So Republicans, let me get this straight

When the GOP doesn't "compromise" it's because they are obstructionists. When Obama doesn't compromise it's because he's strong and takes no prisoners. Such extreme hyper-partisan reactionary nonsense.
Words like HOSTAGE, ANARCHIST, ARSONIST have joined the liberal lexicon among other words like RACIST, WAR ON WOMEN and my personal favorite HE'S A CANADIAN!
Remember when Obama threatened to hold social security checks hostage if the debt ceiling wasn't raised?
I like the way Obama is holding the white house hostage since HIS sequester was granted.
Jesus Christ people, all these meaningless words being angrily thrown around. Reminds me of monkeys throwing their own poop. The rancid smell of partially digested banana is strong today.

Which compromises are Republicans asking for?

Is REPEAL OBAMACARE asking for a compromise or would recommending certain changes be a more likely compromise?

I can't speak for Republicans, but first and foremost, get rid of the individual mandate. Obama campaigned against it. It's easily the least popular provision. If the Dems dropped that, virtually all support for Republican opposition would evaporate. Hell, I'd even quit complaining.


It is not popular but requiring companies to cover anyone with pre-existing conditions is both popular and humane

We need to find a way to cover patients with pre-existing conditions without expanding the insurance pool

The obvious answer is nationalized healthcare, but Republicans would never stand for it
Which compromises are Republicans asking for?

Is REPEAL OBAMACARE asking for a compromise or would recommending certain changes be a more likely compromise?

I can't speak for Republicans, but first and foremost, get rid of the individual mandate. Obama campaigned against it. It's easily the least popular provision. If the Dems dropped that, virtually all support for Republican opposition would evaporate. Hell, I'd even quit complaining.


It is not popular but requiring companies to cover anyone with pre-existing conditions is both popular and humane

We need to find a way to cover patients with pre-existing conditions without expanding the insurance pool

The obvious answer is nationalized healthcare, but Republicans would never stand for it

That's not obvious at all. Why not just expand the safety net? Why do we have to indulge the statist urge to take over everygoddamnedthing with government?
When the GOP doesn't "compromise" it's because they are obstructionists. When Obama doesn't compromise it's because he's strong and takes no prisoners. Such extreme hyper-partisan reactionary nonsense.
Words like HOSTAGE, ANARCHIST, ARSONIST have joined the liberal lexicon among other words like RACIST, WAR ON WOMEN and my personal favorite HE'S A CANADIAN!
Remember when Obama threatened to hold social security checks hostage if the debt ceiling wasn't raised?
I like the way Obama is holding the white house hostage since HIS sequester was granted.
Jesus Christ people, all these meaningless words being angrily thrown around. Reminds me of monkeys throwing their own poop. The rancid smell of partially digested banana is strong today.

Which compromises are Republicans asking for?

Is REPEAL OBAMACARE asking for a compromise or would recommending certain changes be a more likely compromise?

Nobody is compromising. This is my point. Instead of compromise we get dire warnings about impending doom and sophomoric name calling while hypocrisy protects us from our own judgements.
All I'm saying is that I've seen this movie before and I'm all out of outrage... and Junior Mints.
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I can't speak for Republicans, but first and foremost, get rid of the individual mandate. Obama campaigned against it. It's easily the least popular provision. If the Dems dropped that, virtually all support for Republican opposition would evaporate. Hell, I'd even quit complaining.


It is not popular but requiring companies to cover anyone with pre-existing conditions is both popular and humane

We need to find a way to cover patients with pre-existing conditions without expanding the insurance pool

The obvious answer is nationalized healthcare, but Republicans would never stand for it

That's not obvious at all. Why not just expand the safety net? Why do we have to indulge the statist urge to take over everygoddamnedthing with government?

I met a guy from England once and the conversation turned to healthcare. He told me how he had heart surgery the year before and I asked how it was paid for. He said you are given a number when you ae born and carry it for life. When he went for surgery, he gave his number and never saw a bill
My wife had heart surgery and even though I have good insurance, it ended up costing me $9000 out of pocket as well as a stack of insurance claims that were 3/4 inch thick. I ended up fighting/negotiating the claims for almost a year.

