So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

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When I need to know what's really in the Bible, I'll ask Jerry Falwell, not you.
Jesus said go forth to the heathens and spread his message.

You confuse Church and state, Pastor Pussy.
Was I talking to you? I know you to be a sociopath so it's not like I would ever appeal to your non-existent sense of right and wrong.

Triggered!!! :dance:
I know you are. Did you imagining me being upset give you a stiffy?

Calm down, son. :dance:
For the Record:

Trump administration seeks to deport children with life-threatening illnesses

  • The Trump administration quietly told families who were granted permission to stay for this medical care that their permission to stay has been rescinded and they have 33 days to leave the country. The policy is being applied retroactively to any requests filed on or before Aug. 7.
  • Each year, the U.S. gets about 1,000 applications from immigrant families in the U.S. seeking permission to stay in the country and not face deportation so family members can continue lifesaving medical care that is not available in their home countries.
  • The change was not made public and members of the public were not given a chance to provide comment before it went into effect. Families simply received letters telling them they had 33 days to leave.
The fact of the matter is that Trumptards will support any Trump policy regardless of what it is. They are incapable of thinking for themselves. This board is absolute proof of that.
For the Record:

Trump administration seeks to deport children with life-threatening illnesses

  • The Trump administration quietly told families who were granted permission to stay for this medical care that their permission to stay has been rescinded and they have 33 days to leave the country. The policy is being applied retroactively to any requests filed on or before Aug. 7.
  • Each year, the U.S. gets about 1,000 applications from immigrant families in the U.S. seeking permission to stay in the country and not face deportation so family members can continue lifesaving medical care that is not available in their home countries.
  • The change was not made public and members of the public were not given a chance to provide comment before it went into effect. Families simply received letters telling them they had 33 days to leave.
There is no compassion. This is right wing land. Zeig Heil.
For the Record:

    • The Trump administration quietly told families who were granted permission to stay for this medical care that their permission to stay has been rescinded and they have 33 days to leave the country. The policy is being applied retroactively to any requests filed on or before Aug. 7.

    • Each year, the U.S. gets about 1,000 applications from immigrant families in the U.S. seeking permission to stay in the country and not face deportation so family members can continue lifesaving medical care that is not available in their home countries.
    • The change was not made public and members of the public were not given a chance to provide comment before it went into effect. Families simply received letters telling them they had 33 days to leave.

Where is the Clergy? Where are the Compassionate?

“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”

Haha...this is so fun to watch...For years the twisted fucks have demanded that Conservatives shred their Bibles, many have and now the whack-jobs are pissing themselves and begging for Conservatives to get back to their Bibles...they can no longer sell Conservatives on their warm and fuzzy FEELZ bullshit. Good people are tired of being suckered and stepped on for being kind and gracious. Good people don’t want nothing to do with anything ‘Left”....hahahahahahaha

View attachment 276897

Only the faux Christian's are mocked, and they deserve it. Do you claim to be a Christian? If so, you are the antithesis of Jesus.

View attachment 276897

Only the faux Christian's are mocked, and they deserve it. Do you claim to be a Christian? If so, you are the antithesis of Jesus.
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If this isn't what you're talking about then I don't know what is. Find me a bill or something where I can research it. But so far, I found nothing about Trump cutting anything in regards to Medicare or Medicaid except for what I posted. Give me a date or something, because nothing comes up in the search engine.

WTF does this have to do with what we were talking about?

the bipartisan CBO is stating that tax cut is going to be pd for by the social programs by X amt of dollars over 10 years because only a certain amt of cuts in any given year is allowed. you didn't follow that bouncing ball, raymond. i'm disappointed in you.... do you think 880 billion dollars magically gets paid for without cuts from somewhere else?

I can't follow the bouncing ball? We WERE talking about cuts to Medicaid and Medicare stating that my earlier link was about different cuts in these programs and not the ones you were talking about.

i know what I was talkin about from jump street. it was always about the cuts to medicare & medicaid to pay for donny's tax cuts to the uber rich 1%.

ray ray.

And I posted that the two have nothing to do with each other. As the article points out, Trump is not doing anything more or less that DumBama did.
For the Record:

Trump administration seeks to deport children with life-threatening illnesses

  • The Trump administration quietly told families who were granted permission to stay for this medical care that their permission to stay has been rescinded and they have 33 days to leave the country. The policy is being applied retroactively to any requests filed on or before Aug. 7.
  • Each year, the U.S. gets about 1,000 applications from immigrant families in the U.S. seeking permission to stay in the country and not face deportation so family members can continue lifesaving medical care that is not available in their home countries.
  • The change was not made public and members of the public were not given a chance to provide comment before it went into effect. Families simply received letters telling them they had 33 days to leave.
The fact of the matter is that Trumptards will support any Trump policy regardless of what it is. They are incapable of thinking for themselves. This board is absolute proof of that.

