So The Dear Leader To Embark On New Marketing Campaign

And that Sunni insurgency in Iraq had turned into chump change. AQI was nothing. UNTIL Baghdadi made a move to take his fight into Syria. There he broke away from AQ
and formed ISIS.

I think you missed the part where Maliki decided that he was going to throw all the Sunnis out of the Iraqi government, which is why dozens of Sunni Militias that were helping to keep the peace in Iraq (after Petreaus armed them and gave them a shitload of money) switched sides to ISIS.

And here's the kicker. Obama, Harper, Cameron and others were so determined to topple Assad they willfully and knowingly allowed ISIS to grow into the wealthiest terrorist organization in the world.

They have know for years on end that Turkey has been buying and selling ISIS oil.

Our idiot leaders and it's a bi partisan bash have given the world this nightmare.

The main instigators of "Assad Must Go" were the Jews, and they are still doing it. Don't believe me, read Marco Rubio's position on Syria. He still thinks Assad is the problem. No doubt because Sheldon Adelson's hand is so far up his ass.
1. She gave a phony address on her visa application, she was looked at by 5, count them 5, federal agencies and not one bothered to check and see if the address given was actually a residence where she lived. Checking that one item would have shown her to be a liar.

She gave an incomplete address, not a false one. And it's not clear this was an intentional ommission. (Really, what advantage does not filling out your complete address give you.)

In fact, of 35,000 K-1 fiance visas granted last year, only 618 were rejected.

2. The NSA and DIA routinely monitor social media post in the middle east and southwest Asia, both have linguist that can read any post in the world. Are you saying it's too much to check a visa application that pretty much automatically becomes a green card for permanent residency? I'll give you the answer, your dear leader barred them from doing so. Instead the government asks them a few questions and admits them on the honor system, there is no meaningful vetting.

The thing was, the "questionable" posts she sent were PM's, NOT public facebook postings.

The real reason why there was probably no real vetting of Malik? Because she was a woman, and women don't really show up on the anti-terror radar.

3. Your deflection to Loughner and Holmes is pure bullshit, the people reading their posts should have turned them in.

If saying crazy stuff on line was a crime, half of USMB would be in prison.
didn't she live in Saudi Arabia for a few decades?
Another crisis of faith that the dear leader hopes to minimize with more slick marketing and campaign style speeches to his low information constituencies to convince them he has a handle on this terrorist thing. LOL

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

The public relations campaign, one week before Christmas, comes as the public is jittery about the specter of terrorism after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California this month and the Paris attacks a few weeks before. Seven in 10 Americans rated the risk of a terrorist attack in the U.S. as at least somewhat high, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. That was a sharp increase from the 5 in 10 who said that in January.

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

Of course he will never mention the bitch that shot up San Bernardino was looked at by 5 different federal agencies and they didn't even pick up on the fake address she gave on her visa application.

He also has to do it early enough so nothing will interfere with his annual Hawaiian vacation.

Your thoughts?

Well it certainly seems that Obama is changing his Kumbaya foreign policy. It appears he is going to mix Kumbaya and his domestic policy of blaming the white guy. Into blaming the white guys for reading the news about ISIS and being concerned.

Obama has already hired a spoke person for his new "Don't Worry I'll Take Care of You" campaign.

And that Sunni insurgency in Iraq had turned into chump change. AQI was nothing. UNTIL Baghdadi made a move to take his fight into Syria. There he broke away from AQ
and formed ISIS.

I think you missed the part where Maliki decided that he was going to throw all the Sunnis out of the Iraqi government, which is why dozens of Sunni Militias that were helping to keep the peace in Iraq (after Petreaus armed them and gave them a shitload of money) switched sides to ISIS.

And here's the kicker. Obama, Harper, Cameron and others were so determined to topple Assad they willfully and knowingly allowed ISIS to grow into the wealthiest terrorist organization in the world.

They have know for years on end that Turkey has been buying and selling ISIS oil.

Our idiot leaders and it's a bi partisan bash have given the world this nightmare.

The main instigators of "Assad Must Go" were the Jews, and they are still doing it. Don't believe me, read Marco Rubio's position on Syria. He still thinks Assad is the problem. No doubt because Sheldon Adelson's hand is so far up his ass.

