So Republicans, let me get this straight

Jesus Christ you liberals are stupid.

Obamacare was rammed down our throats BEFORE it was Romney vs Obama.


The voters disagreed with your opinion that is was rammed down our throats. To claim it was rammed down the voters thoats indicates the majority of voters felt as though they were forced to accept Obama care against their will. The whole "rammed down our thoats" claim was nothing more than a talking point. Just because it gets repeated by folks like you does not make it a fact or a majority opinion. It still is nothing more than a talking point without a factual basis.

In 2008, voters overwhelmingly elected Obama with a healthcare platform
In 2012, he was overwhelmingly reelected after passing Obamacare

Seems like it was rammed down their throats alright

I guess if you weren't so thick-headed, you would be a conservative.

A "form follows function" kind of thing I guess.
Seems that it's the other way around.
While many get exempted from the law all other Americans must pay for it.

There has been 1,040 organizations that has been wavered from the law.
Congress exempted themselves from it and Obama illegally changed the law to delay business for 1 year.
The President does not have Executive Power to change any law that has been passed.

Seems to me it's only fair for all Americans to have a 1 year delay also.
They don't even have the software up and running correctly.


1,040 organizations have been exempted.
Number of healthcare reform law waivers climbs above 1,000 - The Hill's Healthwatch

President Obama exempts businesses for 1 year.
Obamacare Employer Mandate Delayed For One Year

Members, staff will keep health-care subsidies under Obamacare | The Daily Caller

I wonder what bfgrn will say now since "Link?" is the extent of his debating skills?
Prohibition was passed and signed into law and apparently affirmed by the courts but the unintended consequence was that it ruined the brewing industry, put people out of work and set the stage for organized crime. The Supreme Court affirmed narrow issues of Obamacare but the freaking law is as long as a Stephen King novel and with as many twists and turns. If you look back during what can loosely be called a "debate" where republicans were literally locked out of the room the speaker of the house at the time didn't even read the freaking thing before ordering her lock-step democrats to vote for it. Amazingly she got away with saying "you will find out what's in it after it is passed".

Republicans pretty much locked themselves out of the process when they made it clear they wanted no healthcare bill at all.

So you admit that there really wasn't an offer from obama to compromise. First truth uttered by a lib in this entire thread. :clap2:

why can't more republicans be like you?

Instead of passing 40 bills to repeal Obamacare with no promise of replacement, why don't Republicans pass 40 bills to make it better?

You would have to talk to Harry Reid about that. He's the one who wont bring republican bills up to the floor, especially if those bills would pass with bipartisan support.

You stray from the truth there

When bills like the "Kill Obamacare jobs bill" come up, they are ignored

Again, bipartisan approved bills killed by Harry Reid.
Prohibition was passed and signed into law and apparently affirmed by the courts but the unintended consequence was that it ruined the brewing industry, put people out of work and set the stage for organized crime. The Supreme Court affirmed narrow issues of Obamacare but the freaking law is as long as a Stephen King novel and with as many twists and turns. If you look back during what can loosely be called a "debate" where republicans were literally locked out of the room the speaker of the house at the time didn't even read the freaking thing before ordering her lock-step democrats to vote for it. Amazingly she got away with saying "you will find out what's in it after it is passed".

Republicans pretty much locked themselves out of the process when they made it clear they wanted no healthcare bill at all.

So you admit that there really wasn't an offer from obama to compromise. First truth uttered by a lib in this entire thread. :clap2:

There was at first, and there was even some input allowed in the Senate bill which eventually became the law, but it became apparent that much of what the MINORITY Repubs wanted wouldn't work with what the MAJORITY wanted, so they had a hissy fit and got sent to the kiddie table for the rest of the process.

Their hissy fit got them success in the next big election, but 2012 showed that it ain't 2010 anymore, so....

"Delay" better describes the process, which is business friendly, an attitude the mainstream of Republicanism approves.

Congress and staff are not 'exempt', are not getting anything outside the provisions of the law.

