So Republicans, let me get this straight

Republicans pretty much locked themselves out of the process when they made it clear they wanted no healthcare bill at all.

It doesn't work that way unless you assume that this is a monarchy or dictatorship. Republicans who were the minority party at the time, were literally locked out of the debate by democrats who had no idea of what was in the 3,000 page monstrosity when they used bribery and coercion to get the thing to Hussein's desk.

Democrats begged Republicans to be involved in healthcare. They still refuse

Why do you make stuff up?
It doesn't work that way unless you assume that this is a monarchy or dictatorship. Republicans who were the minority party at the time, were literally locked out of the debate by democrats who had no idea of what was in the 3,000 page monstrosity when they used bribery and coercion to get the thing to Hussein's desk.


CBS News/ July 22, 2009

GOP Senator Won't Retreat from "Waterloo" Comment


Republican Sen. Jim DeMint refused to back down from comments last week in which he said a White House defeat on health care reform would be President Obama's "Waterloo."

"If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him," the South Carolina Republican, pictured center, was quoted last week as telling fellow conservatives.

Waterloo is a reference to French Emperor Napoleon's final defeat in 1815 at the hands of a British-led coalition, before finally being sent into permanent exile.

Do you disagree with him?

Is that what a 'loyal' minority is supposed to do? Try to destroy the President of the United States? Obstruct NEEDED changes to a broken health care system?

Oh, that's right...THIS is what you right wing authoritarians followers believe is 'patriotism'...


Friday, February 6, 2009

Texas Republican Congressman Pete Sessions compares GOP strategy to Taliban insurgency


"Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban, and that is that they went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person's entire processes. And these Taliban -- I'm not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban. No, that's not what we're saying. I'm saying an example of how you go about [sic] is to change a person from their messaging to their operations to their frontline message. And we need to understand that insurgency may be required when the other side, the House leadership, does not follow the same commands, which we entered the game with."

Congressman Pete Sessions Compares House Republicans To Taliban | Capitol Annex

CBS News/ July 22, 2009

GOP Senator Won't Retreat from "Waterloo" Comment


Republican Sen. Jim DeMint refused to back down from comments last week in which he said a White House defeat on health care reform would be President Obama's "Waterloo."

"If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him," the South Carolina Republican, pictured center, was quoted last week as telling fellow conservatives.

Waterloo is a reference to French Emperor Napoleon's final defeat in 1815 at the hands of a British-led coalition, before finally being sent into permanent exile.

Do you disagree with him?

Is that what a 'loyal' minority is supposed to do? Try to destroy the President of the United States? Obstruct NEEDED changes to a broken health care system?

Oh, that's right...THIS is what you right wing authoritarians followers believe is 'patriotism'...


Friday, February 6, 2009

Texas Republican Congressman Pete Sessions compares GOP strategy to Taliban insurgency


"Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban, and that is that they went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person's entire processes. And these Taliban -- I'm not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban. No, that's not what we're saying. I'm saying an example of how you go about [sic] is to change a person from their messaging to their operations to their frontline message. And we need to understand that insurgency may be required when the other side, the House leadership, does not follow the same commands, which we entered the game with."

Congressman Pete Sessions Compares House Republicans To Taliban | Capitol Annex

Fine, don't answer my question.
Do you disagree with him?

Is that what a 'loyal' minority is supposed to do? Try to destroy the President of the United States? Obstruct NEEDED changes to a broken health care system?

Oh, that's right...THIS is what you right wing authoritarians followers believe is 'patriotism'...


Friday, February 6, 2009

Texas Republican Congressman Pete Sessions compares GOP strategy to Taliban insurgency


"Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban, and that is that they went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person's entire processes. And these Taliban -- I'm not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban. No, that's not what we're saying. I'm saying an example of how you go about [sic] is to change a person from their messaging to their operations to their frontline message. And we need to understand that insurgency may be required when the other side, the House leadership, does not follow the same commands, which we entered the game with."

Congressman Pete Sessions Compares House Republicans To Taliban | Capitol Annex

Fine, don't answer my question.

You just answered mine.
The House is the ONLY agency in our Government doing the will of the People.

What does that say to you?

Read the OP again. Its correct and you're wrong.

The Rs are doing the will of a very few radical teepotters and at the expense of the American people. They are traitors, period.
Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

That would be correct.