If I could just pay the government and never have to worry about a medical claim...I would do it. If I pay the government or I pay a private insurance company....what difference does it make?
When the GOP doesn't "compromise" it's because they are obstructionists. When Obama doesn't compromise it's because he's strong and takes no prisoners. Such extreme hyper-partisan reactionary nonsense.
Words like HOSTAGE, ANARCHIST, ARSONIST have joined the liberal lexicon among other words like RACIST, WAR ON WOMEN and my personal favorite HE'S A CANADIAN!
Remember when Obama threatened to hold social security checks hostage if the debt ceiling wasn't raised?
I like the way Obama is holding the white house hostage since HIS sequester was granted.
Jesus Christ people, all these meaningless words being angrily thrown around. Reminds me of monkeys throwing their own poop. The rancid smell of partially digested banana is strong today.

Which compromises are Republicans asking for?

Is REPEAL OBAMACARE asking for a compromise or would recommending certain changes be a more likely compromise?

Nobody is compromising. This is my point. Instead of compromise we get dire warnings about impending doom and sophomoric name calling while hypocrisy protects us from our own judgements.
All I'm saying is that I've seen this movie before and I'm all out of outrage... and Junior Mints.

I am still looking to see where Obama was asked to compromise and he didn't
If I pay the government or I pay a private insurance company....what difference does it make?

It makes a huge difference. There is only one government and it's compulsory. Everything government 'provides' becomes a political bargaining chip and subject to manipulation by anyone with influence and an agenda.

Let's say we get nationalized health care and the Republicans get back in power. Is it such a stretch to imagine them pursuing policy that would withhold health care from gays? STD carriers? Recreational drug users? If a private vendor tries this shit you simply refuse to do business with them. You can't refuse to do business with government.

That's the difference.
Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

Actually, by all evidence, it is the bulk of Americans who wil be punished with higher premium costs. We are allready seeing the negative effects. Obama told us if we like our insurance we can keep it. Guess he forgot to tell Wallgreens, or the myraid other businesses that are either dumping people onto the exchanges or cutting down to part time to not provide insurance. There will only be a select few that benefit from it. Namely only those that can't afford it. They will be subsidized by the government. This will be paid for in the form of higher premiums for those that can afford it.

Obamacare is simply horrible policy. It's an insurance based approach (as if getting everyone covered by insurance is the solution to the many problems with our health care system) that doesn't follow the rules of how insurance is supposed to work. it's not supposed to be used for everything and you are supposed to be charged more if you're of greater risk. It is doomed to failure.

However, as a purely political tactic, the Republicans should stop fighting the individual mandate. What we need to get back to is a system where shop and pay for their policies on their own. We want companies to keep dumping people onto the exchanges. That way people will see what they're really paying for. They will see how much there premiums cost because of mandated coverages like mental health screening and addiction coverage. Then perhaps the minority that are still in favor of this mess will have their eyes opened.
Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

Actually, by all evidence, it is the bulk of Americans who wil be punished with higher premium costs. We are allready seeing the negative effects. Obama told us if we like our insurance we can keep it. Guess he forgot to tell Wallgreens, or the myraid other businesses that are either dumping people onto the exchanges or cutting down to part time to not provide insurance. There will only be a select few that benefit from it. Namely only those that can't afford it. They will be subsidized by the government. This will be paid for in the form of higher premiums for those that can afford it.

Obamacare is simply horrible policy. It's an insurance based approach (as if getting everyone covered by insurance is the solution to the many problems with our health care system) that doesn't follow the rules of how insurance is supposed to work. it's not supposed to be used for everything and you are supposed to be charged more if you're of greater risk. It is doomed to failure.

However, as a purely political tactic, the Republicans should stop fighting the individual mandate. What we need to get back to is a system where shop and pay for their policies on their own. We want companies to keep dumping people onto the exchanges. That way people will see what they're really paying for. They will see how much there premiums cost because of mandated coverages like mental health screening and addiction coverage. Then perhaps the minority that are still in favor of this mess will have their eyes opened.

Obamacare is barely started. Any attempts to characterize it as a failure are vastly premature. Obamacare is opening up competition. Premiums reported from the exchanges are significantly less than available on the open market.
Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

Actually, by all evidence, it is the bulk of Americans who wil be punished with higher premium costs. We are allready seeing the negative effects. Obama told us if we like our insurance we can keep it. Guess he forgot to tell Wallgreens, or the myraid other businesses that are either dumping people onto the exchanges or cutting down to part time to not provide insurance. There will only be a select few that benefit from it. Namely only those that can't afford it. They will be subsidized by the government. This will be paid for in the form of higher premiums for those that can afford it.

Obamacare is simply horrible policy. It's an insurance based approach (as if getting everyone covered by insurance is the solution to the many problems with our health care system) that doesn't follow the rules of how insurance is supposed to work. it's not supposed to be used for everything and you are supposed to be charged more if you're of greater risk. It is doomed to failure.

