So on Tuesday when Trump gets arrested…

claiming they are complete bull shit like a good little thoughtless parrot....

The irony meter just broke. You’ve been crying about the PROVEN stuff on Hunter being fake, yet you readily swallow this bullshit about Trump. But you are nothing but a brainless parrot echoing the Dem talking points. Like good thoughtless sheep.
Because you are told to do so.
C'mon man....nothing is gonna stick.You have an AA, Soros paid for, black prosecutor trying to make a name for himself on a 7 year old bogus charge.He's gonna bring Trump down! Meanwhile, the Democrats and the Biden crime family are fucking the US taxpayers out of billions fighting a proxy war that is NONE of our business.Can you say FUCKING HYPOCRITS?

But keep sucking that Democrat cock you fucking mentally challenged dumbfuck. You'll get the nation you deserve.
Seriously Ray, you are off the wall with those comments.

You don't even know the charges the prosecutor is going to bring, if any, yet you are claiming they are complete bull shit like a good little thoughtless parrot....

How and when did the 94 yr old Soros pay him? Got a link?
Why are you so LAWLESS LOVING?

If charged, he needs to face his charges, like a man, and every other citizen on earth. He fortunately has the billions to buy the best attorneys on earth....unlike most.

Resisting arrest, only makes things much much much worse and judges do not take kindly to that kind of lawlessness....
I really don't think they understand the difference now between conspiracy, fantasy, hyperbole and reality.

It appears to be all one thing to them.
Post #733 by poster FJB offers us a video clip (which I cannot open)...but the headline to it is "New Yorkers Protest Trump's Arrest".

Which leads me to believe that if it is true this arrest is based upon paying a porn queen to not tattle about an affair with a married man who is running for President.....well, one cannot be blamed for believing these 'protestors' support married men having affairs with porn actors? While their wife is home nursing a newborn son?

Seems a tough thing to advocate for, in my opinon.
"...being the manbaby whiny little twit..."
Soros paid for, black prosecutor
"... crime family are fucking the US taxpayers
keep sucking that Democrat cock
you fucking mentally challenged dumbfuck
crybaby uniformed little bitch.
Hopefully he isn't fucked in the ass

And, there it is gentle reader.
Our MAGA/QAnon chapter rollcall of GED aspirants.
And these are the citizens of quality, character, and education that some in MAGAstan think will make America great again?

I love this bar.
We've got winners.
We've got _________.
C'mon man....nothing is gonna stick.You have an AA, Soros paid for, black prosecutor trying to make a name for himself on a 7 year old bogus charge.He's gonna bring Trump down! Meanwhile, the Democrats and the Biden crime family are fucking the US taxpayers out of billions fighting a proxy war that is NONE of our business.Can you say FUCKING HYPOCRITS?

But keep sucking that Democrat cock you fucking mentally challenged dumbfuck. You'll get the nation you deserve.
That was quite a load of shot there
The irony meter just broke. You’ve been crying about the PROVEN stuff on Hunter being fake, yet you readily swallow this bullshit about Trump. But you are nothing but a brainless parrot echoing the Dem talking points. Like good thoughtless sheep.
I don't know that Trump will be charged or what they plan to charge Trump with, if they do.

It is you all that are claiming it's bogus, when you don't even know the alleged charges that may be brought.... That's out of trump devotion, and not sound thinking imo, especially when you don't even know the charges and facts yet.
But you know nothing about the charges or evidence
So your opinion is worthless.

Why are you pretending that this case has anything to do with "evidence" and "charges" at all?

This is about the libs pulling a power play , they are filing these charges because they have the power and they feel threatened by the millions of Little Trumpsters.

There is no evidence whatsoever, just a proven and convicted liar and thief, Mike Cohen, looking to take revenge on the Trumpsters.

This DA in New York City is a clown who is crashing and burning.
I don't know that Trump will be charged or what they plan to charge Trump with, if they do.

It is you all that are claiming it's bogus, when you don't even know the alleged charges that may be brought.... That's out of trump devotion, and not sound thinking imo, especially when you don't even know the charges and facts yet.
We mostly grasp that Bragg is contemplating the nonsense about Stormy and a “payoff” and some claimed (?) false business reports. I’m not sure what the duck else you imagine Bragg might be up to.

Whatever it is, it is supposed to be related to NY crimes. There’s a possibility that Bragg thinks he has some jurisdiction over some fanciful Federal legal violation.

But you bleat about it a lot. And you absolutely have no clue yourself.
Mao maybe consider giving it a rest. It’s not like your even slightly persuasive anyway.
I wasn't among the protestors on Jan 6th. I'm not emotionally involved in such things.
That wasn't what I asked. You asked a question and I gave you a straight answer.

Let's see if you can answer my question the same way. Since you are a trumptard, I don't think you will but hey, surprise me. Go.
Poor retard. Caught not understanding sarcasm and throwing a temper tantrum. But then again, that’s all you ever do. Prepare for another failure.
LOL retard copies me. Since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I am flattered! LOL

Thanks for playing, retard. Keep coming back. It is fun to keep calling you a retard. :itsok:

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