So...these religious freedom (aka anti tranny) laws are making liberals self-ban from here? YAY!

still no answer I see, why does a trans pedophile need to use the women's room? Answer me this, does the transy pedo have a penis? If so, it ain't no woman no matter how many dubers you smoked.

BTW, a dress on a man does not make the man a girl. No matter again the total dubes smoked.

I'll take it a step further. Even if some sick queer like RegressiveParasite gets his junk mutilated, it's still not a woman. Just a sick queer with less of a dick than before.
A transgender WOMAN needs to use the WOMEN's room for the SAME reason that any other WOMAN needs to use the woman's room.

Your continuing to push this pedophile horseshit just keeps confirming the depth of your stupidity and mental illness.

Can you believe the colossal ignorance of RegressiveParasite? Here (he, she, it) is calling into question the mental health of people who are comfortable with the junk they were born with while condemning people because they don't want sick queers alone in public restrooms with children.

People that stupid used to get themselves killed blow drying their hair in the shower.

Moron! Read and learn if you can.....which I doubt! My guess is that you do not have the intellectual curiosity, or ability to deal with this, and have an irrational fear that it will undermine the basis of your bigotry.

Transgender People New Targets of Hateful Political Ads

Political attacks against transgender people increasingly portray them as predatory and dangerous, even as ads by conservative groups depicting gay people as pedophiles or sexual predators have dropped nearly off the map, said Amy Stone, a sociologist at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.

Targeting the transgendered

Transgender individuals are people whose gender identity does not match their biological sex at birth. A trans man, for example, is a person born biologically female who identifies as male. Some, but not all, transgender people seek surgery and hormonal treatments to transition their biological sex to match their perceived gender. Transgender people are at high risk of experiencing prejudice and mental health problems, including a staggering 41 percent rate of suicide attempts.

Political ads and same-sex marriage

These "think of the children" scare tactics were common in the early days of the gay rights movements, when anti-gay activists such as singer Anita Bryant stoked fears of gay pedophilia or recruitment of children,

Fighting back

Gay and transgender rights activists have started fighting back against fear-mongering portrayals of trans people, Stone said, attempting to educate the public about what "transgendered" means and why equal rights matter.
I don't get it. If LGBT's have rights in service from businesses, use of bathrooms, etc...why can't religious folks have the same rights to say "No" because it is against that religion????

What IS the big deal and why are so many determined to shut groups out and no tolerance is shown to them yet they demand tolerance to be given to them?

No. I don't get it.

Religious nuts have the right to not use those restrooms.

The same way most of us employ the right to not use gas station restrooms.

It would make a huge difference if the arguments against LGBTs were valid, but so far not a single dire warning has proven true.
If I hafta go..I'm gonna go. Mens, womens, unisex....whatever. I squat anyway and never sit on the seat. Rough on the leg muscles, but Ma taught us how to do that back in the 50's and I have been doing it ever since. Maybe that is why my legs are so strong!
A transgender WOMAN needs to use the WOMEN's room for the SAME reason that any other WOMAN needs to use the woman's room.

Your continuing to push this pedophile horseshit just keeps confirming the depth of your stupidity and mental illness.

Can you believe the colossal ignorance of RegressiveParasite? Here (he, she, it) is calling into question the mental health of people who are comfortable with the junk they were born with while condemning people because they don't want sick queers alone in public restrooms with children.

People that stupid used to get themselves killed blow drying their hair in the shower.

Moron! Read and learn if you can.....which I doubt! My guess is that you do not have the intellectual curiosity, or ability to deal with this, and have an irrational fear that it will undermine the basis of your bigotry.

Transgender People New Targets of Hateful Political Ads

Political attacks against transgender people increasingly portray them as predatory and dangerous, even as ads by conservative groups depicting gay people as pedophiles or sexual predators have dropped nearly off the map, said Amy Stone, a sociologist at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.

Targeting the transgendered

Transgender individuals are people whose gender identity does not match their biological sex at birth. A trans man, for example, is a person born biologically female who identifies as male. Some, but not all, transgender people seek surgery and hormonal treatments to transition their biological sex to match their perceived gender. Transgender people are at high risk of experiencing prejudice and mental health problems, including a staggering 41 percent rate of suicide attempts.

Political ads and same-sex marriage

These "think of the children" scare tactics were common in the early days of the gay rights movements, when anti-gay activists such as singer Anita Bryant stoked fears of gay pedophilia or recruitment of children,

Fighting back

Gay and transgender rights activists have started fighting back against fear-mongering portrayals of trans people, Stone said, attempting to educate the public about what "transgendered" means and why equal rights matter.

Spare me your libtard psycobabble bed wetter. Fruitcakes like you are demented perverts and there is nothing wrong with the rest of the world that is repulsed by you.

still no answer I see, why does a trans pedophile need to use the women's room? Answer me this, does the transy pedo have a penis? If so, it ain't no woman no matter how many dubers you smoked.

BTW, a dress on a man does not make the man a girl. No matter again the total dubes smoked.

