So republicans now that you know that cutting taxes for the wealthy has proven to be a poor...

There are 16.5 million people making less than 10.10 an hour. If it was raised to 10.10, those 16.5 million people would see higher wages.

1) the higher the wage the more likely the job is to be moved offshore

2) the higher the wage the more likely the job is to be replaced by technology

3) the higher the wage the higher the prices so the wage increase means nothing.

Dear, there are no free lunches. If we could have ended poverty by raising the minimum wage we would have done it a long time ago as would the rest of the world and no one would have objected.

Always remember there is no free lunch, no liberal nazi trick to advance life from central govt!![/QUOTE]
There are 16.5 million people making less than 10.10 an hour. If it was raised to 10.10, those 16.5 million people would see higher wages.

1) the higher the wage the more likely the job is to be moved offshore

2) the higher the wage the more likely the job is to be replaced by technology

3) the higher the wage the higher the prices so the wage increase means nothing.

Dear, there are no free lunches. If we could have ended poverty by raising the minimum wage we would have done it a long time ago as would the rest of the world and no one would have objected.

Always remember there is no free lunch, no liberal nazi trick to advance life from central govt can work!!
You believe in liberal Nazi govt magic because you lack the IQ to understand how freedom works.
. Raise the the fucking minimum wage to a level people can live off of.

to stupid by 1000% we are already losing jobs to lower wage countries and the liberal illiterate wants to accelerate the process to help workers here!!

See why we say pure ignorance?
We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand. Prices would eventually go down as well. It makes perfect sense to do it but you cons can't accept that.

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well. Something that again, isn't Obama's fault.

We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand.

Raising costs to business for employing low skilled workers will hurt business, hurt low skilled workers and decrease, not increase, economic demand.

Prices would eventually go down as well.

Holy crap! Did you last a full week before you dropped your only Econ class?

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well.

We are losing jobs because we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world.
why is it Obama's fault more jobs aren't being created?

because he supports all the policies that destroy jobs:

1) highest corp tax in world
2) unions
3) Obamacare
4) deficits
5) liberal destruction of schools and family
6) huge taxes on wealthy individuals
Okay all these theories you like to believe mean dick if the investment class is doing better now more than ever. That is all that matters. This isn't hard to grasp dude.

why is that all that matters?? You clean forgot to say? Want to try to put it in words dear?
So basically you are saying you don't know what the investment class even is.
. Raise the the fucking minimum wage to a level people can live off of.

to stupid by 1000% we are already losing jobs to lower wage countries and the liberal illiterate wants to accelerate the process to help workers here!!

See why we say pure ignorance?
We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand. Prices would eventually go down as well. It makes perfect sense to do it but you cons can't accept that.

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well. Something that again, isn't Obama's fault.

We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand.

Raising costs to business for employing low skilled workers will hurt business, hurt low skilled workers and decrease, not increase, economic demand.

Prices would eventually go down as well.

Holy crap! Did you last a full week before you dropped your only Econ class?

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well.

We are losing jobs because we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world.
Business depend on low level workers even if they are low skilled. They value their contribution even if they don't say it aloud. Someone needs to do the most basic stuff.

Prices go down when businesses do better. More economic demand will result from higher wages.

We also have the highest GDP in the world (well until a week or so ago).
There are 16.5 million people making less than 10.10 an hour. If it was raised to 10.10, those 16.5 million people would see higher wages.

1) the higher the wage the more likely the job is to be moved offshore

2) the higher the wage the more likely the job is to be replaced by technology

3) the higher the wage the higher the prices so the wage increase means nothing.

Dear, there are no free lunches. If we could have ended poverty by raising the minimum wage we would have done it a long time ago as would the rest of the world and no one would have objected.

Always remember there is no free lunch, no liberal nazi trick to advance life from central govt can work!!
You believe in liberal Nazi govt magic because you lack the IQ to understand how freedom works.
If the cost is only a few hundred thousand jobs, why would they bother replacing it? Tell me could a machine flip burgers? Take orders? Technology only replaces so much.

You're an idiot.

Marketwatch estimates that over 90% of the assets owned by millionaires are held in a combination of low-risk investments (bonds and cash), the stock market, and real estate. According to economist Richard Wolff, about half of the assets of the richest 1% are held in unincorporated business equity (personal business accounts). The Wall Street Journal notes that over three-quarters of individuals worth over $20 million are invested in hedge funds.

