So there's a white privilege conference in Madison

Are you serious?

If so then you are going to have to support that with some evidence because I can tell you the biggest stereotype of white republicans is that they're racist and then you have the stereotypical inbred hillbilly, white people can't dance, Irish people are drunks and then there's the whole "dumb blonde" stereotype and many other stereotypes.

Lonestar, come on man. You’re playing games.

I’m talking about stereotypes based on the moment you walk through the door. Skin color is a visual you can absolutely not change, and (as I stated before) there are a slew of negative stereotypes that persist around blacks – specifically – that put them at an instant disadvantage. This is white privilege.

The examples you provided are poor for a few reasons. First is that many are not instantly visible. You can’t pick out a Republican by sight. Secondly, when you’re interviewing at a job there’s a good chance the interviewer will be Republican anyways. It’s about 50/50 in America. And obviously, can't blacks be republicans too?

And Irish? What is this 1934? In America today the nationalities among white people are a non-issue. I mean, people may have cared if a Irish Catholic was running for President in 1960, but no one gives a rat’s ass today.

Skin color is a wholly different issue, sir.

No. You're talking about profiling someone based on race which has nothing to do with white privilege and everything to do with prejudice.

I showed that blacks are not the only ones that are negatively stereotyped.

There have been stereotypes about white people along with any other race. The most common stereotype about white people is that they are all racists. Another stereotype is that there is a fear among white people that their ethnicity will become a minority race. Another common stereotype is that white policemen pull over black people for no reason at all. There is also a belief that white people think that they are better than everyone else.

Urban Dictionary, April 2: morning-skinny

You seem to be confusing white privilege with bigotry and/or racism.

You take away all the black people from the equation, what happens to white privilege?

Let's say for example that you have a clean cut, well dressed black man and a dirty white biker type guy with tattoos sleeved on both arms come in for an interview. Will white privilege help the biker dude? Which one would be viewed negatively?
Let's say for example that you have a clean cut, well dressed black man and a dirty white biker type guy with tattoos sleeved on both arms come in for an interview. Will white privilege help the biker dude? Which one would be viewed negatively?

I think you're going at this the wrong way and are comparing apples with oranges. Bare with me a moment.

This is a conversation about race, so if you're going to make comparisons you need to compare two people that are exactly the same in every way except for their race.

A meaningful comparison is seeing how an interviewer treats a clean cut black man vs. a clean cut white man. A meaningful comparison is seeing how an interviewer treats a tatted-out black biker guy with a tatted-out white biker guy. Why are those comparisons meaningful? Because they remove all of the differentiating elements except for race. Race is therefore the only factor. If race does not play a role, then both men will be treated absolutely the same. If race does play a role, then both men - despite all other factors being held constant - will be treated differently.

Get what I mean?
Let's say for example that you have a clean cut, well dressed black man and a dirty white biker type guy with tattoos sleeved on both arms come in for an interview. Will white privilege help the biker dude? Which one would be viewed negatively?

I think you're going at this the wrong way and are comparing apples with oranges. Bare with me a moment.

This is a conversation about race, so if you're going to make comparisons you need to compare two people that are exactly the same in every way except for their race.

A meaningful comparison is seeing how an interviewer treats a clean cut black man vs. a clean cut white man. A meaningful comparison is seeing how an interviewer treats a tatted-out black biker guy with a tatted-out white biker guy. Why are those comparisons meaningful? Because they remove all of the differentiating elements except for race. Race is therefore the only factor. If race does not play a role, then both men will be treated absolutely the same. If race does play a role, then both men - despite all other factors being held constant - will be treated differently.

Get what I mean?

So in your opinion those who give whites privileges are racist.

I get it.

Couldn't the same be said for those that give the black special treatment such as affirmative action? Wouldn't those people also be racist?

If whites have privilege over blacks then it couldn't be anything other than skin color. It couldn't be the fact that blacks make up 12 percent of the population but make up 50 percent of the violent crime. It certainly couldn't be that the stereotypes pertaining to blacks contain a grain of truth.

Oh and given that white privilege exist in your world the white biker would have been hired over the clean cut black man. Why would racism change because of the way they look?
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So in your opinion those who give whites privileges are racist.

I get it.

Couldn't the same be said for those that give the black special treatment such as affirmative action? Wouldn't those people also be racist?

If whites have privilege over blacks then it couldn't be anything other than skin color. It couldn't be the fact that blacks make up 12 percent of the population but make up 50 percent of the violent crime. It certainly couldn't be that the stereotypes pertaining to blacks contain a grain of truth.

Hey, dude. Slow down. Why are you getting so upset?

Obviously there exists more negative stereotypes associated with "blackness" vs "whiteness" in America - agree? And (by pure statistics) there are more white people in positions of power in the US, for a number of reasons - primarily because whites make up a greater % of the population.

Those two factors put a black candidate (out of 10,000 trials for example) at a disadvantage - naturally - over a white candidate. Why is this controversial?

Oh and given that white privilege exist in your world the white biker would have been hired over the clean cut black man. Why would racism change because of the way they look?