However, as a purely political tactic, the Republicans should stop fighting the individual mandate. What we need to get back to is a system where shop and pay for their policies on their own. We want companies to keep dumping people onto the exchanges. That way people will see what they're really paying for. They will see how much there premiums cost because of mandated coverages like mental health screening and addiction coverage. Then perhaps the minority that are still in favor of this mess will have their eyes opened.

Obamacare is barely started. Any attempts to characterize it as a failure are vastly premature. Obamacare is opening up competition. Premiums reported from the exchanges are significantly less than available on the open market.

No they're not. Anyone with a basic understanding of economics can tell you what's coming. The facts on premium rates and whos are being affected are already a matter of public record.

As to the cost of premiums, sure they're going down when you factor in the subsidies. But there's no such thing as a free lunch. Someone has to pay for that. If you're a young healthy person, your premiums are likley to go up. This is occuring as the result of the community rating mandate part of Obamacare. It basically says an insurance company can't charge one person more for the same plan than an other. Even if one person is going to be riskier to insure than the other. Again anyone with basic economic sense can see how the insurance will and are responding to this. The rates for the elderly aren't going to go down because the insurance companies will lose to much money. To comply with the mandate, the rates of the young and healthy will go up to that of those of higher risk. Again exactlhy the opposite of how insurance is supposed to work. For an insurance model to work, insurance companies need to be able to factor risk into the cost of premiums, just like every other form of insurance.

The other reaction we're starting to see is cash only clinics. Sure Obama can try to get everyone covered, that doesn't require a hospital or clinic to accept the insurance. Again this is good because people can start seeing what health care really costs. When customers get more in tune with what services really cost then you'll see the true cost of services decline. Unfortuantely that would involve mostly free market solutions. Somthing you libs just can't wrap your heads around.
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Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

Obama is not a US citizen...

Obamacare is un-Constitutional !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obama campaigned on Obama care. Romney said he would kill it. Obama won the election. The voters spoke. Nothing got rammed down our throats.

Obama won the election because of a biased media, and a voter base that refused to acknowledge that the first black president was a failure and a fraud. It had nothing to do with obamacare.


2 Point violation of approved GOP Talking points. Failure to mention "Free Stuff"

Yabut, they get double points if they use the LIE, "ObamaPhone".
Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

Obama is not a US citizen...

Obamacare is un-Constitutional !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And, they forfeit all points if they fall back on this lame ass nonsense. :lol:
Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

Obama is not a US citizen...

Obamacare is un-Constitutional !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why do you bother posting here?
140 posts and Rightwinger still hasn't gotten it straight. Will he ever? Don't bet on it.

What is to get straight?

republicans have no way of defunding Obamacare yet they shut down the government anyway

Spite? Stupidity?

Yes and they were absolutely right about it eventually costing too much, and that it would bankrupt us.

In 1966 Medicare was estimated by CBO at 19 million.
By 1967 is was over 3 Billion. Each and every year it has risen and growen.
Look at how much Medicare costs are now - over 855 Billion
SSI is over 809 Billion
New Health Care Law is over 1 Trillion. Can you imagine how much it will grow and cost in in 40 years like Medicare did? :eek:
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140 posts and Rightwinger still hasn't gotten it straight. Will he ever? Don't bet on it.

What is to get straight?

republicans have no way of defunding Obamacare yet they shut down the government anyway

Spite? Stupidity?


While the health care law is not directly tied to funding the government -- the CR -- or paying bills already incurred -- the debt ceiling -- it is being used as a powerful bargaining chip.
The House, which is controlled by Republicans, voted on a measure that would fund the government until December 15 -- but in exchange for keeping the government open, the health care law would be defunded.

But the Democrat-controlled Senate vows that Obamacare defunding will have no part in efforts to keep the government running and is expected to strip that provision out of its version of the Continuing Resolution sometime this week

It appears R's will fund the government, but the Senate (D) will refuse to pass it in favor of its own Continuing Resolution. Amazing how long our government has functioned without a budget.
140 posts and Rightwinger still hasn't gotten it straight. Will he ever? Don't bet on it.

What is to get straight?

republicans have no way of defunding Obamacare yet they shut down the government anyway

Spite? Stupidity?

It's about keeping their word on campaign promises and making congress listen to the people who want this law changed.

Everything else is funded except the New Health Care bill.
It will be Sen. Harry Reid and President Obama who are saying that they will shut down the Government.

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