I'll take it a step further. Even if some sick queer like RegressiveParasite gets his junk mutilated, it's still not a woman. Just a sick queer with less of a dick than before.
You are a mean and nasty person! May the Goddess have mercy on your soul....if you have one....which I doubt!
I don't get it. If LGBT's have rights in service from businesses, use of bathrooms, etc...why can't religious folks have the same rights to say "No" because it is against that religion????

What IS the big deal and why are so many determined to shut groups out and no tolerance is shown to them yet they demand tolerance to be given to them?

No. I don't get it.
You don't get it? Really? It's actually quite simple . It's NOT the "same thing" at all. To claim that religious freedom gives you the right to discriminate, and to treat others badly is a contrived and dishonest interpretation of the concept of religious freedom. In fact, it is a disservice to those who actually believe in religious freedom because is cheapens and undermines it's true meaning. You are using religious freedom to deny others the right to live with respect and dignity, while NO ONE is telling you that you cannot practice, preach and live by your faith. I have little doubt that the founders of this great nation who were so dedicated to the concept of religious freedom would be utterly horrified by this stupidity. Try to get your little head around this:
Two meanings of religious freedom/liberty:1. Freedom of belief, speech, practice. 2. Freedom to restrict services, hate, denigrate, or oppress others.

1. The historical meaning of religious freedom:

This term relates to the personal freedom:
•Of religious belief,
•Of religious speech,
•Of religious assembly with fellow believers,
•Of religious proselytizing and recruitment, and
•To change one's religion from one faith group to another -- or to decide to have no religious affiliation -- or vice-versa.

The individual believer has often been the target of oppression for thinking or speaking unorthodox thoughts, for assembling with and recruiting others, and for changing their religious affiliation. Typically, the aggressors have been large religious groups and governments. Freedom from such oppression is the meaning that we generally use on this web site to refer to any of the four terms: religious freedom, religious liberty, freedom of worship and freedom to worship.

2. A rapidly emerging new meaning of religious freedom: the freedom to discriminate and denigrate:

In recent years, religious freedom is taking on a new meaning: the freedom and liberty of a believer apply their religious beliefs in order to hate, oppress, deny service to, denigrate, discriminate against, and/or reduce the human rights of minorities.

Now, the direction of the oppression has reversed. It is now the believer who is the oppressor -- typically fundamentalist and evangelical Christians and other religious conservatives. Others -- typically some women, as well as sexual, and other minorities -- are the targets. This new meaning is becoming increasingly common. It appears that this change is begin driven by a number of factors:

•The increasing public acceptance of women's use of birth control/contraceptives. This is a practice regarded as a personal decision by most faith groups, but is actively opposed by the Roman Catholic and a few other conservative faith groups.
•The increasing public acceptance of equal rights for sexual minorities including Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender persons and transsexuals -- the LGBT community (); and
•The increasing percentage of NOTAs in North America. These are individuals who are NOT Affiliated with an organized faith group. Some identify themselves as Agnostics, Atheists secularists, Humanists, free thinkers, etc. Others say that they are spiritual, but not religious.

The media often refer to NOTAs as "NONES" because they are affiliated to NONE of the faith groups. However, the words Nones and Nuns are homophones: words that sound alike but are spelled differently and which hold very different meanings. To avoid confusion, we recommend against this practice and recommend the unambiguous term "NOTA."

One interesting feature of this "religious freedom to discriminate" is that it generally has people treating others as they would not wish to be treated themselves. It seems to be little noticed among those who practice or advocate "religious freedom to discriminate" that this way of treating people is a direct contradiction to the Golden Rule, which Jesus required all his followers to practice. See Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31, and the Gospel of Thomas, 6.

Wow... RegressiveParasite really has a lot of emotional capital invested in his sick perversion.

RegressiveParasite said:
Whaa!!! Celebrate my perversion or I'll tell my messiah!!!

Wow... RegressiveParasite really has a lot of emotional capital invested in his sick perversion.

RegressiveParasite said:
Whaa!!! Celebrate my perversion or I'll tell my messiah!!!

Read, try to learn something and grow the fuck up!

Everything You Need To Know About The Wave Of 100+
Anti-LGBT Bills Pending In States

Nine states are afraid to let transgender people go to the bathroom.

Everything You Need To Know About The Wave Of 100+ Anti-LGBT Bills Pending In States

While it might seem like this onslaught of legislation came out of nowhere, religious conservatives have been working toward this kind of full-blown assault for years. They’ve been test-driving various anti-LGBT bills at local levels, anticipating the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision on marriage equality and preparing ways to weaken it.

“Specific laws like this that seek to target and marginalize one small segment of the population is nothing less than mean-spirited,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Tuesday. “President Obama has talked on a number of occasions about the important progress our country has made with regard to civil rights. This is a good illustration that the fight for civil rights is not over.”

