So the dumb, "deplorables", "UNEDUCATED" weren't part of the political polls!

Talk about a back handed slap!
After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything
So the reason the polls were wrong is because they counted more Educated people and supposedly
most Democrats are more "educated" hence more positives for Hillary in 2016!
and I quote...
"Nearly all of the private pollsters interviewed for this article have, at minimum, begun to do something about education. There is widespread agreement that the industry failed to properly represent less educated white voters, and that this was part of why last year’s polls were too favorable to Democrats."

After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything

What a bunch of egotistical, truly uninformed people!

Maybe if they didn't ask more Democrats then GOP that might help.
BUT maybe more importantly is this FACT!!!
Most of us Trump "deplorables" were ridiculed. Were poked fun of by the MSM/entertainment,...liberals..Dems!
As a result we shut up when talking politics. We voted behind the curtain. PROOF of where I speak?
Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

The Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey, a new national poll of 2,300 U.S. adults, finds that 71% Americans believe that political correctness has silenced important discussions our society needs to have. The consequences are personal—58% of Americans believe the political climate prevents them from sharing their own political beliefs.
Democrats are unique, however, in that a slim majority (53%) do not feel the need to self-censor.
Conversely, strong majorities of Republicans (73%) and independents (58%) say they keep some political beliefs to themselves.

Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

So when will the pollsters LEARN? The biased MSM poked fun at over 60 million people that voted for Trump.
Called us "anti-immigrant'...(DUH Trump married an immigrant!...I had 40 million have "LEGAL immigrant relatives!)... to this day on this board truly uninformed people who spout opinions based on nothing FEEL not think people like me are "uneducated"! "Uneducated"!

Which polls were wrong?

Before election day, they were showing a sustained but narrowing lead for Hillary Clinton. The Telegraph's poll tracker, which was based on an average of the last five polls published on RealClearPolitics, showed Clinton leading with three percentage points over Trump.

American statistics and polling analysis site FiveThirtyEight gave Trump a 30 per cent chance of victory going into the final few days. This chance - the same as winning at rock, paper, scissors - was generous compared to other forecasters.
How wrong were the polls in predicting the US election and why did they fail to see Trump's win?

Trump won the electoral college. The polls don't poll electors. The polls only poll the popular vote.
Sadly, a college degree these days just indicates that the person is a programmed tool for leftwing causes.

.....and THAT accurately proves that Trump cultists are among the LEAST educated morons who voted for the charlatan........LOL

Getting a diploma these days is the equivalent of a participation trophy for t-ball.

Just sayin'.
Talk about a back handed slap!
After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything
So the reason the polls were wrong is because they counted more Educated people and supposedly
most Democrats are more "educated" hence more positives for Hillary in 2016!
and I quote...
"Nearly all of the private pollsters interviewed for this article have, at minimum, begun to do something about education. There is widespread agreement that the industry failed to properly represent less educated white voters, and that this was part of why last year’s polls were too favorable to Democrats."

After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything

What a bunch of egotistical, truly uninformed people!

Maybe if they didn't ask more Democrats then GOP that might help.
BUT maybe more importantly is this FACT!!!
Most of us Trump "deplorables" were ridiculed. Were poked fun of by the MSM/entertainment,...liberals..Dems!
As a result we shut up when talking politics. We voted behind the curtain. PROOF of where I speak?
Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

The Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey, a new national poll of 2,300 U.S. adults, finds that 71% Americans believe that political correctness has silenced important discussions our society needs to have. The consequences are personal—58% of Americans believe the political climate prevents them from sharing their own political beliefs.
Democrats are unique, however, in that a slim majority (53%) do not feel the need to self-censor.
Conversely, strong majorities of Republicans (73%) and independents (58%) say they keep some political beliefs to themselves.

Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

So when will the pollsters LEARN? The biased MSM poked fun at over 60 million people that voted for Trump.
Called us "anti-immigrant'...(DUH Trump married an immigrant!...I had 40 million have "LEGAL immigrant relatives!)... to this day on this board truly uninformed people who spout opinions based on nothing FEEL not think people like me are "uneducated"! "Uneducated"!

