So the Republicans are taking this kid's insurance?

So at a meeting today, I found out that an intern that we just hired was really excited that he was now, once again, able to tag onto his parents insurance. He is about a year out of college and he was very happy to once again have health insurance.

But the Republicans are vowing to take his insurance away. Are they out of their minds?

I've been off my parents insurance since the day I turned 18 (and was still in HIGH SCHOOL), in December 1980.

Lost my coverage last April due to a RIF. Now I am a 47 year old college student, no coverage. Just spent a few days in the hospital having tests coverage. The hospital social worker informed me we had $64/mo too much income to qualify for any governent health benefits.

AND....? You gonna boo-fukin hoo for me?

Yeah. Didn't think so. :rolleyes:

When the HC reform laws are fully implemented, you won't need to worry. Well, if the republcans don't take them away.

You do know that the Democratics are now trying to repeal parts of healthscare reform, don't you?
When the HC reform laws are fully implemented, you won't need to worry. Well, if the republcans don't take them away.

You do know that the Democratics are now trying to repeal parts of healthscare reform, don't you?

Presumably you're talking about the 1099 tax-reporting rules, which have nothing to do with the law's coverage provisions.
So at a meeting today, I found out that an intern that we just hired was really excited that he was now, once again, able to tag onto his parents insurance. He is about a year out of college and he was very happy to once again have health insurance.

But the Republicans are vowing to take his insurance away. Are they out of their minds?

The poor college kid getting his insurance taken away from the Evil White Greedy Republicans.

And another wedge-issue is invented by the Snake In The Grass Democraps.

I wish politicians would try to think of things we can agree on and stop trying to drive a wedge between us.

Let's see who the Democraps have martyred so far:

Blacks, women, babies, Hispanics, young-people, old-people, the handicapped, homosexuals, lesbians, the unemployed, terrorists, etc,.

Now who is on the Democraps list of evil folks who need to be controlled:

White men, Gun owners, Christians [unless they're black], the obese, talk-radio hosts, the middle-class, taxpayers, the Tea Party, bankers, oil producers, and anyone who questions insane Obama policies.
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So at a meeting today, I found out that an intern that we just hired was really excited that he was now, once again, able to tag onto his parents insurance. He is about a year out of college and he was very happy to once again have health insurance.

But the Republicans are vowing to take his insurance away. Are they out of their minds?

The poor college kid getting his insurance taken away from the Evil White Greedy Republicans.

And another wedge-issue is invented by the Snake In The Grass Democraps.

I wish politicians would try to think of things we can agree on and stop trying to drive a wedge between us.

Let's see who the Democraps have martyred so far:

Blacks, women, babies, Hispanics, young-people, old-people, the handicapped, homosexuals, lesbians, the unemployed, terrorists, etc,.

Now who is on the Democraps list of evil folks who need to be controlled:

White men, Gun owners, Christians [unless they're black], the obese, talk-radio hosts, the middle-class, taxpayers, the Tea Party, bankers, oil producers, and anyone who questions insane Obama policies.

Speaking of that, I passed this fat white guy today near my bank with a tag; "Te Party". It was pretty funny. I thanked him for the Friday funny!
When the HC reform laws are fully implemented, you won't need to worry. Well, if the republcans don't take them away.

You do know that the Democratics are now trying to repeal parts of healthscare reform, don't you?

Presumably you're talking about the 1099 tax-reporting rules, which have nothing to do with the law's coverage provisions.

I'm talking about this:

Dems, GOP maneuver on repeal - Jennifer Haberkorn -

I guess even the Flaming Left realizes that the unpopular healthscare reform kinda jumped the gun...
Yeah, those are the 1099 tax-reporting rules. They don't have anything to do with anyone losing insurance coverage.
Yeah, those are the 1099 tax-reporting rules. They don't have anything to do with anyone losing insurance coverage.

I never said it had anything to do with coverage...

Just that the Democratics were less than happy with the healthscare reform bill that was passed...
thank many times have i been in a thread were Zona says something about someone....that poster will ask Zona to prove it....and what does the DEFLECTION KING do?......he becomes Fred Astaire and dances around the question and will try and put the onus on the guy asking him to prove it......the people who deflect it right back at him.....he has problems with....he doesnt realize Dive that you and me and a bunch of other posters here have been in enough threads with this Boob that we dont fall for his bullshit .....we know how he been made Zona....go find some new people to play your games might work with them....

So, thats a no for proof. Just like I said.
i think it was proved .....why did Yurt call you a racist in that other thread Yesterday?.....this is what im trying to tell you Zona....many posters here think you are a RACIST......WHY IS THAT?.....i dont really think you are a racist per se.....i just think you bring up race alot.....apparently im not alone in this.....but i do think you are the king of the deflectors on this board....that i know you are the master at.....but many of us have become "deflective proof" with your shit....but i do enjoy watching you Deflect.....maybe you should write a book...."THE ART OF DEFLECTING" to make the other guy look like the bad are good at it Zona.....but to some of us....your not good enough....

You, Yert and conhog, maybe Divecon (he is an idiot, but we usually argue about most other things, not race) are not alone in this at

No one else will because they know I will say the same thing to them...links please. Without them, you cant back up your accusations of me being a racist.

