So republicans now that you know that cutting taxes for the wealthy has proven to be a poor...

. You need to listen to the pentagon

In order to meet sequestration goals this year, the military services have curtailed training, halted ship deployments, grounded air squadrons and furloughed civilian workers.

“Because of how fast we’ve had to do it, it really has affected our readiness,” Gen. Odierno said. “If we had some unknown contingency, I’m concerned we wouldn’t have our soldiers trained to do what they need to do.”

There has been no shortages of contingencies: A day before the budget deal was reached, the Pentagon accepted a request from France to assist with a U.N. peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic by transporting equipment and troops from Burundi.

Read more: Pentagon welcomes budget deal but says more defense spending needed - Washington Times
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see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
I'll buy it that the pentagon needs more funding in certain areas, but that doesn't mean there aren't expenses we spend too much on. Tell me, why do we need bases in Europe? What good does it do?
. You need to listen to the pentagon

In order to meet sequestration goals this year, the military services have curtailed training, halted ship deployments, grounded air squadrons and furloughed civilian workers.

“Because of how fast we’ve had to do it, it really has affected our readiness,” Gen. Odierno said. “If we had some unknown contingency, I’m concerned we wouldn’t have our soldiers trained to do what they need to do.”

There has been no shortages of contingencies: A day before the budget deal was reached, the Pentagon accepted a request from France to assist with a U.N. peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic by transporting equipment and troops from Burundi.

Read more: Pentagon welcomes budget deal but says more defense spending needed - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
I'll buy it that the pentagon needs more funding in certain areas, but that doesn't mean there aren't expenses we spend too much on. Tell me, why do we need bases in Europe? What good does it do?

dear, same reason we needed bases in Iraq after we won war. Simple enough?
. You need to listen to the pentagon

In order to meet sequestration goals this year, the military services have curtailed training, halted ship deployments, grounded air squadrons and furloughed civilian workers.

“Because of how fast we’ve had to do it, it really has affected our readiness,” Gen. Odierno said. “If we had some unknown contingency, I’m concerned we wouldn’t have our soldiers trained to do what they need to do.”

There has been no shortages of contingencies: A day before the budget deal was reached, the Pentagon accepted a request from France to assist with a U.N. peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic by transporting equipment and troops from Burundi.

Read more: Pentagon welcomes budget deal but says more defense spending needed - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
I'll buy it that the pentagon needs more funding in certain areas, but that doesn't mean there aren't expenses we spend too much on. Tell me, why do we need bases in Europe? What good does it do?

dear, same reason we needed bases in Iraq and Afghanistan after we won wars. Simple enough?
The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 percent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax.

1) that is certainly not fair to the 1% who are supposed to be treated equally in America.

2) and it is stupid economic policy given that the top 1% obviously know how to spend money better than libcommie bureaucrats.

3) why on earth should the top 1% pay more for govt anyway. Should they pay higher prices
in the supermarket too?
Taxing the wealthy the most isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is where we get our funding. It isn't about theft. Everyone, including the wealthy, benefit from what revenue buys. There are no fat cats in this equation.

Yes over spending is an issue, but so is massive tax cuts.
You're an idiot. That money from the government was given directly to consumers.

too stupid!! the money the govt taxed was taken directly from consumers so no net benefit was possible!
It was taken by people who could afford paying taxes. That's how it works. It really doesn't matter what you say. The end result was a boost to GDP and the creation of almost 3 million jobs. That is what matters.
Taxing the wealthy the most isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is where we get our funding..

at least then you'd think the liberals would regard the rich as heroic figures. They don't because liberals are Marxists
I didn't say high taxes stimuluates economic growth. I said cutting taxes does very little to stimuluates growth. There are much more effective ways to boost growth.

Job growth under Reagan was good, but that's all you republicans have to show for. Clinton's job growth was just as good. Both Bush presidents had pathetic job growth in comparison to Obama.

