So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

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These parents are dragging very sick children with congenital diseases, cerebral palsy, cancer, failing hearts and livers thousands of miles. As soon as they cross that border all those illnesses become our responsibility. Suddenly President Trump made all these children ill. It's our fault and we must pay.

Eff them. Send them back. Every last one.
It's a ruse and was/is being exploited.

I'm 100% behind it!
"It's a ruse!" "I'm 100% behind it!" And thus the logic is revealed.

There may be justifications for this policy change. Perhaps 'illegal immigrants', aka invaders, are overwhelming state of the art pediatric centers, closing out American patient. Just like they're taking your job. Well, if you worked in a chicken processing plant you would have a point.

But there are only 1,000 families under the former protections.

One might just draw a line in the sand and say 'you may take no largess from the federal government. But does that hard line policy extend to sick children? Is it a principled place to take a stand?

I ask this; What sort of human soul looks over a government issued Desk and decide the way to assert policy is to aim squarely at the most disadvantaged. Sick and dying children.

Then imagine the sort of human soul who combs through records at pediatric centers in order to smoke out families living a crisis.

Imagine the sort of human soul that rationalizes her position to fall in line behind the authorities enforcing this purge.

Now, ask yourself if a person having such a soul should ever be regarded as moral citizen?
If I walked into Mexico, developed cancer while there, do they have the right to deport me? Or are they required to treat me?
unless he CONsiders you 'the enemy'... which os pretty much anybody who criticizes the poor little snowflake.
Name someone he hates

i'll name 3.

john mccain
the free press.

All three who attacked him first.

are you kidding? trump spent a solid 5 YEARS claiming obama was a mooooooslum born in kenya. tell me wtf did he do to donny that set him off the rails, 'eh? & the rest is petty shit that anybody who is supposta be the 'potus' is also supposta be held to a higher standard. he's a petty little orange man baby snowflake.


What did he do to Trump? Is that a joke question or what?

Trump knew he had the FBI pulling their stunts on him. Everybody had a big laugh at first, especially the media. Then we found it was all true.

DumBama had the FBI make up this phony scam that Trump was colluding with Russia, of course with the help of Hillary. It started this entire surveillance on Trump and his associates. As we now know, it was a lie from the beginning.

So of course Trump is pissed at Obama and has every right to be. The idea of using our federal agencies to bring down a political opponent is unprecedented. I would be super pissed too.
I’d send obammy suitcases full of horse shit
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis

Yep, they're the only ones crossing the border, Sick ILLEGAL Migrant Children....dumbass.
These people are not citizens, there is nothing in the Constitution guaranteeing them a spot here.
I think Jesus said something like that, let me check my bible, nope it says here that shitting on the needy is pretty bad.
When I need to know what's really in the Bible, I'll ask Jerry Falwell, not you.
Jesus said go forth to the heathens and spread his message.
Then why don’t you and Wry wander your fat asses forth to Central America and take care of those people.
For the Record:

Trump administration seeks to deport children with life-threatening illnesses

  • The Trump administration quietly told families who were granted permission to stay for this medical care that their permission to stay has been rescinded and they have 33 days to leave the country. The policy is being applied retroactively to any requests filed on or before Aug. 7.
  • Each year, the U.S. gets about 1,000 applications from immigrant families in the U.S. seeking permission to stay in the country and not face deportation so family members can continue lifesaving medical care that is not available in their home countries.
  • The change was not made public and members of the public were not given a chance to provide comment before it went into effect. Families simply received letters telling them they had 33 days to leave.
For the Record:

Trump administration seeks to deport children with life-threatening illnesses

  • The Trump administration quietly told families who were granted permission to stay for this medical care that their permission to stay has been rescinded and they have 33 days to leave the country. The policy is being applied retroactively to any requests filed on or before Aug. 7.
  • Each year, the U.S. gets about 1,000 applications from immigrant families in the U.S. seeking permission to stay in the country and not face deportation so family members can continue lifesaving medical care that is not available in their home countries.
  • The change was not made public and members of the public were not given a chance to provide comment before it went into effect. Families simply received letters telling them they had 33 days to leave.

Other key points:
No one has been deported.
Each deportation is going to be examined on a case by case basis.

They should not send children or adults that need life saving medical attention.

My question is for years we have been told by the left that our medical is inferior to many European nations and countries such as Cuba, why should we have them stay when other countries are supposedly better than ours?
We'll deport them to Cuba! Michael Moore will be pleased

They are so fake. It boggles my mind. They completely distort the story, then want an inferior medical team to help them. You can’t make this crap up.

"They are so fake" is missing the object of the sentence. I learned that in elementary school, why didn't you?

Who are "they"?

I’ll let you figure it out, if you can’t figure it out I’ll have Tommy come over and hit you over the head with a tack hammer.

