So Then, What Should We Do About Shootings?

All solutions are things the Republicans don't like because they COST MONEY.
How much fucking money would it take? Right now we spend trillions of dollars, should we be spending quadrillions? I know lets get rid of the Dept of Uneducation, and actually spend the money on schools instead of a bureaucracy of morons who do nothing but find ways to screw up our children while those in the building get paid 100s of thousands of dollars.

We have to face the causations.
Everyone of these mass murderers are psychopaths. Every. single. one.
Psychopaths account for only .6% of the population. But commit 15% of all homicides.
Having said that, only 1 in 200 psychopaths harm anyone. The problem is they are overwhelmingly more likely to become violent than a normative person if they have undo stress and/or anger.
What is triggering this new phenomena of teenage psychopaths deciding to go on on rampages??
And it isn't just mass murder. Every single type of violent crime in America is spiking. All of them. Why is that?
Why is teen suicide in the past five years spiking? And yet no one is really talking about this.
Why? Because there is nothing to gain politically from talking about it.

Other nations don't have psychopaths? Strange how they very seldom ever go on shooting sprees.

What do we have that they don't?
Other nations don't have psychopaths? Strange how they very seldom ever go on shooting sprees.

What do we have that they don't?

A democrat party that create black communities where the fatherless home rate is over 75%.....

Mass public shootings in 2019 totaled 73 dead......the rest of the murder, the other 10,235? The majority of the killers were young black men killing other young black men in democrat party controlled cities...

Our biggest problem isn't the rare mass public shooting, it is the democrat party and their policies that have destroyed poor and black families in this country.
Is that the best environment for children?
The same folks who a few months ago couldn't be trusted to teach your kids anything---remember all of the bullshit about critical race theories and schools being indoctrination camps and teachers being accomplices--are now being heralded as being able to be trusted with a loaded firearm right there in front of your kids.

Hypocritical doesn't begin to describe it.

I think the OP did have a good idea though about some sort of automatic lockdown system (I get my nut jobs on this board mixed up--it may have been someone else) as to where you could centrally lock all of the doors in a school building limiting the shooter to the hallways. It could only be re-opened through the principal's office via a code or key carried by officials or the police/fire department--the same way they can commandeer elevators in a building.

But arming the teachers--introducing a weapon into the environment? Nope. They don't have a lot of shootings in prisons or jails. You know why? Nobody is allowed to carry them past the wire.
The same folks who a few months ago couldn't be trusted to teach your kids anything---remember all of the bullshit about critical race theories and schools being indoctrination camps and teachers being accomplices--are now being heralded as being able to be trusted with a loaded firearm right there in front of your kids.

Hypocritical doesn't begin to describe it.

I think the OP did have a good idea though about some sort of automatic lockdown system (I get my nut jobs on this board mixed up--it may have been someone else) as to where you could centrally lock all of the doors in a school building limiting the shooter to the hallways. It could only be re-opened through the principal's office via a code or key carried by officials or the police/fire department--the same way they can commandeer elevators in a building.

But arming the teachers--introducing a weapon into the environment? Nope. They don't have a lot of shootings in prisons or jails. You know why? Nobody is allowed to carry them past the wire. least 18 states have already been arming teachers and staff without any problems....the facts, truth and reality show you don't understand the issue...
The same folks who a few months ago couldn't be trusted to teach your kids anything---remember all of the bullshit about critical race theories and schools being indoctrination camps and teachers being accomplices--are now being heralded as being able to be trusted with a loaded firearm right there in front of your kids.

Hypocritical doesn't begin to describe it.

I think the OP did have a good idea though about some sort of automatic lockdown system (I get my nut jobs on this board mixed up--it may have been someone else) as to where you could centrally lock all of the doors in a school building limiting the shooter to the hallways. It could only be re-opened through the principal's office via a code or key carried by officials or the police/fire department--the same way they can commandeer elevators in a building.

But arming the teachers--introducing a weapon into the environment? Nope. They don't have a lot of shootings in prisons or jails. You know why? Nobody is allowed to carry them past the wire.

Here....14, not 18 as I first thought, but another 16 leave it up to the school boards....