ND's growth has to do with the energy industry as well. Obviously that has always been the case for that industry. Cutting taxes, again, is not why Texas and ND have strong growth. Tell me how do you explain California's job growth? Taxes aren't low there.

Uh, care to compare the economic growth under Reagan compared to Carter?

My 45 years living on this planet and my college education in this area give me the expertise to say you are full of shit claiming higher taxes stimulates growth.

North Dakota is growing faster than New York because of fossil fuel exploration which is banned in NY and because of lower taxes for companies and people....shut the fuck up, asswipe.

You're a cock-sucking piece of shit on the internet spewing the bullshit preached to you on the Comedy Channel.

The US economy will slowly recover no matter who is POTUS because it is large and there are checks and balances that prevent Obama from destroying everything he wants to destroy (Congress and the Courts stop him).

His policies have made any growth slower and has put some sectors and companies out of business for good.

The bitch running for the US Senate in Kentucky was caught on video telling her supporters she is going to take down the coal industry, then she goes out in public talking about defending coal from Obama. That is pretty much the proof you idiots are more interested in destroying the US economy than fixing it.

Lol you still haven't provided any proof of any of your claims.

You are right that Texas has an impressive economy. However that has more to do with the industries that have always been there such as the energy. That industry has always been booming. However, there is no evidence this has to do with cutting taxes. Red states like Mississippi has always been a poor state despite low taxes. Not only that but job growth in Texas under Bush was pathetic. It didn't improve until 2010.
Lol you can't talk about anecdotal stories of fracking and expect that to be evidence of anything. Statistics is what matters. You are also a hypocrite. You claim the poor job growth in Texas during Bush has nothing to with Bush yet you blame Obama for slow recovery now. You are pathetic.

Job growth under Reagan was good, but that's all you republicans have to show for.

He cut the top rate from 70% to 28%.
Job growth was great.
Is that yourproof that tax cuts "do very little to stimulate growth"?

Job growth under Reagan was great because in addition to cutting taxes, the government went on a defence spending spree, pumping millions into a military build up.

Late in his second term when unemployment went up, Reagan added a million new government jobs because government workers spend money and stimulate the economy.

Conservatives love to blame liberals for the Detroit bankruptcy but the loss of auto industry jobs is the real cause. With auto manufacturing moving to Mexico jobs were lost and ancillary businesses closed. Retail suffered as well since unemployed people don't buy much and Detroit became a ghost town. Yes there was fiscal mismanagement, but the loss of tax revenue was the killing blow.
Tell me if you people are so against socialism why do you favor so much defense spending?

total idiocy but pure and perfect liberalism. Socialism is when govt owns or manages or heavily taxes private companies, not when we have a military able to defeat our enemies.

the pure ignorance in liberalism cant be believed, really.
Um no lol. That isn't what socialism is. Socialism in its most strict definition is government funding of a program or policy. Socialism is inevitable part of any government. Tell me, if the the government took over our healthcare system, how is that any different from the government running our military?
It was taken by people who could afford paying taxes. That's how it works..

dear America's poor are rich compared to much of the world. Our poor can afford to pay plenty. It is better for them than to be crippled and imprisioned by the deadly liberal programs.
Yes over spending is an issue, but so is massive tax cuts.

too stupid and 100% lliberal as usual. Under Reagan top 1% paid 20 % now they pay 40%. Dear, is that a massive tax cut or tax increase??

How old are you?
If we are spending such a ridiculous amount of money on healthcare and military, we need higher taxes. That's just how it works. The money has to come from somewhere.
I didn't say high taxes stimuluates economic growth. I said cutting taxes does very little to stimuluates growth. There are much more effective ways to boost growth.

Job growth under Reagan was good, but that's all you republicans have to show for. Clinton's job growth was just as good. Both Bush presidents had pathetic job growth in comparison to Obama.

ND's growth has to do with the energy industry as well. Obviously that has always been the case for that industry. Cutting taxes, again, is not why Texas and ND have strong growth. Tell me how do you explain California's job growth? Taxes aren't low there.