Me bringing up race in a thread about race does not make me a racist Jethrow.
I can see you doing the following....

I point out a KKK rally and you saying "why are you bringing up race".....then me saying hey dumb ass, its a kkk rally, and you saying "why bring race into a KKK thread....
Uh, yeah. Stick with that.

You once said 90% of my posting are about race...


Master of deflection, deflect! :)

(Dont you hate being called out on a lie?)
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So, thats a no for proof. Just like I said.
i think it was proved .....why did Yurt call you a racist in that other thread Yesterday?.....this is what im trying to tell you Zona....many posters here think you are a RACIST......WHY IS THAT?.....i dont really think you are a racist per se.....i just think you bring up race alot.....apparently im not alone in this.....but i do think you are the king of the deflectors on this board....that i know you are the master at.....but many of us have become "deflective proof" with your shit....but i do enjoy watching you Deflect.....maybe you should write a book...."THE ART OF DEFLECTING" to make the other guy look like the bad are good at it Zona.....but to some of us....your not good enough....

You, Yert and conhog, maybe Divecon (he is an idiot, but we usually argue about most other things, not race) are not alone in this at

No one else will because they know I will say the same thing to them...links please. Without them, you cant back up your accusations of me being a racist.

Me bringing up race in a thread about race does not make me a racist Jethrow.
I can see you doing the following....

I point out a KKK rally and you saying "why are you bringing up race".....then me saying hey dumb ass, its a kkk rally, and you saying "why bring race into a KKK thread....
Uh, yeah. Stick with that.

You once said 90% of my posting are about race...


Master of deflection, deflect! :)

(Dont you hate being called out on a lie?)
i'm calling you out to prove that you made a thread or a post on a KKK rally and someone challenged you that it wasnt racism
i think it was proved .....why did Yurt call you a racist in that other thread Yesterday?.....this is what im trying to tell you Zona....many posters here think you are a RACIST......WHY IS THAT?.....i dont really think you are a racist per se.....i just think you bring up race alot.....apparently im not alone in this.....but i do think you are the king of the deflectors on this board....that i know you are the master at.....but many of us have become "deflective proof" with your shit....but i do enjoy watching you Deflect.....maybe you should write a book...."THE ART OF DEFLECTING" to make the other guy look like the bad are good at it Zona.....but to some of us....your not good enough....

You, Yert and conhog, maybe Divecon (he is an idiot, but we usually argue about most other things, not race) are not alone in this at

No one else will because they know I will say the same thing to them...links please. Without them, you cant back up your accusations of me being a racist.

Me bringing up race in a thread about race does not make me a racist Jethrow.
I can see you doing the following....

I point out a KKK rally and you saying "why are you bringing up race".....then me saying hey dumb ass, its a kkk rally, and you saying "why bring race into a KKK thread....
Uh, yeah. Stick with that.

You once said 90% of my posting are about race...


Master of deflection, deflect! :)

(Dont you hate being called out on a lie?)
i'm calling you out to prove that you made a thread or a post on a KKK rally and someone challenged you that it wasnt racism

You really are a dolt. Stop being stupid, please. Seriously.
You, Yert and conhog, maybe Divecon (he is an idiot, but we usually argue about most other things, not race) are not alone in this at

No one else will because they know I will say the same thing to them...links please. Without them, you cant back up your accusations of me being a racist.

Me bringing up race in a thread about race does not make me a racist Jethrow.
I can see you doing the following....

I point out a KKK rally and you saying "why are you bringing up race".....then me saying hey dumb ass, its a kkk rally, and you saying "why bring race into a KKK thread....
Uh, yeah. Stick with that.

You once said 90% of my posting are about race...


Master of deflection, deflect! :)

(Dont you hate being called out on a lie?)
i'm calling you out to prove that you made a thread or a post on a KKK rally and someone challenged you that it wasnt racism

You really are a dolt. Stop being stupid, please. Seriously.
ah, back to your projection

fucking moron
Master of deflection, deflect! :)

(Dont you hate being called out on a lie?)

no no...YOUR the master not me....just like what you are trying to do get called out on this.....dont agree.....then you do just cant help yourself can ya?.....try someone else Zona....your shits getting old....
If our son is on SSI will this change when Obama care plan kicks in or will he remain covered as for his health care or what if any changes are proposed? I did read the bill as much as I could but did not see anything in there about this unless I just missed it (so many pages)
And his current SSI does not really do all that much at all just pays for medications and basic check ups no vision or dental at all)
Also another question and really could not pinpoint exactly what we would have to pay for our health care. What if the only money we have left after paying rent and utilities and a few groceries and absolutely nothing left over what are our options when/if the mandatory health bill kicks in?
...and what I mean when we have no money left at all after paying our basic living expenses is really absolutely no spare change at all at the end of each month. We have been told that we still have to buy health insurance and the IRS will reimburse us at the end of the year. This does not help us right now at all though, since we have no money for that.

We are working very hard to get our business up and running smoothly and feel we are on the path to a successful company but for now...?
Oh, sorry I see I typed in the middle of an argument, sorry, continue on

I will try finding answers elsewhere such as trying to read over the bill again...

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