calling for protests.

Most intelligent people, nit just ontbe right, see this for what it is - yet another desperate, pathetic, criminal attempt to take downTrump before 2024.

They see the Democratz' co.plete disregard for the law - specificaly, in this case:

1. The Socialist Anerica-hating Drms joining forces with Socialist America-hating George Soros' & his anti-Justice acolyte against Trump

2. The complete disregard for and abuse of the law, specifically a local DA with NO JURISDICTION / NO AUTHORITY to prosecute a FEDERAL campaign finance case making making preparations to do just that
- Any non-corrupt 3rd World DOJ / US AG woyld step in & shut the DA down, especially before they move to have a former President arrested.

3. The Soros DA puppet's 'star witness' is a 2-time perjuring / 1-time convicted 'Perjury' felon - both times against Trump, proving he has an unquestionable bias against Trump AND he has ZERO credibility.

4. Thanks to Democrats who have committed this crime so many times (Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, The Squad members, etc...) precedence has been set where punishment for this MISEMEANOR is a MONETARY FINE, NOT ARREST / CHARGES ... but the Democrats are putting their workd-famous criminally partisan 2-tiered hypocritical / Un-American Justice System on display again for the world to see

** Foreign nations have already begun to MOCK Demicrats / the US for this, as seen by El Salvador's President calling the US a corrupt 3rd World Nation over this move.
-- Leave it to Democrats to reduce the reputation of the US from 'the greatest free nation in the world' to 'corrupt 3rd World Trailer Trash'.

5. Then there is the record setting level of hypocrisy y tbe Democrats who are currently led by a proven / exposed compromised career-long head of a family crime syndicate involved in influence peddling, classified info peddling, foreign leader extortion, bribery, money laundering, conspiracy, perjury, treason,drug / human / child / sex trafficking, and violations of both Constitution and law in forfeiting this nation's sivereignty and national sefence - protected by criminally weaponized federal agencies already proven to ha e participated in a failed treasonous coup, censuring / silencing US citizens, spreading disinformation and propaganda, illegally spying on US citizens, obstructing justice, obstructing on-going investigations...


...and THIS f*ing group, that has attempted non-stop FAILED criminal schemes IOT 'Get Trump' for the last 6 and a half years, is, again, planning a desperate, criminally transparent plan to have a Soros-backed LOCAL DA publicly arrest Trump on Tuesday for a FEDERAL misdemeanor campaign finance violation!

Democrats are so desperate they don't even give a damn enough to try to hide any of this let alone worry what Americans - or foreign governments / the world - think about it.

Yeah, intelligent, moral, ethical, Constitution/Rule of Law-respecting Americans / people see ALL OF THIS AND HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT.
Will the Secret Service allow the arrest? They are duty bound to protect the man. I don't think liberal morons even comprehend how this whole farce can go really wrong, really fast.
They'll do their duty to those who pay them, not the person they're assigned to protect. Trump is no emperor with his own praetorian guard.
I am betting they charge(s) they have is not a misdemeanor.
According to Alan Dershowitz that’s all they have. Listen for yourself. He was on the Megyn Kelly podcast recently. But you do you. Meanwhile the China money moving to the Biden family story is nonexistent.
Most intelligent people, nit just ontbe right, see this for what it is - yet another desperate, pathetic, criminal attempt to take downTrump before 2024.
Well, sure! Duh.
** Foreign nations have already begun to MOCK Demicrats / the US for this, as seen by El Salvador's President calling the US a corrupt 3rd World Nation over this move.
-- Leave it to Democrats to reduce the reputation of the US from 'the greatest free nation in the world' to 'corrupt 3rd World Trailer Trash'.
Oh, God, you're killing me here. :shock: :mad-61: El Salvador, huh. I wish the Dems would get our reputation at least as good as Venezuela's.
Yeah, intelligent, moral, ethical, Constitution/Rule of Law-respecting Americans / people see ALL OF THIS AND HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT.
I'll tell you what I think --- when the Rule of Law is completely kaput because of the Democrats, we'll really miss it, each of us.
I'll bet some of the usual NGOs already have bus loads of those antifa types in maga hats on reserve and ready to go.

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