Keeping our reactionaries in the GOP on track is like herding a bunch of stupid cats.
Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

The Democrat's sold this as a mandate then when the Supreme court didn't care for that so much Obama's people said OOOOooops Did we say mandate we mean tax.

They knew it would not gain traction with the people if it was sold as a tax so they told us it was a mandate.

Then to get it finalized they made behind closed door deals to win a few votes to get them over the top.

Now we have so many waivers issued, Obama has delayed part of his own bill that he loves so dearly for another year....


Because as is this bill blows whale dick.

And we all know it. :mad:
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Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

The Democrat's sold this as a mandate then when the Supreme court didn't care for that so much Obama's people said OOOOooops Did we say mandate we mean tax.

They knew it would not gain traction with the people if it was sold as a tax so they told us it was a mandate.

Then to get it finalized they made behind closed door deals to win a few votes to get them over the top.

Now we have so many waivers issued, Obama has delayed part of his own bill that he loves so dearly for another year....


Because as is this bill blows whale dick.

And we all know it. :mad:

Yes, we all know it. Even the liberals here. They just don't care about consequences, all they care about is the win.

Explain mini-meds pea brain...

Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

obamacare was rammed through our throats and pushed us to swallow it and has been regurgitated ever since. it is toxic for our organism it should be either vomited out or passed down to the toilet as quickly as possible It can't stay - it's toxic.

Sorry for the graphic description ;)

Obamacare was discussed for over a year and is still being enacted. How does that constitute "ramming" through?

it was rammed through the throats even dems - who opposed it - with blackmail by pelosi to cut funds for reelection. not even one republican voted for it. Americans strongly opposed and continue to oppose this POS legislation and the sooner it is flushed down the toilet of history - the better for America.
We now have two democrats who voted to defund Obamacare. I suspect it will be more for those democrats who want to keep their jobs. I suspect that this is what the finagling is mostly about. Defeating democrats in red and purple states come next election cycle. Forcing individual democrats to put their names on Obamacare can only help the republican party gain seats. At least if the polls are any indication.
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Prohibition was passed and signed into law and apparently affirmed by the courts but the unintended consequence was that it ruined the brewing industry, put people out of work and set the stage for organized crime. The Supreme Court affirmed narrow issues of Obamacare but the freaking law is as long as a Stephen King novel and with as many twists and turns. If you look back during what can loosely be called a "debate" where republicans were literally locked out of the room the speaker of the house at the time didn't even read the freaking thing before ordering her lock-step democrats to vote for it. Amazingly she got away with saying "you will find out what's in it after it is passed".

Republicans pretty much locked themselves out of the process when they made it clear they wanted no healthcare bill at all.

It doesn't work that way unless you assume that this is a monarchy or dictatorship. Republicans who were the minority party at the time, were literally locked out of the debate by democrats who had no idea of what was in the 3,000 page monstrosity when they used bribery and coercion to get the thing to Hussein's desk.
obamacare was rammed through our throats and pushed us to swallow it and has been regurgitated ever since. it is toxic for our organism it should be either vomited out or passed down to the toilet as quickly as possible It can't stay - it's toxic.

Sorry for the graphic description ;)

Obamacare was discussed for over a year and is still being enacted. How does that constitute "ramming" through?

it was rammed through the throats even dems - who opposed it - with blackmail by pelosi to cut funds for reelection. not even one republican voted for it. Americans strongly opposed and continue to oppose this POS legislation and the sooner it is flushed down the toilet of history - the better for America.

You mean politicians used politics to get a controversial bill passed?

Prohibition was passed and signed into law and apparently affirmed by the courts but the unintended consequence was that it ruined the brewing industry, put people out of work and set the stage for organized crime. The Supreme Court affirmed narrow issues of Obamacare but the freaking law is as long as a Stephen King novel and with as many twists and turns. If you look back during what can loosely be called a "debate" where republicans were literally locked out of the room the speaker of the house at the time didn't even read the freaking thing before ordering her lock-step democrats to vote for it. Amazingly she got away with saying "you will find out what's in it after it is passed".

Republicans pretty much locked themselves out of the process when they made it clear they wanted no healthcare bill at all.