For the Record:

Trump administration seeks to deport children with life-threatening illnesses

  • The Trump administration quietly told families who were granted permission to stay for this medical care that their permission to stay has been rescinded and they have 33 days to leave the country. The policy is being applied retroactively to any requests filed on or before Aug. 7.
  • Each year, the U.S. gets about 1,000 applications from immigrant families in the U.S. seeking permission to stay in the country and not face deportation so family members can continue lifesaving medical care that is not available in their home countries.
  • The change was not made public and members of the public were not given a chance to provide comment before it went into effect. Families simply received letters telling them they had 33 days to leave.
There is no compassion. This is right wing land. Zeig Heil.
Do you find it odd that you whacks only care to be “compassionate” of those whom break into your home and force themselves on you while others around the globe wait patiently for you “compassionate” bastards to reach out to them? Think of those beautiful children in Yemen dying a slow death while you dirty fucks only care to help the criminals holding you at gun point with your own government standing behind them.
You shameless, disgusting pukes.
Trump loves every american

unless he CONsiders you 'the enemy'... which os pretty much anybody who criticizes the poor little snowflake.
Name someone he hates

i'll name 3.

john mccain
the free press.

All three who attacked him first.

are you kidding? trump spent a solid 5 YEARS claiming obama was a mooooooslum born in kenya. tell me wtf did he do to donny that set him off the rails, 'eh? & the rest is petty shit that anybody who is supposta be the 'potus' is also supposta be held to a higher standard. he's a petty little orange man baby snowflake.


What did he do to Trump? Is that a joke question or what?

Trump knew he had the FBI pulling their stunts on him. Everybody had a big laugh at first, especially the media. Then we found it was all true.

DumBama had the FBI make up this phony scam that Trump was colluding with Russia, of course with the help of Hillary. It started this entire surveillance on Trump and his associates. As we now know, it was a lie from the beginning.

So of course Trump is pissed at Obama and has every right to be. The idea of using our federal agencies to bring down a political opponent is unprecedented. I would be super pissed too.
Jesus said go forth to the heathens and spread his message.

You confuse Church and state, Pastor Pussy.
Was I talking to you? I know you to be a sociopath so it's not like I would ever appeal to your non-existent sense of right and wrong.

Triggered!!! :dance:
I know you are. Did you imagining me being upset give you a stiffy?

Calm down, son. :dance:
If I was your son I would intentionally turn gay, get a black boyfriend and convert to Islam just to spite your stupid ass.
For the Record:

Trump administration seeks to deport children with life-threatening illnesses

  • The Trump administration quietly told families who were granted permission to stay for this medical care that their permission to stay has been rescinded and they have 33 days to leave the country. The policy is being applied retroactively to any requests filed on or before Aug. 7.
  • Each year, the U.S. gets about 1,000 applications from immigrant families in the U.S. seeking permission to stay in the country and not face deportation so family members can continue lifesaving medical care that is not available in their home countries.
  • The change was not made public and members of the public were not given a chance to provide comment before it went into effect. Families simply received letters telling them they had 33 days to leave.
The fact of the matter is that Trumptards will support any Trump policy regardless of what it is. They are incapable of thinking for themselves. This board is absolute proof of that.

For the Record:

Trump administration seeks to deport children with life-threatening illnesses

  • The Trump administration quietly told families who were granted permission to stay for this medical care that their permission to stay has been rescinded and they have 33 days to leave the country. The policy is being applied retroactively to any requests filed on or before Aug. 7.
  • Each year, the U.S. gets about 1,000 applications from immigrant families in the U.S. seeking permission to stay in the country and not face deportation so family members can continue lifesaving medical care that is not available in their home countries.
  • The change was not made public and members of the public were not given a chance to provide comment before it went into effect. Families simply received letters telling them they had 33 days to leave.
There is no compassion. This is right wing land. Zeig Heil.
Do you find it odd that you whacks only care to be “compassionate” of those whom break into your home and force themselves on you while others around the globe wait patiently for you “compassionate” bastards to reach out to them? Think of those beautiful children in Yemen dying a slow death while you dirty fucks only care to help the criminals holding you at gun point with your own government standing behind them.
You shameless, disgusting pukes.

You are completely bonkers.
She invited for a purpose. The purpose is over. Send her back. No one took her as a dependent for life.

Even if sending her back means she will no longer have access to the treatment she helped to get developed and will die shortly after leaving? Some compassionate conservative you are.

Me personally? I think she should be allowed to stay. Why? She has already given quite a bit in helping doctors to find the cure for her disease which has benefited thousands across this country and the world. She also has a college education and is working on her masters.

