So the Republicans are taking this kid's insurance?

So at a meeting today, I found out that an intern that we just hired was really excited that he was now, once again, able to tag onto his parents insurance. He is about a year out of college and he was very happy to once again have health insurance.

But the Republicans are vowing to take his insurance away. Are they out of their minds?

I've been off my parents insurance since the day I turned 18 (and was still in HIGH SCHOOL), in December 1980.

Lost my coverage last April due to a RIF. Now I am a 47 year old college student, no coverage. Just spent a few days in the hospital having tests coverage. The hospital social worker informed me we had $64/mo too much income to qualify for any governent health benefits.

AND....? You gonna boo-fukin hoo for me?

Yeah. Didn't think so. :rolleyes:
because its a compilation of all your posts dude
you just don't fucking get it
any time anyone on the right says something YOU are one of the FIRST to scream racism


If not, you are full of shit. So far, no links, not from you or Dresden. I call your bullshit and you back it up with...its a "compilation"..yet you cant show me one link. Here is a hint, if you call someone a racist, you have to back it up with links to prove it.

YOU CANT. Dresden, comments?
you never back it up
so fuck off hypocrite

I back it up with my signature dumb ass.

Here is the end result stupid. You have zero ZERO ZERO proof of me being a racist other than you just saying it.

You and dresden look like fools again. You really are an idiot dude who cant back this accusation up. Fool.

Now get me a link to me being a racist or stfu.

School is out.

If not, you are full of shit. So far, no links, not from you or Dresden. I call your bullshit and you back it up with...its a "compilation"..yet you cant show me one link. Here is a hint, if you call someone a racist, you have to back it up with links to prove it.

YOU CANT. Dresden, comments?
you never back it up
so fuck off hypocrite

I back it up with my signature dumb ass.

Here is the end result stupid. You have zero ZERO ZERO proof of me being a racist other than you just saying it.

You and dresden look like fools again. You really are an idiot dude who cant back this accusation up. Fool.

Now get me a link to me being a racist or stfu.

School is out.
LOL sure thing
out of context quotes with no links

try again dipshit
and i know conhog made those comments and was widely criticized for them by those on the right as well as the left
only dishonest race baiter YOU wants to paint ALL conservatives with the sayings of ONE
Dude, if you ask me, lately its you who continually brings it up. Do a analysis of my posts if you like and tell me the percentage of me bringing up race.

Its your accusation, you prove it. Fetch.

you been called a racist quite a few times Zona.....i wonder why....and im sure you remember the post you made about Xisted's mom.....that was deleted by the Mods.....but go ahead and play your little games where you try and dance around and deflect everything on to someone else to get the focus off of you,like your previous wont work with me....remember i was at that particular well as a few others....i know better....
If there was ONE post deleted...and you are saying there are me to anyone of them. ANY ONE OF THEM.


You see, when you call someone a racist, you have to back it up with something. Even if A was deleted, you have to show a trend to call someone a racist.

Again, I am calling you out. Show me where I posted racist posts. :eusa_whistle:

Fetch. OH and stay on point. No deflection, particularly of just saying I am a racist witout being able to back it up. A real racist cant hide and if you cant show fucking anything that proves your point, stfu. I am so tired of your bullshit.

AGain, no deflections, show me a racist post of mine. Better, show me a trend of them. That would prove your point of me being a racist.

oh whats a matter little fella?....did i hit a nerve? i encroaching on the kind of person you are?.....ole Harry dont fall for your deflections like some of the other posters do does he?....Harry sticks right on your racist ass dont he? i said have been called a racist in more than just a few of your threads.....if you cant handle the heat you cause, then maybe you had better go find an easier i said and will continue to say bring up race in many of your posts and in most cases are the first one to do it.....if you cant handle the shit coming back at ya.....TO FUCKING BAD.....its here to stay....
because its a compilation of all your posts dude
you just don't fucking get it
any time anyone on the right says something YOU are one of the FIRST to scream racism


If not, you are full of shit. So far, no links, not from you or Dresden. I call your bullshit and you back it up with...its a "compilation"..yet you cant show me one link. Here is a hint, if you call someone a racist, you have to back it up with links to prove it.

YOU CANT. Dresden, comments?
you never back it up
so fuck off hypocrite

thank many times have i been in a thread were Zona says something about someone....that poster will ask Zona to prove it....and what does the DEFLECTION KING do?......he becomes Fred Astaire and dances around the question and will try and put the onus on the guy asking him to prove it......the people who deflect it right back at him.....he has problems with....he doesnt realize Dive that you and me and a bunch of other posters here have been in enough threads with this Boob that we dont fall for his bullshit .....we know how he been made Zona....go find some new people to play your games might work with them....

