So The Dear Leader To Embark On New Marketing Campaign

I'm just not seeing why these 14 people killed with guns are any more important than the other 33,000 americans who are killed by guns every year.

of course you don't, it takes at least the brain power of a mouse to understand why 14 people are more important than the other 33,000 Americans.., it is because they were killed by muslime terrorists!!!!! you stupid fucktard. :up:

It also shows his vetting system is total bullshit and lies. They're not vetting anyone.
Nope, they're not.

"A former Homeland Security employee says he likely could have helped prevent the San Bernardino terror attack if the government had not pulled the plug on a surveillance program he was developing three years ago."

Whistleblower: DHS Pulled Plug on Surveillance That Could've ID'ed CA Terrorists
"But a year into the investigation, Haney said they got a visit from the State Department and the Homeland Security Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, who said that tracking these groups was problematic because they were Islamic.
"His investigation was shut down and 67 of his records were deleted, including one into an organization with ties to the mosque in Riverside, Calif., that San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook attended."

Our administration is working against our best interests.

Whistleblower: DHS Pulled Plug on Surveillance That Could've ID'ed CA Terrorists
Another crisis of faith that the dear leader hopes to minimize with more slick marketing and campaign style speeches to his low information constituencies to convince them he has a handle on this terrorist thing. LOL

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

The public relations campaign, one week before Christmas, comes as the public is jittery about the specter of terrorism after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California this month and the Paris attacks a few weeks before. Seven in 10 Americans rated the risk of a terrorist attack in the U.S. as at least somewhat high, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. That was a sharp increase from the 5 in 10 who said that in January.

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

Of course he will never mention the bitch that shot up San Bernardino was looked at by 5 different federal agencies and they didn't even pick up on the fake address she gave on her visa application.

He also has to do it early enough so nothing will interfere with his annual Hawaiian vacation.

Your thoughts?
Your thread title is a rw marketing campaign hack boi

"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum / Environment Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.

My thread title was very tame compared to some of your regressivecrat pals and I might actually allow you lame opinion concern me, IF I HAD ANY RESPECT FOR YOU OR YOUR LAME OPINIONS. Feel free to FOAD.
Sooo..... your justifying your baiting & polarizing thread by engaging in moral relativism?


Pooooooor wittle regressive, I refuse to use your dear leaders given name, it would denote some modicum of respect that the piece of shit doesn't deserve. Get over it.

BTW accurate comparisons do not equal moral relativism.
ODS Sufferer has his panties in a bunch :crybaby: The SECOND election is over and the President won AGAIN :eusa_boohoo:

You're either 14 or a mouth-breathing hater. Which is it son?

Neither. How many knee pads have you worn out worshiping your dear leader?
Dude, you are trying to have us believe that Obama now is a puppet of Israel. Really? After 7 years of strained relations Obama now does the will of Israel? Right. Hell if he was doing the will of Israel he never would have capitulated to Iran, we would be bombing their nuclear facilities.

And let's say he did go in solely to make Israel happy, does he now deserve your condemnation?

The Zionists bought our whole government a long time ago. And while it's admirable that Obama stands up to Netanyahoo when he wants to do crazy shit.

Oh, we didn't capitulate to Iran. We gave nothing up, they did.
If her messages were so private, how'd the FBI get access so quickly after the shooting, and why couldn't they have used the same techniques when assessing her visa application?

After the shooting, they could get something called "a subpoena" Look it up. It' a document that forces companies to comply with investigations. Of course, we can't issue a subpoena for all 35,000 people who apply for K-1 visas to make sure no one is marrying a terrorist.

Companies have no say what the feds do outside the US, also correct me if I'm wrong but I think facebook and twitter terms of service preclude people using their services for terrorist activities. Ever thought you might be getting those ads based on your searches and not your posts?

Um, no. Those ads would still be wrong even based on my searches.

There's no evidence that she used Facebook for terrorist activities. Expressing a political opinion is not a terrorist activity.

And these would solve the black market problem, HOW?

Well, first and foremost, when the gun companies start getting punished, you'd be amazed how fast the black market would dry up.

Nope, they're not.

"A former Homeland Security employee says he likely could have helped prevent the San Bernardino terror attack if the government had not pulled the plug on a surveillance program he was developing three years ago."

sounds like a lot of Monday Morning Quarterbacking to me.

