So the people want


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
So the people want:
China to lead in science as we give up! The people hate science!!!
Infrastructure to fall apart and become third world in nature!
One of the worse healthcare systems in the entire developed world and a system that destroys individuals for getting sick. The people hate single payer even through it has proven to work everywhere it has ever been used.
They want unregulated food that will most surely become more like China or Mexico's level of quality over time.
They want unregulated air and water standards. Look at China to see why this is bad! But they don't care.
They want to get rid of workers and consumers protections!
They want the poor to fucking die on the side of the street.

This is what last election tells me about the fucking people of this cock sucking country.
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The people want a massive war on drugs and for us to be the most imprisoned nation on earth. Just don't ever help the goddamn poor eat or shelter.
The people want to force religion on you and to control every fucking element of your life!
The people want to blow trillions of bucks in the middle east while telling everything that could maintain our quality of life to go fuck its self.
So the people want:
China to lead in science as we give up! The people hate science!!!
Infrastructure to fall apart and become third world in nature!
One of the worse healthcare systems in the entire developed world and a system that destroys individuals for getting sick. The people hate single payer even through it has proven to work everywhere it has ever been used.
They want unregulated food that will most surely become more like China or Mexico's level of quality over time.
They want unregulated air and water standards. Look at China to see why this is bad! But they don't care.
They want to get rid of workers and consumers protections!
They want the poor to fucking die on the side of the street.

This is what last election tells me about the fucking people of this cock sucking country.

the "people" currently running this country want to cut spending on education too.

keep the american people as stupid as they are is their only hope future generations will vote for them.
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So the people want:
China to lead in science as we give up! The people hate science!!!
Infrastructure to fall apart and become third world in nature!
One of the worse healthcare systems in the entire developed world and a system that destroys individuals for getting sick. The people hate single payer even through it has proven to work everywhere it has ever been used.
They want unregulated food that will most surely become more like China or Mexico's level of quality over time.
They want unregulated air and water standards. Look at China to see why this is bad! But they don't care.
They want to get rid of workers and consumers protections!
They want the poor to fucking die on the side of the street.

This is what last election tells me about the fucking people of this cock sucking country.

Now get the fuck our.
The people want a massive war on drugs and for us to be the most imprisoned nation on earth. Just don't ever help the goddamn poor eat or shelter.
The people want to force religion on you and to control every fucking element of your life!
The people want to blow trillions of bucks in the middle east while telling everything that could maintain our quality of life to go fuck its self.

Now get the fuck out.
So the people want:
China to lead in science as we give up! The people hate science!!!
Infrastructure to fall apart and become third world in nature!
One of the worse healthcare systems in the entire developed world and a system that destroys individuals for getting sick. The people hate single payer even through it has proven to work everywhere it has ever been used.
They want unregulated food that will most surely become more like China or Mexico's level of quality over time.
They want unregulated air and water standards. Look at China to see why this is bad! But they don't care.
They want to get rid of workers and consumers protections!
They want the poor to fucking die on the side of the street.

This is what last election tells me about the fucking people of this cock sucking country.
A tranny uses "cock sucker" as an insult? :oops8:
So the people want:
China to lead in science as we give up! The people hate science!!!
Infrastructure to fall apart and become third world in nature!
One of the worse healthcare systems in the entire developed world and a system that destroys individuals for getting sick. The people hate single payer even through it has proven to work everywhere it has ever been used.
They want unregulated food that will most surely become more like China or Mexico's level of quality over time.
They want unregulated air and water standards. Look at China to see why this is bad! But they don't care.
They want to get rid of workers and consumers protections!
They want the poor to fucking die on the side of the street.

This is what last election tells me about the fucking people of this cock sucking country.

The people want a massive war on drugs and for us to be the most imprisoned nation on earth. Just don't ever help the goddamn poor eat or shelter.
The people want to force religion on you and to control every fucking element of your life!
The people want to blow trillions of bucks in the middle east while telling everything that could maintain our quality of life to go fuck its self.

You still up in arms about when the evangelicals wanted to push evolution out of public schools? You realize that was like, two decades ago, right? More recently, when Obama defunded NASA, I didn't hear you democrats bitching about the government backing up off of science and letting China take the helm. In fact, what I heard was democrats saying that, in -this- economy, it's the only prudent course.

