So, the President suddenly isn't allowed to "politicize" military victories?

I hope he continues to "spike the football" all the way until election day. It is not going over very well.....Of course the ass sniffing sycophants will applaud and defend his every utterance. But the rest of the country- especially moderates and independents- see it as desperate and classless.

Yeah, saying I got Osama Bin Laden will hurt him....In opposite world

Well...lets look at it this way....

He championed against waterboarding as it was inhumane.
He championed against GITMO as it was inhumane.

Now, seeing as he has been president for nearly 4 years....I find it IRONIC that he chooses the killing of a man in front of his family without a trial as the thing he wants to brag about and campaign about.

Yeah...I would say it makes him look bad.

Is there supposed to be a train of thought in there?? you jump form one accusation to another and then claim it makes him look bad with no real info to support that claim.

BTW you can argue against inhumane treatments of POWs and still be ok with killing the enemy during a time of war. You do realize that you can hold both positions and not be in conflict or hypocrisy don't you?
If the decision to kill Bin Laden was so easy and obvious, why were half the rightwing nuts on this board second-guessing and criticizing it,

at the time it happened?

Liar.... why do you hate the truth?

As for 2nd guessing it.... why did Osama, eeerrr, I mean Obama wait 16 hrs to say take him out?

Oh yeah, he had to get that memo created that gave him a scapegoat in case it failed.


LOL got to love the talking points. They let you know who the lemming followers truly are.

my guess is that it took a while because it was a hard decision to make. it wasn't like he was sitting in a chair reading a childrens book after being told our nation was under attack or anything.

as for the scapegoat comment what in the memo do you think provides for a scapegoat?? what exact wording please provide the memo and the exact quote to support your spin. thank you.

Your a fucking troll and not worth debating frankly.

Fuck off!

16 HOURS...!!!!!!
Why yes, the old talking point "bush kept us safe after 9/11"

Funny how the right didn't opt for their current mantra "Bush just followed orders, no biggie" as a talking point.

We had no terrorist attacks here at home after 9/11/01 while Bush was POTUS.

How many have there been since Obama has been in charge?
Why yes, the old talking point "bush kept us safe after 9/11"

Funny how the right didn't opt for their current mantra "Bush just followed orders, no biggie" as a talking point.

We had no terrorist attacks here at home after 9/11/01 while Bush was POTUS.

How many have there been since Obama has been in charge?

Did Bush keep us safe or did he just follow orders?
I think the real question is the President is now allowed to politicizing military victories? You guys were the one bitching and moaning about how wrong it is. And now you want to do it. Dont like your own standards? that's fine. Stop being such hypocrites though.

well since the republican candidate for president was already politicizing national security and foreign policy by claiming that obama was weak on both and that romney would be stronger I think that it's fair game for obama to cite specific examples to show that he is not weak.

as for double standards since the right was ok with it back when W was president but are now against it shouldn't they take your advice too?? lol
Here's the deal, for conservatives, getting Osama is an expected job requirement. It isn't going above and beyond the job expectations for an "exceeds expectations" rating on the job review. Liberals have the notion he's a like a clerk who just landed the company's largest client ever. Doing his job is expected.

So you're mad that Obama did the job but find no anger with Bush not doing his required job? Yeah, that makes sense.

Remember how all those cons were ragging on Bush for failing? Yeah, me neither.

Bush no more failed at getting Bin Laden, than Obama succeeded. They used the same intel personnel and the same military personnel.

He could have just as easily been found under Bush, Obama or the next president.

It all had to do with being in the WH at the right time.

yes just like reagan was lucky to be in the WH at the right time when the wall was coming down. LOL It could have happened anytime but he was lucky to be president when it happened and yet for some reason the right stil praises reagan for it.
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Why yes, the old talking point "bush kept us safe after 9/11"

Funny how the right didn't opt for their current mantra "Bush just followed orders, no biggie" as a talking point.

We had no terrorist attacks here at home after 9/11/01 while Bush was POTUS.

How many have there been since Obama has been in charge?

Did Bush keep us safe or did he just follow orders?

Bush was POTUS... I never said 'he kept us safe'.

Was there any domestic terror attacks or not? Just answer it.... its a yes or no question.
Bush no more failed at getting Bin Laden, than Obama succeeded. They used the same intel personnel and the same military personnel.

He could have just as easily been found under Bush, Obama or the next president.

It all had to do with being in the WH at the right time.

And water is wet....

Point is many are rushing to take credit from the President. Give credit where credit is due. But that hurts the whole "being weak on terrorism" talking point. Remember that?

I think the Pro-War crowd is happy with Obama's performance, how could they not be?

That's why the discussion has shifted to the economy.

I wouldn't say that they aren't talking about it because they are happy with his performance.
I would actually argue that they are not talking about it because they are not happy with the fact that they cannot use it against him.
So you're mad that Obama did the job but find no anger with Bush not doing his required job? Yeah, that makes sense.

Remember how all those cons were ragging on Bush for failing? Yeah, me neither.

Bush no more failed at getting Bin Laden, than Obama succeeded. They used the same intel personnel and the same military personnel.