Hey, Adolf, you have a quote, link or something that supports your contention?
1. She gave a phony address on her visa application, she was looked at by 5, count them 5, federal agencies and not one bothered to check and see if the address given was actually a residence where she lived. Checking that one item would have shown her to be a liar.

She gave an incomplete address, not a false one. And it's not clear this was an intentional ommission. (Really, what advantage does not filling out your complete address give you.)

In fact, of 35,000 K-1 fiance visas granted last year, only 618 were rejected.

2. The NSA and DIA routinely monitor social media post in the middle east and southwest Asia, both have linguist that can read any post in the world. Are you saying it's too much to check a visa application that pretty much automatically becomes a green card for permanent residency? I'll give you the answer, your dear leader barred them from doing so. Instead the government asks them a few questions and admits them on the honor system, there is no meaningful vetting.

The thing was, the "questionable" posts she sent were PM's, NOT public facebook postings.

The real reason why there was probably no real vetting of Malik? Because she was a woman, and women don't really show up on the anti-terror radar.

3. Your deflection to Loughner and Holmes is pure bullshit, the people reading their posts should have turned them in.

If saying crazy stuff on line was a crime, half of USMB would be in prison.

Enough with the damn semantics, the point is this regime is not verifying the basic information provided by an applicant despite their claim of intense scrutiny. And all the reports I've seen say she posted her radical ideas in open source social media, like facebook and twitter. The regime has admitted that they separate ideology and actions and really don't count extremest ideology against a person and it's a matter of policy not to check social media. That is an inexcusable stance to take on people coming from terrorist hot beds or people who have visited known terrorist training countries. So keep up the apologist attitude, it just makes you look pathetic.

The main instigators of "Assad Must Go" were the Jews, and they are still doing it. Don't believe me, read Marco Rubio's position on Syria. He still thinks Assad is the problem. No doubt because Sheldon Adelson's hand is so far up his ass.

Hey, Adolf, you have a quote, link or something that supports your contention?

Guy, I have posted this dozens of fucking times.

Aipac and Adelson back strike on Assad | The Jewish Chronicle

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac), the main pro-Israel lobbying group in Washington, has launched a major campaign to convince members of Congress to vote in favour of US military intervention in Syria.

Aipac’s drive has included dispatching more than 250 leaders and activists to lobby Congress, starting from this week, Politico reported.

Mr Obama has also found an unlikely ally in Sheldon Adelson, the Republican casino magnate who spent $70m of his personal fortune trying to defeat Mr Obama in last year’s election.

Mr Adelson told the National Journal that he supports the White House’s call for a strike and that he would be willing to help out the administration because it is “the right thing to do”.

Yup. Sheldon Adelson. The guy who has his hand so far up Marco Rubio's ass it counts as a colonoscopy. So while the rest of the world is thinking, how do we get rid of ISIS, Rubio is out there saying to Adelson, "What is thy Bidding, My Master?" on Assad, who the Zionists want gone even though he's the only think really keeping ISIS from running amok.

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio Battle Over Syria Regime Change

“As long as Assad is in power you’re going to have in place someone that creates the conditions for the next ISIS to pop up, for the next ISIS to emerge,” Rubio said Thursday. “This simplistic notion,” he concluded, “that ‘leave Assad there because he’s a brutal killer, but he’s not as bad as what’s going to follow him,’ is a fundamental and simplistic and dangerous misunderstanding of the reality of the region.”

Yup, that boy is worth EVERY PENNY the Jews paid for him.
Enough with the damn semantics, the point is this regime is not verifying the basic information provided by an applicant despite their claim of intense scrutiny. And all the reports I've seen say she posted her radical ideas in open source social media, like facebook and twitter.

And do you have one that says she posted these things OPENLY where anyone could see them, or are you j ust letting little details like the truth not get in the way of your crazy ranting?

The regime has admitted that they separate ideology and actions and really don't count extremest ideology against a person and it's a matter of policy not to check social media. That is an inexcusable stance to take on people coming from terrorist hot beds or people who have visited known terrorist training countries.

Guy, we have 700,000 on the terror watch list. Are you saying we should read all their facebook posts?

So keep up the apologist attitude, it just makes you look pathetic.