With the possible exception of cash, how can you think any of those is hoarding?

I guess I could ask again for you to provide a source that proves "the wealthy are hoarding most of their money",
but you'd just fail, miserably, again.
That's easy to prove. The top 1% of earners own 40% of the nation's wealth.

Yes those tax cuts that were so unpopular with the far left was signed by Obama..

These far left drones prove that even JFK would not fit in the (D) of today..

Another dipshit alert.

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Temporary Extension Of Bush Tax Cuts For Unemployment Help Progress Illinois
The top 1 percent of earners, the Christian Science Monitor reported, got a windfall of $72,872 under the former president's tax plan.
Never mind that showering the wealthiest 2 percent of earners with tax breaks will bust the federal budget, costing $700 billion over the next 10 years (a one-year extension of unemployment would cost $56 billion).

This is why right wingers on this board are awful. Republicans trapped Obama into extending the Bush Tax Cuts that ended up costing the country nearly a trillion dollars. Unemployment for those who lost their jobs over those fucking GOP policies cost less than a hundred billion and yet the GOP had no problem whatsoever screwing this country over balls deep with the ignorant GOP base cheering them along and then they have the nerve to say, "But Obama extended those benefits". We know that the GOP is the party of crud. The party of let him die. Willing to let millions of Americas suffer while watching millions of jobs move to China under their watch when they controlled the entire US Government. The fuckers used reconciliation three times and won't say why? Is it because they don't know or just don't care? How can they claim they are in to America when they are oh so willing to let Americans suffer terribly? It's all such bullshit.
...economic stimulator, where is your proof that any rightwing economic stimulator is effective? When will you just admit you have been wrong all along?

Bush's pathetic job growth and the recent Kansas experiment is more than enough proof. 1.1 million jobs in JOB GROWTH is all Bush has to show for.

Demand side economic is the heart of Obama's stimulus package. It alone supports close to 3 million private jobs still existing today. A total of 10.3 million jobs were created since Obama came to office.

CBO Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today FDL News Desk

Obama 8217 s Numbers July 2014 Update

Sam Brownback s failed experiment puts state on path to penury - The Washington Post
Keep up the lies, they really make you look bad.
I gave you facts from non partisan sources. They aren't lies. Grow up.

Using known far left sources then clalling them "non partisan sources" really does not help your case.
You: "the far left derp derp derp"

Do you have anything to offer this thread besides vague rants about the far left? You don't even know what the difference between the far left and the moderates is.

Yes the far left can not handle being called or ignores that that Obama extended said tax cuts.

Which makes their far left rant on this subject moot..

Need to update your far left programmed talking points.

And yes you are a far left Hack! You just need to own it now.

Tell us more about the far left.

You're an idiot.

Marketwatch estimates that over 90% of the assets owned by millionaires are held in a combination of low-risk investments (bonds and cash), the stock market, and real estate. According to economist Richard Wolff, about half of the assets of the richest 1% are held in unincorporated business equity (personal business accounts). The Wall Street Journal notes that over three-quarters of individuals worth over $20 million are invested in hedge funds.

With the possible exception of cash, how can you think any of those is hoarding?

I guess I could ask again for you to provide a source that proves "the wealthy are hoarding most of their money",
but you'd just fail, miserably, again.
That's easy to prove. The top 1% of earners own 40% of the nation's wealth.

Yes those tax cuts that were so unpopular with the far left was signed by Obama..

These far left drones prove that even JFK would not fit in the (D) of today..

Another dipshit alert.

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Temporary Extension Of Bush Tax Cuts For Unemployment Help Progress Illinois
The top 1 percent of earners, the Christian Science Monitor reported, got a windfall of $72,872 under the former president's tax plan.
Never mind that showering the wealthiest 2 percent of earners with tax breaks will bust the federal budget, costing $700 billion over the next 10 years (a one-year extension of unemployment would cost $56 billion).