Which polls were wrong?

Before election day, they were showing a sustained but narrowing lead for Hillary Clinton. The Telegraph's poll tracker, which was based on an average of the last five polls published on RealClearPolitics, showed Clinton leading with three percentage points over Trump.

American statistics and polling analysis site FiveThirtyEight gave Trump a 30 per cent chance of victory going into the final few days. This chance - the same as winning at rock, paper, scissors - was generous compared to other forecasters.
How wrong were the polls in predicting the US election and why did they fail to see Trump's win?

Trump won the electoral college. The polls don't poll electors. The polls only poll the popular vote.

Poll of battleground states finds Hillary Clinton routing Donald Trump among Latinos
Those attempts to court Latino voters appear to be faltering for Donald Trump.
A Univision
poll of Latino voters in Arizona, Colorado, Florida and Nevada released Tuesday shows Hillary Clinton trouncing the Republican nominee among this critical voting bloc.
In Florida, Trump trails Clinton by 24 percentage points — the closest margin out of the four states. Clinton leads Trump 68% to 18% in Arizona, 65% to 19% in Nevada and 62% to 17% in Colorado.

Poll of battleground states finds Hillary Clinton routing Donald Trump among Latinos

These polls of key states for electoral college were according to pollsters going to Hillary!
That's the point!
Trump being far smarter then you obviously KNEW NY/CA were written off for Hillary so sure give up those popular vote states for states that counted in electoral college!
But of course YOU still don't comprehend that when polls/MSM pushing Hillary was actually making people sour on their efforts and they like me said screw you and
voted in the voting booth....where it counted!
A college degree does not necessarily represent intelligence or critical thinking skills.
Many of the wealthiest people in the world were self made with little in the way of higher education.

Bill Gates dropped out of college to work.
Talk about a back handed slap!
After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything
So the reason the polls were wrong is because they counted more Educated people and supposedly
most Democrats are more "educated" hence more positives for Hillary in 2016!
and I quote...
"Nearly all of the private pollsters interviewed for this article have, at minimum, begun to do something about education. There is widespread agreement that the industry failed to properly represent less educated white voters, and that this was part of why last year’s polls were too favorable to Democrats."

After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything

What a bunch of egotistical, truly uninformed people!

Maybe if they didn't ask more Democrats then GOP that might help.
BUT maybe more importantly is this FACT!!!
Most of us Trump "deplorables" were ridiculed. Were poked fun of by the MSM/entertainment,...liberals..Dems!
As a result we shut up when talking politics. We voted behind the curtain. PROOF of where I speak?
Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

The Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey, a new national poll of 2,300 U.S. adults, finds that 71% Americans believe that political correctness has silenced important discussions our society needs to have. The consequences are personal—58% of Americans believe the political climate prevents them from sharing their own political beliefs.
Democrats are unique, however, in that a slim majority (53%) do not feel the need to self-censor.
Conversely, strong majorities of Republicans (73%) and independents (58%) say they keep some political beliefs to themselves.

Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

So when will the pollsters LEARN? The biased MSM poked fun at over 60 million people that voted for Trump.
Called us "anti-immigrant'...(DUH Trump married an immigrant!...I had 40 million have "LEGAL immigrant relatives!)... to this day on this board truly uninformed people who spout opinions based on nothing FEEL not think people like me are "uneducated"! "Uneducated"!

Which polls were wrong?

I believe the NYT said Clinton had a 93% chance of winning, was that wrong?
The polls revealed that 71% don't want to talk to pollsters or will lie to them. That stands to reason that Trump really has a 71% approval rating.
I believe the NYT said Clinton had a 93% chance of winning, was that wrong?

I've stated this several times........MOST polling gauges individuals' opinions and not the whims of the electoral college.......Ergo, polling was accurate since Clinton DID win the popular vote and not the EC's.
Talk about a back handed slap!
After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything
So the reason the polls were wrong is because they counted more Educated people and supposedly
most Democrats are more "educated" hence more positives for Hillary in 2016!
and I quote...
"Nearly all of the private pollsters interviewed for this article have, at minimum, begun to do something about education. There is widespread agreement that the industry failed to properly represent less educated white voters, and that this was part of why last year’s polls were too favorable to Democrats."