You see, the problem is, how do you separate people who just have opinions we don't like from the real honest to Allah terrorists? How many Tashina Malik's do you think there are in Pakistan?
Another crisis of faith that the dear leader hopes to minimize with more slick marketing and campaign style speeches to his low information constituencies to convince them he has a handle on this terrorist thing. LOL

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

The public relations campaign, one week before Christmas, comes as the public is jittery about the specter of terrorism after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California this month and the Paris attacks a few weeks before. Seven in 10 Americans rated the risk of a terrorist attack in the U.S. as at least somewhat high, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. That was a sharp increase from the 5 in 10 who said that in January.

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

Of course he will never mention the bitch that shot up San Bernardino was looked at by 5 different federal agencies and they didn't even pick up on the fake address she gave on her visa application.

He also has to do it early enough so nothing will interfere with his annual Hawaiian vacation.

Your thoughts?

Here's my thoughts.

There's NO shortage of nutcases in this country (or ANY country, for that matter). They're EVERYWHERE.

If we accept that as a given, than allowing the widespread, easy access of firearms to just about everyone and anyone who wants one, means (as far as I'm concerned) that the rest of us must be more than a little crazy if we think that's not a huge potential ongoing problem. And do you know why? That's because the borderline nutcase who's mostly a benign kind of flake who saw Star Wars 35 times and loved the book, "The Secret Life of Plants," and thinks Roswell, NM is holding aliens (the outer space kind) and alien space craft in secret underground facilities might slowly but surely one day cross that unseen mental border line from being a loner who's considered a benign flake who nobody really wants to talk to to one day becoming a malignant mentally ill shooter.
After the shooting, they could get something called "a subpoena" Look it up. It' a document that forces companies to comply with investigations. Of course, we can't issue a subpoena for all 35,000 people who apply for K-1 visas to make sure no one is marrying a terrorist.

If the government can't handle the workload and properly vet that many applications, maybe they should reduce the numbers allowed so they can get it right. Also you don't need a subpoena to verify information provided on a visa application.

Um, no. Those ads would still be wrong even based on my searches.

There's no evidence that she used Facebook for terrorist activities. Expressing a political opinion is not a terrorist activity.

Posting opinions that support terrorist organizations and causes is terrorist activity.

Well, first and foremost, when the gun companies start getting punished, you'd be amazed how fast the black market would dry up.

They are punished if they are caught breaking the law, just like any other company, they cannot be punished for other peoples misdeeds. Would you want to punish GM if someone used one of their cars to commit a crime and someone got hurt or killed?
Another crisis of faith that the dear leader hopes to minimize with more slick marketing and campaign style speeches to his low information constituencies to convince them he has a handle on this terrorist thing. LOL

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

The public relations campaign, one week before Christmas, comes as the public is jittery about the specter of terrorism after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California this month and the Paris attacks a few weeks before. Seven in 10 Americans rated the risk of a terrorist attack in the U.S. as at least somewhat high, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. That was a sharp increase from the 5 in 10 who said that in January.

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

Of course he will never mention the bitch that shot up San Bernardino was looked at by 5 different federal agencies and they didn't even pick up on the fake address she gave on her visa application.

He also has to do it early enough so nothing will interfere with his annual Hawaiian vacation.

Your thoughts?

Here's my thoughts.

There's NO shortage of nutcases in this country (or ANY country, for that matter). They're EVERYWHERE.

If we accept that as a given, than allowing the widespread, easy access of firearms to just about everyone and anyone who wants one, means (as far as I'm concerned) that the rest of us must be more than a little crazy if we think that's not a huge potential ongoing problem. And do you know why? That's because the borderline nutcase who's mostly a benign kind of flake who saw Star Wars 35 times and loved the book, "The Secret Life of Plants," and thinks Roswell, NM is holding aliens (the outer space kind) and alien space craft in secret underground facilities might slowly but surely one day cross that unseen mental border line from being a loner who's considered a benign flake who nobody really wants to talk to to one day becoming a malignant mentally ill shooter.

And who's around to protect the innocent folks if that person goes off the rails with a machete or a gun, the police? They have plenty of memory cards and batteries for their cameras, crime scene tap and chalk. Remember the police are only minutes away when seconds count, they're really good at clean up. Police got to San Bernardino very quickly as response times go and they saved no one, the shooters were already gone.
If the government can't handle the workload and properly vet that many applications, maybe they should reduce the numbers allowed so they can get it right. Also you don't need a subpoena to verify information provided on a visa application.

