So...these religious freedom (aka anti tranny) laws are making liberals self-ban from here? YAY!

But is he a transgender? Why the hell are we talking about child molestation on a thread about transgender issues. That is just plain stupid! It is the cisgender-straight men that are a threat to children. Got that ,bubba

Anyone is capable of being a pedophile, you need to back that train up right now
Let my try to explain this to you in very simple terms. Yes anyone can be a pedophile.

Thanks, the rest was may go now
The guy's an expert on sex freaks. You just might learn something.
Actually, I know quite a lot on the subject from my career in social services. However, I have not been able to help many people here because I'm not certified in special education.
this isn't special education this is fking wacked out class 101 for the libs. WOW. This makes about as much sense as the libs who are the party for women, saying to embrace muslims the religion against women. I don't know, but you all are a bunch of fking nutjobs.
No one wants to answer your question because your question is so stupid only an idiot would not understand the difference between pulling your dick out in public and pulling it out in a designated pull your dick out and piss facility.

If a man can use a womens bathroom based on the idea that they have a fantasy about being a woman, then how does this differ from a man having a fantasy he is a poodle?

You demand that we bow to the first fantasy, so why would we not bow to the second?

It is merely a matter of minor degree.
or, the slippery sloop as you put it earlier.
the libturd way, get your toe in the door and then smash the door in and collapse the house. Again, I'm really disappointed with my race. I can't believe this many adults could think like this. WOW!
I can say the guys who fought in WWII weren't fighting for the shit that motivates libturds these day. The one's who are still alive are furious about this LGBT trash.
No one wants to answer your question because your question is so stupid only an idiot would not understand the difference between pulling your dick out in public and pulling it out in a designated pull your dick out and piss facility.

If a man can use a womens bathroom based on the idea that they have a fantasy about being a woman, then how does this differ from a man having a fantasy he is a poodle?

You demand that we bow to the first fantasy, so why would we not bow to the second?

It is merely a matter of minor degree.
or, the slippery sloop as you put it earlier.
the libturd way, get your toe in the door and then smash the door in and collapse the house. Again, I'm really disappointed with my race. I can't believe this many adults could think like this. WOW!
I can say the guys who fought in WWII weren't fighting for the shit that motivates libturds these day. The one's who are still alive are furious about this LGBT trash.
what cracks me up more is that they can't tell you why the dudes want to use the women's room. Well I can tell em why, they want to smell the v-jayjay juices. These kooks are pedophiles to the fkn max. I bet they'd wack off to the odor every time. And someone's going to tell me he's normal for believing it's ok. cuckoo, :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Oh that's right, it's because they can't connect to their own mind. Not even sure what the hell that even means, but hey.
I am thinking quite clearly- unlike you. My goal is to ensure that all people- regardless od sexual orientation or gender identity are treated with dignity and respect,

Wait, you think it's RESPECTFUL to put a 40 year old man in a public restroom with a 5 year old girl who had never met him?


You can't be that dumb and draw breath, so I call bullshit.

If you are suggesting that my "goal" is to put children and women at risk is as stupid as stupid can get!

There is no question that is the goal of your party, to destroy the foundations of civil society.

It appears that you are not even bright enough to understand that those " grown men" are not- in their own minds men- and have no interest in those girls. Thank you for confirming the accuracy of my assessment of the anti-intellectualism and commitment to ignorance that dominates this forum.

Yes, you identify as a poodle. Yet you still can't jump through a ring.

You demand that fantasy trumps reality, that your delusion is greater than empirical fact.

You are either insane, or driven by motives that you do not state
That moronic assertion tells us all that we need to know about you and your ilk. How fucking stupid!

Today, HRC, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization, the Tennessee Equality Project, the ACLU of Tennessee, and the Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition hand-delivered to Tennessee House Speaker Beth Harwell and Senate President Ron Ramsey a letter from 60 major CEOs and business leaders urging the state’s elected officials to scrap discriminatory, anti-transgender legislation.

Earlier, Griffin was joined at a press conference by Chris Sanders, Executive Director of the Tennessee Equality Project; Dr. Marisa Richmond, lobbyist for the Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition; Hedy Weinberg, Executive Director of the ACLU of Tennessee; and Dr. Renee McLaughlin, Senior Medical Director, Cigna HealthCare.

The open letter from top executives calling on Tennessee lawmakers to abandon their legislative assault on transgender students now has 60 signatories, a dramatic increase since the letter’s first release last week with support from business leaders at the Dow Chemical Company, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Choice Hotels International, Inc., and Alcoa Inc. Major executives are increasingly speaking out because they know the legislation is bad for business and bad for Tennessee. They have been joined by country music stars including Emmylou Harris, Chely Wright, Ty Herndon, and Miley Cyrus, who are publicly condemning these discriminatory bills, as is Country Music Television and its parent company, Viacom.