After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything

What a bunch of egotistical, truly uninformed people!

Maybe if they didn't ask more Democrats then GOP that might help.
BUT maybe more importantly is this FACT!!!
Most of us Trump "deplorables" were ridiculed. Were poked fun of by the MSM/entertainment,...liberals..Dems!
As a result we shut up when talking politics. We voted behind the curtain. PROOF of where I speak?
Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

The Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey, a new national poll of 2,300 U.S. adults, finds that 71% Americans believe that political correctness has silenced important discussions our society needs to have. The consequences are personal—58% of Americans believe the political climate prevents them from sharing their own political beliefs.
Democrats are unique, however, in that a slim majority (53%) do not feel the need to self-censor.
Conversely, strong majorities of Republicans (73%) and independents (58%) say they keep some political beliefs to themselves.

Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

So when will the pollsters LEARN? The biased MSM poked fun at over 60 million people that voted for Trump.
Called us "anti-immigrant'...(DUH Trump married an immigrant!...I had 40 million have "LEGAL immigrant relatives!)... to this day on this board truly uninformed people who spout opinions based on nothing FEEL not think people like me are "uneducated"! "Uneducated"!

I think it's time to stop rehashing the election and set our sights on illegal conduct revealed by the current federal investigation.

Accept that something went horribly wrong. Many low-information voters believed that Donald Trump was qualified and they voted for him. Not much we can do. Americans don't like to admit they were wrong and trying to convince them is a waste of breath. The longer he's in office the more of them will get burned by his ineptitude and stupidity.

Let's focus on the investigation and move on.
Comrade Lastamender does not understand the dif between predictive and opinion polling.
Talk about a back handed slap!
After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything
So the reason the polls were wrong is because they counted more Educated people and supposedly
most Democrats are more "educated" hence more positives for Hillary in 2016!
and I quote...
"Nearly all of the private pollsters interviewed for this article have, at minimum, begun to do something about education. There is widespread agreement that the industry failed to properly represent less educated white voters, and that this was part of why last year’s polls were too favorable to Democrats."

After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything

What a bunch of egotistical, truly uninformed people!

Maybe if they didn't ask more Democrats then GOP that might help.
BUT maybe more importantly is this FACT!!!
Most of us Trump "deplorables" were ridiculed. Were poked fun of by the MSM/entertainment,...liberals..Dems!
As a result we shut up when talking politics. We voted behind the curtain. PROOF of where I speak?
Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

The Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey, a new national poll of 2,300 U.S. adults, finds that 71% Americans believe that political correctness has silenced important discussions our society needs to have. The consequences are personal—58% of Americans believe the political climate prevents them from sharing their own political beliefs.
Democrats are unique, however, in that a slim majority (53%) do not feel the need to self-censor.
Conversely, strong majorities of Republicans (73%) and independents (58%) say they keep some political beliefs to themselves.

Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

So when will the pollsters LEARN? The biased MSM poked fun at over 60 million people that voted for Trump.
Called us "anti-immigrant'...(DUH Trump married an immigrant!...I had 40 million have "LEGAL immigrant relatives!)... to this day on this board truly uninformed people who spout opinions based on nothing FEEL not think people like me are "uneducated"! "Uneducated"!

I think it's time to stop rehashing the election and set our sights on illegal conduct revealed by the current federal investigation.

Accept that something went horribly wrong. Many low-information voters believed that Donald Trump was qualified and they voted for him. Not much we can do. Americans don't like to admit they were wrong and trying to convince them is a waste of breath. The longer he's in office the more of them will get burned by his ineptitude and stupidity.

Let's focus on the investigation and move on.

