So Republicans, let me get this straight

140 posts and Rightwinger still hasn't gotten it straight. Will he ever? Don't bet on it.

What is to get straight?

republicans have no way of defunding Obamacare yet they shut down the government anyway

Spite? Stupidity?

An added benefit of the R tantrum is that FINALLY, the rw's will learn who it is that writes the budget.

Even so, none of them seem to understand the Rs are lying to them about being able to repeal/defund.
Obama campaigned on Obama care. Romney said he would kill it. Obama won the election. The voters spoke. Nothing got rammed down our throats.

Obama won the election because of a biased media, and a voter base that refused to acknowledge that the first black president was a failure and a fraud. It had nothing to do with obamacare.


2 Point violation of approved GOP Talking points. Failure to mention "Free Stuff"

Style points for getting both ‘failure’ and ‘fraud’ in the same sentence, however.
Which compromises are Republicans asking for?

Is REPEAL OBAMACARE asking for a compromise or would recommending certain changes be a more likely compromise?

Nobody is compromising. This is my point. Instead of compromise we get dire warnings about impending doom and sophomoric name calling while hypocrisy protects us from our own judgements.
All I'm saying is that I've seen this movie before and I'm all out of outrage... and Junior Mints.

I am still looking to see where Obama was asked to compromise and he didn't

Asked to compromise? I don't think Obama ever let it get that far. Republicans weren't allowed to have any input into the healthcare bill. It's hard to compromise when the president of the United States refuses to negotiate or even talk to the other party while he is conducting back room deals, giving out waivers to political friends and bribing congressman. Of course the congressman that were bribed with pork programs were kicked out soon thereafter by their own constituents.
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Nobody is compromising. This is my point. Instead of compromise we get dire warnings about impending doom and sophomoric name calling while hypocrisy protects us from our own judgements.
All I'm saying is that I've seen this movie before and I'm all out of outrage... and Junior Mints.

I am still looking to see where Obama was asked to compromise and he didn't

Asked to compromise? I don't think Obama ever let it get that far. Republicans weren't allowed to have any input into the healthcare bill.

At least one Senate Republican did.
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Republicans kind of reminds me of a little kid who tells his mommy that if she doesn't get chocolate ice cream for his birthday party, then he doesn't want any ice cream at all...for himself, or the rest of the party guests.
Grassley didn't have any input in the healthcare bill even though he tried. Grassley wanted no rationing and no government bureaucrats getting in the way of the patient and doctor. Needless to say, Grassley is one of Obamacare's biggest critics today.
As for the link you posted. It seems that there is some rhetorical gymnastics going on if the left wing is going to blame Grassley for language he had written that has since been through "various revisions" and become "less clear".
Nobody is compromising. This is my point. Instead of compromise we get dire warnings about impending doom and sophomoric name calling while hypocrisy protects us from our own judgements.
All I'm saying is that I've seen this movie before and I'm all out of outrage... and Junior Mints.

I am still looking to see where Obama was asked to compromise and he didn't

Asked to compromise? I don't think Obama ever let it get that far. Republicans weren't allowed to have any input into the healthcare bill. It's hard to compromise when the president of the United States refuses to negotiate or even talk to the other party while he is conducting back room deals, giving out waivers to political friends and bribing congressman. Of course the congressman that were bribed with pork programs were kicked out soon thereafter by their own constituents.

How quickly they forget.

Are you really saying you don't remember John McCain falling asleep at the table? You really don't remember Obama demanding that cameras be allowed to film every word the Rs said? Remember that they said they would never let that happen again?

The Rs were invited every step of the way. And, they refused, every step of the way.
I am still looking to see where Obama was asked to compromise and he didn't

Asked to compromise? I don't think Obama ever let it get that far. Republicans weren't allowed to have any input into the healthcare bill. It's hard to compromise when the president of the United States refuses to negotiate or even talk to the other party while he is conducting back room deals, giving out waivers to political friends and bribing congressman. Of course the congressman that were bribed with pork programs were kicked out soon thereafter by their own constituents.

How quickly they forget.

Are you really saying you don't remember John McCain falling asleep at the table? You really don't remember Obama demanding that cameras be allowed to film every word the Rs said? Remember that they said they would never let that happen again?

The Rs were invited every step of the way. And, they refused, every step of the way.

I don't give one flying fuck about the Rs, or the Ds. OUr nation is being raped by the insurance industry and you all are playing stupid partisan pissing matches.
I am still looking to see where Obama was asked to compromise and he didn't

Asked to compromise? I don't think Obama ever let it get that far. Republicans weren't allowed to have any input into the healthcare bill. It's hard to compromise when the president of the United States refuses to negotiate or even talk to the other party while he is conducting back room deals, giving out waivers to political friends and bribing congressman. Of course the congressman that were bribed with pork programs were kicked out soon thereafter by their own constituents.