Here’s all the states where teachers already carry guns in the classroom

Florida is on the verge of becoming the 15th state to arm teachers after Gov. Rick Scott signed an omnibus bill Friday allowing school staff to undergo law enforcement training to carry guns in the classroom.

Although the notion may seem radical, at least 14 states already arm teachers, according to a VICE News review of state laws and interviews with education department officials and school board associations around the country. Those states are Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Washington.

Another 16 states give local school boards the authority to decide whether school staff can carry guns, either explicitly or through legal loopholes, but officials said they didn’t know of any instances of armed teachers in those states.

Here’s all the states where teachers already carry guns in the classroom

Pistol-Packing Teachers Becoming More Common in Arkansas


Dale Cresswell keeps his gun on his hip at all times: in his classroom, at sporting events, whenever he’s at school.

Cresswell, head coach to the senior boys’ track and cross-country teams, is one of a small, but growing group of teachers around the United States who are volunteering to carry a weapon. His employer, Heber Springs School District, just came online this semester.

“It was a no-brainer. I have a daughter still in school,” said Cresswell of his decision, acknowledging that he might know any potential shooter. “I see it as, I’m protecting more than one person. I’m protecting all the other students.”

Tests and training

In order to qualify, Cresswell and other faculty, including administrators and IT professionals who can move around more easily, underwent background checks and psychological tests. They continue to go through rigorous training.

“I know that last summer there was a big movement here. We were fortunate that we had made the decision early, and we were able to secure trainers and get our time slot locked in,” said Heber Springs School District Superintendent Alan Stauffacher, noting that some other schools are “struggling” to get set up.

A semester in, the novelty of Cresswell carrying a weapon has worn off. He said that when asked, the students tell him they don’t even notice his gun anymore.


A study published by Vice News in March found that at least 14 of the 50 states arm teachers and another 16 allow local school boards to decide on the issue.

Here's what Pa. can do to stop the next school shooting | Opinion

Do we need the shooters to spell it out for us? Some have, including shooters at a Charleston church and at a Colorado movie theater.
In diaries and other statements, they have explicitly stated their intentions to avoid places where people have guns. In 2016, a young Islamic State sympathizer planned a shooting at one of the largest churches in Detroit. The FBI recorded a telephone call where he explained why he had picked the church: "It's easy, and a lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church."
We don't have to guess about the logistics of letting teachers carry. In 18 states, teachers and staff are already carrying concealed handguns, though the rules vary greatly.
Utah, with some of the least restrictive rules, has allowed teachers and staff to carry since 1997. There has never been a mass public shooting at an American school that allows concealed carry.
Clark Aposhian, the senior member of Utah's Concealed Firearm Review Board, estimates roughly 5 percent of teachers in his state carry permitted concealed handguns at school.
Aposhian estimates a rate of between 10 percent and 12 percent among support staff . These support staff include janitors, librarians, secretaries, and lunch staff.
Carrying in a school is no different than in a grocery store, movie theater, or restaurant. Over 1.3 million Pennsylvanians have a concealed handgun permit, and nobody knows who is carrying until a need arises. With almost 14 percent of adults having permits, public places are rarely defenseless. Except for schools.
Permit holders have recently stopped dozens of would-be mass public shootings in malls, churches, schools, universities and towns. Still, some people fear the worst. They fear that permit holders won't respond well, and perhaps accidentally shoot an innocent bystander. But that's never happened. Nor has a police officer ever accidentally shot a permit holder.
The same folks who a few months ago couldn't be trusted to teach your kids anything---remember all of the bullshit about critical race theories and schools being indoctrination camps and teachers being accomplices--are now being heralded as being able to be trusted with a loaded firearm right there in front of your kids.

Hypocritical doesn't begin to describe it.

I think the OP did have a good idea though about some sort of automatic lockdown system (I get my nut jobs on this board mixed up--it may have been someone else) as to where you could centrally lock all of the doors in a school building limiting the shooter to the hallways. It could only be re-opened through the principal's office via a code or key carried by officials or the police/fire department--the same way they can commandeer elevators in a building.

But arming the teachers--introducing a weapon into the environment? Nope. They don't have a lot of shootings in prisons or jails. You know why? Nobody is allowed to carry them past the wire.

The ones grooming kids for sex won't get the guns....the normal teachers will....and we can arm the support staff as well.......doesn't need to be everyone, but the word will get out and killers will stay away...