Well the point of my thread was to show you how much the MSM/pollsters should be believed. They are making up more lies that you want to hear and as a result
you still don't comprehend how totally uninformed you and your ilk are.
For example... Just today the MSM video of Trump feeding the fish was truncated showing Prime Minister Abe dumping his fish food but the biased MSM only shows
Trump... thus this head line...
Here is what CNN shows...
Very #FakeNews CNN Caught Editing Video to Make Trump Look Like a Feckless Boor in Japan (VIDEO)
Trump feeds fish, then winds up pouring entire box of food into koi pond - CNNPolitics

And this is just one of many grossly misleading news efforts to sway people to think like you do.
Another example... you and people like you think Trump is "anti-immigrant" right?
Proof that the MSM and you think that?
So with MSM headlines. Trump's anti-immigrant", or "Trump's Anti-immigrant Agenda" giving people the impression Trump is "anti-immigrant"!
64,200 results....
YET do people like you and these headline writers KNOW Trump's wife is a "LEGAL IMMIGRANT"? Do you and your ilk KNOW that 40 million people like me have relatives
that have become "LEGAL Immigrants" and we are grossly offended by the MSM and people like you thinking we are "anti-immigrant'!
See that's why most of us don't believe the MSM and KNOW the efforts to keep you and your ignorant ilk uninformed.
Are you aware that 96% of the MSM donated to Hillary? That 9/10 college professors are Democrats/Liberals? With this type of truly biased supposedly educated
inputs is it ANY wonder people like you have the attitude about Trump. Granted. Trump is a born and raised boisterous, loudmouth, bragging New Yorker and I at first when
he was a Democrat couldn't stand him. And there are issues I don't agree with him on. But I had to ask myself...WHY does this billionaire, 70 year old successful person
want to become President? Money? He's donating his salary! Prestige hey he was seen by 2 billion people long before becoming President.
Then I realized like most of us "deplorables" that he simply wants to make America better then what we had happen in the previous years.
I truly want the same thing. And he's doing it! So please keep insulting people that work hard. That are "legal immigrants". That want our children to have an America
that is better than it was. Because the more you insult us the more we recognize how sadly uninformed you are by the biased MSM.
Screen Shot 2017-11-06 at 2.29.23 PM.png
Talk about a back handed slap!
After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything
So the reason the polls were wrong is because they counted more Educated people and supposedly
most Democrats are more "educated" hence more positives for Hillary in 2016!
and I quote...
"Nearly all of the private pollsters interviewed for this article have, at minimum, begun to do something about education. There is widespread agreement that the industry failed to properly represent less educated white voters, and that this was part of why last year’s polls were too favorable to Democrats."

After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything

What a bunch of egotistical, truly uninformed people!

Maybe if they didn't ask more Democrats then GOP that might help.
BUT maybe more importantly is this FACT!!!
Most of us Trump "deplorables" were ridiculed. Were poked fun of by the MSM/entertainment,...liberals..Dems!
As a result we shut up when talking politics. We voted behind the curtain. PROOF of where I speak?
Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

The Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey, a new national poll of 2,300 U.S. adults, finds that 71% Americans believe that political correctness has silenced important discussions our society needs to have. The consequences are personal—58% of Americans believe the political climate prevents them from sharing their own political beliefs.
Democrats are unique, however, in that a slim majority (53%) do not feel the need to self-censor.
Conversely, strong majorities of Republicans (73%) and independents (58%) say they keep some political beliefs to themselves.

Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

So when will the pollsters LEARN? The biased MSM poked fun at over 60 million people that voted for Trump.
Called us "anti-immigrant'...(DUH Trump married an immigrant!...I had 40 million have "LEGAL immigrant relatives!)... to this day on this board truly uninformed people who spout opinions based on nothing FEEL not think people like me are "uneducated"! "Uneducated"!

The national pollsters got it right. They had Clinton up by a handful of points and came very close. Trump won not because they supported Trump but because he was the less awful candidate. To base polls on the 2016 turnout would be wrong as well. You had 2 awful candidates running.
Talk about a back handed slap!
After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything
So the reason the polls were wrong is because they counted more Educated people and supposedly
most Democrats are more "educated" hence more positives for Hillary in 2016!
and I quote...
"Nearly all of the private pollsters interviewed for this article have, at minimum, begun to do something about education. There is widespread agreement that the industry failed to properly represent less educated white voters, and that this was part of why last year’s polls were too favorable to Democrats."

