So republicans now that you know that cutting taxes for the wealthy has proven to be a poor...

You're right we do need to cut spending. Defense spending. Both Bush and Obama have spent trillions on it. It, besides tax cuts, is the main reason why our debt is so high. You republican hypocrites however, don't want to cut it.

First let's cut social spending to what it was before Obama came into office.
The sequester is already cutting defense spending.
There are much more effective ways to boost growth.
so name a more effective way than supply side tax cuts!! Are you an economist or a liberal blowhard?
Demand side economics like Obama's stimulus package. See millions of people lost their jobs against their will so Obama extended unemployment benefits. This put money in the pockets of people would otherwise not be spending money. They spent the extra money immediately on food, clothing and shelter. This stimulus to demand boosted economic growth.
The stimulus was the worst economic program in history since FDR's New Deal. It has produced 2% growth, a record low. It has kept millions out of the workforce. And it has busted the budget.
If that's your idea of success I'd hate to see what you consider failure.

Anotehr Billy Triple Wank fail thread.
It alone created close to 3 million jobs. That's twice as many jobs created under both of Bush's terms. Grow up. Had it been bigger like it was meant to be, it would be millions more.
You're right we do need to cut spending. Defense spending. Both Bush and Obama have spent trillions on it. It, besides tax cuts, is the main reason why our debt is so high. You republican hypocrites however, don't want to cut it.

First let's cut social spending to what it was before Obama came into office.
The sequester is already cutting defense spending.
We spend more on defense than any of our allies do combined. The Pentagon even begs congress to stop the funding of building tanks because we already have a ridiculous amount of them. It is all complete overkill.
You're right we do need to cut spending. Defense spending. Both Bush and Obama have spent trillions on it. It, besides tax cuts, is the main reason why our debt is so high. You republican hypocrites however, don't want to cut it.

First let's cut social spending to what it was before Obama came into office.
The sequester is already cutting defense spending.
We spend more on defense than any of our allies do combined. The Pentagon even begs congress to stop the funding of building tanks because we already have a ridiculous amount of them. It is all complete overkill.

100% idiotic and liberal of course. We could not even beat Iraq and Afghanistan let alone major countries.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure dangerous ignorance.
. Had it been bigger like it was meant to be, it would be millions more.

100% stupid and liberal as usual. The tax necessary for stimulus spending cancels out the stimulus so no net benefit is possible.

See why we say pure ignorance. Its like you are in kindergarten!
...economic stimulator, where is your proof that any rightwing economic stimulator is effective? When will you just admit you have been wrong all along?

Bush's pathetic job growth and the recent Kansas experiment is more than enough proof. 1.1 million jobs in JOB GROWTH is all Bush has to show for.

Demand side economic is the heart of Obama's stimulus package. It alone supports close to 3 million private jobs still existing today. A total of 10.3 million jobs were created since Obama came to office.

CBO Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today FDL News Desk

Obama 8217 s Numbers July 2014 Update

Sam Brownback s failed experiment puts state on path to penury - The Washington Post

there are many good reasons for cutting the taxes on the people who already pay too many taxes
. Had it been bigger like it was meant to be, it would be millions more.

100% stupid and liberal as usual. The tax necessary for stimulus spending cancels out the stimulus so no net benefit is possible.

See why we say pure ignorance. Its like you are in kindergarten!
It doesn't actually. Every dollar lost in revenue is replaced by 1.61 in economic growth because of the stimulus in economic demand. Tax cuts on the other hand only gain .59 cents for every dollar lost in revenue.
You're right we do need to cut spending. Defense spending. Both Bush and Obama have spent trillions on it. It, besides tax cuts, is the main reason why our debt is so high. You republican hypocrites however, don't want to cut it.

First let's cut social spending to what it was before Obama came into office.
The sequester is already cutting defense spending.
We spend more on defense than any of our allies do combined. The Pentagon even begs congress to stop the funding of building tanks because we already have a ridiculous amount of them. It is all complete overkill.

100% idiotic and liberal of course. We could not even beat Iraq and Afghanistan let alone major countries.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure dangerous ignorance.
We should never have gone to Iraq you clown so your point is moot.
. Had it been bigger like it was meant to be, it would be millions more.

100% stupid and liberal as usual. The tax necessary for stimulus spending cancels out the stimulus so no net benefit is possible.