He could have just as easily been found under Bush, Obama or the next president.

It all had to do with being in the WH at the right time.

yes just like reagan was lucky to be in the WH at the right time when the wall was coming down. LOL It could have happened anytime but he was lucky to be president when it happened and yet for some reason the right stil praises reagan for it.

Damn it quit moving the fucking goal posts you troll..... Reagans policies helped end the cold war and bring down the wall.
You dont like it that the wall came down and we won the cold war.... why do you hate that we won?
Why do you hate America?
Here's the deal, for conservatives, getting Osama is an expected job requirement. It isn't going above and beyond the job expectations for an "exceeds expectations" rating on the job review. Liberals have the notion he's a like a clerk who just landed the company's largest client ever. Doing his job is expected.

So you're mad that Obama did the job but find no anger with Bush not doing his required job? Yeah, that makes sense.

Remember how all those cons were ragging on Bush for failing? Yeah, me neither.

What job exactly did Obama do? Give a nod when the process established by Bush's admin finally beared fruit? That was an easy call. Even a blind squirrel finds the occasional acorn.

so bush gets the credit even though it is no longer his watch but obama can't claim credit even though he was the CiC that made the call??


How many times has the right tired to argue that W is no longer president to avoid holding him accountable for the economic mess that he left obama with?? LOL Funny how their position changes based on who they believe they can give the credit or blame to isn't it?
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And water is wet....

Point is many are rushing to take credit from the President. Give credit where credit is due. But that hurts the whole "being weak on terrorism" talking point. Remember that?

I think the Pro-War crowd is happy with Obama's performance, how could they not be?

That's why the discussion has shifted to the economy.

I wouldn't say that they aren't talking about it because they are happy with his performance.
I would actually argue that they are not talking about it because they are not happy with the fact that they cannot use it against him.

Obama can not run on his failed record.... thats why he has to distract us with every kind of scandal imaginable and also by saying Romney wouldnt have done it.

Thats the main problem I have with the campaign ad to begin with.

Yes, Obama resided over catching one of the most wanted men on earth, and I appauded him and still do.....but to say Romney wouldnt have done the same is retarded!
Yeah, saying I got Osama Bin Laden will hurt him....In opposite world

Well...lets look at it this way....

He championed against waterboarding as it was inhumane.
He championed against GITMO as it was inhumane.

Now, seeing as he has been president for nearly 4 years....I find it IRONIC that he chooses the killing of a man in front of his family without a trial as the thing he wants to brag about and campaign about.

Yeah...I would say it makes him look bad.

But.... just think how much better he'd have looked if, on the first anniversary of OBL's death, he had chosen to highlight the courage of our armed forces, and thanked SEAL 6 for their daring deed. Then, people would have remembered that he gave the green light... but he'd have looked very Presidential by giving the credit where is should be. And, even better, the right wing would have been hard pressed to disagree.... he could have played this so much better.

If he had focused even more on them then you hypopcrites would mhave attacked him for using them as props.

Furthermore, he already thanked them and has continued to do so. however, the right continues to try and argue that obama has not thanked them. Once again reality escapes the grasp of the right as they march head long off that cliff following their talking points like good little lemmings.
So you're mad that Obama did the job but find no anger with Bush not doing his required job? Yeah, that makes sense.

Remember how all those cons were ragging on Bush for failing? Yeah, me neither.

What job exactly did Obama do? Give a nod when the process established by Bush's admin finally beared fruit? That was an easy call. Even a blind squirrel finds the occasional acorn.

so bush gets the credit even though it is no longer his watch but obama can't claim credit even though he was the CiC that made the call??


How many times has the right tired to argue that W is no longer president to avoid holding him accountable for the economic mess that he left obama with?? LOL Funny how their position changes based on who they believe they can give the credit or blame to isn't it?

Obama was left a shit storm of an economy by the Democrats in Congress and a compliant President Bush.... you guys wont let us forget that, but you fail to admit Bush's policies help lead to Osama's capture and death.
Bush no more failed at getting Bin Laden, than Obama succeeded. They used the same intel personnel and the same military personnel.

He could have just as easily been found under Bush, Obama or the next president.

It all had to do with being in the WH at the right time.


But Obama got him. And Bush didn't. He had the intel, and he didn't use it. Therefore.

That is only if I believe what you're saying - I don't.

listen up civie....

Obama used the same intel personnel and the same military personnel that Bush ised.

I hope this informations doesnt disturb yur masturnbation session of this evening...But Obama is by no means a war hero.

Flicker on.

So nobody got fired, changed jobs or exited the military over that time?? Since you are making that argument I am certian that you can back it up can't you?? I mean, you wouldn't make such an argument unless you could support it or would you?
Well...lets look at it this way....

He championed against waterboarding as it was inhumane.
He championed against GITMO as it was inhumane.

Now, seeing as he has been president for nearly 4 years....I find it IRONIC that he chooses the killing of a man in front of his family without a trial as the thing he wants to brag about and campaign about.

Yeah...I would say it makes him look bad.