If not, you are full of shit. So far, no links, not from you or Dresden. I call your bullshit and you back it up with...its a "compilation"..yet you cant show me one link. Here is a hint, if you call someone a racist, you have to back it up with links to prove it.

YOU CANT. Dresden, comments?
you never back it up
so fuck off hypocrite

thank many times have i been in a thread were Zona says something about someone....that poster will ask Zona to prove it....and what does the DEFLECTION KING do?......he becomes Fred Astaire and dances around the question and will try and put the onus on the guy asking him to prove it......the people who deflect it right back at him.....he has problems with....he doesnt realize Dive that you and me and a bunch of other posters here have been in enough threads with this Boob that we dont fall for his bullshit .....we know how he been made Zona....go find some new people to play your games might work with them....

He is not so much a racist, as a Far left, Liberal Elitist , White Liberal Guilt, Race Baiting, Ignorant Lying asshole. But that is just my opinion
you never back it up
so fuck off hypocrite

thank many times have i been in a thread were Zona says something about someone....that poster will ask Zona to prove it....and what does the DEFLECTION KING do?......he becomes Fred Astaire and dances around the question and will try and put the onus on the guy asking him to prove it......the people who deflect it right back at him.....he has problems with....he doesnt realize Dive that you and me and a bunch of other posters here have been in enough threads with this Boob that we dont fall for his bullshit .....we know how he been made Zona....go find some new people to play your games might work with them....

He is not so much a racist, as a Far left, Liberal Elitist , White Liberal Guilt, Race Baiting, Ignorant Lying asshole. But that is just my opinion
is race baiting not racism as well?
is race baiting not racism as well?

this is why i said he does not point it out.....he brings it up....and then when some poor fool bites....Zona will try and do his deflecting to make that poor bastard look like the racist......just in another thread here Yurt called Zona a racist.....and this is after Zona babbling on...."show me one thread".....:lol:
is race baiting not racism as well?

this is why i said he does not point it out.....he brings it up....and then when some poor fool bites....Zona will try and do his deflecting to make that poor bastard look like the racist......just in another thread here Yurt called Zona a racist.....and this is after Zona babbling on...."show me one thread".....:lol:
exactly, and my post was rhetorical
it didn't need an answer
you been called a racist quite a few times Zona.....i wonder why....and im sure you remember the post you made about Xisted's mom.....that was deleted by the Mods.....but go ahead and play your little games where you try and dance around and deflect everything on to someone else to get the focus off of you,like your previous wont work with me....remember i was at that particular well as a few others....i know better....
If there was ONE post deleted...and you are saying there are me to anyone of them. ANY ONE OF THEM.


You see, when you call someone a racist, you have to back it up with something. Even if A was deleted, you have to show a trend to call someone a racist.

Again, I am calling you out. Show me where I posted racist posts. :eusa_whistle:

Fetch. OH and stay on point. No deflection, particularly of just saying I am a racist witout being able to back it up. A real racist cant hide and if you cant show fucking anything that proves your point, stfu. I am so tired of your bullshit.

AGain, no deflections, show me a racist post of mine. Better, show me a trend of them. That would prove your point of me being a racist.

oh whats a matter little fella?....did i hit a nerve? i encroaching on the kind of person you are?.....ole Harry dont fall for your deflections like some of the other posters do does he?....Harry sticks right on your racist ass dont he? i said have been called a racist in more than just a few of your threads.....if you cant handle the heat you cause, then maybe you had better go find an easier i said and will continue to say bring up race in many of your posts and in most cases are the first one to do it.....if you cant handle the shit coming back at ya.....TO FUCKING BAD.....its here to stay....

So, thats a no to proof. Just like I said.

If not, you are full of shit. So far, no links, not from you or Dresden. I call your bullshit and you back it up with...its a "compilation"..yet you cant show me one link. Here is a hint, if you call someone a racist, you have to back it up with links to prove it.

YOU CANT. Dresden, comments?
you never back it up
so fuck off hypocrite

thank many times have i been in a thread were Zona says something about someone....that poster will ask Zona to prove it....and what does the DEFLECTION KING do?......he becomes Fred Astaire and dances around the question and will try and put the onus on the guy asking him to prove it......the people who deflect it right back at him.....he has problems with....he doesnt realize Dive that you and me and a bunch of other posters here have been in enough threads with this Boob that we dont fall for his bullshit .....we know how he been made Zona....go find some new people to play your games might work with them....