There's no real evidence that her application was wrong, just that her "address" was incomplete. You were talking about why didn't they know she sent a PM to her friend that was vaguely "jihad-y". Is there a question on the application that asks, "Did you ever send an LOL to a terrorist?"

My next door neighbor is trying to get her husband, who lives in Mexico, back into this country. The idea that these K-1 Visas are beign handed out like door prizes is just silly.

They are punished if they are caught breaking the law, just like any other company, they cannot be punished for other peoples misdeeds. Would you want to punish GM if someone used one of their cars to commit a crime and someone got hurt or killed?

If GM Marketed their cars to drunk drivers and drag racers, I'd consider it. The gun industry markets to nuts.
Another crisis of faith that the dear leader hopes to minimize with more slick marketing and campaign style speeches to his low information constituencies to convince them he has a handle on this terrorist thing. LOL

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

The public relations campaign, one week before Christmas, comes as the public is jittery about the specter of terrorism after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California this month and the Paris attacks a few weeks before. Seven in 10 Americans rated the risk of a terrorist attack in the U.S. as at least somewhat high, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. That was a sharp increase from the 5 in 10 who said that in January.

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

Of course he will never mention the bitch that shot up San Bernardino was looked at by 5 different federal agencies and they didn't even pick up on the fake address she gave on her visa application.

He also has to do it early enough so nothing will interfere with his annual Hawaiian vacation.

Your thoughts?

Here's my thoughts.

There's NO shortage of nutcases in this country (or ANY country, for that matter). They're EVERYWHERE.

If we accept that as a given, than allowing the widespread, easy access of firearms to just about everyone and anyone who wants one, means (as far as I'm concerned) that the rest of us must be more than a little crazy if we think that's not a huge potential ongoing problem. And do you know why? That's because the borderline nutcase who's mostly a benign kind of flake who saw Star Wars 35 times and loved the book, "The Secret Life of Plants," and thinks Roswell, NM is holding aliens (the outer space kind) and alien space craft in secret underground facilities might slowly but surely one day cross that unseen mental border line from being a loner who's considered a benign flake who nobody really wants to talk to to one day becoming a malignant mentally ill shooter.

And who's around to protect the innocent folks if that person goes off the rails with a machete or a gun, the police? They have plenty of memory cards and batteries for their cameras, crime scene tap and chalk. Remember the police are only minutes away when seconds count, they're really good at clean up. Police got to San Bernardino very quickly as response times go and they saved no one, the shooters were already gone.

Anyone can snap at any time. Now, unless you want to turn America into an armed camp, there's little that can be done about it except to try to make it less easy for anyone who wants a gun to get a gun.
If the government can't handle the workload and properly vet that many applications, maybe they should reduce the numbers allowed so they can get it right. Also you don't need a subpoena to verify information provided on a visa application.

There's no real evidence that her application was wrong, just that her "address" was incomplete. You were talking about why didn't they know she sent a PM to her friend that was vaguely "jihad-y". Is there a question on the application that asks, "Did you ever send an LOL to a terrorist?"

My next door neighbor is trying to get her husband, who lives in Mexico, back into this country. The idea that these K-1 Visas are beign handed out like door prizes is just silly.

They are punished if they are caught breaking the law, just like any other company, they cannot be punished for other peoples misdeeds. Would you want to punish GM if someone used one of their cars to commit a crime and someone got hurt or killed?

If GM Marketed their cars to drunk drivers and drag racers, I'd consider it. The gun industry markets to nuts.

No there is no questions related to terrorism on the form, there is however a blanket release check any information to determine eligibility, that would include electronic communications.

Also you stupid opinion on who the gun industry markets to just proves how intellectually dishonest you really are. They market to legal gun owners, just like GM markets to legal drivers, but one might wonder to what purpose are they building all these super powerful cars.
Another crisis of faith that the dear leader hopes to minimize with more slick marketing and campaign style speeches to his low information constituencies to convince them he has a handle on this terrorist thing. LOL

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

The public relations campaign, one week before Christmas, comes as the public is jittery about the specter of terrorism after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California this month and the Paris attacks a few weeks before. Seven in 10 Americans rated the risk of a terrorist attack in the U.S. as at least somewhat high, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. That was a sharp increase from the 5 in 10 who said that in January.

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

Of course he will never mention the bitch that shot up San Bernardino was looked at by 5 different federal agencies and they didn't even pick up on the fake address she gave on her visa application.

He also has to do it early enough so nothing will interfere with his annual Hawaiian vacation.

Your thoughts?