Who in the fuck wants infrastructure to fail? Point me to the people who are opposed to maintaining bridges and roads, please.

You're right, the ACA is pretty well fucked and spiraling into an even shittier shit show. I'm not really qualified to debate the macroeconomic side of socialized health care vs privatized health care (and neither are you, I'd wager), but I do know that I trust my own ability to pay my own way and financially assist those for whom I care more than I trust that the government will take care of me. If you prefer to put your trust into the benevolence of a government that recently elected, as its executive, a man who you believe to be the next Hitler, be my guest.

I don't understand this bit about food. The right doesn't like being told they can't eat trans fats and drink giant sodas, that's not the same as wanting zero standards. Sure, we don't trust the FDA as far as we can throw 'em, but that's also not the same as desiring zero standards, and it also doesn't differentiate right from left. Bring up Monsanto, or bring up big pharma gaming the rules on generic meds in a room full of lefties, and you'll find that they don't actually trust the FDA either.

Nobody wants unregulated air and water standards. Arguing that the left has gone too far when they implement unprecedented and drastic standards, and then use those standards to gut the coal industry, is not the same as wanting zero standards. Good fucking lord, you have NO nuance.

Nobody's looking to do away with all worker and consumer protections. The argument is over where the line should be drawn on what's a reasonable protection and what's a petty excuse to ruin industries. Again, nuance.

The right doesn't want the poor to die on the streets. The right wants to assist the truly needy without coddling people who ought to be able to fulfill their own needs. Apparently, when able bodied people are held back only by their own bad habits, enabling those habits by ensuring that their consequences are never felt is actually worse for the individual that you're trying to help then simply allowing them to hit bottom. People have largely forgotten that fact, and that's why we're seeing a younger generation or two consumed by narcissism at levels and rates that any generation preceding them would find indescribably fucking abhorrent.

At this point, I don't think very many "people" want the war on drugs. Mostly politicians. That said, yeah, I agree with you on this one. What a shit show of an idea. Prohibition is a failed concept from the ground up.

Who wants to force religion on anyone? The only religious push I've seen from the right in recent years is people demanding that they get to run their own businesses according to their own values. If Hobby Lobby doesn't want to pay their employees in birth control, that's not the same as forcing their religion on anyone. If you want to get paid in birth control, you're still perfectly free to go find a job that will hook you up, and I bet you Hobby Lobby management won't try to interfere with your job application process. If some cake shop doesn't want to cater your gay wedding, they are in no way forcing you into a church congregation and making you pray. You're still perfectly free to go find some other baker that'll put two tux's at the top of your cake. Oddly enough, the only major religion that's widely trying to force people to convert is one that I'm not allowed to criticize without people of YOUR political ilk calling me phobic and racist.

Most of the folks on the right have come around to the understanding that nation building in the desert is a shit idea. In fact, most of them have become so thoroughly convinced of this that it's fashionable to pretend that you weren't for the Iraq war back when it was being discussed. Granted, a lot of us on the right wanted something done about Isis back when they were picking up momentum, committing atrocities and, most importantly, promising to commit acts of terror in the US and other western nations, but even then, boots on the ground was a pretty roundly opposed idea. Last I checked, the dems were the ones that wanted to go topple Assad, even if the cost of that was war with the Russians. It's politicians on both sides of the isle who seem to want to make war recently, while it's regular people on both sides of the isle who'd generally rather bang back in the absence of an imminent threat.

By my count, out of 10 accusations hurled at this "cock sucking country", you've got 1 that's kinda valid. The rest are hyperbole and outright misrepresentation.

Science does rock, but you're about as scientifically minded as an evangelical Neanderthal after a massive stroke. You should call yourself DogmaRocks
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The people want a massive war on drugs and for us to be the most imprisoned nation on earth. Just don't ever help the goddamn poor eat or shelter.
The people want to force religion on you and to control every fucking element of your life!
The people want to blow trillions of bucks in the middle east while telling everything that could maintain our quality of life to go fuck its self.

The problem here is that our government has become, in the minds of far too many voters, the key to getting what they want.

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