So , took my teenage son to the dr today .. Obamacare in the works.

Thanks for the link.

So this is all about doctor greed. Doctor who i saw the other day when i asked him how all this stuff is affecting him.....he said as a Doctor i am glad that more people may be getting health care.....but the paperwork side of it is a even worse than what Medicare was....he said many Doctors dont like Medicare because of the shit you have to put up with with them....this wont help matters....if they dont streamline this no telling what will happen....

My doctor said it saves her money because the bills get paid. The Medicare paperwork is nothing new. Nor has it changed.

BUT, when Medicare first started, it took a long time for both doctors and patients to get used to it. Same with ObamaCare. And, when the dust settles, when we can get the damn Rs out of the way, it will be good for all of us.

Next, we need to clean up the VA and TriCare but no way the Rs will stand for that.

sorry Ludd this Dr. said its worse and the girl behind the desk who handles the billing was shaking her head yes.....she said im sure it will get better....but right now it sucks.....she said those unaffected of course like me,nothing has changed as far as Billing goes.....but the newly enrolled in the ACA.....a mess.... Doctor who i saw the other day when i asked him how all this stuff is affecting him.....he said as a Doctor i am glad that more people may be getting health care.....but the paperwork side of it is a even worse than what Medicare was....he said many Doctors dont like Medicare because of the shit you have to put up with with them....this wont help matters....if they dont streamline this no telling what will happen....

Wait until ICD-10 kicks in...

On October 1, 2014, the ICD-9 code sets used to report medical diagnoses and inpatient procedures will be replaced by ICD-10 code sets.

ICD-10 - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
I live in two small towns where circuit riders are the norm. This has nothing to do with ObamaCare and even if it had, no doctor's office would tell you that. Its a lie though. In fact, it makes no sense at all that its related. Think about it. You rw's are so anxious to believe this shit, you never bother to ask if you're being lied to.

For example, the recent treatment of the kids stabbed at their school was at a trauma center than had previously had to close because of money. ObamaCare has freed up the money that allowed them to reopen which made them available to care for those kids.

Quit working so hard to hate Obama and think for yourselves.
Of course it's all related. Even doctors will tell you that. I know of no physician, or for that matter ANYBODY that has anything good to say about this health care bill. You guys need to stop kidding yourself and realize that this bill is a disaster that has harmed more people exponentially, than it has helped.

There is only one thing that I like about it, and that is the "no preconditions" law. They could have very easily compromised on a hybrid bill with the republicans which had that clause. Instead they decided to shove a bill that nobody wanted down the throats of the American people on a strict partisan thuggery type vote.
well i have to agree there.....every back problem i have ever had carrying the mail was solved by one of these guys....the regular Docs. just prescribed pills or sent me to the Ortho guy who was talking out of there quick....

Chiropractor, massage therapy, PT - a lot of things might help but don't discount surgery. Its a very easy surgery, you're up, out of bed, eating real food - all the same day. Piece of baklava.

i knew to many guys in the PO Ludd who had Surgery instead of giving a Chiro a chance....those guys were never the same again and always have back pain,even the ones who have mounted routes....i will go see my Chiropractor first....

My uncle had back surgery almost 20 years two weeks, he was more mobile than he'd been in twenty years.
looks like a lot of the posters here have been sucking off the government teat for a long time then whining about the government
Chiropractor, massage therapy, PT - a lot of things might help but don't discount surgery. Its a very easy surgery, you're up, out of bed, eating real food - all the same day. Piece of baklava.

i knew to many guys in the PO Ludd who had Surgery instead of giving a Chiro a chance....those guys were never the same again and always have back pain,even the ones who have mounted routes....i will go see my Chiropractor first....

My uncle had back surgery almost 20 years two weeks, he was more mobile than he'd been in twenty years.

thats great for your uncle.....i still know about 5 guys who had back surgery and were never able to carry mail again.....and before you say they had shitty Doctors one of them had his surgery at USC by one of the Countries top back Surgeons.....maybe carrying mail is too tough on the back....i know i had my share of aches and pains....
Being retired military they are sending everyone on post now.. HE has severe back pain. I had taken him to the ER on Tuesday because he was in tears. THis was the follow up appt. ER suggested an MRI. Our hospital is a small one and only has a travelling MRI there. So we get to the DR and they refuse to do the MRI says they have to cut back due to OBAMACARE and we have to wait for it and see if he still has more issues. Thanks OBAMA . NOT