Ironically, the business community has played a major role in stopping anti-LGBT laws allegedly meant to empower them. Companies based in states with these bills, and big corporations with hubs in those states, have warned that these laws are bad for the state’s economy and would lead to discrimination lawsuits. Some have even threatened to take their business elsewhere if these laws take effect — a response that no governor wants.
Read, try to learn something and grow the fuck up!

Look here bed wetter, the day a sniveling, mindless leftwing tool like you has anything to teach is the day you convert from being a marxist apparatchik to someone who tolerates people who reject participation in things they find reprehensible. Until then you're just another fascist asswipe I will continue to mock unmercifully.

still no answer I see, why does a trans pedophile need to use the women's room? Answer me this, does the transy pedo have a penis? If so, it ain't no woman no matter how many dubers you smoked.

BTW, a dress on a man does not make the man a girl. No matter again the total dubes smoked.

I'll take it a step further. Even if some sick queer like RegressiveParasite gets his junk mutilated, it's still not a woman. Just a sick queer with less of a dick than before.
You are a mean and nasty person! May the Goddess have mercy on your soul....if you have one....which I doubt!

LOL @ "Goddess" you're so far out in left field you've left the stadium
Read, try to learn something and grow the fuck up!

Look here bed wetter, the day a sniveling, mindless leftwing tool like you has anything to teach is the day you convert from being a marxist apparatchik to someone who tolerates people who reject participation in things they find reprehensible. Until then you're just another fascist asswipe I will continue to mock unmercifully.

"Mock unmercifully". You seem to be shooting blanks. That is what happens when one poster provides links to support an argument and the other one provides trash talk. The one with the unsubstantiated trash talk is just shooting blanks.
Read, try to learn something and grow the fuck up!

Look here bed wetter, the day a sniveling, mindless leftwing tool like you has anything to teach is the day you convert from being a marxist apparatchik to someone who tolerates people who reject participation in things they find reprehensible. Until then you're just another fascist asswipe I will continue to mock unmercifully.

"Mock unmercifully". You seem to be shooting blanks. That is what happens when one poster provides links to support an argument and the other one provides trash talk. The one with the unsubstantiated trash talk is just shooting blanks.
The fact that you have to be belligerent and juvenile speaks volumes to your insecurity your pathetic inability to construct a rational argument, and the depth of your irrational hatred and mental illness. We are done here bubba.
Read, try to learn something and grow the fuck up!

Look here bed wetter, the day a sniveling, mindless leftwing tool like you has anything to teach is the day you convert from being a marxist apparatchik to someone who tolerates people who reject participation in things they find reprehensible. Until then you're just another fascist asswipe I will continue to mock unmercifully.

"Mock unmercifully". You seem to be shooting blanks. That is what happens when one poster provides links to support an argument and the other one provides trash talk. The one with the unsubstantiated trash talk is just shooting blanks.
The fact that you have to be belligerent and juvenile speaks volumes to your insecurity in your ability to construct a rational argument, and the depth of your irrational hatred and mental illness. We are done here bubba.

Read, try to learn something and grow the fuck up!

^ Like that?
What is the big deal? I have seen women use the men's room because the line for the ladies restroom was too long.
Read, try to learn something and grow the fuck up!

Look here bed wetter, the day a sniveling, mindless leftwing tool like you has anything to teach is the day you convert from being a marxist apparatchik to someone who tolerates people who reject participation in things they find reprehensible. Until then you're just another fascist asswipe I will continue to mock unmercifully.

"Mock unmercifully". You seem to be shooting blanks. That is what happens when one poster provides links to support an argument and the other one provides trash talk. The one with the unsubstantiated trash talk is just shooting blanks.
The fact that you have to be belligerent and juvenile speaks volumes to your insecurity in your ability to construct a rational argument, and the depth of your irrational hatred and mental illness. We are done here bubba.

Read, try to learn something and grow the fuck up!

^ Like that?
Followed by a link to an informative article while the troll offers nothing of substance, much like you,
Read, try to learn something and grow the fuck up!

Look here bed wetter, the day a sniveling, mindless leftwing tool like you has anything to teach is the day you convert from being a marxist apparatchik to someone who tolerates people who reject participation in things they find reprehensible. Until then you're just another fascist asswipe I will continue to mock unmercifully.

"Mock unmercifully". You seem to be shooting blanks. That is what happens when one poster provides links to support an argument and the other one provides trash talk. The one with the unsubstantiated trash talk is just shooting blanks.
The fact that you have to be belligerent and juvenile speaks volumes to your insecurity in your ability to construct a rational argument, and the depth of your irrational hatred and mental illness. We are done here bubba.

Read, try to learn something and grow the fuck up!

^ Like that?
Followed by a link to an informative article while the troll offers nothing of substance, much like you,

You really don't think i take your ramblings serious do you? You're just another militant gay trying to push the agenda
Followed by a link to an informative article while the troll offers nothing of substance, much like you,

There's NOTHING more "informative" in leftist propaganda than there is in a Winnie the Pooh comic book.

RegressiveParasite is so self absorbed he can't handle the fact most people find his rants utterly insipid.


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