"They are so fake" is missing the object of the sentence. I learned that in elementary school, why didn't you? Did Tommy hit your over the head in the 5th grade and you've never recovered?
That's not how it works. You don't get to stay if you sneak in and learn, or sneak in and do hard work, or sneak in and stay out of trouble, or sneak in and be a model neighbor or citizen. The problem is you snuck in, not what you did once you got here.

She didn't sneak in. She was invited by doctors to come here for research so they could get a big enough sample group to work with.
She was invited to come here for research. Was she promised permanent residency?

Dunno. But, if they send her back to Guatemala, she's going to die within a month or two. Here, they can continue to treat her.
Why would she die there?

Because she was invited here to help find a cure for a disease, as the doctors didn't have enough people for a good test group as it is so rare. They found her in Guatemala, invited her to come to the US for research and study. The treatment that she helped develop isn't available in her original country, and if she doesn't keep up with the treatments, she will die in a short amount of time.
Yeah and what? Promise a cure? Hahaha hahaha,
It's a ruse and was/is being exploited.

I'm 100% behind it!
"It's a ruse!" "I'm 100% behind it!" And thus the logic is revealed.

There may be justifications for this policy change. Perhaps 'illegal immigrants', aka invaders, are overwhelming state of the art pediatric centers, closing out American patient. Just like they're taking your job. Well, if you worked in a chicken processing plant you would have a point.

But there are only 1,000 families under the former protections.

One might just draw a line in the sand and say 'you may take no largess from the federal government. But does that hard line policy extend to sick children? Is it a principled place to take a stand?

I ask this; What sort of human soul looks over a government issued Desk and decide the way to assert policy is to aim squarely at the most disadvantaged. Sick and dying children.

Then imagine the sort of human soul who combs through records at pediatric centers in order to smoke out families living a crisis.

Imagine the sort of human soul that rationalizes her position to fall in line behind the authorities enforcing this purge.

Now, ask yourself if a person having such a soul should ever be regarded as moral citizen?
If I walked into Mexico, developed cancer while there, do they have the right to deport me? Or are they required to treat me?
American hospitals are required. Unless you want to hold the Mexican healthcare system up as an example to follow.

At least it's an idea. You guys haven't come up with an alternative system.
For the Record:

Trump administration seeks to deport children with life-threatening illnesses

  • The Trump administration quietly told families who were granted permission to stay for this medical care that their permission to stay has been rescinded and they have 33 days to leave the country. The policy is being applied retroactively to any requests filed on or before Aug. 7.
  • Each year, the U.S. gets about 1,000 applications from immigrant families in the U.S. seeking permission to stay in the country and not face deportation so family members can continue lifesaving medical care that is not available in their home countries.
  • The change was not made public and members of the public were not given a chance to provide comment before it went into effect. Families simply received letters telling them they had 33 days to leave.
Fuck face
What gives you the right to spend other peoples money on diseased illegal aliens?
It's a ruse and was/is being exploited.

I'm 100% behind it!
"It's a ruse!" "I'm 100% behind it!" And thus the logic is revealed.

There may be justifications for this policy change. Perhaps 'illegal immigrants', aka invaders, are overwhelming state of the art pediatric centers, closing out American patient. Just like they're taking your job. Well, if you worked in a chicken processing plant you would have a point.

But there are only 1,000 families under the former protections.

One might just draw a line in the sand and say 'you may take no largess from the federal government. But does that hard line policy extend to sick children? Is it a principled place to take a stand?

I ask this; What sort of human soul looks over a government issued Desk and decide the way to assert policy is to aim squarely at the most disadvantaged. Sick and dying children.

Then imagine the sort of human soul who combs through records at pediatric centers in order to smoke out families living a crisis.

Imagine the sort of human soul that rationalizes her position to fall in line behind the authorities enforcing this purge.

Now, ask yourself if a person having such a soul should ever be regarded as moral citizen?
If I walked into Mexico, developed cancer while there, do they have the right to deport me? Or are they required to treat me?
American hospitals are required. Unless you want to hold the Mexican healthcare system up as an example to follow.

At least it's an idea. You guys haven't come up with an alternative system.

But Donald promised to repeal and replace the ACA on day one. Donnie wouldn't lie, would he?
Other key points:
No one has been deported.
Each deportation is going to be examined on a case by case basis.

They should not send children or adults that need life saving medical attention.

My question is for years we have been told by the left that our medical is inferior to many European nations and countries such as Cuba, why should we have them stay when other countries are supposedly better than ours?
We'll deport them to Cuba! Michael Moore will be pleased

They are so fake. It boggles my mind. They completely distort the story, then want an inferior medical team to help them. You can’t make this crap up.

"They are so fake" is missing the object of the sentence. I learned that in elementary school, why didn't you?

