So this guy from Chicago, shows up at a Florida Convenience store showing the clerk he has a gun. Clerk shows robber his gun. Yeah for 2nd amend.

The Japanese Police don't shoot 1000 people every year. In fact, Japanese cops rarely pull their guns from their holsters.

They only lock up 47,000 people compared to our 2 million.

It seems that if Japanese police and prosecutors were as bad as you say, they'd have worse number in these metric, not better ones.

No, because the gun store lost the 'records' of the sale. Just like they lost records of hundreds of other sales... Hmmm... it almost seems like they ran a background check, and then did a sale off the books because they knew they couldn't file the paperwork.

Which is why they paid out 2 million before the NRA bullied congress into granting immunity to gun dealers.

You hate our cops but love Japanese cops? That is why you ate an idiot…….lets give our coos, prosecutors and judges the same powers as Japenese cops, prosecutors and judges as a starting point and then well see how you like it as they reduce crime in democrat party controlled cities …….you will shriek more than Ned Beatty in “Deliverance.”
The Japanese Police don't shoot 1000 people every year. In fact, Japanese cops rarely pull their guns from their holsters.

They only lock up 47,000 people compared to our 2 million.

It seems that if Japanese police and prosecutors were as bad as you say, they'd have worse number in these metric, not better ones.

No, because the gun store lost the 'records' of the sale. Just like they lost records of hundreds of other sales... Hmmm... it almost seems like they ran a background check, and then did a sale off the books because they knew they couldn't file the paperwork.

Which is why they paid out 2 million before the NRA bullied congress into granting immunity to gun dealers.

You lying doofus….you have to make up stories to push your fantasy about these gun stores.
You hate our cops but love Japanese cops?

Japanese cops aren't assholes like our cops...
Obviously, we are dealing with a VERY different culture, which is why I also discussed Canada, which also follows the kind of policies I want, and have much, much better results in the important metrics (Murder rates, number of people incarcerated, etc.)

That is why you ate an idiot…….lets give our coos, prosecutors and judges the same powers as Japenese cops, prosecutors and judges as a starting point and then well see how you like it as they reduce crime in democrat party controlled cities …….you will shriek more than Ned Beatty in “Deliverance.”

Sure. I can go with that.. as long as we also ban private gun ownership, get rid of the Prison-industrial complex (for profit prisons), and instill widespread social welfare programs with cradle to grave benefits.

The thing is, Japanese cops are effective not because people are terrified of them, but because they've earned the respect of their communities. They don't go home to their little enclaves, they live in the communtities they serve.

You lying doofus….you have to make up stories to push your fantasy about these gun stores.

I don't have to make anything up. The point was, that they tracked down the sniper's guns to Bull's Eye Shooting Supplies in Tacoma Washington, which could provide a record of the gun they sold to Mohammed.
Japanese cops aren't assholes like our cops...
Obviously, we are dealing with a VERY different culture, which is why I also discussed Canada, which also follows the kind of policies I want, and have much, much better results in the important metrics (Murder rates, number of people incarcerated, etc.)

Sure. I can go with that.. as long as we also ban private gun ownership, get rid of the Prison-industrial complex (for profit prisons), and instill widespread social welfare programs with cradle to grave benefits.

The thing is, Japanese cops are effective not because people are terrified of them, but because they've earned the respect of their communities. They don't go home to their little enclaves, they live in the communtities they serve.

I don't have to make anything up. The point was, that they tracked down the sniper's guns to Bull's Eye Shooting Supplies in Tacoma Washington, which could provide a record of the gun they sold to Mohammed.

What a lame response……….Japanese cops can do just,about anything they want to you and you cant say shit about it because the prosecutors and judges back up the cops…..and you respond with that lame shit?

Japanes cops are effective because

1) they have massive powers of search and arrest, and when they arrest you, you are going to be convicted and sent to prison

2) after the cops arrest you prosecutors can hold you till you confess without giving you access to a lawyer…..

3) judges dont care and back up the cops and prosecutors….

you are an idiot.

If our cops could do what japanese cops do and our prosecutors could hold suspects indefinitley until they confessed and judges sentenced criminals to years of hard prisin time, we would have a lot less crime too
What a lame response……….Japanese cops can do just,about anything they want to you and you cant say shit about it because the prosecutors and judges back up the cops…..and you respond with that lame shit?

