So, theoretically, Obama could only have four years left in politics?

The great part about the hypocrisy of the Dimmies is that for years they've been saying we cant win in Iraq, we can't win in Afghanistan but they will claim BHO won the war

it was only you nut jobs that wanted to go into iraq, nice one. god dam america for that.
hopfully barack can build a few bridges.
First off, in order for the Republican party to ever win the presidency again, they have to unify their party. I think the only way that will happen is if the people who still support Bush's economic plan and the Iraq War face reality and take responsibility for their failures, and I really don't see that happening any time soon seeing as anyone reasonable has already realized that.

Second, based on how almost 90% of the Republican party voted for either McCain, Romney, or Huckabee in the primaries when they had a much better candidate in Ron Paul, I can't see the Republicans nominating an honest politician who is smart enough to run a better campaign than the one Obama has. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they nominated Chuck Norris.

Third, America has a recent history of re-electing the president, even if the president was awful. Just look at Bush.

And lastly, most people will be comparing the most recent Republican president to the most recent Democratic president.

All in all, I expect the Democrats to have control of the White House for at least 8 years, but probably 12.
The great part about the hypocrisy of the Dimmies is that for years they've been saying we cant win in Iraq, we can't win in Afghanistan but they will claim BHO won the war

You won't hear that crap from me .. but then again, I'm not a democrat.

There is no "winning" to be done in either Iraq, Afghanistan .. and now that Obama is the president .. he should know he can't win in Pakistan either.
The worst part of this is Bin Laden will be caught during Obama’s watch. And the troops will be brought home under Obama’s watch.

So the victory that Bush and McCain risked their political lives for, and our military men and women risked their actual lives for— will all go to Obama.

You actually sound bummed that Bin Ladin will get caught and the Iraq war will come to an end.
The worst part of this is Bin Laden will be caught during Obama’s watch. And the troops will be brought home under Obama’s watch.

So the victory that Bush and McCain risked their political lives for, and our military men and women risked their actual lives for— will all go to Obama.

sorry, but Bush and McCain had 7 years to find Bin Laden and 5 years to end the war and bring our troops home. They aren't any closer to doing either one than when this whole journey started.

Think of it as like when Reagan got credit for the hostages coming home from Iran a few weeks after he took office.
You forgot the most important element of Obama's victory .. the mindlessly miserable failed politics of the Republican Party .. which is THE most important.

You can whine like a stuck pig about really goofy shit like ACORN and howl at the moon .. but in case you didn't notice ..


Feel free to blame it all on ACORN or Rev. Wright if you choose.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

BAC, in many ways when I first saw you on this board I thought you were different than most. I thought you saw that this wasnt' about black or right or Rep or Dem...but it was just the same old shit either way.

But you seem to be doing more gloating than anyone. You, who didn't even vote for Obama.
Sounds like to him its the worse thing that could happen.

Amazing. I've wanted Bin Ladin dead or captured for 8 years.

And this dude is crying and getting bummed that Obama might kill bin ladin and end the iraq war.
If he doesn't deliver big, he'll be voted out in 2012. After that, he's pretty much done. Sure, he'll be around as a figurehead and will get to give speeches for other Democrats, but essentially, after President, you're done. Pretty young age to be ending your political career.

All I can say is...good luck to ya. :thup:

John Quincy Adams ran for Congress after he was voted out as President. There is no reason Obama could not rerun for the Senate.
BAC, in many ways when I first saw you on this board I thought you were different than most. I thought you saw that this wasnt' about black or right or Rep or Dem...but it was just the same old shit either way.

But you seem to be doing more gloating than anyone. You, who didn't even vote for Obama.

I'm simply calling it as I see it.

I have the same reservations about Obama, but I also recognize the failures that ushered him into office. This isn't about black or white, democrat or republican, and it ain't about me .. it's about moving America forward.

This morning, it is what it is .. and although I didn't vote for Obama, he's the president, no differently than when I woke up this time 4 and 8 years ago.

What I am undeniably moved by is the sense of Americans coming together to take a new direction. I am undeniably moved by the force of blacks, whites, hispanics, and asians coming together in ways I haven't seen since the sixties.

This isn't gloating my brilliant sister, it's the recognition that this isn't about me. I doubt if there will be anyone who will be more critical of Obama and the Democratic Party than I will be if and when they fail .. and I will be tossing around a few "I told you so's" .. however, to stand against them now is pointless .. and I hope my criticisms of republicans are constructive.There is no question they need to spend some time in the mirror.

I voted 3rd party and I have no reservations about it.
I'm simply calling it as I see it.

I have the same reservations about Obama, but I also recognize the failures that ushered him into office. This isn't about black or white, democrat or republican, and it ain't about me .. it's about moving America forward.

This morning, it is what it is .. and although I didn't vote for Obama, he's the president, no differently than when I woke up this time 4 and 8 years ago.

What I am undeniably moved by is the sense of Americans coming together to take a new direction. I am undeniably moved by the force of blacks, whites, hispanics, and asians coming together in ways I haven't seen since the sixties.

This isn't gloating my brilliant sister, it's the recognition that this isn't about me. I doubt if there will be anyone who will be more critical of Obama and the Democratic Party than I will be if and when they fail .. and I will be tossing around a few "I told you so's" .. however, to stand against them now is pointless .. and I hope my criticisms of republicans are constructive.There is no question they need to spend some time in the mirror.

I voted 3rd party and I have no reservations about it.

ok :)

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