Who are "they"?

I’ll let you figure it out, if you can’t figure it out I’ll have Tommy come over and hit you over the head with a tack hammer.

"They are so fake" is missing the object of the sentence. I learned that in elementary school, why didn't you? Did Tommy hit your over the head in the 5th grade and you've never recovered?

Sure did, and I’m still brighter than you, amazing isn’t it.
It's a ruse and was/is being exploited.

I'm 100% behind it!
"It's a ruse!" "I'm 100% behind it!" And thus the logic is revealed.

There may be justifications for this policy change. Perhaps 'illegal immigrants', aka invaders, are overwhelming state of the art pediatric centers, closing out American patient. Just like they're taking your job. Well, if you worked in a chicken processing plant you would have a point.

But there are only 1,000 families under the former protections.

One might just draw a line in the sand and say 'you may take no largess from the federal government. But does that hard line policy extend to sick children? Is it a principled place to take a stand?

I ask this; What sort of human soul looks over a government issued Desk and decide the way to assert policy is to aim squarely at the most disadvantaged. Sick and dying children.

Then imagine the sort of human soul who combs through records at pediatric centers in order to smoke out families living a crisis.

Imagine the sort of human soul that rationalizes her position to fall in line behind the authorities enforcing this purge.

Now, ask yourself if a person having such a soul should ever be regarded as moral citizen?
If I walked into Mexico, developed cancer while there, do they have the right to deport me? Or are they required to treat me?
American hospitals are required. Unless you want to hold the Mexican healthcare system up as an example to follow.

At least it's an idea. You guys haven't come up with an alternative system.

But Donald promised to repeal and replace the ACA on day one. Donnie wouldn't lie, would he?
We don’t need fucking socialism
We'll deport them to Cuba! Michael Moore will be pleased

They are so fake. It boggles my mind. They completely distort the story, then want an inferior medical team to help them. You can’t make this crap up.

"They are so fake" is missing the object of the sentence. I learned that in elementary school, why didn't you?

Who are "they"?

I’ll let you figure it out, if you can’t figure it out I’ll have Tommy come over and hit you over the head with a tack hammer.

"They are so fake" is missing the object of the sentence. I learned that in elementary school, why didn't you? Did Tommy hit your over the head in the 5th grade and you've never recovered?

Sure did, and I’m still brighter than you, amazing isn’t it.

Well, I would be amazed if you had ever posted anything thoughtful or thought provoking. Why not try, or better yet, why not take this test, and give us your results:

Workout | Mensa International
It's a ruse and was/is being exploited.

I'm 100% behind it!
"It's a ruse!" "I'm 100% behind it!" And thus the logic is revealed.

There may be justifications for this policy change. Perhaps 'illegal immigrants', aka invaders, are overwhelming state of the art pediatric centers, closing out American patient. Just like they're taking your job. Well, if you worked in a chicken processing plant you would have a point.

But there are only 1,000 families under the former protections.

One might just draw a line in the sand and say 'you may take no largess from the federal government. But does that hard line policy extend to sick children? Is it a principled place to take a stand?

I ask this; What sort of human soul looks over a government issued Desk and decide the way to assert policy is to aim squarely at the most disadvantaged. Sick and dying children.

Then imagine the sort of human soul who combs through records at pediatric centers in order to smoke out families living a crisis.

Imagine the sort of human soul that rationalizes her position to fall in line behind the authorities enforcing this purge.

Now, ask yourself if a person having such a soul should ever be regarded as moral citizen?
If I walked into Mexico, developed cancer while there, do they have the right to deport me? Or are they required to treat me?
American hospitals are required. Unless you want to hold the Mexican healthcare system up as an example to follow.

At least it's an idea. You guys haven't come up with an alternative system.

But Donald promised to repeal and replace the ACA on day one. Donnie wouldn't lie, would he?
We don’t need fucking socialism
Are you willing to quote that to the Social Security Administration when you're retired like me? Will you say the same to Medicare? Would you write that in Sharpie across your farm subsidy check?
Name someone he hates

i'll name 3.

john mccain
the free press.

All three who attacked him first.

are you kidding? trump spent a solid 5 YEARS claiming obama was a mooooooslum born in kenya. tell me wtf did he do to donny that set him off the rails, 'eh? & the rest is petty shit that anybody who is supposta be the 'potus' is also supposta be held to a higher standard. he's a petty little orange man baby snowflake.


What did he do to Trump? Is that a joke question or what?

Trump knew he had the FBI pulling their stunts on him. Everybody had a big laugh at first, especially the media. Then we found it was all true.

DumBama had the FBI make up this phony scam that Trump was colluding with Russia, of course with the help of Hillary. It started this entire surveillance on Trump and his associates. As we now know, it was a lie from the beginning.