If that were true, then why do the Japanese only lock up 47,000 people compared to our 2 million?

It would seem that if Japan is this anti-justice dystopia, then they would have a lot more prisoners.

If our cops could do what japanese cops do and our prosecutors could hold suspects indefinitley until they confessed and judges sentenced criminals to years of hard prisin time, we would have a lot less crime too

Uh, guy, we hold people indefinitely now, if they are poor. That's what all the screaming about the SAFE-T Act is about... cops and prosecutors actually have to justify why they are holding poor people.
If that were true, then why do the Japanese only lock up 47,000 people compared to our 2 million?

It would seem that if Japan is this anti-justice dystopia, then they would have a lot more prisoners.

Uh, guy, we hold people indefinitely now, if they are poor. That's what all the screaming about the SAFE-T Act is about... cops and prosecutors actually have to justify why they are holding poor people.
As you did, dishonestly so, elsewhere, you compare numbers in Japan vs. the US when we have approxx three times the population of Japan.

I wouldn't be so quick to flail your Pom Poms for the dangerous safe-t (criminal enabling program) as law enforcement is already sounding the alarms.

No, because the gun store lost the 'records' of the sale. Just like they lost records of hundreds of other sales... Hmmm... it almost seems like they ran a background check, and then did a sale off the books because they knew they couldn't file the paperwork.

Which is why they paid out 2 million before the NRA bullied congress into granting immunity to gun dealers.
And we're right back where we started, with you making claims that you can't back up. Do you not realize that, if they ran the background check, it's going to be recorded whether they file anything or not? You're just reaching to come up with plausible scenarios that allow you to claim you weren't just making it all up, but you were, and you floundering now doesn't help you at all.

You claimed the DC snipers passed a background check that allowed them to buy guns. Even YOU should have realized that was stupid, because if they passed the check, the store wouldn't be liable for selling them the guns, because the sale would have been legal and the store owner would have been hiding behind it. The bottom line is, you made a claim that you can't back up, and everything you've been saying since then just strengthens the case that you are wrong. Just admit you made an emotional statement that sounded good at the time.
And we're right back where we started,

yes, we are.... I state the sky is blue, you say, "Well sometimes the sky is gray"... whatever, dude. Point was, these two shitheads never, ever should have gotten a gun. Instead, they got a gun because our system of screening gun purchases is so lax.

As you did, dishonestly so, elsewhere, you compare numbers in Japan vs. the US when we have approxx three times the population of Japan.

Which really still doesn't help the issues.

Japan has so few gun homicides that you could increase it by 1000 and it STILL wouldn't get near our numbers.

For prisoners... they have 1/3rd our population and 1/42nd our number of prisoners.

Heck, even fucking China has less prisoners than we do... a Communist dictatorship with five times as many people and a fuzzy grasp on human rights.

I wouldn't be so quick to flail your Pom Poms for the dangerous safe-t (criminal enabling program) as law enforcement is already sounding the alarms.

The fact that law enforcement hates it make it great. Tells me it's fixing the problem.
If that were true, then why do the Japanese only lock up 47,000 people compared to our 2 million?

It would seem that if Japan is this anti-justice dystopia, then they would have a lot more prisoners.

Uh, guy, we hold people indefinitely now, if they are poor. That's what all the screaming about the SAFE-T Act is about... cops and prosecutors actually have to justify why they are holding poor people.

The Japanese people are culturally more compliant and law abiding....they have not had their families destroyed by decades of democrat party policies.....for hundreds of years their culture created a submissive society......

They allow their police, prosecutors and judges to treat them like that..... hate our police, and they don't have anywhere near the power of Japanese police....and their criminal justice system is the thing you bitch about over and over again here, and we don't even have what they have.......our people actually have Rights...theirs do not...
yes, we are.... I state the sky is blue, you say, "Well sometimes the sky is gray"... whatever, dude. Point was, these two shitheads never, ever should have gotten a gun. Instead, they got a gun because our system of screening gun purchases is so lax.

Which really still doesn't help the issues.