This is why right wingers on this board are awful. Republicans trapped Obama into extending the Bush Tax Cuts that ended up costing the country nearly a trillion dollars. Unemployment for those who lost their jobs over those fucking GOP policies cost less than a hundred billion and yet the GOP had no problem whatsoever screwing this country over balls deep with the ignorant GOP base cheering them along and then they have the nerve to say, "But Obama extended those benefits". We know that the GOP is the party of crud. The party of let him die. Willing to let millions of Americas suffer while watching millions of jobs move to China under their watch when they controlled the entire US Government. The fuckers used reconciliation three times and won't say why? Is it because they don't know or just don't care? How can they claim they are in to America when they are oh so willing to let Americans suffer terribly? It's all such bullshit.
Still the idiot.
Um no our poor can't afford much at all. 15% of the population lives in poverty. 16.5 million people make less than 10.10 an hour.

dear American poverty is wealth in much of the world!!

Do you understand??
So the fuck what? Obviously their poverty is a problem too. You airheads have no perspective. The average household on food stamps makes $766 a MONTH and receives an average of $133 a month.

yes so?? We all know liberals have created a welfare class that extends over generations. Republicans want to end the war against the poor, especially the black poor who suffered a near genocide thanks to the deadly liberal programs.
Well gee there's an easy solution to ending poverty. Raise the the fucking minimum wage to a level people can live off of. That way they don't qualify for food stamps! At the very least give them an income tax credit. Those are the ONLY ways to help the poor so they won't need food stamps. Republicans have NO PLAN to help the poor. Nothing. They don't give a shit.
You're kinda slow on this economics thing, arentcha, Sparky?
We've raised the min wage 3 times in the last 5 years or so. Tell me how people are better off now than they were.
. Raise the the fucking minimum wage to a level people can live off of.

to stupid by 1000% we are already losing jobs to lower wage countries and the liberal illiterate wants to accelerate the process to help workers here!!

See why we say pure ignorance?
We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand. Prices would eventually go down as well. It makes perfect sense to do it but you cons can't accept that.

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well. Something that again, isn't Obama's fault.

We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand.

Raising costs to business for employing low skilled workers will hurt business, hurt low skilled workers and decrease, not increase, economic demand.

Prices would eventually go down as well.

Holy crap! Did you last a full week before you dropped your only Econ class?

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well.

We are losing jobs because we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world.
Business depend on low level workers even if they are low skilled. They value their contribution even if they don't say it aloud. Someone needs to do the most basic stuff.

Prices go down when businesses do better. More economic demand will result from higher wages.

We also have the highest GDP in the world (well until a week or so ago).

. Raise the the fucking minimum wage to a level people can live off of.

to stupid by 1000% we are already losing jobs to lower wage countries and the liberal illiterate wants to accelerate the process to help workers here!!

See why we say pure ignorance?
We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand. Prices would eventually go down as well. It makes perfect sense to do it but you cons can't accept that.

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well. Something that again, isn't Obama's fault.

We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand.

Raising costs to business for employing low skilled workers will hurt business, hurt low skilled workers and decrease, not increase, economic demand.

Prices would eventually go down as well.

Holy crap! Did you last a full week before you dropped your only Econ class?

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well.

We are losing jobs because we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world.
Business depend on low level workers even if they are low skilled. They value their contribution even if they don't say it aloud. Someone needs to do the most basic stuff.

Prices go down when businesses do better. More economic demand will result from higher wages.

We also have the highest GDP in the world (well until a week or so ago).
. Raise the the fucking minimum wage to a level people can live off of.

to stupid by 1000% we are already losing jobs to lower wage countries and the liberal illiterate wants to accelerate the process to help workers here!!

See why we say pure ignorance?
We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand. Prices would eventually go down as well. It makes perfect sense to do it but you cons can't accept that.

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well. Something that again, isn't Obama's fault.

We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand.

Raising costs to business for employing low skilled workers will hurt business, hurt low skilled workers and decrease, not increase, economic demand.

Prices would eventually go down as well.

Holy crap! Did you last a full week before you dropped your only Econ class?

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well.

We are losing jobs because we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world.
Business depend on low level workers even if they are low skilled. They value their contribution even if they don't say it aloud. Someone needs to do the most basic stuff.

Prices go down when businesses do better. More economic demand will result from higher wages.

We also have the highest GDP in the world (well until a week or so ago).

Business depend on low level workers even if they are low skilled.

Sure. And when you insist they hire a worker that costs $15/hr, when they only produce $12/hr worth of value, they'll either go out of business, automate or hike prices.