Keep guns out of the hands of the groomers though.... least 18 states have already been arming teachers and staff without any problems....the facts, truth and reality show you don't understand the issue...
Sure..until there is a problem. And then you will sing your same sad old refrain..."well in THIS case, here is my explanation on why gun violence is natural"...
A Constitution that includes a statement, ''.... shall not be infringed''.

We also have leftists who demand we defund the police, leftist DA's and prosecutors who won't hold criminals accountable.

And it's gotten us 27 school shootings in 5 months and too many blood baths to count.

Have you given your "thoughts and prayers" speech yet?
The ones grooming kids for sex won't get the guns....the normal teachers will....and we can arm the support staff as well.......doesn't need to be everyone, but the word will get out and killers will stay away...

Keep guns out of the hands of the groomers though....
Ahh... the imaginary teachers you're describing will not get the imaginary "peace keepers" you worship. Gotcha.
Wow, could you imagine if that had ACTUALLY happened.?
No, l can't. When leftists rattle on with their gun grabbing histrionics while insisting ''we'' must defund the police, it becomes a circus. The numbers that show huge increases in crime within leftist controlled cities are available everywhere. Leftist open border policies and their associations with drug cartels caused the deaths of 100,000 Americans last year. But, you have your priorities.

Leftist gun control groupies yammer about "gun violence," which is the slogan they use to suggest that they are concerned about crime. Clearly, they are not primarily interested in reducing violent crime. If they're concern was about crime, their "solutions" would address criminals, not the possession of firearms by law-abiding citizens.
No, l can't. When leftists rattle on with their gun grabbing histrionics while insisting ''we'' must defund the police, it becomes a circus. The numbers that show huge increases in crime within leftist controlled cities are available everywhere. Leftist open border policies and their associations with drug cartels caused the deaths of 100,000 Americans last year. But, you have your priorities.

Leftist gun control groupies yammer about "gun violence," which is the slogan they use to suggest that they are concerned about crime. Clearly, they are not primarily interested in reducing violent crime. If they're concern was about crime, their "solutions" would address criminals, not the possession of firearms by law-abiding citizens.
Do you want to stop domestic terrorism? Have you read their manifestos?
Do you want to stop domestic terrorism? Have you read their manifestos?
I have read their (leftist), manifestos. It is, ''defund the police''. It is embodied in leftist DA's and prosecutors who refuse to bring charges against criminals.

Leftists / democrats refuse to offer solutions, such as lengthy prison sentences for criminals who commit crimes using guns. They won't advocate, for example, sentences of life in prison for criminals who use guns in the commission of violent crimes. Leftist / democrat gun control advocates do not seek mandatory prison sentences when a convicted felon is found to be illegally in possession of a gun.

It's all just fun and games for criminals when Leftists / democrats are pro-crime..

What can we do?

Actually not much really.

Just improve school security and accessibility and hope that the deranged psychos are few and far between.

As long as we have families that produced crazy people then we will be fucked from time to time.

With a population of over 300 million we will always have some nutcases that will do crazy things.
I have read their (leftist), manifestos. It is, ''defund the police''. It is embodied in leftist DA's and prosecutors who refuse to bring charges against criminals.

Leftists / democrats refuse to offer solutions, such as lengthy prison sentences for criminals who commit crimes using guns. They won't advocate, for example, sentences of life in prison for criminals who use guns in the commission of violent crimes. Leftist / democrat gun control advocates do not seek mandatory prison sentences when a convicted felon is found to be illegally in possession of a gun.

It's all just fun and games for criminals when Leftists / democrats are pro-crime..

You are still passing the buck. These loons have been radicalized online. Their manifestos are the extension of every hard right militia group, gun nut and sovereign citizen movement in the US.
What can we do?

Actually not much really.

Just improve school security and accessibility and hope that the deranged psychos are few and far between.

As long as we have families that produced crazy people then we will be fucked from time to time.

With a population of over 300 million we will always have some nutcases that will do crazy things.
Other countries manage to stop illegals, have universal healthcare and don't have crazies slaughtering people in schools, movie theaters, malls and churches. These psychos are being radicalized online same as the vicious jihadis of ISIS.

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