How quickly they forget.

Are you really saying you don't remember John McCain falling asleep at the table? You really don't remember Obama demanding that cameras be allowed to film every word the Rs said? Remember that they said they would never let that happen again?

The Rs were invited every step of the way. And, they refused, every step of the way.

Links please.
Nobody is compromising. This is my point. Instead of compromise we get dire warnings about impending doom and sophomoric name calling while hypocrisy protects us from our own judgements.
All I'm saying is that I've seen this movie before and I'm all out of outrage... and Junior Mints.

I am still looking to see where Obama was asked to compromise and he didn't

Asked to compromise? I don't think Obama ever let it get that far. Republicans weren't allowed to have any input into the healthcare bill. It's hard to compromise when the president of the United States refuses to negotiate or even talk to the other party while he is conducting back room deals, giving out waivers to political friends and bribing congressman. Of course the congressman that were bribed with pork programs were kicked out soon thereafter by their own constituents.

Ignorance worn as a badge of courage...

July 22, 2009

Republican Sen. Jim DeMint refused to back down from comments last week in which he said a White House defeat on health care reform would be President Obama's "Waterloo."

"If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him"

David Frum, the Republican and former economic speechwriter for George W. Bush was fired by the American Enterprise Institute for writing this op-ed, a right wing think tank whose 'scholars' ironically were ordered not to speak to the media on the subject of health care reform, because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

by David Frum

At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994.

This time, when we went for all the marbles, we ended with none.

Could a deal have been reached? Who knows? But we do know that the gap between this plan and traditional Republican ideas is not very big. The Obama plan has a broad family resemblance to Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts plan. It builds on ideas developed at the Heritage Foundation in the early 1990s that formed the basis for Republican counter-proposals to Clintoncare in 1993-1994.

The final irony:
The health care bill Obama and Democrats passed was not the reform liberals and progressives sought. It was and IS a carbon copy of the Republican bills proposed by Senator John Chafee, (R-R.I) and Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole in the early 1990's. Including the conservative idea...the individual mandate.
Asked to compromise? I don't think Obama ever let it get that far. Republicans weren't allowed to have any input into the healthcare bill. It's hard to compromise when the president of the United States refuses to negotiate or even talk to the other party while he is conducting back room deals, giving out waivers to political friends and bribing congressman. Of course the congressman that were bribed with pork programs were kicked out soon thereafter by their own constituents.

How quickly they forget.

Are you really saying you don't remember John McCain falling asleep at the table? You really don't remember Obama demanding that cameras be allowed to film every word the Rs said? Remember that they said they would never let that happen again?

The Rs were invited every step of the way. And, they refused, every step of the way.

Links please.

How many do you need?


Obama invites GOP to summit on health care
By Michael D. Shear,February 08, 2010

President Obama moved to jump-start the stalled health-care debate Sunday, inviting Republicans in Congress to participate in a bipartisan, half-day televised summit on the subject this month.

The president made the offer in an interview with CBS News anchor Katie Couric hours before the network televised the Super Bowl. Obama challenged Republicans, who have been largely unified in opposing his proposals, to bring their best ideas for how to cover more Americans and fix the health insurance system to the public discussion.

"I want to consult closely with our Republican colleagues," Obama said. "What I want to do is to ask them to put their ideas on the table. . . . I want to come back and have a large meeting, Republicans and Democrats, to go through, systematically, all the best ideas that are out there and move it forward."

Highlights from Obama's health care summit -

Where to Watch Obama's Health Care Summit Online — Tech News ...
Grassley didn't have any input in the healthcare bill even though he tried. Grassley wanted no rationing and no government bureaucrats getting in the way of the patient and doctor. Needless to say, Grassley is one of Obamacare's biggest critics today.
As for the link you posted. It seems that there is some rhetorical gymnastics going on if the left wing is going to blame Grassley for language he had written that has since been through "various revisions" and become "less clear".

Educate yourself...

Ruth Marcus - Paging Grassley's Gumption

The last, faint hope for truly bipartisan health reform rests with Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa -- and faint may be overstating the prognosis.

The 75-year-old Republican has been browbeaten by his leadership for collaborating with Montana Democrat Max Baucus, the chairman of the Finance Committee on which Grassley is the ranking Republican.

Grassley has been besieged by nervous constituents during this most tumultuous of August recesses. He's up for reelection next year and is worried about a primary challenge. He's eager to become the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee when his tenure on Finance is up, and is said to fear that he'll be denied the post if he goes wobbly on Democrats.

