So, Texas has had nearly 50 straight days of 100+ weather.

My local radio station gives weather for the region ... triple digit everywhere except Eureka, CA ... low 60's for highs and upper 50's for lows ...

Normal as normal can be ... it might be another five years until we see everyplace in the triple digits ... but I don't want to hear it until Eureka is triple digit ...
I'm in northern AZ and its 87 here today....
Yeah, I went to HS in Phoenix and I noticed they were just barely 100 and Las Vegas was in the high 90s yesterday. Spokane, WA had their fourth consecutive 102 degree day. WTF. LOL
we are having the monsoon weather right now...we have had a couple of downpours so far...more coming maybe next weekend....
Just checked it out...

Texas looking like around 10% Solar this year (total)... But is increasing by 70% a year... That is incredible...
At this rate of growth that would be 50% in 3 years, I say hard to maintain but 5 years... Texas could be looking at being the kings of Solar..

What happens when the sun doesn't shine? Or at night?

Such foolishness because you need systems that can quickly and easily match the needed load demand and you cannot do that with solar or windpower.

Germany has already learned a hard lesson relying on so much "green" energy.

Oh, and coal-fired power plants in China manufacture solar panels then shipped across the Pacific and then by train, all using diesel.
Another newsflash: 100 degree temperatures in the Pacific Northwest, to go along with the worst drought in a 1000 years.

But you don't understand climate change.

So, why was there such a terrible drought 1000 years ago?

Heatwaves are local weather.

Guess why? Things called Mountains.
So not glowbull warming. Mountains do it. Now just imagine this giant set of mountains running across the center of the US from North to South. Must be crazy how those effect the weather. Probably far more than your SUV.
It’s amazing watching these climate assholes try to convince people that weather that has happened their entire fucking lives as climate change. And if you’ll only give them all of your money in taxes they can fix it, with a .02% drop in the temperature in a hundred years. You just need to live in poverty to make this happen. Think of the children. They could live in poverty and in a hundred years still live in the same weather patterns their great grandparents lived with. Oh of course, just .02 degrees less. Great fucking marketing point.
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If you climate denying fucking assholes would just give up 75% of your pay once we spend ten trillion dollars we can end the climate effects of mountains, history, wild fires, droughts. The US will become a virtual garden of Eden. If only you fucking people would stop driving, and eating meat, and flying, and heating your homes in winter, and cooling them in summer, and letting your job go.

If you fucking people would just make a few sacrifices. The party that has spent trillions on solving poverty can provide the same results for the weather.
Another newsflash: 100 degree temperatures in the Pacific Northwest, to go along with the worst drought in a 1000 years.

But you don't understand climate change.
Are you telling us that it will be at least 100F for the rest of August??
The party that has spent trillions on solving poverty can provide the same results for the weather.
The useless democrat congress saddled every one of the approx 350 million people in this country with about 12K more debt with the 5 trillion dollars that they borrowed in the last two years. That does not include the $56K that each of us already owed.
The useless democrat congress saddled every one of the approx 350 million people in this country with about 12K more debt with the 5 trillion dollars that they borrowed in the last two years. That does not include the $56K that each of us already owed.
And the eight trillion that Trump added to the debt?

That's fine?
Quote yourself one more time, I don't think we read it the first two time you posted it

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