After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything

What a bunch of egotistical, truly uninformed people!

Maybe if they didn't ask more Democrats then GOP that might help.
BUT maybe more importantly is this FACT!!!
Most of us Trump "deplorables" were ridiculed. Were poked fun of by the MSM/entertainment,...liberals..Dems!
As a result we shut up when talking politics. We voted behind the curtain. PROOF of where I speak?
Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

The Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey, a new national poll of 2,300 U.S. adults, finds that 71% Americans believe that political correctness has silenced important discussions our society needs to have. The consequences are personal—58% of Americans believe the political climate prevents them from sharing their own political beliefs.
Democrats are unique, however, in that a slim majority (53%) do not feel the need to self-censor.
Conversely, strong majorities of Republicans (73%) and independents (58%) say they keep some political beliefs to themselves.

Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

So when will the pollsters LEARN? The biased MSM poked fun at over 60 million people that voted for Trump.
Called us "anti-immigrant'...(DUH Trump married an immigrant!...I had 40 million have "LEGAL immigrant relatives!)... to this day on this board truly uninformed people who spout opinions based on nothing FEEL not think people like me are "uneducated"! "Uneducated"!

I think it's time to stop rehashing the election and set our sights on illegal conduct revealed by the current federal investigation.

Accept that something went horribly wrong. Many low-information voters believed that Donald Trump was qualified and they voted for him. Not much we can do. Americans don't like to admit they were wrong and trying to convince them is a waste of breath. The longer he's in office the more of them will get burned by his ineptitude and stupidity.

Let's focus on the investigation and move on.
Yeah by this time Hillary could have sold out our sovereignty.
Talk about a back handed slap!
After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything
So the reason the polls were wrong is because they counted more Educated people and supposedly
most Democrats are more "educated" hence more positives for Hillary in 2016!
and I quote...
"Nearly all of the private pollsters interviewed for this article have, at minimum, begun to do something about education. There is widespread agreement that the industry failed to properly represent less educated white voters, and that this was part of why last year’s polls were too favorable to Democrats."

After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything

What a bunch of egotistical, truly uninformed people!

Maybe if they didn't ask more Democrats then GOP that might help.
BUT maybe more importantly is this FACT!!!
Most of us Trump "deplorables" were ridiculed. Were poked fun of by the MSM/entertainment,...liberals..Dems!
As a result we shut up when talking politics. We voted behind the curtain. PROOF of where I speak?
Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

The Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey, a new national poll of 2,300 U.S. adults, finds that 71% Americans believe that political correctness has silenced important discussions our society needs to have. The consequences are personal—58% of Americans believe the political climate prevents them from sharing their own political beliefs.
Democrats are unique, however, in that a slim majority (53%) do not feel the need to self-censor.
Conversely, strong majorities of Republicans (73%) and independents (58%) say they keep some political beliefs to themselves.

Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

So when will the pollsters LEARN? The biased MSM poked fun at over 60 million people that voted for Trump.
Called us "anti-immigrant'...(DUH Trump married an immigrant!...I had 40 million have "LEGAL immigrant relatives!)... to this day on this board truly uninformed people who spout opinions based on nothing FEEL not think people like me are "uneducated"! "Uneducated"!

I DEMAND an apology from the above nitwit regarding Clinton's "deplorable" quip, once someone reads for him the actual Hillary quote.....(but these morons NEVER apologize.......LOL)

“[Y]ou could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that … But the other basket … are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they’re just desperate for change.”
Talk about a back handed slap!
After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything
So the reason the polls were wrong is because they counted more Educated people and supposedly
most Democrats are more "educated" hence more positives for Hillary in 2016!
and I quote...
"Nearly all of the private pollsters interviewed for this article have, at minimum, begun to do something about education. There is widespread agreement that the industry failed to properly represent less educated white voters, and that this was part of why last year’s polls were too favorable to Democrats."

