So the left dont consider raising 5 boys a full time job?

I beg to differ. At least my job didn't require diaper changes. I had 2 girls two years apart. They were a handful so i can't even imagine 5 boys.

I just said something along the very same lines in another thread. I don't care if she 'had help' - she still went through labor and delivery five times, and raised five upstanding members of the community. Whoever took a shot at her was a pure idiot.
I have read your posts....many of them.

You are by no means a centrist.

And I am OK with that.

The question is....why are you NOT ok with that?

And on what basis do you say that I'm not a centrist? Because I support/agree with A, B, C on the left? Problem is, I also agree with X, Y, Z on the right.
I have read your posts....many of them.

You are by no means a centrist.

And I am OK with that.

The question is....why are you NOT ok with that?

And on what basis do you say that I'm not a centrist? Because I support/agree with A, B, C on the left? Problem is, I also agree with X, Y, Z on the right.

I wouldn't spend a lot of time trying to explain yourself to the black/white thinkers on the board. To some posters here, anyone who disagrees with them by a jot or tittle is a liberal/conservative.
Sorry, you defend 0bama too much for me to believe that...

Again, I'm more interested in the failings of reasoning that occur so often on this board. I defend Obama when people present irrational arguments against him. Why do I do this? Well, interestingly enough, it's because I don't much like Obama. I wish that people would actually focus on the shit that matters, as opposed to untruths and misinformation. Every time someone presents a stupid argument against Obama, it strengthens Obama's position. What I see, especially on this board, is that too many have a mentality toward Obama that is exactly the same as the irrational mentality that many directed toward Bush. So how far did that get the Democrats and John Kerry in 2004? Why in the world should I support the same BS getting Obama re-elected now?

You say "fallacious equivocation"... I say Rosen fucked up...

What does Rosen have to do with the OP's fallacious equivocation? you know what "fallacious equivocation" means?

Now that's odd.. I don't remember you pointing out any of that ambiguity during, say, when the lefties here were on Palin's ass for "Targeting" elected officials... Were you sick that month?

It's ok to pretend you're centrist... Nobody really cares, but we can laugh when you do...:lol:
Perhaps if Mitt would stop saying things like "My wife says", or "My wife thinks", or "My wife tells me" in response to questions about the plight of women while he is out on the stump, this wouldn't be an issue? It is obvious Mitt has a disconnect with women. He proves it every single time he uses one of these preambles. And to be 100% honest, what part of Rosen's statement, taken in the context of speaking to her every having been EMPLOYED, is false?

i know what ya mean that fat ass michelle shouldn't open her pie hole and try to tell us what to eat either.
Now that's odd.. I don't remember you pointing out any of that ambiguity during, say, when the lefties here were on Palin's ass for "Targeting" elected officials... Were you sick that month?

Whatever it was about, I don't believe that I was even part of that discussion.
Perhaps if Mitt would stop saying things like "My wife says", or "My wife thinks", or "My wife tells me" in response to questions about the plight of women while he is out on the stump, this wouldn't be an issue? It is obvious Mitt has a disconnect with women. He proves it every single time he uses one of these preambles. And to be 100% honest, what part of Rosen's statement, taken in the context of speaking to her every having been EMPLOYED, is false?

i know what ya mean that fat ass michelle shouldn't open her pie hole and try to tell us what to eat either.

You must eat every word she produces.
Now that's odd.. I don't remember you pointing out any of that ambiguity during, say, when the lefties here were on Palin's ass for "Targeting" elected officials... Were you sick that month?

Whatever it was about, I don't believe that I was even part of that discussion.

Of course you weren't. You only defend the left. You're more transparent than my sunglasses
Now that's odd.. I don't remember you pointing out any of that ambiguity during, say, when the lefties here were on Palin's ass for "Targeting" elected officials... Were you sick that month?

Whatever it was about, I don't believe that I was even part of that discussion.

Exactly... Pretty convienient, huh...? I hope you've recovered from your illness - it was a major board topic for about a month after the giffords shooting...

And yet youre all over the right for their "fallacious equivocations"....

If you're going to pretend to be centrist you'll have to criticize the left when they do it... And there are plenty of opportunities for that...
Exactly... Pretty convienient, huh...? I hope you've recovered from your illness - it was a major board topic for about a month after the giffords shooting...


You're not getting it. You're so hellbent on your partisan hackery, you're making a fool out of yourself. I WASN'T EVEN ON THE BOARD BACK THEN.
Sorry, you defend 0bama too much for me to believe that...

Again, I'm more interested in the failings of reasoning that occur so often on this board. I defend Obama when people present irrational arguments against him. Why do I do this? Well, interestingly enough, it's because I don't much like Obama. I wish that people would actually focus on the shit that matters, as opposed to untruths and misinformation. Every time someone presents a stupid argument against Obama, it strengthens Obama's position. What I see, especially on this board, is that too many have a mentality toward Obama that is exactly the same as the irrational mentality that many directed toward Bush. So how far did that get the Democrats and John Kerry in 2004? Why in the world should I support the same BS getting Obama re-elected now?

You say "fallacious equivocation"... I say Rosen fucked up...

What does Rosen have to do with the OP's fallacious equivocation? you know what "fallacious equivocation" means?

Now that's odd.. I don't remember you pointing out any of that ambiguity during, say, when the lefties here were on Palin's ass for "Targeting" elected officials... Were you sick that month?

It's ok to pretend you're centrist... Nobody really cares, but we can laugh when you do...:lol:

Nice deflect.
So the left dont consider raising 5 boys a full time job?

I beg to differ. At least my job didn't require diaper changes. I had 2 girls two years apart. They were a handful so i can't even imagine 5 boys.

Real woman exercise the right to choose and off the runts In the womb so they can pursue real work...
Exactly... Pretty convienient, huh...? I hope you've recovered from your illness - it was a major board topic for about a month after the giffords shooting...


You're not getting it.

You're missing the point... I gave but one example... There are PLENTY of other threads that YOU could claim your "fallacious equivocation" in, but you only seem to find certain ones... Maybe you're just picky....:lol:
The left hates women, what more can be said. The way they treated Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann was nothing but pure misogeny[sic]

Me thinks this had more to do with IQ than gender.

Also, I am a leftist, and I sorta like women. Is something wrong with me? :razz:

Are you a native speaker of English?
I will say one thing about Hilary Rosen.....she holds the record for the fastest women ever thrown under the bus.
Yes, raising children, motherhood, is a full time job. Anyone who denigrates it is an idiot on that topic.

Anyone who supports a free market and union busting that drives down wages and forces mothers out of the home into outside jobs to pay the bills is also an idiot.
Exactly... Pretty convienient, huh...? I hope you've recovered from your illness - it was a major board topic for about a month after the giffords shooting...


You're not getting it.

You're missing the point... I gave but one example... There are PLENTY of other threads that YOU could claim your "fallacious equivocation" in, but you only seem to find certain ones... Maybe you're just picky....:lol:

Provide a single example where I defended anyone's reliance on fallacy to make their point.

You're not getting it.

You're missing the point... I gave but one example... There are PLENTY of other threads that YOU could claim your "fallacious equivocation" in, but you only seem to find certain ones... Maybe you're just picky....:lol:

Provide a single example where I defended anyone relying on fallacy to make their point.

Thats not what I said... I said you havent claimed your "fallacious equivocation" in threads where the lefties are doing it...

You're boring me now... If you can't see it, I'm not going to spend the time showing you...

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