So on Tuesday when Trump gets arrested…

How would that blow up in his face? Again, a federal matter and not a local one. If the commies in NYC could file charges on that, so could Atlanta, Seattle, Houston, San Francisco and so on. Utterly ridiculous.
Wrong again. Trump filed his business records in only one state: New York.

Well, and China, to be thorough.
Dupe, for years you are talking about supposed lawsuits. They all get tossed like the bullshit they are, but you still eat it up and ask for more.

At what point do you get a clue?

Besides all that, the prosecutor is not some political "us", he is his own man and a professional doing his damn job. If his indictment is baseless then he will lose in court and stain his career.

So why don't you just go get a nice hot cup of STFU and watch.

Oh, I plan on watching. It's more fun to rub salt in your wounds when all is said and done that way.
I don't have to prove it. That's my testimony. You prove I'm a liar. That's how it works, dumb shit.
LOL In other words, you put out bullshit like a typical retard? Yup, figured as much. Retards like you never back up your statements so you didn't disappoint. :itsok:
LOL In other words, you put out bullshit like a typical retard? Yup, figured as much. Retards like you never back up your statements so you didn't disappoint. :itsok:
Well, go ahead and prove I'm putting out bullshit. Go ahead, dipshit.
Why are you pretending that this case has anything to do with "evidence" and "charges" at all?

Why pretend it is not?
We mostly grasp that Bragg is contemplating the nonsense about Stormy and a “payoff” and some claimed (?) false business reports. I’m not sure what the duck else you imagine Bragg might be up to.

Whatever it is, it is supposed to be related to NY crimes. There’s a possibility that Bragg thinks he has some jurisdiction over some fanciful Federal legal violation.

But you bleat about it a lot. And you absolutely have no clue yourself.
Mao maybe consider giving it a rest. It’s not like your even slightly persuasive anyway.
I don't know the charges, all kinds of rumors, including racketeering.

Whatever they are, if they are, Trump needs to face it, like a man, not like a silver spooned privileged pussy, and he'll get his due process in court, to prove the prosecution is bogus.....
Seriously Ray, you are off the wall with those comments.

You don't even know the charges the prosecutor is going to bring, if any, yet you are claiming they are complete bull shit like a good little thoughtless parrot....

How and when did the 94 yr old Soros pay him? Got a link?
Why are you so LAWLESS LOVING?

If charged, he needs to face his charges, like a man, and every other citizen on earth. He fortunately has the billions to buy the best attorneys on earth....unlike most.

Resisting arrest, only makes things much much much worse and judges do not take kindly to that kind of lawlessness....

I don't know what charges? What did he schedule a grand jury for? :eusa_shhh:

Soros us a disciple of Satan. His support for criminal prosecutors is long known. This Fn foreigner is responsible for hundreds of deaths across the country not to mention injuries of our Americans.

What is it you don't understand about jurisdiction. If charges are brought against Trump over the tramp thing, it's a federal matter, not a city matter.
I don't know what charges? What did he schedule a grand jury for? :eusa_shhh:

Soros us a disciple of Satan. His support for criminal prosecutors is long known. This Fn foreigner is responsible for hundreds of deaths across the country not to mention injuries of our Americans.

What is it you don't understand about jurisdiction. If charges are brought against Trump over the tramp thing, it's a federal matter, not a city matter.
You don't know anything about George Soros. You are just doing the bidding of a foreign authoritarian without even realizing it.
Why are you pretending that this case has anything to do with "evidence" and "charges" at all?

This is about the libs pulling a power play , they are filing these charges because they have the power and they feel threatened by the millions of Little Trumpsters.

There is no evidence whatsoever, just a proven and convicted liar and thief, Mike Cohen, looking to take revenge on the Trumpsters.

This DA in New York City is a clown who is crashing and burning.
How the fuck do any of you assholes know anything about something that has not happened yet?

You’re declaring him innocent and you have no idea of the CHARGES let alone the evidence

When Bill Clinton was running for President, a media operation heard a rumor about Bill summoning underlings to his hotel rooms as Governor of Arkansas. They found one woman, Paula Jones, who worked for the state and told the media she was a victim of Clinton's. When she was escorted to his room, he pulled down is pants asking for sexual favors. After she told the media about the story, it opened up a can of worms.

Clinton then sent out his minions to trash Jones for her story to the press. She then tried to sue Clinton for slander which didn't work out well since she had no actual evidence of the encounter or what happened. Long story short they went out to find other women who worked under him and eventually led up to Monica Lewensky.

Bill was having an affair with Monica who was half his age. When asked about it, Clinton denied the relationship with his famous words "I have had no sexual relations with that woman.........Monica Lewensky.

Little did Bill know that she kept a dress of hers for memories sake that had his DNA on it. It was tested and he got busted for lying under oath to a federal grand jury. He was impeached for perjury.
How the fuck do any of you assholes know anything about something that has not happened yet?

You’re declaring him innocent and you have no idea of the CHARGES let sone the evidence

Because it doesn't matter what he did. To his cult, he's innocent of everything.
When Bill Clinton was running for President, a media operation heard a rumor about Bill summoning underlings to his hotel rooms as Governor of Arkansas. They found one woman, Paula Jones, who worked for the state and told the media she was a victim of Clinton's. When she was escorted to his room, he pulled down is pants asking for sexual favors. After she told the media about the story, it opened up a can of worms.

Clinton then sent out his minions to trash Jones for her story to the press. She then tried to sue Clinton for slander which didn't work out well since she had no actual evidence of the encounter or what happened. Long story short they went out to find other women who worked under him and eventually led up to Monica Lewensky.

Bill was having an affair with Monica who was half his age. When asked about it, Clinton denied the relationship with his famous words "I have had no sexual relations with that woman.........Monica Lewensky.

Little did Bill know that she kept a dress of hers for memories sake that had his DNA on it. It was tested and he got busted for lying under oath to a federal grand jury. He was impeached for perjury.
Looks like Dummy Ray got lost again

And, there it is gentle reader.
Our MAGA/QAnon chapter rollcall of GED aspirants.
And these are the citizens of quality, character, and education that some in MAGAstan think will make America great again?

I love this bar.
We've got winners.
We've got _________.
Refute it or STFU.
I was listening to the Dan Bongino show today. He said it's ridiculous. The SS has the right to take over any and all property or buildings. That means if Trump were by the slightest chance end up in jail, the SS could take over the entire thing for ex-presidential security reasons. Bongino knows because he worked for the SS.
To be clear, the NY case holds only a slight threat of a prison sentence. But I’d expect no judge to sentence anyone to a prison term over what I assume would be just an E felony in NY — especially a person with no prior criminal record.

The point of Bragg’s abuse of power isn’t jail. It’s a criminal conviction of a former President. Purely political.

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