Japan has so few gun homicides that you could increase it by 1000 and it STILL wouldn't get near our numbers.

For prisoners... they have 1/3rd our population and 1/42nd our number of prisoners.

Heck, even fucking China has less prisoners than we do... a Communist dictatorship with five times as many people and a fuzzy grasp on human rights.

The fact that law enforcement hates it make it great. Tells me it's fixing the problem. could give every Japanese citizen a gun and they wouldn't shoot each other with them.....even their Yakuza stopped shooting each other after they made the tiniest gun offense a real, 15 year sentence.....

They stopped gun crime by locking up gun criminals for a minimum of 15 years for simple possession of a gun, and life in prison for firing the weapon, let alone actually hitting doofus.

A Japan actually treats criminals with funs vs. how democrats here in the U.S. treat criminals with multiple felonies....

Japan’s gun control laws so strict the Yakuza turn to toy pistols

Ryo Fujiwara, long-time writer on yakuza affairs and author of the book, The Three Yamaguchi-Gumi, says that the punishment for using a gun in a gang war or in a crime is now so heavy that most yakuza avoid their use at all – unless it is for an assassination.

“In a hit, whoever fires the gun, or is made to take responsibility for firing the gun, has to pretty much be willing to go to jail for the rest of their life. That’s a big decision. The repercussions are big, too. No one wants to claim responsibility for such acts – the gang office might actually get shut-down.”

The gang typically also has to support the family of the hit-man while he is in prison, which is also a financial burden for the organization.

Japan’s Firearms and Swords Control Laws make it a crime to illegally possess a gun, with a punishment of jail time of up to 10 years.

Illegal possession more than one gun, the penalty goes up to 15 years in prison. If you own a gun and matching ammunition, that’s another charge and a heavier penalty. The most severe penalty is for the act of discharging a gun in a train, on a bus, or most public spaces, which can result in a life sentence.


A low-ranking member of the Kobe-Yamaguchi-gumi put it this way: “All of the smart guys got rid of their guns a long-time ago. The penalties are way too high. You get life in prison if you just fire a gun. That’s not fun.”

--A police officer in Osaka’s Organized Crime Control Division, speaking on background noted, “In the de facto world of law enforcement, when a yakuza fires a gun, we’re almost always going to charge them with attempted murder—which is a very heavy crime and serious time in ‘the pig-house’ (jail). Guns kill people, so if you use one, intent to kill is right there. Toy guns? Not so much.”

He added, “Unless you’re an old gangster and wanting to stay in jail until you die because you got nowhere else to go, you don’t use a gun. The crime isn’t worth the time in jail.”

In the democrats deal with actual gun criminals....

Davis was originally arrested and charged with carrying a concealed weapon without a license in Detroit, and the judge assigned to his case ordered that Davis wear a GPS monitoring device as a condition of his bond.

There’s nothing unusual about that, but what’s raising eyebrows, particularly among local police, is what happened after prosecutors repeatedly told the judge that Davis was violating the terms of his bond, including allegedly taking part in a drive-by shooting.


So, by the time Davis appeared before the judge in late May, he’d already had five alleged bond violations and two arrests for separate incidents, including the drive-by shooting.

The judge could have ordered Davis’ bond revoked and remanded him into custody until his trial, but instead Hathaway took a much different approach: continuing his bond but ordering the removal of the GPS monitoring device that had alerted authorities to his alleged lawbreaking.


As you might have guessed, that didn’t stop Davis’ alleged criminal activity. About a month later police, who were now paying attention to Davis’ social media feeds, watched on Instagram as Davis held a gun and allegedly threatened violence against other individuals.


The two illegal alien mass public shooters given 15,000 dollars bond...


On Wednesday, as Breitbart News reported, the Richmond Police Department announced the arrests of Guatemalan nationals 52-year-old illegal alien Julio Alvardo Dubon and 38-year-old illegal alien Rolman Balacarcel Ac for allegedly plotting a mass shooting at the city’s July 4th celebration.


The American citizen who thwarted the mass shooting plot called police after he heard a man discussing a plan to “shoot up” Richmond’s annual Fourth of July celebration.

