So republicans now that you know that cutting taxes for the wealthy has proven to be a poor...

but the loss of auto industry jobs is the real cause..

you mean the liberal's loss of the auto industry. Liberal taxes and unions drove companies out. Now foreign companies are coming back down south where there are no unions and taxes are lower. Liberals killled detroit.
. You need to listen to the pentagon

In order to meet sequestration goals this year, the military services have curtailed training, halted ship deployments, grounded air squadrons and furloughed civilian workers.

“Because of how fast we’ve had to do it, it really has affected our readiness,” Gen. Odierno said. “If we had some unknown contingency, I’m concerned we wouldn’t have our soldiers trained to do what they need to do.”

There has been no shortages of contingencies: A day before the budget deal was reached, the Pentagon accepted a request from France to assist with a U.N. peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic by transporting equipment and troops from Burundi.

Read more: Pentagon welcomes budget deal but says more defense spending needed - Washington Times
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see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
I'll buy it that the pentagon needs more funding in certain areas, but that doesn't mean there aren't expenses we spend too much on. Tell me, why do we need bases in Europe? What good does it do?

dear, same reason we needed bases in Iraq after we won war. Simple enough?
Um no not enough. No one in Europe is our enemy.
Um no our poor can't afford much at all. 15% of the population lives in poverty. 16.5 million people make less than 10.10 an hour.

dear American poverty is wealth in much of the world!!

Do you understand??
So the fuck what? Obviously their poverty is a problem too. You airheads have no perspective. The average household on food stamps makes $766 a MONTH and receives an average of $133 a month.

yes so?? We all know liberals have created a welfare class that extends over generations. Republicans want to end the war against the poor, especially the black poor who suffered a near genocide thanks to the deadly liberal programs.
. You need to listen to the pentagon

In order to meet sequestration goals this year, the military services have curtailed training, halted ship deployments, grounded air squadrons and furloughed civilian workers.

“Because of how fast we’ve had to do it, it really has affected our readiness,” Gen. Odierno said. “If we had some unknown contingency, I’m concerned we wouldn’t have our soldiers trained to do what they need to do.”

There has been no shortages of contingencies: A day before the budget deal was reached, the Pentagon accepted a request from France to assist with a U.N. peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic by transporting equipment and troops from Burundi.

Read more: Pentagon welcomes budget deal but says more defense spending needed - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
I'll buy it that the pentagon needs more funding in certain areas, but that doesn't mean there aren't expenses we spend too much on. Tell me, why do we need bases in Europe? What good does it do?

dear, same reason we needed bases in Iraq after we won war. Simple enough?
Um no not enough. No one in Europe is our enemy.

too stupid by 1000%. Putin is our enemy just like Stalin was.
However, since his terms began, we created 10.3 million private jobs.

too stupid as always. unemployment is 12% and income is down 5% for those who have jobs!.Barry's jobs performance is worst since great depression!!
You are so dumb. It isn't Obama's fault the economy lost 8 million jobs.

correct but its 100% his fault unemployment is still 12% and income is down 5%
A liberal is anti business so how can he help business to create jobs when he is anti business.
Um no our poor can't afford much at all. 15% of the population lives in poverty. 16.5 million people make less than 10.10 an hour.

dear American poverty is wealth in much of the world!!

Do you understand??
So the fuck what? Obviously their poverty is a problem too. You airheads have no perspective. The average household on food stamps makes $766 a MONTH and receives an average of $133 a month.

yes so?? We all know liberals have created a welfare class that extends over generations. Republicans want to end the war against the poor, especially the black poor who suffered a near genocide thanks to the deadly liberal programs.
Well gee there's an easy solution to ending poverty. Raise the the fucking minimum wage to a level people can live off of. That way they don't qualify for food stamps! At the very least give them an income tax credit. Those are the ONLY ways to help the poor so they won't need food stamps. Republicans have NO PLAN to help the poor. Nothing. They don't give a shit.
However, since his terms began, we created 10.3 million private jobs.