Uh, care to compare the economic growth under Reagan compared to Carter?

My 45 years living on this planet and my college education in this area give me the expertise to say you are full of shit claiming higher taxes stimulates growth.

North Dakota is growing faster than New York because of fossil fuel exploration which is banned in NY and because of lower taxes for companies and people....shut the fuck up, asswipe.

You're a cock-sucking piece of shit on the internet spewing the bullshit preached to you on the Comedy Channel.

The US economy will slowly recover no matter who is POTUS because it is large and there are checks and balances that prevent Obama from destroying everything he wants to destroy (Congress and the Courts stop him).

His policies have made any growth slower and has put some sectors and companies out of business for good.

The bitch running for the US Senate in Kentucky was caught on video telling her supporters she is going to take down the coal industry, then she goes out in public talking about defending coal from Obama. That is pretty much the proof you idiots are more interested in destroying the US economy than fixing it.
Lol you can't talk about anecdotal stories of fracking and expect that to be evidence of anything. Statistics is what matters. You are also a hypocrite. You claim the poor job growth in Texas during Bush has nothing to with Bush yet you blame Obama for slow recovery now. You are pathetic.

Job growth under Reagan was good, but that's all you republicans have to show for.

He cut the top rate from 70% to 28%.
Job growth was great.
Is that yourproof that tax cuts "do very little to stimulate growth"?

Job growth under Reagan was great because in addition to cutting taxes, the government went on a defence spending spree, pumping millions into a military build up.

Late in his second term when unemployment went up, Reagan added a million new government jobs because government workers spend money and stimulate the economy.

Conservatives love to blame liberals for the Detroit bankruptcy but the loss of auto industry jobs is the real cause. With auto manufacturing moving to Mexico jobs were lost and ancillary businesses closed. Retail suffered as well since unemployed people don't buy much and Detroit became a ghost town. Yes there was fiscal mismanagement, but the loss of tax revenue was the killing blow.

Late in his second term when unemployment went up, Reagan added a million new government jobs because government workers spend money and stimulate the economy.


Conservatives love to blame liberals for the Detroit bankruptcy but the loss of auto industry jobs is the real cause.

Liberal policies didn't cause the auto jobs to be lost?
The end result was a boost to GDP and the creation of almost 3 million jobs. That is what matters.

too stupid as always!!unemployment is still at 12%(U6) and income is down 5%. Barry's jobs performance is worst since Great Depression which is why most of his supporters have abandoned him.
It was taken by people who could afford paying taxes. That's how it works..

dear America's poor are rich compared to much of the world. Our poor can afford to pay plenty. It is better for them than to be crippled and imprisioned by the deadly liberal programs.
Um no our poor can't afford much at all. 15% of the population lives in poverty. 16.5 million people make less than 10.10 an hour.
If we are spending such a ridiculous amount of money on healthcare and military, we need higher taxes. That's just how it works. The money has to come from somewhere.

how stupid we just lost in Iraq and Afghanistan so to say we are spending a ridiculous amount is stupid and liberal. HOw old are you?
The end result was a boost to GDP and the creation of almost 3 million jobs. That is what matters.

too stupid as always!!unemployment is still at 12%(U6) and income is down 5%. Barry's jobs performance is worst since Great Depression which is why most of his supporters have abandoned him.
Here's where your rightwing stupidity comes into play. The Great Recession of 2008 that predates Obama's term caused the loss of 8 million jobs. That is why the unemployment rate was so high during his first few years. However, since his terms began, we created 10.3 million private jobs.
Um no our poor can't afford much at all. 15% of the population lives in poverty. 16.5 million people make less than 10.10 an hour.

dear American poverty is wealth in much of the world!!

Do you understand??
So the fuck what? Obviously their poverty is a problem too. You airheads have no perspective. The average household on food stamps makes $766 a MONTH and receives an average of $133 a month.

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