So this guy from Chicago, shows up at a Florida Convenience store showing the clerk he has a gun. Clerk shows robber his gun. Yeah for 2nd amend.

Um, policies of presidents don't just stop the moment a calendar date changes.
You know that. The leftisr mantra of ''I Blame Trump'' continues today.
As the brain dead left promotes it, every failure, pratfall, disaster and ineptitude of Biden and the dems is met with, ''I Blame Trump''.

It's not the first time we've seen this.

Don't forget that throughout his entire two terms, Obama persisted in blaming his predecessor for nearly all of his own failures as President.

And after that, he tried to claim credit for most of the accomplishments of his successor.
You mean you engaged in a lot of semantics to try to distract from two people who had no business buying a gun being able to walk into a gun store and buy a gun.

Which they then murdered 17 people with.

And the gun store paid out 2 million dollars.
Uh, no. You made the claim that they passed a background check and should not have. That wasn't me, that was you. Then you started the semantics game to desperately try to distract from that reality.
Um, policies of presidents don't just stop the moment a calendar date changes.

You know that. The leftisr mantra of ''I Blame Trump'' continues today.

As the brain dead left promotes it, every failure, pratfall, disaster and ineptitude of Biden and the dems is met with, ''I Blame Trump''.

Because you can draw a straight line from every problem we have to something Trump did. Inflation? Trump's refusal to raise interest rates to keep unemployment low, even when the country is facing a labor shortage. Further complicating that was his immigration policies that made it harder for companies to recruit off-shore talent. (A young lady I worked with from India had to jump through all sorts of hoops to get here and then stay here.)

Combine that with his half-ass Covid response, and his unncessary trade war with China, and the 8 Trillion in new debt he ran up, and you can see how inflation happened.

NOW- What did LBJ do specifically to undermine the Middle Class? Really, nothing. in fact, he was the last in a long line of Presidents who strengthened the middle class by taking the side of the working man over the investor class. That is what changed with Tricky Dick.
It's not the first time we've seen this.

Don't forget that throughout his entire two terms, Obama persisted in blaming his predecessor for nearly all of his own failures as President.

And after that, he tried to claim credit for most of the accomplishments of his successor

Um, under Obama, Unemployment went from 10% to 4.7%. Frankly, every economic metric improved under Obama.

Trump, on the other hand, was the first president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss.

If Obama were a white Republican, you'd be putting him on Mount Rushmore.
Because you can draw a straight line from every problem we have to something Trump did. Inflation? Trump's refusal to raise interest rates to keep unemployment low, even when the country is facing a labor shortage. Further complicating that was his immigration policies that made it harder for companies to recruit off-shore talent. (A young lady I worked with from India had to jump through all sorts of hoops to get here and then stay here.)

Combine that with his half-ass Covid response, and his unncessary trade war with China, and the 8 Trillion in new debt he ran up, and you can see how inflation happened.

NOW- What did LBJ do specifically to undermine the Middle Class? Really, nothing. in fact, he was the last in a long line of Presidents who strengthened the middle class by taking the side of the working man over the investor class. That is what changed with Tricky Dick.

I think your TDS is getting even more debilitating.

There was a strong, vibrant economy under president Trump. It took less than two years for the dems to push the economy into recession.

As is typical, leftist policy, you simply make up numbers. Debt increased by $7.2 trillion during Trump’s time in office. A substantial portion of that was connected to the Wuhan virus. Debt incressed by $8.1 trillion during the eight years of former President Obama and Vice President Biden.

So, we have the leftist narrative again as a total fraud.

Biden has already added just shy of an extra $900 billion to the federal credit in 2020 and 2021. If Biden had simply done nothing and spent his afternoons playing Scrabble with first lady Jill Biden in the Oval Office, our national debt burden would be much lower.

Instead, Biden swooped into office, and even though Trump, in his final weeks, with Congress, enacted a $1 trillion COVID-19 relief bill that hadn’t even been spent yet, Biden called for his $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. That was merely a massive bailout of blue states that had kept their businesses locked down for nearly a year.

Then came another $1 trillion for the scam “infrastructure bill,” which was really the Green New Deal in disguise. It then was followed by a $600 billion corporate welfare bill for microchip manufacturers. Some Republican lawmakers voted for both measures. But it was Democrats only supporting the Biden administration’s efforts to bail out student loan borrowers to the tune of $500 billion.
I think your TDS is getting even more debilitating.