It doesn't work that way unless you assume that this is a monarchy or dictatorship. Republicans who were the minority party at the time, were literally locked out of the debate by democrats who had no idea of what was in the 3,000 page monstrosity when they used bribery and coercion to get the thing to Hussein's desk.

I'm sure it looks that way to you, but....
Prohibition was passed and signed into law and apparently affirmed by the courts but the unintended consequence was that it ruined the brewing industry, put people out of work and set the stage for organized crime. The Supreme Court affirmed narrow issues of Obamacare but the freaking law is as long as a Stephen King novel and with as many twists and turns. If you look back during what can loosely be called a "debate" where republicans were literally locked out of the room the speaker of the house at the time didn't even read the freaking thing before ordering her lock-step democrats to vote for it. Amazingly she got away with saying "you will find out what's in it after it is passed".

Republicans pretty much locked themselves out of the process when they made it clear they wanted no healthcare bill at all.

It doesn't work that way unless you assume that this is a monarchy or dictatorship. Republicans who were the minority party at the time, were literally locked out of the debate by democrats who had no idea of what was in the 3,000 page monstrosity when they used bribery and coercion to get the thing to Hussein's desk.


CBS News/ July 22, 2009

GOP Senator Won't Retreat from "Waterloo" Comment


Republican Sen. Jim DeMint refused to back down from comments last week in which he said a White House defeat on health care reform would be President Obama's "Waterloo."

"If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him," the South Carolina Republican, pictured center, was quoted last week as telling fellow conservatives.

Waterloo is a reference to French Emperor Napoleon's final defeat in 1815 at the hands of a British-led coalition, before finally being sent into permanent exile.
obamacare was rammed through our throats and pushed us to swallow it and has been regurgitated ever since. it is toxic for our organism it should be either vomited out or passed down to the toilet as quickly as possible It can't stay - it's toxic.

Sorry for the graphic description ;)

Obamacare was discussed for over a year and is still being enacted. How does that constitute "ramming" through?

it was rammed through the throats even dems - who opposed it - with blackmail by pelosi to cut funds for reelection. not even one republican voted for it. Americans strongly opposed and continue to oppose this POS legislation and the sooner it is flushed down the toilet of history - the better for America.

Not one Republucan voted for it?

I'm shocked. republicans have been trying to keep Americans from healthcare for decades
Prohibition was passed and signed into law and apparently affirmed by the courts but the unintended consequence was that it ruined the brewing industry, put people out of work and set the stage for organized crime. The Supreme Court affirmed narrow issues of Obamacare but the freaking law is as long as a Stephen King novel and with as many twists and turns. If you look back during what can loosely be called a "debate" where republicans were literally locked out of the room the speaker of the house at the time didn't even read the freaking thing before ordering her lock-step democrats to vote for it. Amazingly she got away with saying "you will find out what's in it after it is passed".

Republicans pretty much locked themselves out of the process when they made it clear they wanted no healthcare bill at all.

It doesn't work that way unless you assume that this is a monarchy or dictatorship. Republicans who were the minority party at the time, were literally locked out of the debate by democrats who had no idea of what was in the 3,000 page monstrosity when they used bribery and coercion to get the thing to Hussein's desk.

Democrats begged Republicans to be involved in healthcare. They still refuse
Republicans pretty much locked themselves out of the process when they made it clear they wanted no healthcare bill at all.

It doesn't work that way unless you assume that this is a monarchy or dictatorship. Republicans who were the minority party at the time, were literally locked out of the debate by democrats who had no idea of what was in the 3,000 page monstrosity when they used bribery and coercion to get the thing to Hussein's desk.


CBS News/ July 22, 2009

GOP Senator Won't Retreat from "Waterloo" Comment


Republican Sen. Jim DeMint refused to back down from comments last week in which he said a White House defeat on health care reform would be President Obama's "Waterloo."

"If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him," the South Carolina Republican, pictured center, was quoted last week as telling fellow conservatives.

Waterloo is a reference to French Emperor Napoleon's final defeat in 1815 at the hands of a British-led coalition, before finally being sent into permanent exile.

Do you disagree with him?

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