Consider it a rightwing hissy-fit.
Is that what a 'loyal' minority is supposed to do? Try to destroy the President of the United States? Obstruct NEEDED changes to a broken health care system?

Oh, that's right...THIS is what you right wing authoritarians followers believe is 'patriotism'...


Friday, February 6, 2009

Texas Republican Congressman Pete Sessions compares GOP strategy to Taliban insurgency


"Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban, and that is that they went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person's entire processes. And these Taliban -- I'm not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban. No, that's not what we're saying. I'm saying an example of how you go about [sic] is to change a person from their messaging to their operations to their frontline message. And we need to understand that insurgency may be required when the other side, the House leadership, does not follow the same commands, which we entered the game with."

Congressman Pete Sessions Compares House Republicans To Taliban | Capitol Annex

Fine, don't answer my question.

You just answered mine.

Passive aggressive much? Next time you post something you might want to decide if you agree with the post or not. Floundering is not a strength, despite Obama's many examples.
Last edited:
Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

That would be correct.

Consider it a rightwing hissy-fit.

The only question is why?

They have nothing to gain, America has everything to lose
Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

That would be correct.

Consider it a rightwing hissy-fit.

The only question is why?

They have nothing to gain, America has everything to lose

108 posts and you still don't have it "straight".

Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

Actually, the punishment will be when obamacare goes into full swing. It's the punishment that the American Voter deserves for their stupidity. The GOP is trying, in vain I'm sure, to save their asses.

No, the Repubs think that it might be successful and actually help the poor and uninsured. That is their greatest fear.
Fine, don't answer my question.

You just answered mine.

Passive aggressive much? Next time you post something you might want to decide if you agree with the post or not. Floundering is not a strength, despite Obama's many examples.

I don't agree with Demint. It is traitorous. The only "Waterloo' would be imposed on America families.

The Cost of Doing Nothing
Why the Cost of Failing to Fix Our Health System Is Greater than the Cost of Reform


The U.S. health care system is in crisis. Health care costs too much; we often get too little in exchange for our health care dollar; and tens of millions of Americans are uninsured.

Our economy loses hundreds of billions of dollars every year because of the diminished health and shorter lifespan of the uninsured. Rising health care costs undermine the ability of U.S. firms to compete internationally, threaten the stability of American jobs, and place increasing strain on local, state, and federal budgets. As health care costs continue to rise faster than wages, health insurance becomes more and more unaffordable for more and more American families every day.

Yet, the recent financial services meltdown has led some people to suggest that we cannot afford health reform and that fixing our broken health care system will have to wait once again. But waiting comes with a price. The crisis worsens every day that we do not act. Premiums will continue to rise; Americans will continue to pay more for less-generous health coverage; and fewer employers will offer health insurance to their workers.

We must reform our struggling health system not in spite of our economic crisis, but rather because of the impact health care has on the American economy. The economic and social impact of inaction is high and it will only rise over time.

Economic Cost

The economic cost of failing to fix our broken health care system is greater than the upfront expense of comprehensive health reform. In 2006, our economy lost as much as $200 billion because of the poor health and shorter lifespan of the uninsured. This is by most estimates as much as, if not greater than, the public costs of ensuring all Americans have quality, affordable, health coverage. The economies in California, Texas, and Florida suffer most from productivity loses stemming from the uninsured. Yet, Delaware’s economy loses more per uninsured person -- over $6,800 per uninsured resident.


As health care costs continue to grow faster than wages, health insurance will become more and more unaffordable for more and more American families every day. The financial burdens associated with health care and health insurance will only get worse over time without action.The cost of the average employer-sponsored health insurance plan (ESI) for a family will reach $24,000 in 2016. This represents an 84 percent increase over 2008 premium levels. Under this scenario, we estimate that at least half of American households will need to spend more than 45 percent of their income to buy health insurance.

Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

Not only do they want to punish Americans, they don't even have the balls to stand up and say; yes America, we shut down the government for your own good.

No they can't do that. They are such pussies that they are now trying to say it would be the Democrats fault for shutting down the government.

Why can't Republican EVER accept responsibility for their actions? Even when they think their actions are for the good of the nation, they won't own it.

Whats wrong with Repubs?

If neither side can agree to the terms of a debt ceiling raise, why is only one side to blame? What are the Democrats willing to compromise on?

"Passed by both Houses of Congress".

The screamingly obvious flaw running through this thread is the notion that Obamacare was approved in gleeful bi-partisan fashion and now some Republicans are screaming foul for no reason. While I'm tempted to call it something far different from a "flaw", I'll run with that term.