So, thats a no for proof. Just like I said.
you never back it up
so fuck off hypocrite

thank many times have i been in a thread were Zona says something about someone....that poster will ask Zona to prove it....and what does the DEFLECTION KING do?......he becomes Fred Astaire and dances around the question and will try and put the onus on the guy asking him to prove it......the people who deflect it right back at him.....he has problems with....he doesnt realize Dive that you and me and a bunch of other posters here have been in enough threads with this Boob that we dont fall for his bullshit .....we know how he been made Zona....go find some new people to play your games might work with them....

He is not so much a racist, as a Far left, Liberal Elitist , White Liberal Guilt, Race Baiting, Ignorant Lying asshole. But that is just my opinion


Uh, you do know I am black, dont you? Fact check much?

OH and....

So, thats a no for proof. Just like I said.
is race baiting not racism as well?

this is why i said he does not point it out.....he brings it up....and then when some poor fool bites....Zona will try and do his deflecting to make that poor bastard look like the racist......just in another thread here Yurt called Zona a racist.....and this is after Zona babbling on...."show me one thread".....:lol:

So, thats a no for proof. Just like I said.
thank many times have i been in a thread were Zona says something about someone....that poster will ask Zona to prove it....and what does the DEFLECTION KING do?......he becomes Fred Astaire and dances around the question and will try and put the onus on the guy asking him to prove it......the people who deflect it right back at him.....he has problems with....he doesnt realize Dive that you and me and a bunch of other posters here have been in enough threads with this Boob that we dont fall for his bullshit .....we know how he been made Zona....go find some new people to play your games might work with them....

He is not so much a racist, as a Far left, Liberal Elitist , White Liberal Guilt, Race Baiting, Ignorant Lying asshole. But that is just my opinion


Uh, you do know I am black, dont you? Fact check much?

OH and....

So, thats a no for proof. Just like I said.
not until right now i didnt
but that doesnt mean you aren't a racist

and a hint for ya, i dont read your every post
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[COLOR="Red" said:

He is not so much a racist, as a Far left, Liberal Elitist , White Liberal Guilt, Race Baiting, Ignorant Lying asshole. But that is just my opinion


Uh, you do know I am black, dont you? Fact check much?

OH and....

So, thats a no for proof. Just like I said.
not until right now i didnt
but that doesnt mean you are a racist (I know. I have been trying to tell you idiots this and you cant prove me wrong.)

and a hint for ya, i dont read your every post

Wasnt talking to you skippy. I was talking to the guy who said I was a guilty white liberal. Fact checking just doesnt compute with you guys does it..
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Uh, you do know I am black, dont you? Fact check much?

OH and....

So, thats a no for proof. Just like I said.
not until right now i didnt
but that doesnt mean you aren't a racist (I know. I have been trying to tell you idiots this and you cant prove me wrong.)

and a hint for ya, i dont read your every post

Wasnt talking to you skippy. I was talking to the guy who said I was a guilty white liberal. Fact checking just doesnt compute with you guys does it..
i made an error
i fixed it
you ARE a racist
you never back it up
so fuck off hypocrite

thank many times have i been in a thread were Zona says something about someone....that poster will ask Zona to prove it....and what does the DEFLECTION KING do?......he becomes Fred Astaire and dances around the question and will try and put the onus on the guy asking him to prove it......the people who deflect it right back at him.....he has problems with....he doesnt realize Dive that you and me and a bunch of other posters here have been in enough threads with this Boob that we dont fall for his bullshit .....we know how he been made Zona....go find some new people to play your games might work with them....

So, thats a no for proof. Just like I said.
i think it was proved .....why did Yurt call you a racist in that other thread Yesterday?.....this is what im trying to tell you Zona....many posters here think you are a RACIST......WHY IS THAT?.....i dont really think you are a racist per se.....i just think you bring up race alot.....apparently im not alone in this.....but i do think you are the king of the deflectors on this board....that i know you are the master at.....but many of us have become "deflective proof" with your shit....but i do enjoy watching you Deflect.....maybe you should write a book...."THE ART OF DEFLECTING" to make the other guy look like the bad are good at it Zona.....but to some of us....your not good enough....
So at a meeting today, I found out that an intern that we just hired was really excited that he was now, once again, able to tag onto his parents insurance. He is about a year out of college and he was very happy to once again have health insurance.

But the Republicans are vowing to take his insurance away. Are they out of their minds?

I've been off my parents insurance since the day I turned 18 (and was still in HIGH SCHOOL), in December 1980.

Lost my coverage last April due to a RIF. Now I am a 47 year old college student, no coverage. Just spent a few days in the hospital having tests coverage. The hospital social worker informed me we had $64/mo too much income to qualify for any governent health benefits.

AND....? You gonna boo-fukin hoo for me?

Yeah. Didn't think so. :rolleyes:

When the HC reform laws are fully implemented, you won't need to worry. Well, if the republcans don't take them away.

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