So of course Trump is pissed at Obama and has every right to be. The idea of using our federal agencies to bring down a political opponent is unprecedented. I would be super pissed too.
I’d send obammy suitcases full of horse shit

Well send it fast, because he just bought a house that's liable to go underwater any year now.
It's a ruse and was/is being exploited.

I'm 100% behind it!
"It's a ruse!" "I'm 100% behind it!" And thus the logic is revealed.

There may be justifications for this policy change. Perhaps 'illegal immigrants', aka invaders, are overwhelming state of the art pediatric centers, closing out American patient. Just like they're taking your job. Well, if you worked in a chicken processing plant you would have a point.

But there are only 1,000 families under the former protections.

One might just draw a line in the sand and say 'you may take no largess from the federal government. But does that hard line policy extend to sick children? Is it a principled place to take a stand?

I ask this; What sort of human soul looks over a government issued Desk and decide the way to assert policy is to aim squarely at the most disadvantaged. Sick and dying children.

Then imagine the sort of human soul who combs through records at pediatric centers in order to smoke out families living a crisis.

Imagine the sort of human soul that rationalizes her position to fall in line behind the authorities enforcing this purge.

Now, ask yourself if a person having such a soul should ever be regarded as moral citizen?
If I walked into Mexico, developed cancer while there, do they have the right to deport me? Or are they required to treat me?
American hospitals are required. Unless you want to hold the Mexican healthcare system up as an example to follow.

At least it's an idea. You guys haven't come up with an alternative system.

But Donald promised to repeal and replace the ACA on day one. Donnie wouldn't lie, would he?
No but that turd McCain did.
American hospitals are required. Unless you want to hold the Mexican healthcare system up as an example to follow.

At least it's an idea. You guys haven't come up with an alternative system.
American hospitals are required to treat people who have been deported? I dont think so.

You were the one defining morality. If Mexico wont treat me but instead deports me, are THEY "IMMORAL"???
"It's a ruse!" "I'm 100% behind it!" And thus the logic is revealed.

There may be justifications for this policy change. Perhaps 'illegal immigrants', aka invaders, are overwhelming state of the art pediatric centers, closing out American patient. Just like they're taking your job. Well, if you worked in a chicken processing plant you would have a point.

But there are only 1,000 families under the former protections.

One might just draw a line in the sand and say 'you may take no largess from the federal government. But does that hard line policy extend to sick children? Is it a principled place to take a stand?

I ask this; What sort of human soul looks over a government issued Desk and decide the way to assert policy is to aim squarely at the most disadvantaged. Sick and dying children.

Then imagine the sort of human soul who combs through records at pediatric centers in order to smoke out families living a crisis.

Imagine the sort of human soul that rationalizes her position to fall in line behind the authorities enforcing this purge.

Now, ask yourself if a person having such a soul should ever be regarded as moral citizen?
If I walked into Mexico, developed cancer while there, do they have the right to deport me? Or are they required to treat me?
American hospitals are required. Unless you want to hold the Mexican healthcare system up as an example to follow.

At least it's an idea. You guys haven't come up with an alternative system.

But Donald promised to repeal and replace the ACA on day one. Donnie wouldn't lie, would he?
We don’t need fucking socialism
Are you willing to quote that to the Social Security Administration when you're retired like me? Will you say the same to Medicare? Would you write that in Sharpie across your farm subsidy check?
i'll name 3.

john mccain
the free press.

All three who attacked him first.

are you kidding? trump spent a solid 5 YEARS claiming obama was a mooooooslum born in kenya. tell me wtf did he do to donny that set him off the rails, 'eh? & the rest is petty shit that anybody who is supposta be the 'potus' is also supposta be held to a higher standard. he's a petty little orange man baby snowflake.


What did he do to Trump? Is that a joke question or what?

Trump knew he had the FBI pulling their stunts on him. Everybody had a big laugh at first, especially the media. Then we found it was all true.

DumBama had the FBI make up this phony scam that Trump was colluding with Russia, of course with the help of Hillary. It started this entire surveillance on Trump and his associates. As we now know, it was a lie from the beginning.

So of course Trump is pissed at Obama and has every right to be. The idea of using our federal agencies to bring down a political opponent is unprecedented. I would be super pissed too.
I’d send obammy suitcases full of horse shit

Well send it fast, because he just bought a house that's liable to go underwater any year now.
Wet shit
American hospitals are required. Unless you want to hold the Mexican healthcare system up as an example to follow.

At least it's an idea. You guys haven't come up with an alternative system.
American hospitals are required to treat people who have been deported? I dont think so.

You were the one defining morality. If Mexico wont treat me but instead deports me, are THEY "IMMORAL"???
Do you see saving lives as a zero sum game? Can you conceive of morality in the practice of medicine?

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