So, the disaster in chief does not want to quarantine, ban flights, or really do anything.

BTW.........the nurse in the tent is a Left Wing Hack...........known for protesting.............Keep her in the tent.
CDC Tracking Fliers On Ebola Nurse Amber Vinson s First Flight - NBC News

Federal health officials will begin tracking passengers who were on the plane Ebola-infected nurse Amber Vinson took from Dallas to Ohio on Oct. 10 — a date when she supposedly did not have symptoms and was not contagious. "We can't rule out that she might have had the start of her illness on Friday," Dr. Chris Braden of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said at a Thursday afternoon briefing, citing new information developed by investigators tracing all of Vinson's contacts. "This new information is saying we need to go back now to the flight she took on Friday the 10th and include them in our investigation of contacts."

The date that an Ebola patient starts showing symptoms is crucial because it is thought they can't spread the disease before then. In Vinson's case, creating a timeline is complicated because she did not have the classic symptoms of the virus — headache, sore throat, muscle and joint pain, and a spiking fever — even when she was diagnosed upon her return to Dallas. "If she had some comments that she was feeling funny, does that count [as a symptom]?" Braden asked.

Health officials were already contacting all the passengers on the Oct. 13 Frontier Airlines flight that Vinson took to get back to Texas after her weekend visit to her hometown — because she reported a low-grade 99.5 fever to the CDC before she boarded. Based on the new information, which they did not detail because of patient privacy concerns, they decided to extend that to the Oct. 10 flight, too.

A group of Ohio nurses who were on that first flight have already been placed on paid leave, although health officials say there is little to no risk that they were exposed to Ebola and they are showing no symptoms.

Had she stayed at home those nurses would have been at work instead of on paid leave......So they get to stay at home for weeks because the nurse treating Ebola wouldn't do the same.

Insanity.............and directed via the CDC.
Eagle... actually get the libs to understand explain it to them like this....change obama...with Bush....once they connect Bush to this policy they will see what a moronic way obama is treating it....

also...if you say Bush instead of obama...they will automatically connect the dots and say that Ebola was made in a lab to kill minorities, they will start to shout "Haliburton"...and then they will connect Ebola to oil in will be quite something to see...
Since conservatives are trying to whip up ebola hysteria in front of the election, it stands to reason that they have a confirmed motive to spread ebola.

Hence, every conservative should be considered a potential ebola suicide disease-bomber.
BTW.........the nurse in the tent is a Left Wing Hack...........known for protesting.............Keep her in the tent.

Perfectly stated. Well done.
She isn't in the tent anymore bone head.....................After the CDC gave her an Ebola test and she passed, she was transported to Maine............she was not allowed to leave until she cleared the CDC protocols.................
Since conservatives are trying to whip up ebola hysteria in front of the election, it stands to reason that they have a confirmed motive to spread ebola.

Hence, every conservative should be considered a potential ebola suicide disease-bomber.
Polls open in West Africa for liberal absentee vote.......enjoy.
BTW.........the nurse in the tent is a Left Wing Hack...........known for protesting.............Keep her in the tent.

yes keep the bitch in the tent ,,,sorry for my vocabulary ..but she is a pain in the arse.
Eagle... actually get the libs to understand explain it to them like this....change obama...with Bush....once they connect Bush to this policy they will see what a moronic way obama is treating it....

also...if you say Bush instead of obama...they will automatically connect the dots and say that Ebola was made in a lab to kill minorities, they will start to shout "Haliburton"...and then they will connect Ebola to oil in will be quite something to see...
If this were Bush there would be naked ugly liberals protesting all over DC.........

Containment and road blocks are common sense which Liberals have little.
'Fess up, eagle. You're hoping and praying for more Ebola cases.

Yes, it really is that obvious. If you could spread ebola to help out DerParteiRepublikkan, you would.
'Fess up, eagle. You're hoping and praying for more Ebola cases.

Yes, it really is that obvious. If you could spread ebola to help out DerParteiRepublikkan, you would.

I'm praying for more Ebola cases, but I hope they are all liberals.
Hearing this am that this meathead wants to bring Africans with Ebola here to the US for treatment.

Holy this point, even people on the left have to agree.......time to put this dummy on a rocket and send him into permanently. The shit has become laughable now.......
Presidunce obola wants to bring disease here. Ebola will do along with others. Now that he's foreclosed governors from doing anything he has a clear path.

Gov Scott down here in Florida is doing what he needs to do. I doubt he gives a shit what Barry and those Clowns in DC want.

Every Gov in every State should do what our Gov has done and tell the Fed Govt and Barry to kiss their asses.
Presidunce obola wants to bring disease here. Ebola will do along with others. Now that he's foreclosed governors from doing anything he has a clear path.

Gov Scott down here in Florida is doing what he needs to do. I doubt he gives a shit what Barry and those Clowns in DC want.

Every Gov in every State should do what our Gov has done and tell the Fed Govt and Barry to kiss their asses.

That is until the communist in chief declares it "unconstitutional" behind the ACLU.

He has already conclusively usurped states rights countless times. He forced Southern border states to allow illegals to flow in here. Remember that?

It is all just window dressing shit.

The worst president in history, is being supported by his fucking brainless supporters.

The morons on the left still claim trans fats is more dangerous to us than the potential of one of the deadliest infectious diseases becoming an outbreak in the country.

They are laughing their stupid moronic asses off with their arrogance. They are that fucked up. Yes, they are that fucked up.

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