Lonestar- did you read my previous post? You're comparing two entirely different people. Stigmas exist for all sorts of things; long hair, tattoos, long fingernails, shabby dress - I completely get it.

The thing is you can change all those things if you want to get a job. You can trim your nails and get nice clothes. However you can't change your race. That is something you can't change. This is why we must compare LIKE SUBJECTS. A black and a white who are equally clean shaven, or a black and a white who are equally shabbily dressed. Get it?
A white guy and a black guy apply for the same job. Both are dressed in a professional manner and both are well spoken. Because of affirmative action, the black guy gets the job.

Tell me, who is the privileged one in this scenario?
A white guy and a black guy apply for the same job. Both are dressed in a professional manner and both are well spoken. Because of affirmative action, the black guy gets the job.

Tell me, who is the privileged one in this scenario?

In your example it's quite obvious that the black person would be the "privileged one".

However, I will tell you with absolute confidence that:

Racism negatively impacting black people > Affirmative action negatively impacting white people

There's no comparison.

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A white guy and a black guy apply for the same job. Both are dressed in a professional manner and both are well spoken. Because of affirmative action, the black guy gets the job.

Tell me, who is the privileged one in this scenario?

In your example it's quite obvious that the black person would be the "privileged one".

However, I will tell you with absolute confidence that racism will negatively impact black people to a much, much larger degree than affirmative action negatively impacting whites.
Affirmative action, in education, hurts asians worse than whites. But i'm curious, if liberals want to end racism, why do they think discriminating by skin color is fine? Especially of asians and whites that have nothing to do with past discrimination?
A white guy and a black guy apply for the same job. Both are dressed in a professional manner and both are well spoken. Because of affirmative action, the black guy gets the job.

Tell me, who is the privileged one in this scenario?

In your example it's quite obvious that the black person would be the "privileged one".

However, I will tell you with absolute confidence that racism will negatively impact black people to a much, much larger degree than affirmative action negatively impacting whites.
Affirmative action, in education, hurts asians worse than whites. But i'm curious, if liberals want to end racism, why do they think discriminating by skin color is fine? Especially of asians and whites that have nothing to do with past discrimination?

Am I an affirmative action spokesperson? Are liberals the only ones who want to end racism?

I will say that affirmative action is simply a mechanism designed to give impoverished black folks a slight boost to help pull themselves out of bad situations. On the whole, blacks suffer poverty to a much greater % than whites, and this is a (crudely designed) idea to help change that.
A white guy and a black guy apply for the same job. Both are dressed in a professional manner and both are well spoken. Because of affirmative action, the black guy gets the job.

Tell me, who is the privileged one in this scenario?

In your example it's quite obvious that the black person would be the "privileged one".

However, I will tell you with absolute confidence that:

Racism negatively impacting black people > Affirmative action negatively impacting white people

There's no comparison.


Racism negatively impacting people? You mean like when a mob of black people fracture a white guys skull for a few laughs? The racism is see today isn't coming from the white community. Black people are perfectly safe in white neighborhoods.
No it doesn't and I'll explain why.

Privilege gives one an advantage over others who do not share them. The advantage is relative; it does not exist when the unprivileged are absent.

If white privilege was real white people would be rushing to surround themselves with nonwhites, avoiding white neighborhoods and going to majority nonwhite schools to capitalize on their privilege.

Meanwhile nonwhites would avoid majority white neighborhoods, schools etc...because they would be at a disadvantage in those places.

So if white privilege does exist, why is it that so few people take advantage of it.

Well, here's why I think it exists. I'll start in very simple terms.

Generally speaking, in America, there are many less negative stereotypes and stigmas that apply to white people vs. black people.

When I walk into an interview - before I even say a word - I'll be judged on my skin color (to varying degrees, of course), and being white just makes things "simpler" and easier for the reason listed above.

Is that not a "privilege" of being white?


Try getting a job as a male with long hair....:eusa_shifty:

I imagine Swiffers have made rag mops just about useless.
A white guy and a black guy apply for the same job. Both are dressed in a professional manner and both are well spoken. Because of affirmative action, the black guy gets the job.

Tell me, who is the privileged one in this scenario?

In your example it's quite obvious that the black person would be the "privileged one".

However, I will tell you with absolute confidence that:

Racism negatively impacting black people > Affirmative action negatively impacting white people

There's no comparison.


Racism negatively impacting people? You mean like when a mob of black people fracture a white guys skull for a few laughs? The racism is see today isn't coming from the white community. Black people are perfectly safe in white neighborhoods.

Yes, racism goes both ways. You'd be an idiot to think otherwise.

The difference is this Godboy (and listen carefully) white folks control many more positions of power in the United States. This is due to a number of reasons, with one of the "biggies" being that whites are a larger chunk of the population. If a white person wants to move up in the world racism isn't going to play a factor in his/her success. But it is likely that it might affect a black person in a significant way at some point in his/her career.

That is why white racism towards black people is a much larger topic of concern. And it most definitely still exists.
No it doesn't and I'll explain why.

Privilege gives one an advantage over others who do not share them. The advantage is relative; it does not exist when the unprivileged are absent.