After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything

What a bunch of egotistical, truly uninformed people!

Maybe if they didn't ask more Democrats then GOP that might help.
BUT maybe more importantly is this FACT!!!
Most of us Trump "deplorables" were ridiculed. Were poked fun of by the MSM/entertainment,...liberals..Dems!
As a result we shut up when talking politics. We voted behind the curtain. PROOF of where I speak?
Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

The Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey, a new national poll of 2,300 U.S. adults, finds that 71% Americans believe that political correctness has silenced important discussions our society needs to have. The consequences are personal—58% of Americans believe the political climate prevents them from sharing their own political beliefs.
Democrats are unique, however, in that a slim majority (53%) do not feel the need to self-censor.
Conversely, strong majorities of Republicans (73%) and independents (58%) say they keep some political beliefs to themselves.

Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

So when will the pollsters LEARN? The biased MSM poked fun at over 60 million people that voted for Trump.
Called us "anti-immigrant'...(DUH Trump married an immigrant!...I had 40 million have "LEGAL immigrant relatives!)... to this day on this board truly uninformed people who spout opinions based on nothing FEEL not think people like me are "uneducated"! "Uneducated"!

I DEMAND an apology from the above nitwit regarding Clinton's "deplorable" quip, once someone reads for him the actual Hillary quote.....(but these morons NEVER apologize.......LOL)

“[Y]ou could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that … But the other basket … are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they’re just desperate for change.”

For what are you demanding an apology?
So are you saying Hillary said half of all Trump supporters are "deplorables"? Is that your distinction?
And the other half are NOT deplorables? Is that the distinction?
For what are you demanding an apology?
So are you saying Hillary said half of all Trump supporters are "deplorables"? Is that your distinction?
And the other half are NOT deplorables? Is that the distinction?

LOL......Which half do you belong in???
Talk about a back handed slap!
After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything
So the reason the polls were wrong is because they counted more Educated people and supposedly
most Democrats are more "educated" hence more positives for Hillary in 2016!
and I quote...
"Nearly all of the private pollsters interviewed for this article have, at minimum, begun to do something about education. There is widespread agreement that the industry failed to properly represent less educated white voters, and that this was part of why last year’s polls were too favorable to Democrats."

After a Tough 2016, Many Pollsters Haven’t Changed Anything

What a bunch of egotistical, truly uninformed people!

Maybe if they didn't ask more Democrats then GOP that might help.
BUT maybe more importantly is this FACT!!!
Most of us Trump "deplorables" were ridiculed. Were poked fun of by the MSM/entertainment,...liberals..Dems!
As a result we shut up when talking politics. We voted behind the curtain. PROOF of where I speak?
Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

The Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey, a new national poll of 2,300 U.S. adults, finds that 71% Americans believe that political correctness has silenced important discussions our society needs to have. The consequences are personal—58% of Americans believe the political climate prevents them from sharing their own political beliefs.
Democrats are unique, however, in that a slim majority (53%) do not feel the need to self-censor.
Conversely, strong majorities of Republicans (73%) and independents (58%) say they keep some political beliefs to themselves.

Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

So when will the pollsters LEARN? The biased MSM poked fun at over 60 million people that voted for Trump.
Called us "anti-immigrant'...(DUH Trump married an immigrant!...I had 40 million have "LEGAL immigrant relatives!)... to this day on this board truly uninformed people who spout opinions based on nothing FEEL not think people like me are "uneducated"! "Uneducated"!

I DEMAND an apology from the above nitwit regarding Clinton's "deplorable" quip, once someone reads for him the actual Hillary quote.....(but these morons NEVER apologize.......LOL)

“[Y]ou could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that … But the other basket … are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they’re just desperate for change.”

For what are you demanding an apology?
So are you saying Hillary said half of all Trump supporters are "deplorables"? Is that your distinction?
And the other half are NOT deplorables? Is that the distinction?

She was right.

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