Here's my thoughts.

There's NO shortage of nutcases in this country (or ANY country, for that matter). They're EVERYWHERE.

If we accept that as a given, than allowing the widespread, easy access of firearms to just about everyone and anyone who wants one, means (as far as I'm concerned) that the rest of us must be more than a little crazy if we think that's not a huge potential ongoing problem. And do you know why? That's because the borderline nutcase who's mostly a benign kind of flake who saw Star Wars 35 times and loved the book, "The Secret Life of Plants," and thinks Roswell, NM is holding aliens (the outer space kind) and alien space craft in secret underground facilities might slowly but surely one day cross that unseen mental border line from being a loner who's considered a benign flake who nobody really wants to talk to to one day becoming a malignant mentally ill shooter.

And who's around to protect the innocent folks if that person goes off the rails with a machete or a gun, the police? They have plenty of memory cards and batteries for their cameras, crime scene tap and chalk. Remember the police are only minutes away when seconds count, they're really good at clean up. Police got to San Bernardino very quickly as response times go and they saved no one, the shooters were already gone.

Anyone can snap at any time. Now, unless you want to turn America into an armed camp, there's little that can be done about it except to try to make it less easy for anyone who wants a gun to get a gun.

CA already has all the laws currently being proposed nationally, how'd that work for ya?
Another crisis of faith that the dear leader hopes to minimize with more slick marketing and campaign style speeches to his low information constituencies to convince them he has a handle on this terrorist thing. LOL

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

The public relations campaign, one week before Christmas, comes as the public is jittery about the specter of terrorism after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California this month and the Paris attacks a few weeks before. Seven in 10 Americans rated the risk of a terrorist attack in the U.S. as at least somewhat high, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. That was a sharp increase from the 5 in 10 who said that in January.

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

Of course he will never mention the bitch that shot up San Bernardino was looked at by 5 different federal agencies and they didn't even pick up on the fake address she gave on her visa application.

He also has to do it early enough so nothing will interfere with his annual Hawaiian vacation.

Your thoughts?

Here's my thoughts.

There's NO shortage of nutcases in this country (or ANY country, for that matter). They're EVERYWHERE.

If we accept that as a given, than allowing the widespread, easy access of firearms to just about everyone and anyone who wants one, means (as far as I'm concerned) that the rest of us must be more than a little crazy if we think that's not a huge potential ongoing problem. And do you know why? That's because the borderline nutcase who's mostly a benign kind of flake who saw Star Wars 35 times and loved the book, "The Secret Life of Plants," and thinks Roswell, NM is holding aliens (the outer space kind) and alien space craft in secret underground facilities might slowly but surely one day cross that unseen mental border line from being a loner who's considered a benign flake who nobody really wants to talk to to one day becoming a malignant mentally ill shooter.

And who's around to protect the innocent folks if that person goes off the rails with a machete or a gun, the police? They have plenty of memory cards and batteries for their cameras, crime scene tap and chalk. Remember the police are only minutes away when seconds count, they're really good at clean up. Police got to San Bernardino very quickly as response times go and they saved no one, the shooters were already gone.

Anyone can snap at any time. Now, unless you want to turn America into an armed camp, there's little that can be done about it except to try to make it less easy for anyone who wants a gun to get a gun.

CA already has all the laws currently being proposed nationally, how'd that work for ya?

I don't live in CA. Regardless, any yahoo with a gun can walk into just about any business, school, library, rec center, or office building and start shooting. That's just a fact.
Another crisis of faith that the dear leader hopes to minimize with more slick marketing and campaign style speeches to his low information constituencies to convince them he has a handle on this terrorist thing. LOL

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

The public relations campaign, one week before Christmas, comes as the public is jittery about the specter of terrorism after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California this month and the Paris attacks a few weeks before. Seven in 10 Americans rated the risk of a terrorist attack in the U.S. as at least somewhat high, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. That was a sharp increase from the 5 in 10 who said that in January.

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

Of course he will never mention the bitch that shot up San Bernardino was looked at by 5 different federal agencies and they didn't even pick up on the fake address she gave on her visa application.

He also has to do it early enough so nothing will interfere with his annual Hawaiian vacation.

Your thoughts?

Here's my thoughts.

There's NO shortage of nutcases in this country (or ANY country, for that matter). They're EVERYWHERE.

