So Republicans, let me get this straight

The Republicans worst nightmare is that Obamacare will succeed and Americans will like it. That is why they are so determined to kill it NOW
Healthcare Exchanges take effect in two weeks. Republicans want to make sure that Americans do not become too attached to them

Hmmmmm. It seems this cartoon was supposed to make me think opposing those programs is a bad thing. Interesting.
Grassley didn't have any input in the healthcare bill even though he tried. Grassley wanted no rationing and no government bureaucrats getting in the way of the patient and doctor. Needless to say, Grassley is one of Obamacare's biggest critics today.
As for the link you posted. It seems that there is some rhetorical gymnastics going on if the left wing is going to blame Grassley for language he had written that has since been through "various revisions" and become "less clear".

How heavy are those goalposts?

Yes and No. The confusing thing is what the Republicans are currently opposing. They're oppising the individual mandate. While the government really doesn't have the authority to make people buy something, allowing it would have a silver lining. When people are forced onto the exchanges they will start to figure out what things cost. They will start to see that Obama has mandated they buy insurance with coverage they don't really need, but are forced to pay for. Young, healthy people will start to see that they are paying as much for the same coverage as older, riskier people. Perhaps then the pulbic tide will shift enough to really do something about getting rid of Obamacare.
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The Republicans worst nightmare is that Obamacare will succeed and Americans will like it. That is why they are so determined to kill it NOW
Healthcare Exchanges take effect in two weeks. Republicans want to make sure that Americans do not become too attached to them

I really don't see individuals getting real attached to being forced to purchase plans with coverages they don't need. I don't see healthy people getting real excited about paying the same rates as sick people.
The Republicans worst nightmare is that Obamacare will succeed and Americans will like it. That is why they are so determined to kill it NOW
Healthcare Exchanges take effect in two weeks. Republicans want to make sure that Americans do not become too attached to them


You mean Republican fear of ObamaCare is kinda like Dem's fear of Carbon Emmissions?


Partisan Politics
The Republicans worst nightmare is that Obamacare will succeed and Americans will like it. That is why they are so determined to kill it NOW
Healthcare Exchanges take effect in two weeks. Republicans want to make sure that Americans do not become too attached to them

I really don't see individuals getting real attached to being forced to purchase plans with coverages they don't need. I don't see healthy people getting real excited about paying the same rates as sick people.

Let em die....thats my motto
The Republicans worst nightmare is that Obamacare will succeed and Americans will like it. That is why they are so determined to kill it NOW
Healthcare Exchanges take effect in two weeks. Republicans want to make sure that Americans do not become too attached to them

I really don't see individuals getting real attached to being forced to purchase plans with coverages they don't need. I don't see healthy people getting real excited about paying the same rates as sick people.

Let em die....thats my motto

Out of counter arguments I see. They're healthy. They're LESS likely to die yet they will be forced to pay the same as someone who is more likely to die.

This is what is really happening to millions of americans; Obama Lied, My Health Plan Died

You are deluding yourself if you think otherwise.
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How many do you need?


Obama invites GOP to summit on health care
By Michael D. Shear,February 08, 2010

President Obama moved to jump-start the stalled health-care debate Sunday, inviting Republicans in Congress to participate in a bipartisan, half-day televised summit on the subject this month.

The president made the offer in an interview with CBS News anchor Katie Couric hours before the network televised the Super Bowl. Obama challenged Republicans, who have been largely unified in opposing his proposals, to bring their best ideas for how to cover more Americans and fix the health insurance system to the public discussion.

"I want to consult closely with our Republican colleagues," Obama said. "What I want to do is to ask them to put their ideas on the table. . . . I want to come back and have a large meeting, Republicans and Democrats, to go through, systematically, all the best ideas that are out there and move it forward."

Highlights from Obama's health care summit -

Where to Watch Obama's Health Care Summit Online — Tech News ...

You finally posted a fact. A fact in which I had forgotten. Thanks for reminding me about the 7 hour summit three years ago. You could possibly see how I might have forgotten about that since absolutely nothing was accomplished. Yes, I know you will blame the republicans for the impotence of the show summit but I'll let it slide since I have been humbled by my lack of memory. In my defense, I think there was a Golden Girls marathon on at the same time.

