So...the intelligence agencies didn't actually check the democrat servers before making accusations?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
2,290 was the Russians.....but....we didn't actually check the DNC servers...

Hmmm: FBI, CIA never examined DNC servers? - Hot Air

Never? Not once? The FBI has consistently asserted that the hack of the Democratic National Committee was an operation linked to the Russian government, even if they were less convinced that the Russians wanted to elect Donald Trump as a result.

Last night, however, BuzzFeed’s Ali Watkins reported that the DNC has told her that the FBI never requested access to their servers, nor has any other government agency. Instead, they relied on a report from a private vendor:

The FBI did not examine the servers of the Democratic National Committee before issuing a report attributing the sweeping cyberintrusion to Russia-backed hackers, BuzzFeed News has learned.

Six months after the FBI first said it was investigating the hack of the Democratic National Committee’s computer network, the bureau has still not requested access to the hacked servers, a DNC spokesman said. No US government entity has run an independent forensic analysis on the system, one US intelligence official told BuzzFeed News.

“The DNC had several meetings with representatives of the FBI’s Cyber Division and its Washington (DC) Field Office, the Department of Justice’s National Security Division, and U.S. Attorney’s Offices, and it responded to a variety of requests for cooperation, but the FBI never requested access to the DNC’s computer servers,” Eric Walker, the DNC’s deputy communications director, told BuzzFeed News in an email.
Let's suppose that the Russians did hack the DNC. Does that mean that the DNC wasn't hacked by someone else? Does that mean that no other party could have given the email information to wiki leaks? The answer to both questions is No! So in order to prove that the Russians are responsible for the leaked DNC emails, someone needs to connect the dots from the server being hacked (by the Russians) to delivery of the information from the Russians to Wiki Leaks. For all we know, it could have been an inside job in which someone with access to the emails leaked them to Wiki Leaks, and now it's being blamed on the Russians. After all, we know the Russians hack our stuff just as we hack theirs...... we spy on each other when given the chance.
This is america, the entire system runs on illusion, we'll never know really, as designed.

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