Take him for a massage and he'd probably be fine. You shouldn't need an MRI for back pain.
Being retired military they are sending everyone on post now.. HE has severe back pain. I had taken him to the ER on Tuesday because he was in tears. THis was the follow up appt. ER suggested an MRI. Our hospital is a small one and only has a travelling MRI there. So we get to the DR and they refuse to do the MRI says they have to cut back due to OBAMACARE and we have to wait for it and see if he still has more issues. Thanks OBAMA . NOT

Nope. For the first time, my own insurance is no longer accepted in all the major hospitals (and good ones) in my area. I had heard about individual doctors refusing to take insurances, but never entire hospitals. That means if you get sick or have an accident and want to go to a certain hospital which has better equipment or doctors, or perhaps happens to be the one your doctor works out of, you're shit out of luck. I suppose there are millions upon millions like me out there. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, wait till the businesses have to start complying. Then we're talking tens of millions loosing their health care. Of course the con artist mafia thug we have for president has pushed the date back after the mid terms, and given the big businesses an exception.

To make a King story short my agent scrambled to find another insurance company that was accepted by those hospitals and doctors, in the nick of time. But I have to pay about $200 more per month now for my family. That's part of the money Obamacare has "saved" people like me.

private doctors can do what ever they want when it comes to accepting insurance ... Obama care has nothing to do with it you moron... hospitals that are accepts any government benefits by the state or fed must accept all insurances ... what you are talking about is a private doctor ... that's why the poster and you are liars when it comes to who will accept health care insurance .. ...

what Obam has done for these big business to check through the health care system on what it will cost them ... any company can go through the health care system right now ... nobody is stopping them if they want to... its these hard right wing nut job owners who are demanding more time ... so he is
accommodating them ... do some god damn research once in your miserable life ...
Being retired military they are sending everyone on post now.. HE has severe back pain. I had taken him to the ER on Tuesday because he was in tears. THis was the follow up appt. ER suggested an MRI. Our hospital is a small one and only has a travelling MRI there. So we get to the DR and they refuse to do the MRI says they have to cut back due to OBAMACARE and we have to wait for it and see if he still has more issues. Thanks OBAMA . NOT

Nope. For the first time, my own insurance is no longer accepted in all the major hospitals (and good ones) in my area. I had heard about individual doctors refusing to take insurances, but never entire hospitals. That means if you get sick or have an accident and want to go to a certain hospital which has better equipment or doctors, or perhaps happens to be the one your doctor works out of, you're shit out of luck. I suppose there are millions upon millions like me out there. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, wait till the businesses have to start complying. Then we're talking tens of millions loosing their health care. Of course the con artist mafia thug we have for president has pushed the date back after the mid terms, and given the big businesses an exception.

To make a King story short my agent scrambled to find another insurance company that was accepted by those hospitals and doctors, in the nick of time. But I have to pay about $200 more per month now for my family. That's part of the money Obamacare has "saved" people like me.

you know you're a idiot... a full fledge idiot... what your agent did was pick the wrong insurance for you ... he corrected the policy for you so that it will accept your new insurance you moron .... what you or your agent did was find a low costing plan and you didn't listen your agent on how your new plan works.... you just jumped atthe lowest cost plan which was a plan that says you must take these certain doctors and your doctor wasn't one of those doctors... then you started pissing and moaning about it just becasue you were to stupid to pay attention what your agent told you how it worked... you idiot !!!! you then come here and try to tell us it was because of obama care they didn't take it ???/ it was because the insurance company you picked thats right you picked did accept your doctor... then you come here and try to rag about how bad obama care is ... it really takes a stupid
incompetent one like you to come to that conclusion ... do some god damn research before you come here and rag how bad something is ...
I get MRI's and CAT scans at the VA where I go, with no problem..Also had to go to a private hospital last May to have appendix removed, they paid for it all...
these bozo's are liars ... nobody would refuse to give a mri ... the money they make, give me a break ... in 2003 the insurance I had was supposed to be great ... I call in to see if they covered MRI ... they said yes they did, 100% I got one ... after my first class fucking from the insurance company and a parting of $5000 dollars from my account I learn what to do regarding to insurance companies

Bullshit. We are talking about Tricare and the military base who is refusing it. UNLESS you have dealt with the MILTIARY insurance you don't know crap!!!
I grew up in the military and never had any problems with the insurance what we did see is bozo like you and these other bozos picking the wrong insurance plan because of the cost ... no government run agency will refuse the proper policy ... they only policies refuse are the ones who pick the wrong policy ... that's why you Idiots don't get it ... you're to stupid to see what policy you're supposed to get ...
According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), unless something changes rapidly, there will be a shortage of 45,000 primary care doctors in the United States (as well as a shortfall of 46,000 specialists) by 2020.