"True patriotism is progressivism. True patriotism is working to fix what is wrong with America instead of pretending that it is just high taxes, too much government and liberal policies. True Patriotism is working to make America the truly great country that it can be for all, not just the wealth, white, heterosexual males. I am the Progressive Patriot"

How can you fix what is wrong with this country when you don't even understand the root caused of it? Liberalism has caused more problems than it has EVER solved."Progressivism" is just another word for communism.
When the minority dictates against the demand for dignity by the majority. Or anyone else for that matter. You want to cherry-pick your fascism.
You mean like when those pesky black folks wanted to ride in the front of the bus and the white majority felt it was an aaffront to their dignity? Or, like when women sought the right to vote, and men were indignant?
You do realize that a man cannot become a woman? Right? They chose to do what they do and the rest of society shouldn't punished for his choice. Especially little girls. Anyone who is for this is a pervert.
You do realize that we are talking about actual HUMAN BEINGS that have a condition that can cause them much pain and suffering? You do realize that many commit suicide when they do not receive the help and support that they need and, instead, are demeaned, marginalized and written off as having made a choice? You do realize that the social, psychological and medical issues are complicated? I am truly sick of the level of willful ignorance being displayed here. Get educated !

Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism
Then get them in a hospital.
They have no right to force the rest of the world to become their personal shrink.
Some morons that you might know:

Mississippi Gov. Claims New Anti-LGBT Law Just Balances The Scales Of Justice Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Thursday, 4/14/2016 10:52 am Yesterday, Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant took time out of his day to be interviewed by Tim Wildmon, head of the Mississippi-based anti-gay hate group the American Family Association. As Wildmon and his co-hosts showered Bryant in praise and prayer for recently signing a radical anti-LGBT bill into law, the governor said that he didn't understand why the law provoked so much outrage, since it was just an effort to balance the scales of justice by allowing people to openly discriminate in the name of "religious liberty." "This is about the churches," Bryant said. "The next stop will be American Family Radio and it will be Mississippi College, it will be St. Dominic's Hospital as lawsuits will be filed; it will be churches where pastors can say, 'I can't perform that ceremony,' a lawsuit will be filed, it will go to a federal court and the federal court will say, yes, they should be a protected class, those who choose to marry and want to be married in the church and that church might lose its tax-exempt status and they'll have to close. And church after church after church across this country will close." - See more at: Mississippi Gov. Claims New Anti-LGBT Law Just Balances The Scales Of Justice

Peroutka Aide Charged In Connection With Deceptive Anti-LGBT Robocall
Submitted by Miranda Blue on Thursday, 4/14/2016 2:48 pm
Back in 2014, we watched with amazement as Michael Peroutka, the head of the Christian Reconstructionist group Institute on the Constitution and a former board member of the southern secessionist League of the South, won a local election to be a county councilman in his home county in Maryland.

After Peroutka’s victory, the news broke that an unidentified group that called itself “Marylanders for Transgenders” had sent out robocalls in the final days of the campaign asking voters to call Peroutka’s openly gay Democratic opponent, Patrick Armstrong, to “thank him for his bravery in coming out of the closet” and for supporting a bill that means “transgenders can now openly and freely go into any bathroom of their choice based on their confused gender identity.” The call provided the home phone number of Armstrong’s mother.

- See more at: Peroutka Aide Charged In Connection With Deceptive Anti-LGBT Robocall
They're moronic for exercising religious liberty? Go take your complaint to a black church and see how far you get. Or are you afraid race fascists will label you racist the same way you label those opposed to homofascism as homophobes?
When the minority dictates against the demand for dignity by the majority. Or anyone else for that matter. You want to cherry-pick your fascism.
You mean like when those pesky black folks wanted to ride in the front of the bus and the white majority felt it was an aaffront to their dignity? Or, like when women sought the right to vote, and men were indignant?
You do realize that a man cannot become a woman? Right? They chose to do what they do and the rest of society shouldn't punished for his choice. Especially little girls. Anyone who is for this is a pervert.
You do realize that we are talking about actual HUMAN BEINGS that have a condition that can cause them much pain and suffering? You do realize that many commit suicide when they do not receive the help and support that they need and, instead, are demeaned, marginalized and written off as having made a choice? You do realize that the social, psychological and medical issues are complicated? I am truly sick of the level of willful ignorance being displayed here. Get educated !

Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism
Then get them in a hospital.
They have no right to force the rest of the world to become their personal shrink.
Another despicable moron that I'm sure you can relate to:
Meet The Man Behind All The Anti-LGBT Laws Nationwide, You May Recognize Him (VIDEO)
You hypocritically label anyone who doesn't toe your fascist line. You are what you accuse others of.
You mean like when those pesky black folks wanted to ride in the front of the bus and the white majority felt it was an aaffront to their dignity? Or, like when women sought the right to vote, and men were indignant?
You do realize that a man cannot become a woman? Right? They chose to do what they do and the rest of society shouldn't punished for his choice. Especially little girls. Anyone who is for this is a pervert.
You do realize that we are talking about actual HUMAN BEINGS that have a condition that can cause them much pain and suffering? You do realize that many commit suicide when they do not receive the help and support that they need and, instead, are demeaned, marginalized and written off as having made a choice? You do realize that the social, psychological and medical issues are complicated? I am truly sick of the level of willful ignorance being displayed here. Get educated !

Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism
Then get them in a hospital.
They have no right to force the rest of the world to become their personal shrink.
Another despicable moron that I'm sure you can relate to:
Meet The Man Behind All The Anti-LGBT Laws Nationwide, You May Recognize Him (VIDEO)
You hypocritically label anyone who doesn't toe your fascist line. You are what you accuse others of.
I am absolutely amazed by the level of stupidity, viciousness and hatred of fellow human beings that is being displayed here by you and others. However, I believe in Karma. I am confident that either in this life or the next, you or a loved one will be on the receiving end of the same kind of bigotry and fear and you will know why. I might have to be in this world with your ilk, but I thank the Gods and Goddesses that I AM NOT YOU. You must be very unhappy and in poor health.
You do realize that a man cannot become a woman? Right? They chose to do what they do and the rest of society shouldn't punished for his choice. Especially little girls. Anyone who is for this is a pervert.
You do realize that we are talking about actual HUMAN BEINGS that have a condition that can cause them much pain and suffering? You do realize that many commit suicide when they do not receive the help and support that they need and, instead, are demeaned, marginalized and written off as having made a choice? You do realize that the social, psychological and medical issues are complicated? I am truly sick of the level of willful ignorance being displayed here. Get educated !

Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism
Then get them in a hospital.
They have no right to force the rest of the world to become their personal shrink.
Another despicable moron that I'm sure you can relate to:
Meet The Man Behind All The Anti-LGBT Laws Nationwide, You May Recognize Him (VIDEO)
You hypocritically label anyone who doesn't toe your fascist line. You are what you accuse others of.
I am absolutely amazed by the level of stupidity, viciousness and hatred of fellow human beings that is being displayed here by you and others. However, I believe in Karma. I am confident that either in this life or the next, you or a loved one will be on the receiving end of the same kind of bigotry and fear and you will know why. I might have to be in this world with your ilk, but I thank the Gods and Goddesses that I AM NOT YOU. You must be very unhappy and in poor health.
You're the bigot here. You want to force your way onto others. No one is telling any tranny to not be a tranny. Just don't force others to acquiesce to your choice and personal situation. Stop being so intolerant and hateful. Karma is a bitch. And not a contrived transsexual bitch.
You hypocritically label anyone who doesn't toe your fascist line. You are what you accuse others of.

RegressiveParasite is nothing more than an appartchik. His job is to derail conversations by parroting insipid talking points and pretending to stand on some moral authority while promoting immorality. Bed wetters like him are the ultimate bigots. They are so intolerant of the views of others they spend unhealthy amounts of time railing against the fact that criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths of the left face rational opposition.
You hypocritically label anyone who doesn't toe your fascist line. You are what you accuse others of.

RegressiveParasite is nothing more than an appartchik. His job is to derail conversations by parroting insipid talking points and pretending to stand on some moral authority while promoting immorality. Bed wetters like him are the ultimate bigots. They are so intolerant of the views of others they spend unhealthy amounts of time railing against the fact that criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths of the left face rational opposition.
Or... the truth hurts.
Or... the truth hurts.

You do realize that a man cannot become a woman? Right? They chose to do what they do and the rest of society shouldn't punished for his choice. Especially little girls. Anyone who is for this is a pervert.
You do realize that we are talking about actual HUMAN BEINGS that have a condition that can cause them much pain and suffering? You do realize that many commit suicide when they do not receive the help and support that they need and, instead, are demeaned, marginalized and written off as having made a choice? You do realize that the social, psychological and medical issues are complicated? I am truly sick of the level of willful ignorance being displayed here. Get educated !

Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism
Then get them in a hospital.
They have no right to force the rest of the world to become their personal shrink.
Another despicable moron that I'm sure you can relate to:
Meet The Man Behind All The Anti-LGBT Laws Nationwide, You May Recognize Him (VIDEO)
You hypocritically label anyone who doesn't toe your fascist line. You are what you accuse others of.
I am absolutely amazed by the level of stupidity, viciousness and hatred of fellow human beings that is being displayed here by you and others. However, I believe in Karma. I am confident that either in this life or the next, you or a loved one will be on the receiving end of the same kind of bigotry and fear and you will know why. I might have to be in this world with your ilk, but I thank the Gods and Goddesses that I AM NOT YOU. You must be very unhappy and in poor health.
so why can't you tell us why the pedophile transy needs to use the women's restroom? Can't justify your position at all?
You do realize that we are talking about actual HUMAN BEINGS that have a condition that can cause them much pain and suffering? You do realize that many commit suicide when they do not receive the help and support that they need and, instead, are demeaned, marginalized and written off as having made a choice? You do realize that the social, psychological and medical issues are complicated? I am truly sick of the level of willful ignorance being displayed here. Get educated !

Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism
Then get them in a hospital.
They have no right to force the rest of the world to become their personal shrink.
Another despicable moron that I'm sure you can relate to:
Meet The Man Behind All The Anti-LGBT Laws Nationwide, You May Recognize Him (VIDEO)
You hypocritically label anyone who doesn't toe your fascist line. You are what you accuse others of.
I am absolutely amazed by the level of stupidity, viciousness and hatred of fellow human beings that is being displayed here by you and others. However, I believe in Karma. I am confident that either in this life or the next, you or a loved one will be on the receiving end of the same kind of bigotry and fear and you will know why. I might have to be in this world with your ilk, but I thank the Gods and Goddesses that I AM NOT YOU. You must be very unhappy and in poor health.
so why can't you tell us why the pedophile transy needs to use the women's restroom? Can't justify your position at all?
A transgender WOMAN needs to use the WOMEN's room for the SAME reason that any other WOMAN needs to use the woman's room.

Your continuing to push this pedophile horseshit just keeps confirming the depth of your stupidity and mental illness.
Have you heard about Nickelback's protest of the NC laws? To protest the law they are going to NC to play a concert.
Then get them in a hospital.
They have no right to force the rest of the world to become their personal shrink.
Another despicable moron that I'm sure you can relate to:
Meet The Man Behind All The Anti-LGBT Laws Nationwide, You May Recognize Him (VIDEO)
You hypocritically label anyone who doesn't toe your fascist line. You are what you accuse others of.
I am absolutely amazed by the level of stupidity, viciousness and hatred of fellow human beings that is being displayed here by you and others. However, I believe in Karma. I am confident that either in this life or the next, you or a loved one will be on the receiving end of the same kind of bigotry and fear and you will know why. I might have to be in this world with your ilk, but I thank the Gods and Goddesses that I AM NOT YOU. You must be very unhappy and in poor health.
so why can't you tell us why the pedophile transy needs to use the women's restroom? Can't justify your position at all?
A transgender WOMAN needs to use the WOMEN's room for the SAME reason that any other WOMAN needs to use the woman's room.

Your continuing to push this pedophile horseshit just keeps confirming the depth of your stupidity and mental illness.

Except they might redefine the sinks and crap in them.
Then get them in a hospital.
They have no right to force the rest of the world to become their personal shrink.
Another despicable moron that I'm sure you can relate to:
Meet The Man Behind All The Anti-LGBT Laws Nationwide, You May Recognize Him (VIDEO)
You hypocritically label anyone who doesn't toe your fascist line. You are what you accuse others of.
I am absolutely amazed by the level of stupidity, viciousness and hatred of fellow human beings that is being displayed here by you and others. However, I believe in Karma. I am confident that either in this life or the next, you or a loved one will be on the receiving end of the same kind of bigotry and fear and you will know why. I might have to be in this world with your ilk, but I thank the Gods and Goddesses that I AM NOT YOU. You must be very unhappy and in poor health.
so why can't you tell us why the pedophile transy needs to use the women's restroom? Can't justify your position at all?
A transgender WOMAN needs to use the WOMEN's room for the SAME reason that any other WOMAN needs to use the woman's room.

Your continuing to push this pedophile horseshit just keeps confirming the depth of your stupidity and mental illness.
still no answer I see, why does a trans pedophile need to use the women's room? Answer me this, does the transy pedo have a penis? If so, it ain't no woman no matter how many dubers you smoked.

BTW, a dress on a man does not make the man a girl. No matter again the total dubes smoked.
A transgender WOMAN needs to use the WOMEN's room for the SAME reason that any other WOMAN needs to use the woman's room.

Your continuing to push this pedophile horseshit just keeps confirming the depth of your stupidity and mental illness.

Can you believe the colossal ignorance of RegressiveParasite? Here (he, she, it) is calling into question the mental health of people who are comfortable with the junk they were born with while condemning people because they don't want sick queers alone in public restrooms with children.

People that stupid used to get themselves killed blow drying their hair in the shower.


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