So republicans now that you know that cutting taxes for the wealthy has proven to be a poor...

How do you know what they should make?

I don't. That's between employer and employee. The government shouldn't dictate wages.

Productivity has increased 100% since the 20s yet wages have remained flat.

Wow, 2 huge errors in one sentence.

If it was raised to 10.10 the price increase would be slight.

Interesting theory with no proof.

Over time, the increase in demand would lower them.

Higher costs without an increase in productivity would raise prices and lower demand.

Economics 101

That's a class you should take, immediately.
And after a few more classes, your posts would have many fewer errors.
Billy Zippo knows nothing about economics, business, or politics. Thus his posts are filled with howlers, unsubtatnatiated allegations, and downright errors. It's all he can manage. He would die if he actually took an Econ course.

It would be funny to watch him argue with the professor.
How do you know what they should make?

I don't. That's between employer and employee. The government shouldn't dictate wages.

Productivity has increased 100% since the 20s yet wages have remained flat.

Wow, 2 huge errors in one sentence.

If it was raised to 10.10 the price increase would be slight.

Interesting theory with no proof.

Over time, the increase in demand would lower them.

Higher costs without an increase in productivity would raise prices and lower demand.

Economics 101

That's a class you should take, immediately.
And after a few more classes, your posts would have many fewer errors.
Billy Zippo knows nothing about economics, business, or politics. Thus his posts are filled with howlers, unsubtatnatiated allegations, and downright errors. It's all he can manage. He would die if he actually took an Econ course.

It would be funny to watch him argue with the professor.
"The fool does not seek knowledge, only to hear his voice." -Psalms.
Having a bit of a bad day? LOL

You're a cock-sucking piece of shit on the internet spewing the bullshit preached to you on the Comedy Channel.

The US economy will slowly recover no matter who is POTUS because it is large and there are checks and balances that prevent Obama from destroying everything he wants to destroy (Congress and the Courts stop him).

His policies have made any growth slower and has put some sectors and companies out of business for good.

The bitch running for the US Senate in Kentucky was caught on video telling her supporters she is going to take down the coal industry, then she goes out in public talking about defending coal from Obama. That is pretty much the proof you idiots are more interested in destroying the US economy than fixing it. are just a fucking retard if you haven't noticed what happened in Blue state Michigan with Detroit run by scum like you going back to the 60s.

You are also a fucking idiot to not know about the flight of jobs from northern Blue rust belt states to Red sun belt states like TN, AL, FL.

It is because scum like you turned those Blue states into welfare dumps with high taxes on companies and the rich, who in turn packed up and left leaving shitholes like Detroit in its own shit.

Lol you must have gotten that degree online. You haven't answered my question. Where is the evidence red states on average have better job growth than blue states. Texas alone doesn't do dick for your argument.

Uh shitbag....Texas is blowing away shithole states that have people like you.

New York was running TV ads begging companies to come back to NY with the promise of ZERO taxes for the first 10 years......why is that dumbfuck???

Why would they need to promise NO TAXES to lure companies.

FYI....I have a BA in Economics and a MBA, shut the fuck up idiot.

Where is your proof red states on average have better job growth than blue states?
Lol you still haven't provided any proof of any of your claims.

You are right that Texas has an impressive economy. However that has more to do with the industries that have always been there such as the energy. That industry has always been booming. However, there is no evidence this has to do with cutting taxes. Red states like Mississippi has always been a poor state despite low taxes. Not only that but job growth in Texas under Bush was pathetic. It didn't improve until 2010.
Damn, people like you are so ignorant but you keep on thinking you are so not, which is wrong.
Then when you post something as rude and stupid as this, you cement the image so well.Try understanding what happened prior with the previous administration with the economy and what laws were passed by that group.
But that would require some intelligence, Sorry.

From when he took office until now it seems the economy is slowly making its way back. But that fact you choose to ignore.
The proof is there for anyone that is not a biased person
Keep up the good work of being a denier.

Shitbag....Obama hasn't helped the economy, he has slowed it and even damaged some sectors.

Red states are leading the economic surge despite Obama's attacks on fossil fuel companies and other non-liberal companies.

More people are out of work under Obama than in our entire history.

Most jobs created today are part-time because companies can't afford to provide FTE healthcare any more thanks to Obamacare.

Stupid fuck scum like you come here to show off your stupidity.

...economic stimulator, where is your proof that any rightwing economic stimulator is effective? When will you just admit you have been wrong all along?

Bush's pathetic job growth and the recent Kansas experiment is more than enough proof.

Demand side economic is the heart of Obama's stimulus package. It alone supports close to 3 million private jobs still existing today. A total of 10.3 million jobs were created since Obama came to office.

Republican Lie Dies as the Obama Economy Hits 48 Straight Months of Job Growth

Economies recover with or without the leadership of morons like Obama. He had nothing to do with with that 48 months of job growth.

You don't wipe as many jobs as got wiped out at the end of Bush's administration and not see many of them come back, especially when they were more due to a constipated credit system.

But you keep your head up Obama's skirt...I'm sure you like it there.
Damn, people like you are so ignorant but you keep on thinking you are so not, which is wrong.
Then when you post something as rude and stupid as this, you cement the image so well.Try understanding what happened prior with the previous administration with the economy and what laws were passed by that group.
But that would require some intelligence, Sorry.

From when he took office until now it seems the economy is slowly making its way back. But that fact you choose to ignore.
The proof is there for anyone that is not a biased person
Keep up the good work of being a denier.

Shitbag....Obama hasn't helped the economy, he has slowed it and even damaged some sectors.

Red states are leading the economic surge despite Obama's attacks on fossil fuel companies and other non-liberal companies.

More people are out of work under Obama than in our entire history.

Most jobs created today are part-time because companies can't afford to provide FTE healthcare any more thanks to Obamacare.

Stupid fuck scum like you come here to show off your stupidity.

...economic stimulator, where is your proof that any rightwing economic stimulator is effective? When will you just admit you have been wrong all along?

Bush's pathetic job growth and the recent Kansas experiment is more than enough proof.

Demand side economic is the heart of Obama's stimulus package. It alone supports close to 3 million private jobs still existing today. A total of 10.3 million jobs were created since Obama came to office.

Republican Lie Dies as the Obama Economy Hits 48 Straight Months of Job Growth

Economies recover with or without the leadership of morons like Obama. He had nothing to do with with that 48 months of job growth.

You don't wipe as many jobs as got wiped out at the end of Bush's administration and not see many of them come back, especially when they were more due to a constipated credit system.

But you keep your head up Obama's skirt...I'm sure you like it there.

Was there a point to you post.

Or did you choose not to dispute my assertion because you can't ?

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