See why we say pure ignorance. Its like you are in kindergarten!
It doesn't actually. Every dollar lost in revenue is replaced by 1.61 in economic growth because of the stimulus in economic demand. Tax cuts on the other hand only gain .59 cents for every dollar lost in revenue.

please please don't be a pure perfect idiot. When govt takes your money and spends they don't make the money magical. You can spend your money, and you can spend it better since you earned it while the govt is in the habit of wasting other people's money!

Over your head?
You're right we do need to cut spending. Defense spending. Both Bush and Obama have spent trillions on it. It, besides tax cuts, is the main reason why our debt is so high. You republican hypocrites however, don't want to cut it.

First let's cut social spending to what it was before Obama came into office.
The sequester is already cutting defense spending.
We spend more on defense than any of our allies do combined. The Pentagon even begs congress to stop the funding of building tanks because we already have a ridiculous amount of them. It is all complete overkill.

100% idiotic and liberal of course. We could not even beat Iraq and Afghanistan let alone major countries.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure dangerous ignorance.
We should never have gone to Iraq you clown so your point is moot.

dear, don't be a constant idiot. We need a millitary and it has to big enough and good enough to defeat enemies like China and Russia, not Iraq and Afghanistan.
. Had it been bigger like it was meant to be, it would be millions more.

100% stupid and liberal as usual. The tax necessary for stimulus spending cancels out the stimulus so no net benefit is possible.

See why we say pure ignorance. Its like you are in kindergarten!
It doesn't actually. Every dollar lost in revenue is replaced by 1.61 in economic growth because of the stimulus in economic demand. Tax cuts on the other hand only gain .59 cents for every dollar lost in revenue.

please please don't be a pure perfect idiot. When govt takes your money and spends they don't make the money magical. You can spend your money, and you can spend it better since you earned it while the govt is in the habit of wasting other people's money!

Over your head?
You're an idiot. That money from the government was given directly to consumers. Tell me why do you favor tax cuts if that too decrease revenue? The difference is that extending unemployment benefits actually created growth. Tax cuts don't.
. Had it been bigger like it was meant to be, it would be millions more.

100% stupid and liberal as usual. The tax necessary for stimulus spending cancels out the stimulus so no net benefit is possible.

See why we say pure ignorance. Its like you are in kindergarten!
It doesn't actually. Every dollar lost in revenue is replaced by 1.61 in economic growth because of the stimulus in economic demand. Tax cuts on the other hand only gain .59 cents for every dollar lost in revenue.

please please don't be a pure perfect idiot. When govt takes your money and spends they don't make the money magical. You can spend your money, and you can spend it better since you earned it while the govt is in the habit of wasting other people's money!

Over your head?
You're an idiot. That money from the government was given directly to consumers. Tell me why do you favor tax cuts if that too decrease revenue? The difference is that extending unemployment benefits actually created growth. Tax cuts don't.

The difference is that extending unemployment benefits actually created growth. Tax cuts don't.

You said it yourself, one dollar in tax cuts causes 59 cents in GDP growth.
You're right we do need to cut spending. Defense spending. Both Bush and Obama have spent trillions on it. It, besides tax cuts, is the main reason why our debt is so high. You republican hypocrites however, don't want to cut it.

First let's cut social spending to what it was before Obama came into office.
The sequester is already cutting defense spending.
We spend more on defense than any of our allies do combined. The Pentagon even begs congress to stop the funding of building tanks because we already have a ridiculous amount of them. It is all complete overkill.

100% idiotic and liberal of course. We could not even beat Iraq and Afghanistan let alone major countries.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure dangerous ignorance.
We should never have gone to Iraq you clown so your point is moot.

dear, don't be a constant idiot. We need a millitary and it has to big enough and good enough to defeat enemies like China and Russia, not Iraq and Afghanistan.
We already have that. You need to listen to the pentagon. If the pentagon says we spend too much on defense, your opinion means absolute dick. We have overseas bases in Europe that have no purpose. Tell me if you people are so against socialism why do you favor so much defense spending?
. Had it been bigger like it was meant to be, it would be millions more.

100% stupid and liberal as usual. The tax necessary for stimulus spending cancels out the stimulus so no net benefit is possible.