That is when police raided Dubon’s residence to find two rifles, a handgun, and 223 rounds of ammunition. Dubon was subsequently charged with being in possession of a firearm as an alien to the U.S.


Dubon has been booked into the Richmond City Jail on a $15,000 bail. Though police said Ac was also booked, his records do not appear in the city jail’s records.

Illegal Aliens Plotted July 4th Mass Shooting, Thwarted by 'Hero Citizen'
yes, we are.... I state the sky is blue, you say, "Well sometimes the sky is gray"... whatever, dude. Point was, these two shitheads never, ever should have gotten a gun. Instead, they got a gun because our system of screening gun purchases is so lax.
Again, wrong.

You: "The sky in Kenosha at 3:00 pm yesterday was a brilliant sapphire blue".
Me: I check the weather records for yesterday in Kenosha and find that they were socked in with rain all day. I say, "You are wrong".
You:, "No, I'm not wrong. The sky should always be blue. The meteorologist is lying".
Me: "Prove that the sky in Kenosha at 3:00 pm yesterday was a brilliant sapphire blue".
You: "The meteorologist didn't actually look at the sky".
Me: "And here we go again".

You made a specific claim that is either true or not. You didn't know it to be true but can't admit that. That's the bottom line. And the system isn't lax, sometimes the people involved in the system are lax, and that will ALWAYS be the case. You can lock it down to the point a kid gets hauled out of school because he ate his Pop-Tart into the shape of an "L" and pointed it at another kid, but criminals are still going to get guns and you're still going to complain restrictions aren't tight enough. Here's reality, the genie is out of the bottle and criminals are ALWAYS going to get guns. You just want to prevent non-criminals from getting them.
The Japanese people are culturally more compliant and law abiding....they have not had their families destroyed by decades of democrat party policies.....for hundreds of years their culture created a submissive society......

Uh, no, guy, the Japanese don't have to deal with the wealth disparity and lack of social programs that destroy crime. If we REALLY had Democratic policies, we be more like Japan and Europe. Who do you think set uptheir systems after World War II? Yup, it was all the New Dealers who found they could get stuff done when they didn't have to deal with Republicans and Southern Conservatives. hate our police, and they don't have anywhere near the power of Japanese police....and their criminal justice system is the thing you bitch about over and over again here, and we don't even have what they have.......our people actually have Rights...theirs do not...

The Japanese have just as many rights as we have.... But funny, with all this power, their cops rarely shoot people. Not sure how that is, if they had unlimited power, you'd think they'd be shooting anyone who looked at them funny.

It's not the power that police have that's the issue, it's the way that it is abused.

America cops shoot 1000 people a year. And yes, some of that is people like Chauvin or Van Dyke or Loehman who never should have been given a badge or a gun. But a lot of it cops who get trigger happy because you never know who is going to whip out a gun and start shooting.

Japanese cops CAN be more restrained, because they know most people they stop for traffic violations or petty theft aren't going to whip out a gun. could give every Japanese citizen a gun and they wouldn't shoot each other with them.....even their Yakuza stopped shooting each other after they made the tiniest gun offense a real, 15 year sentence.....

Moron, organized crime rarely shoot each other in this country. Shooting people usually brings unwanted federal attention. Which is why the last big mafia war was in the 1990's.
You made a specific claim that is either true or not. You didn't know it to be true but can't admit that.

Wow, you spent a lot of time writing nothing.

WE KNOW what happened. There was a court finding and everything. The gun store sold guns to guys who had no business owning guns. Because they know usually, the enforcement is so lax, they don't have to worry about checking the registry.
Wow, you spent a lot of time writing nothing.

WE KNOW what happened. There was a court finding and everything. The gun store sold guns to guys who had no business owning guns. Because they know usually, the enforcement is so lax, they don't have to worry about checking the registry.
I spent the time necessary to totally shred any and all defenses you threw into the air, hoping against hope something would provide you cover. You still can't just admit you made it up.
Uh, no, guy, the Japanese don't have to deal with the wealth disparity and lack of social programs that destroy crime. If we REALLY had Democratic policies, we be more like Japan and Europe. Who do you think set uptheir systems after World War II? Yup, it was all the New Dealers who found they could get stuff done when they didn't have to deal with Republicans and Southern Conservatives.