There was a strong, vibrant economy under president Trump. It took less than two years for the dems to push the economy into recession.

Really? 14% unemployment is vibrant by you? Trump was the first president since Herbert Hoover to post a net jobs loss.

Biden, on the other hand, has created 8 million jobs in less than two years.

Biden has already added just shy of an extra $900 billion to the federal credit in 2020 and 2021. If Biden had simply done nothing and spent his afternoons playing Scrabble with first lady Jill Biden in the Oval Office, our national debt burden would be much lower.

Biden wasn't president in 2020.

I'm not sure why you keep pretending he was.
Really? 14% unemployment is vibrant by you? Trump was the first president since Herbert Hoover to post a net jobs loss.

Biden, on the other hand, has created 8 million jobs in less than two years.

Biden wasn't president in 2020.

I'm not sure why you keep pretending he was.

I'm fine with fact checking leftists because they tend to be dishonest.

President Trump starts off 2020 having presided over a lower average unemployment rate than any president at a comparable point in office in recorded history.

On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the unemployment rate held steady at a historically low 3.5% in December. Since February 2017, Trump's first full month in office, the monthly unemployment rate has averaged 3.9%. No prior president has averaged less than 4% over the first 35 months of his presidency. The closest was Dwight Eisenhower, when the rate averaged 4.3% between February 1953 and December 1955.

Biden on the other hand has crashed the economy with recession and historic debt levels.

President Joe Biden has been in office a little more than 21 months, but during that brief period he has managed to increase the federal debt by more than $3.4 trillion.

On Jan. 20, 2021, the day Biden was inaugurated, the total federal debt was $27,751,896,236,414.77, according to the Treasury.

On Oct. 31, 2022, the latest day for which the numbers have been published, the total federal debt was $31,238,301,149,359.52.

That equals an increase of $3,486,404,912,944.75.
I'm fine with fact checking leftists because they tend to be dishonest.

Really, so let's get this straight. Your source was from JANUARY 2020. You know, months before Unemployment jumped to 15% and Trump got the dubious distinction of being the first president to lose jobs since Herbert Hoover.

President Joe Biden has been in office a little more than 21 months, but during that brief period he has managed to increase the federal debt by more than $3.4 trillion.

You mean compared to the 8 Trillion Trump ran up?
Really, so let's get this straight. Your source was from JANUARY 2020. You know, months before Unemployment jumped to 15% and Trump got the dubious distinction of being the first president to lose jobs since Herbert Hoover.

You mean compared to the 8 Trillion Trump ran up?
Really, let’s get this straight. Unemployment surged as a result of the Wuhan virus. The Trump presidency was an economic success.

  • The Covid-19 recession ended in April 2020, the National Bureau of Economic Research said Monday.
Biden inherited a rapidly recovering economy and this was occurring before the vaccines and rollout which Biden also inherited.

You mean you don’t want to address the Biden / dem recession. Remarkable how in two years of Biden / dems, they managed to completely tank the economy.
Really, let’s get this straight. Unemployment surged as a result of the Wuhan virus.

No, it most certainly did not.

It happened because of unprecedented corruption and abuses of power on the part of government. The virus was only an excuse, not the cause.
No, it most certainly did not.

It happened because of unprecedented corruption and abuses of power on the part of government. The virus was only an excuse, not the cause.
I definitely agree about the abuses of power. There were no better examples of Democrat mini-tyrants than the various governors, Fauci, Weingarten, Walensky and enablers in the Biden administration who conspired to destroy this country.
Really, let’s get this straight. Unemployment surged as a result of the Wuhan virus. The Trump presidency was an economic success.

Okay, the virus that Trump lied about how serious it was, told people it would be over by Easter, continually undermined efforts to contain it, etc. That's why unemployment surged, because Trump mishandled the virus.

Biden inherited a rapidly recovering economy and this was occurring before the vaccines and rollout which Biden also inherited.

Except it wasn't rapidly recovering. December 2020 posted a net jobs loss as employers were still firing people to balance their books.

Unemployment was at 6% when Trump sleazed his way out of office.

No, it most certainly did not.

It happened because of unprecedented corruption and abuses of power on the part of government. The virus was only an excuse, not the cause.

I love how you guys pretend someone else was in charge of government in 2020.
Unemployment surged as a result of the Wuhan virus.
No, it most certainly did not.
It happened because of unprecedented corruption and abuses of power on the part of government. The virus was only an excuse, not the cause.
I love how you guys pretend someone else was in charge of government in 2020.

