So, Texas has had nearly 50 straight days of 100+ weather.


NOBODY I know of in the entire state has been specifically asked to shut off air. They did a general public service announcement about conserving, but there have been NO rolling blackouts. People may have lost power locally but that was not by design, as has been suggested.
dude, I told you where. stop being a prick and fk off.


But the ancient electrical grids in the US remain woefully unprepared. The Texas grid, like any other, needs to constantly balance supply and demand, which varies wildly throughout the day. “From my point of view, more interesting than the rising demand is that the demand happens at coincident peaks,” says David Victor, a political scientist at the University of California, San Diego, who coauthored a major report on the US grid last year. “Not only is there a higher demand, but it’s at exactly the time that’s already the critical point for the grid.”
Here, I pulled this real quick

But the ancient electrical grids in the US remain woefully unprepared. The Texas grid, like any other, needs to constantly balance supply and demand, which varies wildly throughout the day. “From my point of view, more interesting than the rising demand is that the demand happens at coincident peaks,” says David Victor, a political scientist at the University of California, San Diego, who coauthored a major report on the US grid last year. “Not only is there a higher demand, but it’s at exactly the time that’s already the critical point for the grid.”
That's nice climate change propaganda right there. Especially given the source.
dude, I told you where. stop being a prick and fk off.


But the ancient electrical grids in the US remain woefully unprepared. The Texas grid, like any other, needs to constantly balance supply and demand, which varies wildly throughout the day. “From my point of view, more interesting than the rising demand is that the demand happens at coincident peaks,” says David Victor, a political scientist at the University of California, San Diego, who coauthored a major report on the US grid last year. “Not only is there a higher demand, but it’s at exactly the time that’s already the critical point for the grid.”
More climate change propaganda?
That's nice climate change propaganda right there. Especially given the source.
again, shooting the messenger. You claim something and then shoot down the news provided. Like everything that doesn't line up to you is all fking fake. What the fk happened to you son?

again, shooting the messenger. You claim something and then shoot down the news provided. Like everything that doesn't line up to you is all fking fake. What the fk happened to you son?

I'm not shooting you. I'm shooting the propaganda article you posted.

Why are you getting so defensive about it?
but, but, but, you're a fking nut job for sure. I give you and even Herewe provided an article. And you want to call me out? fk, don't make me laugh chicken fk. You got nothing in here at this moment. You are the liar.
OK. Whatever.

You tell me my power rate is failing. Fine it's failing.

I will ignore my lying eyes.
The media even FOX news is making this summer look like the end of the world... But then they pop up a temperature map and the highest temp on the map is 110..... news flash!!!! that's not new... it is just like a summer from 40 years ago.... but most media talking heads weren't alive 40 years ago.... another news flash... the world didn't begin the day you were born......
Not just in America it's happening in Europe too.check this out
Another newsflash: 100 degree temperatures in the Pacific Northwest, to go along with the worst drought in a 1000 years.

But you don't understand climate change.
Can you describe Earths ideal climate?
Where do we hit pause on the constantly changing Earth?

I suppose you believe now since shortsighted humans stupidly built cities in historic flood areas.
Wait.,FIFTY DAYS of 100 plus degree weather? global waring

Wait.,FIFTY DAYS of 100 plus degree weather? global waring

there's all you need to know right there. weather is now climate explained to us by a demofk who doesn't know the difference. wow.
Wait.,FIFTY DAYS of 100 plus degree weather? global waring

Last winter when we broke multiple cold records you morons claimed it was just weather.

The Earth has been from tropical to virtually an ice world multiple times. Yet, it is still here and doing fine.

Can you describe Earths Ideal Climate?
Did you miss the fact that Europe is on fire moron?
my state isn't, nor is Wisconsin, or Michigan or Ohio, or New York or Indiana or Iowa. Are you suggesting we aren't part of the globe?
Did you miss the fact that Europe is on fire moron?
Arsonist Liberals no doubt starting it like many out here on the West Coast. When it's not them it's the State run electric company PGE letting equipment malfunction or not be upgraded. Shitlib policies that prevent clearing trees exasperate the problem funny you don't mention that
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