So Republicans, let me get this straight

Obama campaigned on Obama care. Romney said he would kill it. Obama won the election. The voters spoke. Nothing got rammed down our throats.

Obama won the election because of a biased media, and a voter base that refused to acknowledge that the first black president was a failure and a fraud. It had nothing to do with obamacare.

Obama won the election because he was the best choice and recieved the most votes. Quit being a crybaby making up lame excuses. He was beatable, but the Republicans had no one to put up against him. He was the best choice.
Obama campaigned on Obama care. Romney said he would kill it. Obama won the election. The voters spoke. Nothing got rammed down our throats.

Obama won the election because of a biased media, and a voter base that refused to acknowledge that the first black president was a failure and a fraud. It had nothing to do with obamacare.


(sign's in the shop again)
Obama campaigned on Obama care. Romney said he would kill it. Obama won the election. The voters spoke. Nothing got rammed down our throats.

Obama won the election because of a biased media, and a voter base that refused to acknowledge that the first black president was a failure and a fraud. It had nothing to do with obamacare.


2 Point violation of approved GOP Talking points. Failure to mention "Free Stuff"
Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

Congress controls the purse strings. Half of Congress doesn't want to pay for Obamacare. Some compromise will have to be reached, but compromises mean both sides bring something to the table and neither Reid nor Obama are offering. Elections have consequences and the House of Representatives is the direct voice of the American people who have said they don't want to pay for Obamacare.

Checks and balances.

"Passed by both Houses of Congress".

The screamingly obvious flaw running through this thread is the notion that Obamacare was approved in gleeful bi-partisan fashion and now some Republicans are screaming foul for no reason. While I'm tempted to call it something far different from a "flaw", I'll run with that term.

As we all know, the ACA, a massive, deep, broad bureaucracy created out of thin air, was written by one party and pushed through by one party the thinnest of partisan margins.

I don't like the way the GOP is acting -- elections have consequences and just saying "no" has its risks -- but the least we could do is try to be intellectually honest about how this beast of a law came to be.

Not holding my breath, of course.


So now, Republicans should somehow be rewarded for being obstructionist?

Fact is, Republicans have never supported ANY healthcare proposal. Anytime, anywhere

Meh. The GOP will get what it gets. Most likely a self-inflicted wound.

But I'm glad that you agree with my point.

Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

Congress controls the purse strings. Half of Congress doesn't want to pay for Obamacare. Some compromise will have to be reached, but compromises mean both sides bring something to the table and neither Reid nor Obama are offering. Elections have consequences and the House of Representatives is the direct voice of the American people who have said they don't want to pay for Obamacare.

Checks and balances.

Checks and Balances requires three branches of Government

So far, only one half of a branch wants to kill Obamacare
Doesn't matter. If Congress isn't united enough to do something , it isn't going to get done. It is a check again an imperial presidency. The House of Representatives, the immediate voice of the American people, has said they aren't going to fund Obamacare. That's how the process works.

The House has agreed to everything the Dems wanted except Obamacare. What are Reid and Obama willing to give up to reach a compromise?
Doesn't matter. If Congress isn't united enough to do something , it isn't going to get done. It is a check again an imperial presidency. The House of Representatives, the immediate voice of the American people, has said they aren't going to fund Obamacare. That's how the process works.

The House has agreed to everything the Dems wanted except Obamacare. What are Reid and Obama willing to give up to reach a compromise?

They appear to be willing to give up Republican control of the House and maybe a few Republican Senate seats.
Doesn't matter. If Congress isn't united enough to do something , it isn't going to get done. It is a check again an imperial presidency. The House of Representatives, the immediate voice of the American people, has said they aren't going to fund Obamacare. That's how the process works.

The House has agreed to everything the Dems wanted except Obamacare. What are Reid and Obama willing to give up to reach a compromise?

Obamacare's already funded.
Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

Congress controls the purse strings. Half of Congress doesn't want to pay for Obamacare. Some compromise will have to be reached, but compromises mean both sides bring something to the table and neither Reid nor Obama are offering. Elections have consequences and the House of Representatives is the direct voice of the American people who have said they don't want to pay for Obamacare.