This nation is not a dictatorship. At least it's not supposed to be.

As much as you want to blame Donald Trump, it was corrupt Democraps, mostly governors, who were responsible for nearly all of the abuses, perpetrated using the fake “pandemic” as an excuse, that trashed our economy, destroyed our freedoms, and in several other ways causes serious harm to us, as individuals and as a society.

Your side totally owns this, all of it.
This nation is not a dictatorship. At least it's not supposed to be.

No, but I do expect my leaders to take appropriate actions.

I could just imagine you during WWII. "What, they want to ration gasoline and sugar? And they want us to use blackout curtains to the Axis U-boats can't guide by coastal lights? And they are doing recycling drives?"

As much as you want to blame Donald Trump, it was corrupt Democraps, mostly governors, who were responsible for nearly all of the abuses, perpetrated using the fake “pandemic” as an excuse, that trashed our economy, destroyed our freedoms, and in several other ways causes serious harm to us, as individuals and as a society.

Quite the contrary, the governors had to pick up the slack because Trump failed so badly and didn't provide national leadership. I would argue if he had taken the kind of leadership he should have, he probably would have won a second term. But being a malignant narcissist that he is, he couldn't conceive of why Covid was bad until he caught it.
Quite the contrary, the governors had to pick up the slack because Trump failed so badly and didn't provide national leadership. I would argue if he had taken the kind of leadership he should have, he probably would have won a second term. But being a malignant narcissist that he is, he couldn't conceive of why Covid was bad until he caught it.

So, your argument is that state and local Democraps HAD to engage in outrageous, unjustifiable, and illegal abuses of power, because the federal government wasn't doing so to your satisfaction.

And you wonder why nobody on this forum takes you seriously.

So, your argument is that state and local Democraps HAD to engage in outrageous, unjustifiable, and illegal abuses of power, because the federal government wasn't doing so to your satisfaction.

Yes, when you have 4000 people dying a day, that's major league incomptence.

We have had a total of 1 million covid deaths because we turned disease control into cultural issue.

Japan had 43,000 covid deaths because they took this seriously.
Yes, when you have 4000 people dying a day, that's major league incomptence.

We have had a total of 1 million covid deaths because we turned disease control into cultural issue.

Japan had 43,000 covid deaths because they took this seriously.

You can attribute the deaths and Covid cultural issue to leftist incompetence.
You can attribute the deaths and Covid cultural issue to leftist incompetence.

You can, if you ignore objective reality.

Trump threw out the Pandemic response plan.
He disbanded the Pandemic Response team.
He ignored warnings as early as December that Covid was an issue in China.
He mocked mask wearing and held mass spreader events.

Covid was worse in the US than any other country, and you can attribute that completely to Trump's lack of leadership.
The Europeans murdered 15 million people in 6 years.

The Japanese murdered 3 million people in 6 years.

These are not combat deaths, these were civilians rounded up and murdered.

In the U.S. we have had 2,460,000 gun murders in the entire 246 year history of our country.

Government is the biggest murderer around, far worse than our 246 year history of gun telling us to follow the example of Europe and Japan is just simply like government doing all the murder

Joey salivates at the thought of having people he does not like rounded up and killed.

Has it ever occurred to you that many sane, decent people would really rather not share the streets with sociopathic criminal filth such as yourself?

Based on your body of work here on this forum, I think it would be a very reasonable think to assume, that you are a far great threat to most people's safety and well-being, than the average gun owner. I do not know what crimes you may have actually committed, but you never cease to take the side of criminals against the side of human beings. Why would you do that, unless you have strong criminal inclinations yourself?

He wants people he doesn't like killed.
You can, if you ignore objective reality.

Trump threw out the Pandemic response plan.
He disbanded the Pandemic Response team.
He ignored warnings as early as December that Covid was an issue in China.
He mocked mask wearing and held mass spreader events.

Covid was worse in the US than any other country, and you can attribute that completely to Trump's lack of leadership.

Biden, had no Covid response plan. He did everything wrong. That's what he does. Under his direction, the CDC was controlled by the teachers union which extorted billions of dollars from the taxpayers.

Covid was deadly in the US because of democrats. It was Trump who made vaccines possible. It was democrats who stated they would refuse the vaccine if directed by Trump.

Mask wearing is frequently mocked because the cloth masks pimped by democrats are useless.

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