Prices go down when businesses do better.

You've just raised their costs, how is that doing better?

More economic demand will result from higher wages.

And less will be the result of higher costs and higher prices.
. Raise the the fucking minimum wage to a level people can live off of.

to stupid by 1000% we are already losing jobs to lower wage countries and the liberal illiterate wants to accelerate the process to help workers here!!

See why we say pure ignorance?
We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand. Prices would eventually go down as well. It makes perfect sense to do it but you cons can't accept that.

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well. Something that again, isn't Obama's fault.

We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand.

Raising costs to business for employing low skilled workers will hurt business, hurt low skilled workers and decrease, not increase, economic demand.

Prices would eventually go down as well.

Holy crap! Did you last a full week before you dropped your only Econ class?

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well.

We are losing jobs because we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world.
Business depend on low level workers even if they are low skilled. They value their contribution even if they don't say it aloud. Someone needs to do the most basic stuff.

Prices go down when businesses do better. More economic demand will result from higher wages.

We also have the highest GDP in the world (well until a week or so ago).

. Raise the the fucking minimum wage to a level people can live off of.

to stupid by 1000% we are already losing jobs to lower wage countries and the liberal illiterate wants to accelerate the process to help workers here!!

See why we say pure ignorance?
We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand. Prices would eventually go down as well. It makes perfect sense to do it but you cons can't accept that.

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well. Something that again, isn't Obama's fault.

We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand.

Raising costs to business for employing low skilled workers will hurt business, hurt low skilled workers and decrease, not increase, economic demand.

Prices would eventually go down as well.

Holy crap! Did you last a full week before you dropped your only Econ class?

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well.

We are losing jobs because we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world.
Business depend on low level workers even if they are low skilled. They value their contribution even if they don't say it aloud. Someone needs to do the most basic stuff.

Prices go down when businesses do better. More economic demand will result from higher wages.

We also have the highest GDP in the world (well until a week or so ago).
. Raise the the fucking minimum wage to a level people can live off of.

to stupid by 1000% we are already losing jobs to lower wage countries and the liberal illiterate wants to accelerate the process to help workers here!!

See why we say pure ignorance?
We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand. Prices would eventually go down as well. It makes perfect sense to do it but you cons can't accept that.

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well. Something that again, isn't Obama's fault.

We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand.

Raising costs to business for employing low skilled workers will hurt business, hurt low skilled workers and decrease, not increase, economic demand.

Prices would eventually go down as well.

Holy crap! Did you last a full week before you dropped your only Econ class?

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well.

We are losing jobs because we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world.
Business depend on low level workers even if they are low skilled. They value their contribution even if they don't say it aloud. Someone needs to do the most basic stuff.

Prices go down when businesses do better. More economic demand will result from higher wages.

We also have the highest GDP in the world (well until a week or so ago).

Business depend on low level workers even if they are low skilled.

Sure. And when you insist they hire a worker that costs $15/hr, when they only produce $12/hr worth of value, they'll either go out of business, automate or hike prices.

Prices go down when businesses do better.

You've just raised their costs, how is that doing better?

More economic demand will result from higher wages.

And less will be the result of higher costs and higher prices.
How do you know what they should make? Productivity has increased 100% since the 20s yet wages have remained flat.

The cost would depend on the wage. If it was raised to 10.10 the price increase would be slight. Over time, the increase in demand would lower them. Economics 101
Um no our poor can't afford much at all. 15% of the population lives in poverty. 16.5 million people make less than 10.10 an hour.

dear American poverty is wealth in much of the world!!

Do you understand??
So the fuck what? Obviously their poverty is a problem too. You airheads have no perspective. The average household on food stamps makes $766 a MONTH and receives an average of $133 a month.

yes so?? We all know liberals have created a welfare class that extends over generations. Republicans want to end the war against the poor, especially the black poor who suffered a near genocide thanks to the deadly liberal programs.
Well gee there's an easy solution to ending poverty. Raise the the fucking minimum wage to a level people can live off of. That way they don't qualify for food stamps! At the very least give them an income tax credit. Those are the ONLY ways to help the poor so they won't need food stamps. Republicans have NO PLAN to help the poor. Nothing. They don't give a shit.
You're kinda slow on this economics thing, arentcha, Sparky?
We've raised the min wage 3 times in the last 5 years or so. Tell me how people are better off now than they were.
Well what you aren't smart enough to understand is inflation. The last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 is the 60s.