The Healthcare Summit was a master stroke by Obama

It made it clear to the American people that Republicans had no intention of participating in a Healthcare discussion. Republican contribution to the healthcare discussion....Tear it up and start over

How was the healthcare summit a master stroke by Obama when most people are against Obamacare?
Grassley didn't have any input in the healthcare bill even though he tried. Grassley wanted no rationing and no government bureaucrats getting in the way of the patient and doctor. Needless to say, Grassley is one of Obamacare's biggest critics today.
As for the link you posted. It seems that there is some rhetorical gymnastics going on if the left wing is going to blame Grassley for language he had written that has since been through "various revisions" and become "less clear".

How heavy are those goalposts?

You tell me.
Thank you for posting the left wing opinion pieces. Not sure what it proves, but thank you.
I guess I'm supposed to post a column by Charles Krauthammer as a rebuttal?

What is 'opinion'?

David Frum and Ruth Marcus are political pundits and columnists. They give opinions. They are not reporters.
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Thank you for posting the left wing opinion pieces. Not sure what it proves, but thank you.
I guess I'm supposed to post a column by Charles Krauthammer as a rebuttal?

What is 'opinion'?

David Frum and Ruth Marcus are political pundits and columnists. They give opinions. They are not reporters.

No, they are credible sources that have backed up my accusations and refuted your parrot speak. David Frum, George W. Bush's former speechwriter, was an insider who worked at the American Enterprise Institute, one of the major right wing think tanks. Ruth Marcus is a highly educated journalist who writes for the Washington Post and was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize in commentary.

On the other hand, all YOU have brought here is pure parrot speak with ZERO evidence.
What is 'opinion'?

David Frum and Ruth Marcus are political pundits and columnists. They give opinions. They are not reporters.

No, they are credible sources that have backed up my accusations and refuted your parrot speak. David Frum, George W. Bush's former speechwriter, was an insider who worked at the American Enterprise Institute, one of the major right wing think tanks. Ruth Marcus is a highly educated journalist who writes for the Washington Post and was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize in commentary.

On the other hand, all YOU have brought here is pure parrot speak with ZERO evidence.

Ruth Marcus was a finalist for a pulitzer prize in what? LOL!
David Frum was a former speechwriter, was an insider AND IS A COMMENTATOR.
Not unlike Sarah Palin who was a former governor, was an insider AND IS A COMMENTATOR.
I have no objection to sharing the views of your favorite commentators but don't confuse FACTS with OPINIONS.
Also, please don't confuse "insults' with "debate". Thank you
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You finally posted a fact. A fact in which I had forgotten. Thanks for reminding me about the 7 hour summit three years ago. You could possibly see how I might have forgotten about that since absolutely nothing was accomplished. Yes, I know you will blame the republicans for the impotence of the show summit but I'll let it slide since I have been humbled by my lack of memory. In my defense, I think there was a Golden Girls marathon on at the same time.

The Healthcare Summit was a master stroke by Obama

It made it clear to the American people that Republicans had no intention of participating in a Healthcare discussion. Republican contribution to the healthcare discussion....Tear it up and start over

How was the healthcare summit a master stroke by Obama when most people are against Obamacare?

Considering that President Obama was re-elected on the promise of ObamaCare, its pretty silly to keep saying that.

Remember too, every single one of the Clown Car Candidates were running against the promise of universal health care and Mittens is still furiously dancing around the FACT of the very successful health care program in Mass.

Doesn't matter much though because its law and it will not be repealed or defunded.

Deal with it.
What is 'opinion'?

David Frum and Ruth Marcus are political pundits and columnists. They give opinions. They are not reporters.

No, they are credible sources that have backed up my accusations and refuted your parrot speak. David Frum, George W. Bush's former speechwriter, was an insider who worked at the American Enterprise Institute, one of the major right wing think tanks. Ruth Marcus is a highly educated journalist who writes for the Washington Post and was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize in commentary.

On the other hand, all YOU have brought here is pure parrot speak with ZERO evidence.

to rw's, a credible source is Malkin, Coulter, Bachmann ...