Naw, what's hilarious is that you guys are pissing your pants because the mass shooter of the week said "Allah". When you guys start talking about keeping crazy people from getting guns, then I will take you seriously.

The main instigators of "Assad Must Go" were the Jews, and they are still doing it. Don't believe me, read Marco Rubio's position on Syria. He still thinks Assad is the problem. No doubt because Sheldon Adelson's hand is so far up his ass.

Hey, Adolf, you have a quote, link or something that supports your contention?

Guy, I have posted this dozens of fucking times.

Aipac and Adelson back strike on Assad | The Jewish Chronicle

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac), the main pro-Israel lobbying group in Washington, has launched a major campaign to convince members of Congress to vote in favour of US military intervention in Syria.

Aipac’s drive has included dispatching more than 250 leaders and activists to lobby Congress, starting from this week, Politico reported.

Mr Obama has also found an unlikely ally in Sheldon Adelson, the Republican casino magnate who spent $70m of his personal fortune trying to defeat Mr Obama in last year’s election.

Mr Adelson told the National Journal that he supports the White House’s call for a strike and that he would be willing to help out the administration because it is “the right thing to do”.

Yup. Sheldon Adelson. The guy who has his hand so far up Marco Rubio's ass it counts as a colonoscopy. So while the rest of the world is thinking, how do we get rid of ISIS, Rubio is out there saying to Adelson, "What is thy Bidding, My Master?" on Assad, who the Zionists want gone even though he's the only think really keeping ISIS from running amok.

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio Battle Over Syria Regime Change

“As long as Assad is in power you’re going to have in place someone that creates the conditions for the next ISIS to pop up, for the next ISIS to emerge,” Rubio said Thursday. “This simplistic notion,” he concluded, “that ‘leave Assad there because he’s a brutal killer, but he’s not as bad as what’s going to follow him,’ is a fundamental and simplistic and dangerous misunderstanding of the reality of the region.”

Yup, that boy is worth EVERY PENNY the Jews paid for him.

Syria has nothing to do with Jewish influence although they may indeed lobbied that does not mean that they influenced Obama or that Obama actually went after el-Assad.

Here is a time line and rationale for Obama's attacks, remember the red line?

How Obama came to launch strikes in Syria -
Another crisis of faith that the dear leader hopes to minimize with more slick marketing and campaign style speeches to his low information constituencies to convince them he has a handle on this terrorist thing. LOL

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

The public relations campaign, one week before Christmas, comes as the public is jittery about the specter of terrorism after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California this month and the Paris attacks a few weeks before. Seven in 10 Americans rated the risk of a terrorist attack in the U.S. as at least somewhat high, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. That was a sharp increase from the 5 in 10 who said that in January.

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

Of course he will never mention the bitch that shot up San Bernardino was looked at by 5 different federal agencies and they didn't even pick up on the fake address she gave on her visa application.

He also has to do it early enough so nothing will interfere with his annual Hawaiian vacation.

Your thoughts?
Your thread title is a rw marketing campaign hack boi

"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum / Environment Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
Enough with the damn semantics, the point is this regime is not verifying the basic information provided by an applicant despite their claim of intense scrutiny. And all the reports I've seen say she posted her radical ideas in open source social media, like facebook and twitter.

And do you have one that says she posted these things OPENLY where anyone could see them, or are you j ust letting little details like the truth not get in the way of your crazy ranting?

The regime has admitted that they separate ideology and actions and really don't count extremest ideology against a person and it's a matter of policy not to check social media. That is an inexcusable stance to take on people coming from terrorist hot beds or people who have visited known terrorist training countries.

Guy, we have 700,000 on the terror watch list. Are you saying we should read all their facebook posts?

So keep up the apologist attitude, it just makes you look pathetic.

Naw, what's hilarious is that you guys are pissing your pants because the mass shooter of the week said "Allah". When you guys start talking about keeping crazy people from getting guns, then I will take you seriously.

First, it was said on the debate tonight that she posted her ideology in open facebook postings.

Second, American companies have machines that read virtually every electronic communication made so they can direct marketing to you, why can't the government do the same with terrorist.