But.... just think how much better he'd have looked if, on the first anniversary of OBL's death, he had chosen to highlight the courage of our armed forces, and thanked SEAL 6 for their daring deed. Then, people would have remembered that he gave the green light... but he'd have looked very Presidential by giving the credit where is should be. And, even better, the right wing would have been hard pressed to disagree.... he could have played this so much better.

If he had focused even more on them then you hypopcrites would mhave attacked him for using them as props.

Furthermore, he already thanked them and has continued to do so. however, the right continues to try and argue that obama has not thanked them. Once again reality escapes the grasp of the right as they march head long off that cliff following their talking points like good little lemmings.

Your full of shit!

As we all know, I usually try to keep the discourse civil around here, but I'm going to have to make an exception.

I have two words for all you assholes that politicized 9/11, the war on terror, the war in Iraq, and whose leader "Spiked the Football" on a fucking AIRCRAFT CARRIER half a decade before "operations in Iraq" were over:

Fuck You.

Seriously. I have no patience for this bullshit. You people can seriously go fuck yourselves on this one.

You chased Bin Laden around for a decade and FAILED.

Obama, while acting as commander in chief, got him, and that just pisses you assholes off to no end, doesn't it?

This utter hypocrisy is just UNBELIEVABLE.

Seriously, out of all the shit you've pulled in the past, this one just takes the cake.

So, in summary:

Stop whining, and STFU already.

Obama has every Right to Brag about Getting Osama, I don't Care about that. Frankly I do find it funny everyone acts like it was such a Hard Decision. Me Personally I think it was a no Brainer, Yes I know it was inside a supposed ally in Pakistan, But were talking about the man were had been looking for, for almost 10 Decades, who killed 3000 Americans, and Sparked this whole damn war off. I don't think it takes much thought to Come to the Conclusion that you should send a Team into WHERE ever the hell he is and take his ass out. Nor did it take much thought really to decide that just killing him in an Air Strike was not going to be good enough.

What I do fault the White house, and Congress for, Because I know it's not coming from the Military. Is how very Stupid they have been in Talking so damn much about how it went down, how we found him, and what we found with him.

In fact I would have fully supported them No telling us he was dead for at least a little while to try and make more effective use of the Masses of Intel the Raid uncovered.

To sum up, Obama can Brag all he wants, about what amounted to an Easy Decision to NOT pass on a chance to get Osama, but loses big points for allowing IMO to many Details to come out, and not making the Most effect use of the Victory.

Not sure why you guys care so much, Historically Military Feats, even Big ones, do not always have that long of Legs when it comes to a Presidents numbers. In Nov people are going to vote mostly based on the Economy, and how they feel about the Prospects for the Country going Forward. That's what Obama has to win on.
Here's the deal, for conservatives, getting Osama is an expected job requirement. It isn't going above and beyond the job expectations for an "exceeds expectations" rating on the job review. Liberals have the notion he's a like a clerk who just landed the company's largest client ever. Doing his job is expected.

So you're mad that Obama did the job but find no anger with Bush not doing his required job? Yeah, that makes sense.

Remember how all those cons were ragging on Bush for failing? Yeah, me neither.

Bush no more failed at getting Bin Laden, than Obama succeeded. They used the same intel personnel and the same military personnel.

He could have just as easily been found under Bush, Obama or the next president.

It all had to do with being in the WH at the right time.

Obama made a decision with incomplete information, and against some of his staffs' advice. He took a political risk, that might have turned out very badly. That's what leaders do.
I hope he continues to "spike the football" all the way until election day. It is not going over very well.....Of course the ass sniffing sycophants will applaud and defend his every utterance. But the rest of the country- especially moderates and independents- see it as desperate and classless.

Yeah, saying I got Osama Bin Laden will hurt him....In opposite world

Well...lets look at it this way....

He championed against waterboarding as it was inhumane.
He championed against GITMO as it was inhumane.

Now, seeing as he has been president for nearly 4 years....I find it IRONIC that he chooses the killing of a man in front of his family without a trial as the thing he wants to brag about and campaign about.

Yeah...I would say it makes him look bad.

So you claim that the Seal team was lying, and shot him in cold blood? Yeah, that's the ticket. Say it loud and often.
Obama made a decision with incomplete information, and against some of his staffs' advice. He took a political risk, that might have turned out very badly. That's what leaders do.

16 hours and he didnt have all the intel he needed?

Yeah right :cuckoo:
Bush no more failed at getting Bin Laden, than Obama succeeded. They used the same intel personnel and the same military personnel.

He could have just as easily been found under Bush, Obama or the next president.

It all had to do with being in the WH at the right time.

And water is wet....

Point is many are rushing to take credit from the President. Give credit where credit is due. But that hurts the whole "being weak on terrorism" talking point. Remember that?

I think the Pro-War crowd is happy with Obama's performance, how could they not be?

That's why the discussion has shifted to the economy.

Either you have your head in the sand, or waited for Rush to tell you what to think about the agreement signed yesterday. It draws down our troops and passes security responsibility off to the Afghan forces. The pro-war crowd hates that.

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