The Japanese have just as many rights as we have.... But funny, with all this power, their cops rarely shoot people. Not sure how that is, if they had unlimited power, you'd think they'd be shooting anyone who looked at them funny.

It's not the power that police have that's the issue, it's the way that it is abused.

America cops shoot 1000 people a year. And yes, some of that is people like Chauvin or Van Dyke or Loehman who never should have been given a badge or a gun. But a lot of it cops who get trigger happy because you never know who is going to whip out a gun and start shooting.

Japanese cops CAN be more restrained, because they know most people they stop for traffic violations or petty theft aren't going to whip out a gun.

Moron, organized crime rarely shoot each other in this country. Shooting people usually brings unwanted federal attention. Which is why the last big mafia war was in the 1990's.

It's hilarious when ideologues rattle on about their socialist / democratic totalitarian utopias with slogans such as ''if we REALLY had Democratic policies, we be more like Japan and Europe.''

Just remember that Chairman Bungling Joe and Politburo Nancy have the vision for REAL democratic authoritarianism which will make your lives better with all the failed policies they're pimping now. But this time.... this time, it will be that REAL utopia.

I'm afraid the little Mussolini wannabes always try to make the case that if we click the heels on our ruby red slippers together, we too can be a part of that happy-fun socialist / authoritarian wonderland. Ya' just gotta believe.
spent the time necessary to totally shred any and all defenses

You mean you engaged in a lot of semantics to try to distract from two people who had no business buying a gun being able to walk into a gun store and buy a gun.

Which they then murdered 17 people with.

And the gun store paid out 2 million dollars.
It's hilarious when ideologues rattle on about their socialist / democratic totalitarian utopias with slogans such as ''if we REALLY had Democratic policies, we be more like Japan and Europe.''

Just remember that Chairman Bungling Joe and Politburo Nancy have the vision for REAL democratic authoritarianism which will make your lives better with all the failed policies they're pimping now. But this time.... this time, it will be that REAL utopia.

Except we had that utopia after WWII. 33% of the workforce was unionized. People made decent wages, the rich paid their fair share, government had enough money to do both social programs and massive infrastructure. We even started to make real progress on Race Relations.

And then Republicans, starting with Tricky Dick, proceeded to fuck it up by playing on the irrational fears of straight white people.

So not surprisingly, we saw THIS happen.

Except we had that utopia after WWII. 33% of the workforce was unionized. People made decent wages, the rich paid their fair share, government had enough money to do both social programs and massive infrastructure. We even started to make real progress on Race Relations.

And then Republicans, starting with Tricky Dick, proceeded to fuck it up by playing on the irrational fears of straight white people.

So not surprisingly, we saw THIS happen.

View attachment 721519

That graph is the usual, phony misrepresentation one would expect from a leftist hack.

Among your many other failures you failed to identify the Democrats; Lyndon Johnson, Carter, Clinton and Obummer who were the politburo mouthpieces during the timeframe represented on your silly graph.

I couldn't help but notice the source you dug up, ''the rise and consequences of inequality''. Was that something actually authored by Joy Reid?
That graph is the usual, phony misrepresentation one would expect from a leftist hack.

Among your many other failures you failed to identify the Democrats; Lyndon Johnson, Carter, Clinton and Obummer who were the politburo mouthpieces during the timeframe represented on your silly graph.

Um, the chart starts at 1970. LBJ stopped being president in 1969. So in the 52 years of the Decline, Republicans were in charge for 32 of them.

But it's not so much the time as it is the policy, particularly the policy of Reagan to back the investor class over the working class and bust the unions in the 1980's.
Um, the chart starts at 1970. LBJ stopped being president in 1969. So in the 52 years of the Decline, Republicans were in charge for 32 of them.

But it's not so much the time as it is the policy, particularly the policy of Reagan to back the investor class over the working class and bust the unions in the 1980's.
Um, policies of presidents don't just stop the moment a calendar date changes.

You know that. The leftisr mantra of ''I Blame Trump'' continues today.

As the brain dead left promotes it, every failure, pratfall, disaster and ineptitude of Biden and the dems is met with, ''I Blame Trump''.

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