And last but definitely not least, there are already laws prohibiting crazy people from having guns, the problem is people are not reporting disqualified persons to the background check system. People that can pass background checks are buying guns for them and if all else fails they can resort to the black market, both of which are also illegal. So what new law would plug all the holes in the system, please be specific.
Another crisis of faith that the dear leader hopes to minimize with more slick marketing and campaign style speeches to his low information constituencies to convince them he has a handle on this terrorist thing. LOL

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

The public relations campaign, one week before Christmas, comes as the public is jittery about the specter of terrorism after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California this month and the Paris attacks a few weeks before. Seven in 10 Americans rated the risk of a terrorist attack in the U.S. as at least somewhat high, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. That was a sharp increase from the 5 in 10 who said that in January.

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

Of course he will never mention the bitch that shot up San Bernardino was looked at by 5 different federal agencies and they didn't even pick up on the fake address she gave on her visa application.

He also has to do it early enough so nothing will interfere with his annual Hawaiian vacation.

Your thoughts?
Your thread title is a rw marketing campaign hack boi

"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum / Environment Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.

My thread title was very tame compared to some of your regressivecrat pals and I might actually allow you lame opinion concern me, IF I HAD ANY RESPECT FOR YOU OR YOUR LAME OPINIONS. Feel free to FOAD.
Syria has nothing to do with Jewish influence although they may indeed lobbied that does not mean that they influenced Obama or that Obama actually went after el-Assad.

Here is a time line and rationale for Obama's attacks, remember the red line?

Guy, I just pointed out that the Jew Lobby was out there campaigning to get Obama to take out Assad.

True, Obama talked a lot of smack he shouldn't have, but the fact was, as much as the Jews demanded both parties to their dirty work, Americans just weren't going for it then, and they won't go for it now.
First, it was said on the debate tonight that she posted her ideology in open facebook postings.

Oh, that's right. Some batshit crazy lunatic you guys have said it, it must be true.

How about a news source that says so, eh?

Second, American companies have machines that read virtually every electronic communication made so they can direct marketing to you, why can't the government do the same with terrorist.

Mostly because the companies that run those websites wouldn't be too keen on the government spying on their customers, to start with. Also it's unconstitutional for government to do that kind of spying without probable cause. Third, those algorithms are pretty fucking inaccurate, judging by all the solicitations I get from Republican candidates based on what I post.

And last but definitely not least, there are already laws prohibiting crazy people from having guns, the problem is people are not reporting disqualified persons to the background check system. People that can pass background checks are buying guns for them and if all else fails they can resort to the black market, both of which are also illegal. So what new law would plug all the holes in the system, please be specific.

I've told you my plan.

1) You don't get a gun until we do a THOROUGH background check.

2) If you sell a gun to someone who goes on a mass shooting, you go to jail.

because right now, our gun laws are about as stringently enforced as our prostitution laws.
Syria has nothing to do with Jewish influence although they may indeed lobbied that does not mean that they influenced Obama or that Obama actually went after el-Assad.

Here is a time line and rationale for Obama's attacks, remember the red line?

Guy, I just pointed out that the Jew Lobby was out there campaigning to get Obama to take out Assad.

True, Obama talked a lot of smack he shouldn't have, but the fact was, as much as the Jews demanded both parties to their dirty work, Americans just weren't going for it then, and they won't go for it now.

Dude, you are trying to have us believe that Obama now is a puppet of Israel. Really? After 7 years of strained relations Obama now does the will of Israel? Right. Hell if he was doing the will of Israel he never would have capitulated to Iran, we would be bombing their nuclear facilities.

And let's say he did go in solely to make Israel happy, does he now deserve your condemnation?
Another crisis of faith that the dear leader hopes to minimize with more slick marketing and campaign style speeches to his low information constituencies to convince them he has a handle on this terrorist thing. LOL

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

The public relations campaign, one week before Christmas, comes as the public is jittery about the specter of terrorism after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California this month and the Paris attacks a few weeks before. Seven in 10 Americans rated the risk of a terrorist attack in the U.S. as at least somewhat high, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. That was a sharp increase from the 5 in 10 who said that in January.

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

Of course he will never mention the bitch that shot up San Bernardino was looked at by 5 different federal agencies and they didn't even pick up on the fake address she gave on her visa application.

He also has to do it early enough so nothing will interfere with his annual Hawaiian vacation.

Your thoughts?
Your thread title is a rw marketing campaign hack boi

"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum / Environment Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.