She has contributed quite a bit of good to this country. She should be allowed to stay.

That's not how it works. You don't get to stay if you sneak in and learn, or sneak in and do hard work, or sneak in and stay out of trouble, or sneak in and be a model neighbor or citizen. The problem is you snuck in, not what you did once you got here.

She didn't sneak in. She was invited by doctors to come here for research so they could get a big enough sample group to work with.
She was invited to come here for research. Was she promised permanent residency?

Dunno. But, if they send her back to Guatemala, she's going to die within a month or two. Here, they can continue to treat her.
------------------------------------------ yep , make the USA a HOSPICE at taxpayer expense BSailor
Only the faux Christian's are mocked, and they deserve it. Do you claim to be a Christian?

I never claimed any such thing.

However, if I were, I could quote from the xtian scripture ...

"But if any provide not for his owne, & specially for those of his owne house, hee hath denied the faith, and is worse then an infidel."
Only the faux Christian's are mocked, and they deserve it. Do you claim to be a Christian?

I never claimed any such thing.

However, if I were, I could quote from the xtian scripture ...

"But if any provide not for his owne, & specially for those of his owne house, hee hath denied the faith, and is worse then an infidel."

My comment was directed at BROKELOSER.

I had to look up "xtian", it means Christian. Your quote seemed alien to me, since I was raised Catholic and confirmed. Please post a link, or admit it was an effort to post some sort of conservative fiction.

She lost and never conceded

trump hates her with every orange blood cell he has in his fat laden body.

More than Hillary hates Don? I don’t think Trumps hates her at all he annihilated her and doesn’t consider her a threat, so he doesn’t really care about her anymore. I do believe Hillary hates him for taking away her presumed Presidency.

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......................... uh-huh.

Lol! That’s what I thought when I read your stupid post.
She invited for a purpose. The purpose is over. Send her back. No one took her as a dependent for life.

Even if sending her back means she will no longer have access to the treatment she helped to get developed and will die shortly after leaving? Some compassionate conservative you are.

Me personally? I think she should be allowed to stay. Why? She has already given quite a bit in helping doctors to find the cure for her disease which has benefited thousands across this country and the world. She also has a college education and is working on her masters.

She has contributed quite a bit of good to this country. She should be allowed to stay.

That's not how it works. You don't get to stay if you sneak in and learn, or sneak in and do hard work, or sneak in and stay out of trouble, or sneak in and be a model neighbor or citizen. The problem is you snuck in, not what you did once you got here.

She didn't sneak in. She was invited by doctors to come here for research so they could get a big enough sample group to work with.
She was invited to come here for research. Was she promised permanent residency?

Dunno. But, if they send her back to Guatemala, she's going to die within a month or two. Here, they can continue to treat her.

That is why this is treated as a case by case basis.
Your quote seemed alien to me, since I was raised Catholic and confirmed
Well there's the reason. You're CATHOLIC -- Not at all educated in the Scriptures.

A Jooo has to tell you what's in the CHRISTIAN Scriptures. Fncceo will be stricken with a plague if he dares utter the word CHRISTIAN.
For the Record:

Trump administration seeks to deport children with life-threatening illnesses

  • The Trump administration quietly told families who were granted permission to stay for this medical care that their permission to stay has been rescinded and they have 33 days to leave the country. The policy is being applied retroactively to any requests filed on or before Aug. 7.
  • Each year, the U.S. gets about 1,000 applications from immigrant families in the U.S. seeking permission to stay in the country and not face deportation so family members can continue lifesaving medical care that is not available in their home countries.
  • The change was not made public and members of the public were not given a chance to provide comment before it went into effect. Families simply received letters telling them they had 33 days to leave.

Why can't these people be treated in their own country? Why at the expense of the US taxpayers, who these illegals have so much contempt for?

If the libs in San Francisco and other Sanctuary cities took these people in, and were supporting them wholly at their own expense, both for medical and other needs, and these illegals weren't working and stealing jobs from Deplorables, there would be a lot more to be said for letting them stay.

But what libs want is for these illegals to be "on a path to voting" as they feel- probably correctly- that Illegals hate America and its their only way to change the country and transform us into a Shithole.
Please post a link, or admit it was an effort to post some sort of conservative fiction.

Bible Gateway passage: 1 Timothy 5:8 - King James Version
Pretty sad that you have to teach him what his own book says, but then he is a liberal first -- a pretend catholic (Nancy Pelosi style) second.

I've never read the bible (except one time with a girl friend in a motel in Santa Barbara when we were watching Spartacus on TV. We looked at the bible in the night stand and saw the long movie was based on a single paragraph).

I make no pretense to be religious, I've been agnostic since college.

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