Checks and balances.

Checks and Balances requires three branches of Government

So far, only one half of a branch wants to kill Obamacare

along with most of America.
Congress controls the purse strings. Half of Congress doesn't want to pay for Obamacare. Some compromise will have to be reached, but compromises mean both sides bring something to the table and neither Reid nor Obama are offering. Elections have consequences and the House of Representatives is the direct voice of the American people who have said they don't want to pay for Obamacare.

Checks and balances.

Checks and Balances requires three branches of Government

So far, only one half of a branch wants to kill Obamacare

along with most of America.

The insurance lobby disagrees. Submit!
Not only do they want to punish Americans, they don't even have the balls to stand up and say; yes America, we shut down the government for your own good.

No they can't do that. They are such pussies that they are now trying to say it would be the Democrats fault for shutting down the government.

Why can't Republican EVER accept responsibility for their actions? Even when they think their actions are for the good of the nation, they won't own it.

Whats wrong with Repubs?

If neither side can agree to the terms of a debt ceiling raise, why is only one side to blame? What are the Democrats willing to compromise on?

They've already compromised too much.

The Rs "governing" by temper tantrum and blackmail has got to stop because it only harms the country.

OTOH, since that is evidently what the Rs want, they're doing just fine.

Have they compromised too much? How so? Specifically?

And if you don't approve of them compromising, why is it that the other side should concede to compromise? If you don't want your side to budge an inch, how can you be mad at republicans for doing likewise?
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If neither side can agree to the terms of a debt ceiling raise, why is only one side to blame? What are the Democrats willing to compromise on?

They've already compromised too much.

The Rs "governing" by temper tantrum and blackmail has got to stop because it only harms the country.

OTOH, since that is evidently what the Rs want, they're doing just fine.

Have they compromised too much? How so? Specifically?

And if you don't approve of them compromising, why is it that the other side should concede to compromise? If you don't want your side to budge an inch, how can you be mad at republicans for doing likewise?

It's not clear to me how any valid claim of 'compromise' can be made. Not a single Republican voted for the bill, so - if they did compromise, WHY??? It certainly wasn't in exchange for Republican support.

What's needed isn't compromise, it's consensus, and that's different. Compromise is accepting some of what you don't want in exchange for something you do want. It might seem like a good way to go, and sometimes I suppose it is, but it creates laws that have a lot of what both sides don't want, that they'll be laboring to get rid of.

If, instead, Congress focused on solutions that both sides agreed on then we'd have law that stick, that we could all get behind and support.
They've already compromised too much.

The Rs "governing" by temper tantrum and blackmail has got to stop because it only harms the country.

OTOH, since that is evidently what the Rs want, they're doing just fine.

Have they compromised too much? How so? Specifically?

And if you don't approve of them compromising, why is it that the other side should concede to compromise? If you don't want your side to budge an inch, how can you be mad at republicans for doing likewise?

It's not clear to me how any valid claim of 'compromise' can be made. Not a single Republican voted for the bill, so - if they did compromise, WHY??? It certainly wasn't in exchange for Republican support.

What's needed isn't compromise, it's consensus, and that's different. Compromise is accepting some of what you don't want in exchange for something you do want. It might seem like a good way to go, and sometimes I suppose it is, but it creates laws that have a lot of what both sides don't want, that they'll be laboring to get rid of.

If, instead, Congress focused on solutions that both sides agreed on then we'd have law that stick, that we could all get behind and support.

Absolute solutions are impossible
Have they compromised too much? How so? Specifically?

And if you don't approve of them compromising, why is it that the other side should concede to compromise? If you don't want your side to budge an inch, how can you be mad at republicans for doing likewise?

It's not clear to me how any valid claim of 'compromise' can be made. Not a single Republican voted for the bill, so - if they did compromise, WHY??? It certainly wasn't in exchange for Republican support.

What's needed isn't compromise, it's consensus, and that's different. Compromise is accepting some of what you don't want in exchange for something you do want. It might seem like a good way to go, and sometimes I suppose it is, but it creates laws that have a lot of what both sides don't want, that they'll be laboring to get rid of.