See why we say pure ignorance. Its like you are in kindergarten!
It doesn't actually. Every dollar lost in revenue is replaced by 1.61 in economic growth because of the stimulus in economic demand. Tax cuts on the other hand only gain .59 cents for every dollar lost in revenue.

please please don't be a pure perfect idiot. When govt takes your money and spends they don't make the money magical. You can spend your money, and you can spend it better since you earned it while the govt is in the habit of wasting other people's money!

Over your head?
You're an idiot. That money from the government was given directly to consumers. Tell me why do you favor tax cuts if that too decrease revenue? The difference is that extending unemployment benefits actually created growth. Tax cuts don't.

The difference is that extending unemployment benefits actually created growth. Tax cuts don't.

You said it yourself, one dollar in tax cuts causes 59 cents in GDP growth.
That isn't growth if we are losing a dollar in revenue and only gaining .59 cents in growth.
The Republicans did not cut taxes for the wealthy.
That a left wing political talking spin.

Guess Who Really Pays the Taxes mdash The American Magazine
What income group pays the most federal income taxes today?
The latest data show that a big portion of the federal income tax burden is shouldered by a small group of the very richest Americans. The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 percent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax. The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent—those below the median income level—now earn 13 percent of the income but pay just 3 percent of the taxes.

But didn’t the Bush tax cuts favor the rich?
The New York Times reported recently that the average family in America with an income of $10 million or more received a half-million-dollar tax cut, while the middle class got crumbs (less than $100 shaved off their tax bill). If we examine the taxes paid in a static world—that is, if we assume that there was no change in behavior and economic performance as a result of the tax code—then these numbers are meaningful. Most of the tax cuts went to the super wealthy.
But Americans did respond to the tax cuts. There was more investment, more hiring by businesses, and a stronger stock market. When we compare the taxes paid under the old system with those paid after the Bush tax cuts, the rich are now actually paying a higher proportion of income taxes. The latest IRS data show an increase of more than $100 billion in tax payments from the wealthy by 2005 alone. The number of tax filers who claimed taxable income of more than $1 million increased from approximately 180,000 in 2003 to over 300,000 in 2005. The total taxes paid by these millionaire households rose by about 80 percent in two years, from $132 billion to $236 billion.
. You need to listen to the pentagon

In order to meet sequestration goals this year, the military services have curtailed training, halted ship deployments, grounded air squadrons and furloughed civilian workers.

“Because of how fast we’ve had to do it, it really has affected our readiness,” Gen. Odierno said. “If we had some unknown contingency, I’m concerned we wouldn’t have our soldiers trained to do what they need to do.”

There has been no shortages of contingencies: A day before the budget deal was reached, the Pentagon accepted a request from France to assist with a U.N. peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic by transporting equipment and troops from Burundi.

Read more: Pentagon welcomes budget deal but says more defense spending needed - Washington Times
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see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Tell me if you people are so against socialism why do you favor so much defense spending?

total idiocy but pure and perfect liberalism. Socialism is when govt owns or manages or heavily taxes private companies, not when we have a military able to defeat our enemies.

the pure ignorance in liberalism cant be believed, really.
100% stupid and liberal as usual. The tax necessary for stimulus spending cancels out the stimulus so no net benefit is possible.

See why we say pure ignorance. Its like you are in kindergarten!
It doesn't actually. Every dollar lost in revenue is replaced by 1.61 in economic growth because of the stimulus in economic demand. Tax cuts on the other hand only gain .59 cents for every dollar lost in revenue.

please please don't be a pure perfect idiot. When govt takes your money and spends they don't make the money magical. You can spend your money, and you can spend it better since you earned it while the govt is in the habit of wasting other people's money!

Over your head?
You're an idiot. That money from the government was given directly to consumers. Tell me why do you favor tax cuts if that too decrease revenue? The difference is that extending unemployment benefits actually created growth. Tax cuts don't.

The difference is that extending unemployment benefits actually created growth. Tax cuts don't.

You said it yourself, one dollar in tax cuts causes 59 cents in GDP growth.
That isn't growth if we are losing a dollar in revenue and only gaining .59 cents in growth.

Growth is growth, even though you're an idiot.
You realize that the dollar the government loses is a dollar that the people gain, right?
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The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 percent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax.

1) that is certainly not fair to the 1% who are supposed to be treated equally in America.

2) and it is stupid economic policy given that the top 1% obviously know how to spend money better than libcommie bureaucrats.

3) why on earth should the top 1% pay more for govt anyway. Should they pay higher prices
in the supermarket too?

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