You're an idiot.

Marketwatch estimates that over 90% of the assets owned by millionaires are held in a combination of low-risk investments (bonds and cash), the stock market, and real estate. According to economist Richard Wolff, about half of the assets of the richest 1% are held in unincorporated business equity (personal business accounts). The Wall Street Journal notes that over three-quarters of individuals worth over $20 million are invested in hedge funds.

With the possible exception of cash, how can you think any of those is hoarding?

I guess I could ask again for you to provide a source that proves "the wealthy are hoarding most of their money",
but you'd just fail, miserably, again.
That's easy to prove. The top 1% of earners own 40% of the nation's wealth.

and that is a problem how?
Business depend on low level workers even if they are low skilled.

Sure. And when you insist they hire a worker that costs $15/hr, when they only produce $12/hr worth of value, they'll either go out of business, automate or hike prices.

Prices go down when businesses do better.

You've just raised their costs, how is that doing better?

More economic demand will result from higher wages.

And less will be the result of higher costs and higher prices.
How do you know what they should make? Productivity has increased 100% since the 20s yet wages have remained flat.

The cost would depend on the wage. If it was raised to 10.10 the price increase would be slight. Over time, the increase in demand would lower them. Economics 101

How do you know what they should make?

I don't. That's between employer and employee. The government shouldn't dictate wages.

Productivity has increased 100% since the 20s yet wages have remained flat.

Wow, 2 huge errors in one sentence.

If it was raised to 10.10 the price increase would be slight.

Interesting theory with no proof.

Over time, the increase in demand would lower them.

Higher costs without an increase in productivity would raise prices and lower demand.

Economics 101

That's a class you should take, immediately.
And after a few more classes, your posts would have many fewer errors.
dear American poverty is wealth in much of the world!!

Do you understand??
So the fuck what? Obviously their poverty is a problem too. You airheads have no perspective. The average household on food stamps makes $766 a MONTH and receives an average of $133 a month.

yes so?? We all know liberals have created a welfare class that extends over generations. Republicans want to end the war against the poor, especially the black poor who suffered a near genocide thanks to the deadly liberal programs.
Well gee there's an easy solution to ending poverty. Raise the the fucking minimum wage to a level people can live off of. That way they don't qualify for food stamps! At the very least give them an income tax credit. Those are the ONLY ways to help the poor so they won't need food stamps. Republicans have NO PLAN to help the poor. Nothing. They don't give a shit.
You're kinda slow on this economics thing, arentcha, Sparky?
We've raised the min wage 3 times in the last 5 years or so. Tell me how people are better off now than they were.
Well what you aren't smart enough to understand is inflation. The last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 is the 60s.
Inflation has been under 2% for the last 8 years.
Perhaps we should really give a living wage and make min wage $20/hr.
You understand that min wage was never meant to provide a "comfortable living", right?
Business depend on low level workers even if they are low skilled.

Sure. And when you insist they hire a worker that costs $15/hr, when they only produce $12/hr worth of value, they'll either go out of business, automate or hike prices.

Prices go down when businesses do better.

You've just raised their costs, how is that doing better?

More economic demand will result from higher wages.

And less will be the result of higher costs and higher prices.
How do you know what they should make? Productivity has increased 100% since the 20s yet wages have remained flat.

The cost would depend on the wage. If it was raised to 10.10 the price increase would be slight. Over time, the increase in demand would lower them. Economics 101

How do you know what they should make?

I don't. That's between employer and employee. The government shouldn't dictate wages.

Productivity has increased 100% since the 20s yet wages have remained flat.

Wow, 2 huge errors in one sentence.

If it was raised to 10.10 the price increase would be slight.

Interesting theory with no proof.

Over time, the increase in demand would lower them.

Higher costs without an increase in productivity would raise prices and lower demand.

Economics 101

That's a class you should take, immediately.
And after a few more classes, your posts would have many fewer errors.
Billy Zippo knows nothing about economics, business, or politics. Thus his posts are filled with howlers, unsubtatnatiated allegations, and downright errors. It's all he can manage. He would die if he actually took an Econ course.

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