As we all know, the ACA, a massive, deep, broad bureaucracy created out of thin air, was written by one party and pushed through by one party the thinnest of partisan margins.

I don't like the way the GOP is acting -- elections have consequences and just saying "no" has its risks -- but the least we could do is try to be intellectually honest about how this beast of a law came to be.

Not holding my breath, of course.

Last edited:

"Passed by both Houses of Congress".

The screamingly obvious flaw running through this thread is the notion that Obamacare was approved in gleeful bi-partisan fashion and now some Republicans are screaming foul for no reason. While I'm tempted to call it something far different from a "flaw", I'll run with that term.

As we all know, the ACA, a massive, deep, broad bureaucracy created out of thin air, was written by one party and pushed through by one party the thinnest of partisan margins.

I don't like the way the GOP is acting -- elections have consequences and just saying "no" has its risks -- but the least we could do is try to be intellectually honest about how this beast of a law came to be.

Not holding my breath, of course.


So now, Republicans should somehow be rewarded for being obstructionist?

Fact is, Republicans have never supported ANY healthcare proposal. Anytime, anywhere

"Passed by both Houses of Congress".

The screamingly obvious flaw running through this thread is the notion that Obamacare was approved in gleeful bi-partisan fashion and now some Republicans are screaming foul for no reason. While I'm tempted to call it something far different from a "flaw", I'll run with that term.

As we all know, the ACA, a massive, deep, broad bureaucracy created out of thin air, was written by one party and pushed through by one party the thinnest of partisan margins.

I don't like the way the GOP is acting -- elections have consequences and just saying "no" has its risks -- but the least we could do is try to be intellectually honest about how this beast of a law came to be.

Not holding my breath, of course.


So now, Republicans should somehow be rewarded for being obstructionist?

Fact is, Republicans have never supported ANY healthcare proposal. Anytime, anywhere

I don't think of it as rewarding them for obstructing, but rather punishing them if they don't. Republicans definitely bear some of the responsibility for the fiasco of PPACA. Their failure to act when they had the chance provided the excuse and the opportunity for the statists to strike.

"Passed by both Houses of Congress".

The screamingly obvious flaw running through this thread is the notion that Obamacare was approved in gleeful bi-partisan fashion and now some Republicans are screaming foul for no reason. While I'm tempted to call it something far different from a "flaw", I'll run with that term.

As we all know, the ACA, a massive, deep, broad bureaucracy created out of thin air, was written by one party and pushed through by one party the thinnest of partisan margins.

I don't like the way the GOP is acting -- elections have consequences and just saying "no" has its risks -- but the least we could do is try to be intellectually honest about how this beast of a law came to be.

Not holding my breath, of course.


So now, Republicans should somehow be rewarded for being obstructionist?

Fact is, Republicans have never supported ANY healthcare proposal. Anytime, anywhere

I don't know why I'm going to bother asking you the same question I always ask you. However, I'm a big fan of hitting my head against the wall so I guess I'll ask it again. Why do you make stuff up? Why do you make stuff up when it is so easily proven wrong? Do you really believe that you are the only one on a computer site that has a computer?

Differences Between The Republican and Democratic Healthcare Reform Bills

Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan? - Forbes
You just answered mine.

Passive aggressive much? Next time you post something you might want to decide if you agree with the post or not. Floundering is not a strength, despite Obama's many examples.

I don't agree with Demint. It is traitorous. The only "Waterloo' would be imposed on America families.

The Cost of Doing Nothing
Why the Cost of Failing to Fix Our Health System Is Greater than the Cost of Reform


The U.S. health care system is in crisis. Health care costs too much; we often get too little in exchange for our health care dollar; and tens of millions of Americans are uninsured.

Our economy loses hundreds of billions of dollars every year because of the diminished health and shorter lifespan of the uninsured. Rising health care costs undermine the ability of U.S. firms to compete internationally, threaten the stability of American jobs, and place increasing strain on local, state, and federal budgets. As health care costs continue to rise faster than wages, health insurance becomes more and more unaffordable for more and more American families every day.

Yet, the recent financial services meltdown has led some people to suggest that we cannot afford health reform and that fixing our broken health care system will have to wait once again. But waiting comes with a price. The crisis worsens every day that we do not act. Premiums will continue to rise; Americans will continue to pay more for less-generous health coverage; and fewer employers will offer health insurance to their workers.

