so should the us ban pressure cookers

To the liberal idiots that totally missed the point of this thread...let me dumb it down for it guns, bombs, knives, spoons...ect. They want to kill you....all the gun control you want will not stop them from killing you some way some how. So knock off the BFS political diverson about this is about gun control and not about the real issue, radical muslim killers
To recap . Zero people have been killed by pressure cookers this year . This thread is pointless .
Bull shit wittle timmy... Terrorists have been using these things for years.
Think Boston Marathon....
No, these cooking devices should not be banned.
But that is not the point I am making.
Its that at every turn you bed wetting libs defend these fucking Muslim terrorists.

Who the fuck is defending terrorists ? Only one defending them is the right wing defending the terrorists right to be armed tonthe teeth .
You libs do. You weep for the poor oppressed Muslims.
The OP sounds like the uneducated white male that the Republican Party takes advantage of to win elections.

and you sound like a pathetic liberal limp dick. AKA pajama boy

Conservatives are calling to ban all Muslims from the U.S.

Pressure cookers or Muslims... which would be more practical?
Instead of banning Muslims from immigrating to the US, lets just place a moratorium on ALL immigration until such time as we can get a handle on what to do in order to safeguard the population.
What about Visa's and tourism? We definitely need to scrap those too until whatever the hell "get a handle on what to do in order to safeguard the population" happens. Am I right?
The OP sounds like the uneducated white male that the Republican Party takes advantage of to win elections.

Obama and the Left don't want to get rid of guns, not even close - but you listen to talk radio and FOX News, so you don't know what Obama wants.

The only real gun legislation advanced by the Left recently was to ban people on the terrorist watch list from getting guns. Your side rejected it.

But let's honor your point. I agree that just because some people use guns wrongly it doesn't follow that all guns will be used wrongly. Guns by themselves are not dangerous.

And just because an infinitesimal fraction of the world's 1.4 billion Muslims are radical, it doesn't follow that every Muslim is radical.

There are Muslims in the U.S. military. There are several Muslim nations that exist peacefully with the west, and who have condemned ISIS. There are Muslims who were born in India and who moved to the U.S. as children and who became strong conservative voices.

Ronald Reagan called the deeply Muslim Mujahideen "Freedom Fighters" - because they were our allies against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Was Reagan an idiot for funding and weaponizing so many Muslims?

Not all guns kill innocent people. Not all Muslims kill innocent people. Only fucking morons don't understand this.
Hey fuck you. You limey asshole.
Your country is being over run with the Muslims. You have elected officials in the UK who think UK law should make allowances for Sharia to become part of UK law.
Mind your own God Damned business.
Conservatives are calling to ban all Muslims from the U.S.

Pressure cookers or Muslims... which would be more practical?
Instead of banning Muslims from immigrating to the US, lets just place a moratorium on ALL immigration until such time as we can get a handle on what to do in order to safeguard the population.
What about Visa's and tourism? We definitely need to scrap those too until whatever the hell "get a handle on what to do in order to safeguard the population" happens. Am I right?
What part of "immigration' did you not understand?
Conservatives are calling to ban all Muslims from the U.S.

Pressure cookers or Muslims... which would be more practical?
Instead of banning Muslims from immigrating to the US, lets just place a moratorium on ALL immigration until such time as we can get a handle on what to do in order to safeguard the population.
What about Visa's and tourism? We definitely need to scrap those too until whatever the hell "get a handle on what to do in order to safeguard the population" happens. Am I right?
What part of "immigration' did you not understand?
What about Visa's and tourism? Don't you agree we definitely need to scrap those too until whatever the hell "get a handle on what to do in order to safeguard the population" happens?
To recap . Zero people have been killed by pressure cookers this year . This thread is pointless .
Bull shit wittle timmy... Terrorists have been using these things for years.
Think Boston Marathon....
No, these cooking devices should not be banned.
But that is not the point I am making.
Its that at every turn you bed wetting libs defend these fucking Muslim terrorists.

Who the fuck is defending terrorists ? Only one defending them is the right wing defending the terrorists right to be armed tonthe teeth .

Which terrorist have legally been able to arm themselves to the teeth?
To recap . Zero people have been killed by pressure cookers this year . This thread is pointless .
Bull shit wittle timmy... Terrorists have been using these things for years.
Think Boston Marathon....
No, these cooking devices should not be banned.
But that is not the point I am making.
Its that at every turn you bed wetting libs defend these fucking Muslim terrorists.

Who the fuck is defending terrorists ? Only one defending them is the right wing defending the terrorists right to be armed tonthe teeth .

Which terrorist have legally been able to arm themselves to the teeth?

The San bernardino shooters for one .

Have they figured out how the got the ARS?
To recap . Zero people have been killed by pressure cookers this year . This thread is pointless .
Bull shit wittle timmy... Terrorists have been using these things for years.
Think Boston Marathon....
No, these cooking devices should not be banned.
But that is not the point I am making.
Its that at every turn you bed wetting libs defend these fucking Muslim terrorists.

Who the fuck is defending terrorists ? Only one defending them is the right wing defending the terrorists right to be armed tonthe teeth .

Which terrorist have legally been able to arm themselves to the teeth?

The San bernardino shooters for one .

Have they figured out how the got the ARS?

They had no record of terrorism, just like the thousands of refugees we are bringing into this country.

So you are for taking away the rights of citizens just for "suspicion"?

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