So...these religious freedom (aka anti tranny) laws are making liberals self-ban from here? YAY!

Look here bed wetter, the day a sniveling, mindless leftwing tool like you has anything to teach is the day you convert from being a marxist apparatchik to someone who tolerates people who reject participation in things they find reprehensible. Until then you're just another fascist asswipe I will continue to mock unmercifully.

"Mock unmercifully". You seem to be shooting blanks. That is what happens when one poster provides links to support an argument and the other one provides trash talk. The one with the unsubstantiated trash talk is just shooting blanks.
The fact that you have to be belligerent and juvenile speaks volumes to your insecurity in your ability to construct a rational argument, and the depth of your irrational hatred and mental illness. We are done here bubba.

Read, try to learn something and grow the fuck up!

^ Like that?
Followed by a link to an informative article while the troll offers nothing of substance, much like you,

You really don't think i take your ramblings serious do you? You're just another militant gay trying to push the agenda
I don't give a rats hind parts what you think about me or your moronic assumptions about who and what I am.
"Mock unmercifully". You seem to be shooting blanks. That is what happens when one poster provides links to support an argument and the other one provides trash talk. The one with the unsubstantiated trash talk is just shooting blanks.
The fact that you have to be belligerent and juvenile speaks volumes to your insecurity in your ability to construct a rational argument, and the depth of your irrational hatred and mental illness. We are done here bubba.

Read, try to learn something and grow the fuck up!

^ Like that?
Followed by a link to an informative article while the troll offers nothing of substance, much like you,

You really don't think i take your ramblings serious do you? You're just another militant gay trying to push the agenda
I don't give a rats hind parts what you think about me or your moronic assumptions about who and what I am.

It's obvious what you are....
Question for one of you pole-smoker advocates:

Why the hell are transformers lumped in with the faggots, half-a-fags and dykes? According to the transformers, they're not homers and slug-trail lickers...but the opposite sex trapped in the wrong sex why are they included in the acronym?
In the "what doesn't kill them makes them crazier department" More paranoid and schizophrenic crap than you can shake a stick at. Tell me you really believe this shit.?? I think you do be do not have the guts to admit it and expose your mental illness.

Gay Civil War Conservative blogger Michael Ware is very concerned about the prospect of a coming civil war. And the LGBT rights movement is to blame. Ware writes that just as slavery was the “wedge” that kept “pushing the North and South apart,” now America is divided by “the economic and political bullying” of states that are “unwilling to give these perverse people the legal club with which to beat the church into submission.” What we have to ask is: is this a replay of the events that led to that bloody conflict fought between Americans from 1861-1865? Is the Unitarian playbook now being used by the Homosexual agenda to finish the destruction they started in the Church? - See more at: Paranoia-Rama: Sarah Palin Versus Science, Franklin Graham's Warning And The Looming Gay Civil War

More inane horseshit that a few of you are sure to buy into:

Gay Socialism While Ware thinks that the gay rights movement is leading to war, WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush believes that the movement is part of a gradual effort to introduce socialism. He writes this week that liberals are only “concerned about the supposed rights of homosexuals, transvestites and assorted sexual deviants” because they are determined to establish a “socialist state,” and can only do so by “disenfranchising” anyone who gets in their way. LGBT equality, he writes, “negates the civil liberties of the majority” and “opens the door to ever-increasing institutional oppression of the majority faction.” - See more at: Paranoia-Rama: Sarah Palin Versus Science, Franklin Graham's Warning And The Looming Gay Civil War
The push to normalize faggotry and other degenerate filth spreading behaviors is all part of the Frankfurt School strategy to corrupt the west and introduce socialism.

It's not paranoia, it's a fact anyone interested in the truth can verify.
Question for one of you pole-smoker advocates:

Why the hell are transformers lumped in with the faggots, half-a-fags and dykes? According to the transformers, they're not homers and slug-trail lickers...but the opposite sex trapped in the wrong sex why are they included in the acronym?
Thank you for that cogent and intelligent contribution to an important and complex issue.:udaman:
I don't give a rats hind parts what you think about me or your moronic assumptions about who and what I am.

Lol.... he doesn't "give a rats hind parts" because it's a source of arousal for that demented queer.

It's hysterical the lengths that fudge packer has gone pasting libturd propaganda all over the place attempting to convince rational people to embrace deviance. It isn't good enough we tried to mind our own business, they have to shove it in our face. Then they're shocked... SHOCKED when they face resistance.

Embrace irrationality, Pete. PP's left wing hogwash propaganda says you should.