If we accept that as a given, than allowing the widespread, easy access of firearms to just about everyone and anyone who wants one, means (as far as I'm concerned) that the rest of us must be more than a little crazy if we think that's not a huge potential ongoing problem. And do you know why? That's because the borderline nutcase who's mostly a benign kind of flake who saw Star Wars 35 times and loved the book, "The Secret Life of Plants," and thinks Roswell, NM is holding aliens (the outer space kind) and alien space craft in secret underground facilities might slowly but surely one day cross that unseen mental border line from being a loner who's considered a benign flake who nobody really wants to talk to to one day becoming a malignant mentally ill shooter.

And who's around to protect the innocent folks if that person goes off the rails with a machete or a gun, the police? They have plenty of memory cards and batteries for their cameras, crime scene tap and chalk. Remember the police are only minutes away when seconds count, they're really good at clean up. Police got to San Bernardino very quickly as response times go and they saved no one, the shooters were already gone.

Anyone can snap at any time. Now, unless you want to turn America into an armed camp, there's little that can be done about it except to try to make it less easy for anyone who wants a gun to get a gun.

CA already has all the laws currently being proposed nationally, how'd that work for ya?

I don't live in CA. Regardless, any yahoo with a gun can walk into just about any business, school, library, rec center, or office building and start shooting. That's just a fact.

Yep and people like you want to make sure they can do it without any opposition.
No there is no questions related to terrorism on the form, there is however a blanket release check any information to determine eligibility, that would include electronic communications.

which, again, Facebook isn't going to let you read people's private E-mails without a subpeona.

So let's review, shall we. In your Monday Morning Quarterbacking world, we should have checked the private e-mails of a woman who doesn't come from a country where ISIS exists, on the theory she might be a member of a group that really doesn't have a lot of women fighting for it because it's pretty fucking misogynistic.

Nice if they had the resources to do that, but they don't.

Also you stupid opinion on who the gun industry markets to just proves how intellectually dishonest you really are. They market to legal gun owners, just like GM markets to legal drivers, but one might wonder to what purpose are they building all these super powerful cars.

This is how the gun industry markets its products.


which, again, Facebook isn't going to let you read people's private E-mails without a subpeona.

What is it you fail to understand, you don't need a subpoena when you have a signed release?

So let's review, shall we. In your Monday Morning Quarterbacking world, we should have checked the private e-mails of a woman who doesn't come from a country where ISIS exists, on the theory she might be a member of a group that really doesn't have a lot of women fighting for it because it's pretty fucking misogynistic.

Nice if they had the resources to do that, but they don't.

OH RIGHT! Pakistan has no history of training or harboring terrorist. LMAO Remind me again where OBL was when they took him out.

This is how the gun industry markets its products.

OH NO! Scary looking guns, the auto industry markets it's cars by showing them cutting donuts around a coffee kiosk, driving too fast and running over shit. How many gun ads show their products being used to break the law?
Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

He said that "Climate Change" was the cause of terrorism..

So he already created more "Global Warming" to get a deal that is more about them feeling good than actually doing anything..

I doubt Obama gives any concern to fighting "terrorism", the only thing he is caring about is how much he will be making on the far left talking circuit after he is dethroned..

No he's going out to bad mouth republicans and try to convince people that he's not a total incompetent fool for the sake of the party. Of course he'll have to lie his ass off to do it.

As far as his speaking engagements, I think he'll have enough time on his hands to have someone write his third autobiography.

No need to bad mouth republicans. They are assassinating their own character more every day.

Says the irony impaired racist far left drones!

projecting again, loony toon?
No there is no questions related to terrorism on the form, there is however a blanket release check any information to determine eligibility, that would include electronic communications.

which, again, Facebook isn't going to let you read people's private E-mails without a subpeona.

So let's review, shall we. In your Monday Morning Quarterbacking world, we should have checked the private e-mails of a woman who doesn't come from a country where ISIS exists, on the theory she might be a member of a group that really doesn't have a lot of women fighting for it because it's pretty fucking misogynistic.

Nice if they had the resources to do that, but they don't.

Also you stupid opinion on who the gun industry markets to just proves how intellectually dishonest you really are. They market to legal gun owners, just like GM markets to legal drivers, but one might wonder to what purpose are they building all these super powerful cars.

This is how the gun industry markets its products.

*images deleted*

to be fair, they didn't need to check her private email. they could, however, have checked her facebook feed. they do that routinely in litigations and when letting people into college and before they're hired by employers.

they did two federal background checks on her as far as I know. seems looking at a facebook feed should have been included once they're already using those resources.

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