That reminds me - What the heck happened to idiot Reince Prebus? I wonder if they finally tied a rock to his foot and tossed him over the cliff.
The Healthcare Summit was a master stroke by Obama

It made it clear to the American people that Republicans had no intention of participating in a Healthcare discussion. Republican contribution to the healthcare discussion....Tear it up and start over

How was the healthcare summit a master stroke by Obama when most people are against Obamacare?

Considering that President Obama was re-elected on the promise of ObamaCare, its pretty silly to keep saying that.

Remember too, every single one of the Clown Car Candidates were running against the promise of universal health care and Mittens is still furiously dancing around the FACT of the very successful health care program in Mass.

Doesn't matter much though because its law and it will not be repealed or defunded.

Deal with it.

Obama was re-elected in 2012.

ObamaCare was signed in 2010.

If he signed ObamaCare before his re-election, then how was he "re-elected on the promise of ObamaCare?"

It could be true to say that he was originally elected PARTIALLY on the promise of ObamaCare, but in 2012, the Supreme Court has ruled that states cannot be forced to participate in the ACA's Medicaid expansion under penalty of losing their current Medicaid funding. Thus, whatever ObamaCare was when it was signed, and BEFORE Obama was re-elected, it is NOT the same NOW.
The Healthcare Summit was a master stroke by Obama

It made it clear to the American people that Republicans had no intention of participating in a Healthcare discussion. Republican contribution to the healthcare discussion....Tear it up and start over

How was the healthcare summit a master stroke by Obama when most people are against Obamacare?

Considering that President Obama was re-elected on the promise of ObamaCare, its pretty silly to keep saying that.

Remember too, every single one of the Clown Car Candidates were running against the promise of universal health care and Mittens is still furiously dancing around the FACT of the very successful health care program in Mass.

Doesn't matter much though because its law and it will not be repealed or defunded.

Deal with it.

It's pretty silly to ignore every single poll that exists.
Obama won reelection because he ran a superior campaign and Romney ran a highly flawed campaign. Romney danced around Obamacare because of his own "Romneycare".
As for the law not being repealed or defunded. Perhaps you are right. Perhaps you are wrong. The future will tell.
David Frum and Ruth Marcus are political pundits and columnists. They give opinions. They are not reporters.

No, they are credible sources that have backed up my accusations and refuted your parrot speak. David Frum, George W. Bush's former speechwriter, was an insider who worked at the American Enterprise Institute, one of the major right wing think tanks. Ruth Marcus is a highly educated journalist who writes for the Washington Post and was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize in commentary.

On the other hand, all YOU have brought here is pure parrot speak with ZERO evidence.

to rw's, a credible source is Malkin, Coulter, Bachmann ...

That reminds me - What the heck happened to idiot Reince Prebus? I wonder if they finally tied a rock to his foot and tossed him over the cliff.

Reince Prebus was on Greta Van Sustern's show last night. No, this is not an invitation to go all psycho bitch over the "evils" of Fox News. Just answering your question.
The Republicans worst nightmare is that Obamacare will succeed and Americans will like it. That is why they are so determined to kill it NOW
Healthcare Exchanges take effect in two weeks. Republicans want to make sure that Americans do not become too attached to them

I really don't see individuals getting real attached to being forced to purchase plans with coverages they don't need. I don't see healthy people getting real excited about paying the same rates as sick people.

Let em die....thats my motto

I don't care how evil that sentiment sounds to you when you say it.

It's not my responsibility to pay for someone else's health care. It might be my responsibility according to your morals, but not mine. Morals aren't factual. They're subjective.

Oh wait, are you talking about me paying for my kids? Oh yeah. . . no kids.

Yup, I'm sticking with my statement.
I really don't see individuals getting real attached to being forced to purchase plans with coverages they don't need. I don't see healthy people getting real excited about paying the same rates as sick people.

Let em die....thats my motto

I don't care how evil that sentiment sounds to you when you say it.

It's not my responsibility to pay for someone else's health care. It might be my responsibility according to your morals, but not mine. Morals aren't factual. They're subjective.

Oh wait, are you talking about me paying for my kids? Oh yeah. . . no kids.

Yup, I'm sticking with my statement.

And not that that's the other alternative anyway. If something happens to your car, do you just stop driving cars? I don't think so. You pay to have it repaired. If you don't have the cash you work out a payment plan. You have other people help you. There is plenty of area between letting Obamacare stand and people dieing in the streets.

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