If white privilege was real white people would be rushing to surround themselves with nonwhites, avoiding white neighborhoods and going to majority nonwhite schools to capitalize on their privilege.

Meanwhile nonwhites would avoid majority white neighborhoods, schools etc...because they would be at a disadvantage in those places.

So if white privilege does exist, why is it that so few people take advantage of it.

Well, here's why I think it exists. I'll start in very simple terms.

Generally speaking, in America, there are many less negative stereotypes and stigmas that apply to white people vs. black people.

When I walk into an interview - before I even say a word - I'll be judged on my skin color (to varying degrees, of course), and being white just makes things "simpler" and easier for the reason listed above.

Is that not a "privilege" of being white?


Of course white privilege exists.

And, yes, female privilege exists IN SOME AREAS. But, women are still considered by many, to be second class citizens.

Just because we don't listen to women doesn't mean we think they are second class.
There are people in community college right now that would do a job better than a Harvard grad, but employers will hire the Harvard grad over the community college guy anyway. Why? Because Harvard has earned a good reputation.

Black people commit crime at rates FAR higher than any other racial group. Typically they do not speak well and they are usually less educated. They have more trouble getting hired because they earned a bad reputation. Its a shitty and unpleasant fact, but its still a fact. If they want to be treated like everyone else, then they need to act like everyone else.

Asians aren't white, yet they have NO problem getting a job. Why? Because Asians have earned a good reputation.
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There are people in community college right now that would do a job better than a Harvard grad, but employers will hire the Harvard grad over the community college guy anyway. Why? Because Harvard has earned a good reputation.

Black people commit crime at rates FAR higher than any other racial group. Typically they do not speak well and they are usually less educated. They have more trouble getting hired because they earned a bad reputation. Its a shitty and unpleasant fact, but its still a fact. If they want to be treated like everyone else, then they need to act like everyone else.

Asians aren't white, yet they have NO problem getting a job. Why? Because Asians have earned a good reputation.

You speak as if blacks and asians have enjoyed the exact same histories here in America. Not the case, Godboy.

Black folks came here as slaves, and when they were freed they were treated like dirt for about an additional 100 years (as recent as the 1930's it was acceptable for a white to call a fully grown black man "boy"), at which point things began to level off a bit with the passing of the civil rights act. This created ENTIRE generations stuck in the cycle of poverty. This is incredibly difficult to break out of.

The Asians/Indians we see in America now are in large part folks who immigrated here on their own merit/hard work. These are affluent people who were able to afford college in their home countries, plane trips, etc. The poor, impoverished, uneducated Asians stayed in Asia. Obviously this is going to create a different pool of people.

What is your agenda Godboy? I'm just stating the facts here and you seem rather threatened by it. What about what I'm saying scares you?
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There are people in community college right now that would do a job better than a Harvard grad, but employers will hire the Harvard grad over the community college guy anyway. Why? Because Harvard has earned a good reputation.

Black people commit crime at rates FAR higher than any other racial group. Typically they do not speak well and they are usually less educated. They have more trouble getting hired because they earned a bad reputation. Its a shitty and unpleasant fact, but its still a fact. If they want to be treated like everyone else, then they need to act like everyone else.

Asians aren't white, yet they have NO problem getting a job. Why? Because Asians have earned a good reputation.

You speak as if blacks and asians have enjoyed the exact same histories here in America. Not the case, Godboy.

Black folks came here as slaves, and when they were freed they were treated like dirt for about an additional 100 years (as recent as the 1930's it was acceptable for a white to call a fully grown black man "boy"), at which point things began to level off a bit with the passing of the civil rights act. This created ENTIRE generations stuck in the cycle of poverty. This is incredibly difficult to break out of.

The Asians/Indians we see in America now are in large part folks who immigrated here on their own merit/hard work. These are affluent people who were able to afford college in their home countries, plane trips, etc. The poor, impoverished, uneducated Asians stayed in Asia. Obviously this is going to create a different pool of people.

What is your agenda Godboy? I'm just stating the facts here and you seem rather threatened by it. What about what I'm saying scares you?

Nobody is afraid of your words. Don't be corny.

Asians are poor as fuck when they get to our country. They are usually flat broke, yet they make something of themselves, despite the fact that they barely speak English in many situations.

Why are you refusing to acknowledge that the black community is behaving differently than everyone else? When white people bahave badly you have no problem pointing it out. Why do you refuse to hold black people to the same standard as you hold white people? The truth is you coddle black people because you think they are inferior. There can be no other explanation.
"White Privilege Conference".

Otherwise know as the White Uncle Tom Conference, because that's who will be showing up.
I can only guess it attracted lions like this liberal retard

'White privilege' a concept worth studying -- Beth Dorschner : Wsj

White privilege doesn't exist.

It exists in the minds of many not-very-observant liberals who actually enjoyed it.

What these imbeciles can't quite get their their limited brains is that not every WHITE PERSON truly enjoys these benefits. IN fact what they have trouble understanding is few White people really get a whole lot of benefit from being white.

What they really ought to call it is AFFLUENT WHITE PEOPLE's privilege.

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