"There is tremendous pressure on both Chuck Grassley and Max Baucus to walk away" from health-care negotiations, one Republican senator told me. "That accounts for why you see Grassley doggedly going to these meetings, working very hard, but then he'll get nervous about it and say, 'Well, even if I support it, unless a majority of the caucus supports it, I won't vote for it.' I think those kinds of mixed messages reflect the tremendous pressure that he's under."

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Minority Whip Jon Kyl of Arizona "are working this very hard," said one Democrat involved in the health-care talks. "They have berated [Grassley] directly about the degree of his participation so far, and they work hard to prevent other people from going along."

Grassley Endorses "Death Panel" Rumor: "You Have Every Right To Fear"

One of the three Republican senators working on a bipartisan health care bill perpetuated a particularly outrageous untruth about the legislation on Wednesday.

Appearing at a town hall in his home state of Iowa, Sen. Chuck Grassley told a crowd of more than 300 that they were correct to fear that the government would "pull the plug on grandma."

In making his remarks, Grassley becomes the latest in a string of GOP lawmakers to jump on a myth about the health care legislation produced by the House of Representatives. The most infamous statement was made last week by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who declared that the President's health care plan would set up a "death panel" to determine whether or not to euthanize her son with Down Syndrome.

2009 - PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'Death panels'

2010 - PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'A government takeover of health care'
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How quickly they forget.

Are you really saying you don't remember John McCain falling asleep at the table? You really don't remember Obama demanding that cameras be allowed to film every word the Rs said? Remember that they said they would never let that happen again?

The Rs were invited every step of the way. And, they refused, every step of the way.

Links please.

How many do you need?


Obama invites GOP to summit on health care
By Michael D. Shear,February 08, 2010

President Obama moved to jump-start the stalled health-care debate Sunday, inviting Republicans in Congress to participate in a bipartisan, half-day televised summit on the subject this month.

The president made the offer in an interview with CBS News anchor Katie Couric hours before the network televised the Super Bowl. Obama challenged Republicans, who have been largely unified in opposing his proposals, to bring their best ideas for how to cover more Americans and fix the health insurance system to the public discussion.

"I want to consult closely with our Republican colleagues," Obama said. "What I want to do is to ask them to put their ideas on the table. . . . I want to come back and have a large meeting, Republicans and Democrats, to go through, systematically, all the best ideas that are out there and move it forward."

Highlights from Obama's health care summit -

Where to Watch Obama's Health Care Summit Online — Tech News ...

You finally posted a fact. A fact in which I had forgotten. Thanks for reminding me about the 7 hour summit three years ago. You could possibly see how I might have forgotten about that since absolutely nothing was accomplished. Yes, I know you will blame the republicans for the impotence of the show summit but I'll let it slide since I have been humbled by my lack of memory. In my defense, I think there was a Golden Girls marathon on at the same time.
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Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

Yea and the public loved all those Dems who rammed through Obamacare they were summarily booted out of office.

The Supreme Court affirmed it was a tax, which Obama claimed it wasn't.

I think Congress should just let it go though. Let the country suffer under Obamacare. Once people really start to see the results, then they'll have a chance to repeal it.
Links please.

How many do you need?


Obama invites GOP to summit on health care
By Michael D. Shear,February 08, 2010

President Obama moved to jump-start the stalled health-care debate Sunday, inviting Republicans in Congress to participate in a bipartisan, half-day televised summit on the subject this month.

The president made the offer in an interview with CBS News anchor Katie Couric hours before the network televised the Super Bowl. Obama challenged Republicans, who have been largely unified in opposing his proposals, to bring their best ideas for how to cover more Americans and fix the health insurance system to the public discussion.

"I want to consult closely with our Republican colleagues," Obama said. "What I want to do is to ask them to put their ideas on the table. . . . I want to come back and have a large meeting, Republicans and Democrats, to go through, systematically, all the best ideas that are out there and move it forward."

Highlights from Obama's health care summit -

Where to Watch Obama's Health Care Summit Online — Tech News ...

You finally posted a fact. A fact in which I had forgotten. Thanks for reminding me about the 7 hour summit three years ago. You could possibly see how I might have forgotten about that since absolutely nothing was accomplished. Yes, I know you will blame the republicans for the impotence of the show summit but I'll let it slide since I have been humbled by my lack of memory. In my defense, I think there was a Golden Girls marathon on at the same time.

The Healthcare Summit was a master stroke by Obama

It made it clear to the American people that Republicans had no intention of participating in a Healthcare discussion. Republican contribution to the healthcare discussion....Tear it up and start over

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