If, instead, Congress focused on solutions that both sides agreed on then we'd have law that stick, that we could all get behind and support.

Absolute solutions are impossible

Of course. So what?

Do you get the point I'm making?

Focusing on efforts both sides agreed on would leave us with reform that was stable and not just another political football.

It's a moot point anyway because the Democrats didn't compromise. Not with the Republicans at least. If anything, they compromised with the insurance lobby.
It's not clear to me how any valid claim of 'compromise' can be made. Not a single Republican voted for the bill, so - if they did compromise, WHY??? It certainly wasn't in exchange for Republican support.

What's needed isn't compromise, it's consensus, and that's different. Compromise is accepting some of what you don't want in exchange for something you do want. It might seem like a good way to go, and sometimes I suppose it is, but it creates laws that have a lot of what both sides don't want, that they'll be laboring to get rid of.

If, instead, Congress focused on solutions that both sides agreed on then we'd have law that stick, that we could all get behind and support.

Absolute solutions are impossible

Of course. So what?

Do you get the point I'm making?

Focusing on efforts both sides agreed on would leave us with reform that was stable and not just another political football.

It's a moot point anyway because the Democrats didn't compromise. Not with the Republicans at least. If anything, they compromised with the insurance lobby.

Our Constitution was a compromise

Our nation has survived for over 200 years because of compromise. The current GOP position that compromise equates to failure is destroying our country and making us the laughing stock of the world
Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way


When did you realize the USA has a two party system that controls the government?
When the GOP doesn't "compromise" it's because they are obstructionists. When Obama doesn't compromise it's because he's strong and takes no prisoners. Such extreme hyper-partisan reactionary nonsense.
Words like HOSTAGE, ANARCHIST, ARSONIST have joined the liberal lexicon among other words like RACIST, WAR ON WOMEN and my personal favorite HE'S A CANADIAN!
Remember when Obama threatened to hold social security checks hostage if the debt ceiling wasn't raised?
I like the way Obama is holding the white house hostage since HIS sequester was granted.
Jesus Christ people, all these meaningless words being angrily thrown around. Reminds me of monkeys throwing their own poop. The rancid smell of partially digested banana is strong today.
When the GOP doesn't "compromise" it's because they are obstructionists. When Obama doesn't compromise it's because he's strong and takes no prisoners. Such extreme hyper-partisan reactionary nonsense.
Words like HOSTAGE, ANARCHIST, ARSONIST have joined the liberal lexicon among other words like RACIST, WAR ON WOMEN and my personal favorite HE'S A CANADIAN!
Remember when Obama threatened to hold social security checks hostage if the debt ceiling wasn't raised?
I like the way Obama is holding the white house hostage since HIS sequester was granted.
Jesus Christ people, all these meaningless words being angrily thrown around. Reminds me of monkeys throwing their own poop. The rancid smell of partially digested banana is strong today.

Which compromises are Republicans asking for?

Is REPEAL OBAMACARE asking for a compromise or would recommending certain changes be a more likely compromise?
When the GOP doesn't "compromise" it's because they are obstructionists. When Obama doesn't compromise it's because he's strong and takes no prisoners. Such extreme hyper-partisan reactionary nonsense.
Words like HOSTAGE, ANARCHIST, ARSONIST have joined the liberal lexicon among other words like RACIST, WAR ON WOMEN and my personal favorite HE'S A CANADIAN!
Remember when Obama threatened to hold social security checks hostage if the debt ceiling wasn't raised?
I like the way Obama is holding the white house hostage since HIS sequester was granted.
Jesus Christ people, all these meaningless words being angrily thrown around. Reminds me of monkeys throwing their own poop. The rancid smell of partially digested banana is strong today.

Which compromises are Republicans asking for?

Is REPEAL OBAMACARE asking for a compromise or would recommending certain changes be a more likely compromise?

I can't speak for Republicans, but first and foremost, get rid of the individual mandate. Obama campaigned against it. It's easily the least popular provision. If the Dems dropped that, virtually all support for Republican opposition would evaporate. Hell, I'd even quit complaining.

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