too stupid as always. unemployment is 12% and income is down 5% for those who have jobs!.Barry's jobs performance is worst since great depression!!
You are so dumb. It isn't Obama's fault the economy lost 8 million jobs.

correct but its 100% his fault unemployment is still 12% and income is down 5%
A liberal is anti business so how can he help business to create jobs when he is anti business.
Your logic is so warped. Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why don't you put any of the blame on the actual people creating jobs? Why do you put all the blame on Obama? It is complete non sense.
. Raise the the fucking minimum wage to a level people can live off of.

too stupid by 1000% we are already losing jobs to lower wage countries and the liberal illiterate wants to accelerate the process to help workers here!!

See why we say pure ignorance?
. Raise the the fucking minimum wage to a level people can live off of.

to stupid by 1000% we are already losing jobs to lower wage countries and the liberal illiterate wants to accelerate the process to help workers here!!

See why we say pure ignorance?
We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of poverty and it would inevitably lead to more job creation due to the increase in economic demand. Prices would eventually go down as well. It makes perfect sense to do it but you cons can't accept that.

We are losing jobs because of inversion as well. Something that again, isn't Obama's fault.
Why don't you put any of the blame on the actual people creating jobs?

dear, people who create jobs are heros not to be blamed. Jobs are a good thing. Do you understand?
Yeah no shit. They have the funding to do it. The investment class is doing better now than ever. So again I ask, why is it Obama's fault more jobs aren't being created?
why is it Obama's fault more jobs aren't being created?

dear, because as a liberal Marxist he supports all the policies that destroy jobs. Duh!!!!
Okay this same old Fox News talking point doesn't mean dick when the actual facts are considered. Just answer this question: if the investment class is doing better now more than ever, why is it Obama's fault more jobs aren't being created?

See why we say pure ignorance?
We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of povertyt.[/QUOTE]

dear, that is stupid even by your standards! How is losing 500k going to lift 16 million out of poverty?

Unions alone shipped 20 million jobs offshore, corporate tax another 10 million, deficits 10 million, and, if you raised minimum wage employers would use fewer people and more machines You know that technology can replace jobs- right?
why is it Obama's fault more jobs aren't being created?

because he supports all the policies that destroy jobs:

1) highest corp tax in world
2) unions
3) Obamacare
4) deficits
5) liberal destruction of schools and family
6) huge taxes on wealthy individuals
why is it Obama's fault more jobs aren't being created?

because he supports all the policies that destroy jobs:

1) highest corp tax in world
2) unions
3) Obamacare
4) deficits
5) liberal destruction of schools and family
6) huge taxes on wealthy individuals
Okay all these theories you like to believe mean dick if the investment class is doing better now more than ever. That is all that matters. This isn't hard to grasp dude.

See why we say pure ignorance?
We could lose 500,000 jobs. However it would lift 16 million people out of povertyt.

dear, that is stupid even by your standards! How is losing 500k going to lift 16 million out of poverty?

Unions alone shipped 20 million jobs offshore, corporate tax another 10 million, deficits 10 million, and, if you raised minimum wage employers would use fewer people and more machines You know that technology can replace jobs- right?[/QUOTE]
If you paid attention to the actual facts you would get it. There are 16.5 million people making less than 10.10 an hour. If it was raised to 10.10, those 16.5 million people would see higher wages.
why is it Obama's fault more jobs aren't being created?

because he supports all the policies that destroy jobs:

1) highest corp tax in world
2) unions
3) Obamacare
4) deficits
5) liberal destruction of schools and family
6) huge taxes on wealthy individuals
Okay all these theories you like to believe mean dick if the investment class is doing better now more than ever. That is all that matters. This isn't hard to grasp dude.

why is that all that matters?? You clean forgot to say? Want to try to put it in words dear?

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