So Rand Paul is against the Civil Rights Act?

If the courts had ruled the EPA unconstitutional it wouldn't be there.

Was it ever challenged?

Its been around since Nixon. If it hasn't been challenged yet maybe you should. Until then its the law.

Wait a minute, you're saying it wasn't ruled unconstitutional and you don't even know if there was ever a ruling made?

Damn you are even more stupid than I had given you credit for.
Democrats: making stupidity into an artform.

you think so?

funny, the only stupidity i've seen on this thread is from people who want to live in 1955 again.
Stop making yourself look silly with misinformed talking points.

I've been to Rand's site a bunch of times in the past year, and I don't think I see "Repeal the CRA of '64" as part of his platform.
Hey, Take it easy on the kid. He's been civil to you. If you want to start some shit, do it with me bro. ~BH

eat shit and die you fucking nitwit

I hope you get a brain tumor and choke on your own puke yuh fucking maggot. Remember Private Ryan where they were fighting house to house? Remember when The German slowly sunk that knife into that guys chest as he begged "no, no, no wait, no"?

Do yuh worm? That's me on top of you looking into your eyes as you fade away from this world. Mother Fucker! ~BH

Wow, now that was cool. "I hope you get a brain tumor and choke on your own puke yuh fucking maggot" - and that was a segue into "Private Ryan.

Yet, somehow, it worked. Unbelievable.

Def of segue:
To move smoothly and unhesitatingly from one state, condition, situation, or element to another:
Its been around since Nixon. If it hasn't been challenged yet maybe you should. Until then its the law.
I'll look it up to see if it has been, anyway. Just to satisfy curiosity.

(I think it should if it hasn't been)

You're going to have a tough time convincing the courts the air and water doesn't affect interstate commerce.

Can you prove that pollution restricts airplanes from flying, ships from sailing or freight trains or semi-trucks from being mobilized?
Democrats: making stupidity into an artform.

you think so?

funny, the only stupidity i've seen on this thread is from people who want to live in 1955 again.
Stop making yourself look silly with misinformed talking points.

I've been to Rand's site a bunch of times in the past year, and I don't think I see "Repeal the CRA of '64" as part of his platform.

It's not, it's just another liberal lie aka a liberal talking point.
eat shit and die you fucking nitwit

I hope you get a brain tumor and choke on your own puke yuh fucking maggot. Remember Private Ryan where they were fighting house to house? Remember when The German slowly sunk that knife into that guys chest as he begged "no, no, no wait, no"?

Do yuh worm? That's me on top of you looking into your eyes as you fade away from this world. Mother Fucker! ~BH

Wow, now that was cool. "I hope you get a brain tumor and choke on your own puke yuh fucking maggot" - and that was a segue into "Private Ryan.

Yet, somehow, it worked. Unbelievable.

Def of segue:
To move smoothly and unhesitatingly from one state, condition, situation, or element to another:

Hey FuckO? He was the one who started the "die" crap. ~BH
I'll look it up to see if it has been, anyway. Just to satisfy curiosity.

(I think it should if it hasn't been)

You're going to have a tough time convincing the courts the air and water doesn't affect interstate commerce.

Can you prove that pollution restricts airplanes from flying, ships from sailing or freight trains or semi-trucks from being mobilized?
I really really really hope you and your pubbie buddies push the companies should be legally allowed to pollute where ever the hell they want to angle.

You're going to have a tough time convincing the courts the air and water doesn't affect interstate commerce.

Can you prove that pollution restricts airplanes from flying, ships from sailing or freight trains or semi-trucks from being mobilized?
I really really really hope you and your pubbie buddies push the companies should be legally allowed to pollute where ever the hell they want to angle.


No one that I'm aware of has taken that position.
That's what I thought.

You got nothing!

Pollution is a national security issue. The federal government has the mandate to protect the American people from all enemies, foreign and domestic. The military of the United States is derived from the People, so in the interests of national defense, which is an explicit federal responsibility, the protection of the health and safety of the People is a national security interest.

Damn what a stretch!

Who composes our military?
Can you prove that pollution restricts airplanes from flying, ships from sailing or freight trains or semi-trucks from being mobilized?
I really really really hope you and your pubbie buddies push the companies should be legally allowed to pollute where ever the hell they want to angle.


No one that I'm aware of has taken that position.

Who has the jurisdiction then, and the constitutional authority, to go after BP for polluting the Gulf? and the coasts?
I'll look it up to see if it has been, anyway. Just to satisfy curiosity.

(I think it should if it hasn't been)

You're going to have a tough time convincing the courts the air and water doesn't affect interstate commerce.

Can you prove that pollution restricts airplanes from flying, ships from sailing or freight trains or semi-trucks from being mobilized?

It inhibits breathing which inhibits walking.
Of course, that is nothing but your spin...

OK, I'll give it a shot.

Some things are all are nothing. Where is the "line". Naturally, a restaurant can refuse someone if they are dressed inappropriately. No shoes, no shirt, no service.

But to completely block doing business with an entire race of people simply because of the color of their skin? Where does it stop? No grocery store will sell them food? No business will hire them? No Private university will accept them as students? No doctor will treat them?

Seriously, does this have to be "explained"?

I guess Denny's will be asking for their money back from that huge law suit.
The other day my family went out to Wendy's... 10 percent of the proceeds were going to the local library (if that's not a set-up for an all-white gathering, I don't know what is...)

Anyway, everyone in the place was WHITE.

Everyone behaved. Everyone was well-spoken and polite. Families were interacting and saying hello. And everyone was WHITE.

It was such a change from the ghetto fast-food scene you usually see.


People who say we've made "progress" by forcing unwanted racial association are wrong.
America is different countries.

Liberals need one, conservatives need another.

The two views are incompatible.

no just the FAR-Left and the FAR-Right....they are incompatible.....everyone else has proven they can get along.....we have been doing it since 1776....suppress the FARTHERS on each side and this country will do just fine again....
To not eat there, and then to give my business to a restaurant that doesn't have a bigoted POV (and probably has better quality food).

Free Market at work there.
The constitution doesn't protect the rights of the free market.
It doesn't give you rights, either, though.

can somebody send a clue to the newbie tool...

maybe answer his/her posts with size 6 bolded font?
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