My thread title was very tame compared to some of your regressivecrat pals and I might actually allow you lame opinion concern me, IF I HAD ANY RESPECT FOR YOU OR YOUR LAME OPINIONS. Feel free to FOAD.
Sooo..... your justifying your baiting & polarizing thread by engaging in moral relativism?

Obama... what a fucking joke. But, this is what you get with a faculty lounge theoretician... a man who has never done anything.
Oh, that's right. Some batshit crazy lunatic you guys have said it, it must be true.

How about a news source that says so, eh?

If her messages were so private, how'd the FBI get access so quickly after the shooting, and why couldn't they have used the same techniques when assessing her visa application?

Mostly because the companies that run those websites wouldn't be too keen on the government spying on their customers, to start with. Also it's unconstitutional for government to do that kind of spying without probable cause. Third, those algorithms are pretty fucking inaccurate, judging by all the solicitations I get from Republican candidates based on what I post.

Companies have no say what the feds do outside the US, also correct me if I'm wrong but I think facebook and twitter terms of service preclude people using their services for terrorist activities. Ever thought you might be getting those ads based on your searches and not your posts?

I've told you my plan.

1) You don't get a gun until we do a THOROUGH background check.

2) If you sell a gun to someone who goes on a mass shooting, you go to jail.

because right now, our gun laws are about as stringently enforced as our prostitution laws.

And these would solve the black market problem, HOW?
Another crisis of faith that the dear leader hopes to minimize with more slick marketing and campaign style speeches to his low information constituencies to convince them he has a handle on this terrorist thing. LOL

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

The public relations campaign, one week before Christmas, comes as the public is jittery about the specter of terrorism after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California this month and the Paris attacks a few weeks before. Seven in 10 Americans rated the risk of a terrorist attack in the U.S. as at least somewhat high, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. That was a sharp increase from the 5 in 10 who said that in January.

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

Of course he will never mention the bitch that shot up San Bernardino was looked at by 5 different federal agencies and they didn't even pick up on the fake address she gave on her visa application.

He also has to do it early enough so nothing will interfere with his annual Hawaiian vacation.

Your thoughts?
Your thread title is a rw marketing campaign hack boi

"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum / Environment Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.

My thread title was very tame compared to some of your regressivecrat pals and I might actually allow you lame opinion concern me, IF I HAD ANY RESPECT FOR YOU OR YOUR LAME OPINIONS. Feel free to FOAD.
Sooo..... your justifying your baiting & polarizing thread by engaging in moral relativism?


Pooooooor wittle regressive, I refuse to use your dear leaders given name, it would denote some modicum of respect that the piece of shit doesn't deserve. Get over it.

BTW accurate comparisons do not equal moral relativism.
Another crisis of faith that the dear leader hopes to minimize with more slick marketing and campaign style speeches to his low information constituencies to convince them he has a handle on this terrorist thing. LOL

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

The public relations campaign, one week before Christmas, comes as the public is jittery about the specter of terrorism after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California this month and the Paris attacks a few weeks before. Seven in 10 Americans rated the risk of a terrorist attack in the U.S. as at least somewhat high, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. That was a sharp increase from the 5 in 10 who said that in January.

Obama aims to allay concerns about terror-fighting strategy

Of course he will never mention the bitch that shot up San Bernardino was looked at by 5 different federal agencies and they didn't even pick up on the fake address she gave on her visa application.

He also has to do it early enough so nothing will interfere with his annual Hawaiian vacation.

Your thoughts?
Your thread title is a rw marketing campaign hack boi

"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum / Environment Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.

My thread title was very tame compared to some of your regressivecrat pals and I might actually allow you lame opinion concern me, IF I HAD ANY RESPECT FOR YOU OR YOUR LAME OPINIONS. Feel free to FOAD.
Sooo..... your justifying your baiting & polarizing thread by engaging in moral relativism?


Pooooooor wittle regressive, I refuse to use your dear leaders given name, it would denote some modicum of respect that the piece of shit doesn't deserve. Get over it.

BTW accurate comparisons do not equal moral relativism.
ODS Sufferer has his panties in a bunch :crybaby: The SECOND election is over and the President won AGAIN :eusa_boohoo:

You're either 14 or a mouth-breathing hater. Which is it son?

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