We must reform our struggling health system not in spite of our economic crisis, but rather because of the impact health care has on the American economy. The economic and social impact of inaction is high and it will only rise over time.

Economic Cost

The economic cost of failing to fix our broken health care system is greater than the upfront expense of comprehensive health reform. In 2006, our economy lost as much as $200 billion because of the poor health and shorter lifespan of the uninsured. This is by most estimates as much as, if not greater than, the public costs of ensuring all Americans have quality, affordable, health coverage. The economies in California, Texas, and Florida suffer most from productivity loses stemming from the uninsured. Yet, Delaware’s economy loses more per uninsured person -- over $6,800 per uninsured resident.


As health care costs continue to grow faster than wages, health insurance will become more and more unaffordable for more and more American families every day. The financial burdens associated with health care and health insurance will only get worse over time without action.The cost of the average employer-sponsored health insurance plan (ESI) for a family will reach $24,000 in 2016. This represents an 84 percent increase over 2008 premium levels. Under this scenario, we estimate that at least half of American households will need to spend more than 45 percent of their income to buy health insurance.


Yes, I'm quite aware of the talking points. Thanks for reiterating however.

"Passed by both Houses of Congress".

The screamingly obvious flaw running through this thread is the notion that Obamacare was approved in gleeful bi-partisan fashion and now some Republicans are screaming foul for no reason. While I'm tempted to call it something far different from a "flaw", I'll run with that term.

As we all know, the ACA, a massive, deep, broad bureaucracy created out of thin air, was written by one party and pushed through by one party the thinnest of partisan margins.

I don't like the way the GOP is acting -- elections have consequences and just saying "no" has its risks -- but the least we could do is try to be intellectually honest about how this beast of a law came to be.

Not holding my breath, of course.


So now, Republicans should somehow be rewarded for being obstructionist?

Fact is, Republicans have never supported ANY healthcare proposal. Anytime, anywhere

I don't know why I'm going to bother asking you the same question I always ask you. However, I'm a big fan of hitting my head against the wall so I guess I'll ask it again. Why do you make stuff up? Why do you make stuff up when it is so easily proven wrong? Do you really believe that you are the only one on a computer site that has a computer?

Differences Between The Republican and Democratic Healthcare Reform Bills

Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan? - Forbes

Oh please.....why even try

The Republican "Healthcare Plan" was a farce, panned by OMB as unattainable and it is something Republicans never vote on

It is a paper plan. The same as the plan developed by the Heritage Foundation in the 90s which the Democrats picked up and Republicans rejected

Republicans give healthcare lip service and will never actually vote for it
So now, Republicans should somehow be rewarded for being obstructionist?

Fact is, Republicans have never supported ANY healthcare proposal. Anytime, anywhere

I don't know why I'm going to bother asking you the same question I always ask you. However, I'm a big fan of hitting my head against the wall so I guess I'll ask it again. Why do you make stuff up? Why do you make stuff up when it is so easily proven wrong? Do you really believe that you are the only one on a computer site that has a computer?

Differences Between The Republican and Democratic Healthcare Reform Bills

Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan? - Forbes

Oh please.....why even try

The Republican "Healthcare Plan" was a farce, panned by OMB as unattainable and it is something Republicans never vote on

It is a paper plan. The same as the plan developed by the Heritage Foundation in the 90s which the Democrats picked up and Republicans rejected

Republicans give healthcare lip service and will never actually vote for it

Well, at least you're backtracking a bit. I'll take any improvement I can.
Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress
It was signed into law
it was affirmed by the Supreme Court
Republicans lack the votes to repeal it
Even if they did, the President would veto

And yet, they still feel the need to punish America because they didn't get their way

Not only do they want to punish Americans, they don't even have the balls to stand up and say; yes America, we shut down the government for your own good.

No they can't do that. They are such pussies that they are now trying to say it would be the Democrats fault for shutting down the government.

Why can't Republican EVER accept responsibility for their actions? Even when they think their actions are for the good of the nation, they won't own it.

Whats wrong with Repubs?

If neither side can agree to the terms of a debt ceiling raise, why is only one side to blame? What are the Democrats willing to compromise on?

They've already compromised too much.

The Rs "governing" by temper tantrum and blackmail has got to stop because it only harms the country.

OTOH, since that is evidently what the Rs want, they're doing just fine.

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