Unfortunately for RegressiveParasite, critical thinking skills prevent us from being suckered into his delusional world.

There's a growing segment of butthole surfers that actually go out looking for a fellow cock smoker with AIDS and WANT to catch the disease, they're called "bug chasers". Sometimes they winde up catching two different strains of the virus by humping multiple carriers..yes, there is such a thing as Super AIDS.

Any group of people, and I use the term " people" lightly when referencing faggots...that does something like that should either be locked up or executed.

They're anti-human filth.
There's a growing segment of butthole surfers that actually go out looking for a fellow cock smoker with AIDS and WANT to catch the disease, they're called "bug chasers". Sometimes they winde up catching two different strains of the virus by humping multiple carriers..yes, there is such a thing as Super AIDS.

Any group of people, and I use the term " people" lightly when referencing faggots...that does something like that should either be locked up or executed.

They're anti-human filth.

I dunno, maybe the "bug chasers" are a self correcting problem.

There's a growing segment of butthole surfers that actually go out looking for a fellow cock smoker with AIDS and WANT to catch the disease, they're called "bug chasers". Sometimes they winde up catching two different strains of the virus by humping multiple carriers..yes, there is such a thing as Super AIDS.

Any group of people, and I use the term " people" lightly when referencing faggots...that does something like that should either be locked up or executed.

They're anti-human filth.

I dunno, maybe the "bug chasers" are a self correcting problem.

It doesn't get more pathetic than this . All that you people...yes "you people" have is moronic drivel about LGBT people ( while not even understanding the differences between transgender and gay) and personal attacks and assumption about me, who you know nothing about. Fucking idiots!
There's a growing segment of butthole surfers that actually go out looking for a fellow cock smoker with AIDS and WANT to catch the disease, they're called "bug chasers". Sometimes they winde up catching two different strains of the virus by humping multiple carriers..yes, there is such a thing as Super AIDS.

Any group of people, and I use the term " people" lightly when referencing faggots...that does something like that should either be locked up or executed.

They're anti-human filth.

I dunno, maybe the "bug chasers" are a self correcting problem.

It doesn't get more pathetic than this . All that you people...yes "you people" have is moronic drivel about LGBT people ( while not even understanding the differences between transgender and gay) and personal attacks and assumption about me, who you know nothing about. Fucking idiots!
Keep chasing them bugs, faggot! Lol
I challenge anyone here to go to the faggot ads on Craigslist for cities like Than Fran Thisco and Palm Sthprings, CA and come back here and tell us all these people aren't filthy degenerate scum. They ask for people to shit in their mouthes, offer to suck and fuck on random dicks...these wastes of flesh aren't worth pissing on if they were on fire, and I wouldn't do it anyway because their demented, sick minded selves would probably enjoy it.
I challenge anyone here to go to the faggot ads on Craigslist for cities like Than Fran Thisco and Palm Sthprings, CA and come back here and tell us all these people aren't filthy degenerate scum. They ask for people to shit in their mouthes, offer to suck and fuck on random dicks...these wastes of flesh aren't worth pissing on if they were on fire, and I wouldn't do it anyway because their demented, sick minded selves would probably enjoy it.
Ah! I see!! You have been on Craig's list looking for kinky sex involving bodily fluids. Who knew you could find it there. Thanks for the tip and have fun!
I challenge anyone here to go to the faggot ads on Craigslist for cities like Than Fran Thisco and Palm Sthprings, CA and come back here and tell us all these people aren't filthy degenerate scum. They ask for people to shit in their mouthes, offer to suck and fuck on random dicks...these wastes of flesh aren't worth pissing on if they were on fire, and I wouldn't do it anyway because their demented, sick minded selves would probably enjoy it.
Ah! I see!! You have been on Craig's list looking for kinky sex involving bodily fluids. Who knew you could find it there. Thanks for the tip and have fun!

At least he will admit it, but you thanking him for the tip is no surprise.

I challenge anyone here to go to the faggot ads on Craigslist for cities like Than Fran Thisco and Palm Sthprings, CA and come back here and tell us all these people aren't filthy degenerate scum. They ask for people to shit in their mouthes, offer to suck and fuck on random dicks...these wastes of flesh aren't worth pissing on if they were on fire, and I wouldn't do it anyway because their demented, sick minded selves would probably enjoy it.
Ah! I see!! You have been on Craig's list looking for kinky sex involving bodily fluids. Who knew you could find it there. Thanks for the tip and have fun!
I'm sure you have. And don't play dumb, bug chaser...we all know you are aware of the shit that goes on in your butthole diving community.

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