In some ways, the shortage of providers is worse than the numbers indicate. Many primary care doctors and dentists do not accept Medicaid patients because of low reimbursement rates, and many of the newly insured will be covered through Medicaid. Many psychiatrists refuse to accept insurance at all.

Christiane Mitchell, director of federal affairs for the AAMC, predicted that many of the estimated 36 million Americans expected to gain coverage under Obamacare will endure long waits to see medical providers in their communities or have to travel far from home for appointments elsewhere.

During the debate over the ACA, Mitchell said the AAMC pushed for the federal government to fund additional slots for the training of doctors, but that provision was trimmed to keep the ACA from costing more than a trillion dollars over 10 years.

Are There Enough Doctors For The Newly Insured? - Kaiser Health News
Thanks for the link.

So this is all about doctor greed. Doctor who i saw the other day when i asked him how all this stuff is affecting him.....he said as a Doctor i am glad that more people may be getting health care.....but the paperwork side of it is a even worse than what Medicare was....he said many Doctors dont like Medicare because of the shit you have to put up with with them....this wont help matters....if they dont streamline this no telling what will happen....

so what your doctor is really saying now is, because of the paper work, I now can't over bill the government any more ... that I have to charge the government only services that I perform ...I can't load you up on testing for every think on the planet ... in other words he can't charge you for a typhoid fever test when you broke your leg and needed a x-ray too then expected to get paid for it paper work ... right ??? that's what he doesn't like ... plus that's what his office workers are for... doing the paper work ...
I get MRI's and CAT scans at the VA where I go, with no problem..Also had to go to a private hospital last May to have appendix removed, they paid for it all...
these bozo's are liars ... nobody would refuse to give a mri ... the money they make, give me a break ... in 2003 the insurance I had was supposed to be great ... I call in to see if they covered MRI ... they said yes they did, 100% I got one ... after my first class fucking from the insurance company and a parting of $5000 dollars from my account I learn what to do regarding to insurance companies
then you had shitty wife has a had at least 3 from 95 to 05.....never paid a dime....not even a co-pay.....

seems you missed the whole idea ... the insurance companies would refuse to pay and there wasn't any recourse ... you pay for it back then and you had no choice in changing their minds .. but now you do ...
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these bozo's are liars ... nobody would refuse to give a mri ... the money they make, give me a break ... in 2003 the insurance I had was supposed to be great ... I call in to see if they covered MRI ... they said yes they did, 100% I got one ... after my first class fucking from the insurance company and a parting of $5000 dollars from my account I learn what to do regarding to insurance companies
then you had shitty wife has a had at least 3 from 95 to 05.....never paid a dime....not even a co-pay.....

You're right. I have a long (love/hate) relationship with MRI's and my ins pays all. I just had another and, post ObamaCare, ins still paid all.

All the stink about "if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance" is because Obama didn't know insurance companies would screw over their policy holders this way. Obama didn't lie. The insurance companies did.

But, policy holders are better off without the shit policy that didn't cover anything anyway.

that was the point I was trying to make I got screw over by a insurance company ... they were notorious for doing these kind of things... they would tell you you could get it done, if you didn't get it in writing, many times you got screw over by these companies ... it had nothing to do with how good the insurance plan was had everything to do with could the deny you, if they wanted too...
Thanks for the link.

So this is all about doctor greed. Doctor who i saw the other day when i asked him how all this stuff is affecting him.....he said as a Doctor i am glad that more people may be getting health care.....but the paperwork side of it is a even worse than what Medicare was....he said many Doctors dont like Medicare because of the shit you have to put up with with them....this wont help matters....if they dont streamline this no telling what will happen....

so what your doctor is really saying now is, because of the paper work, I now can't over bill the government any more ... that I have to charge the government only services that I perform ...I can't load you up on testing for every think on the planet ... in other words he can't charge you for a typhoid fever test when you broke your leg and needed a x-ray too then expected to get paid for it paper work ... right ??? that's what he doesn't like ... plus that's what his office workers are for... doing the paper work ...

no thats not what he is saying Billy.....i dont think this guy overcharges anyone.....he is one of the Doctors in this area who does a lot of free work for the homeless and poor in this area.....and that includes exams in his office.....but shit like this coming from a little whiner like you doesnt surprise me....
these bozo's are liars ... nobody would refuse to give a mri ... the money they make, give me a break ... in 2003 the insurance I had was supposed to be great ... I call in to see if they covered MRI ... they said yes they did, 100% I got one ... after my first class fucking from the insurance company and a parting of $5000 dollars from my account I learn what to do regarding to insurance companies
then you had shitty wife has a had at least 3 from 95 to 05.....never paid a dime....not even a co-pay.....

seems you missed the whole idea ... the insurance companies would refuse to pay and there wasn't any recourse ... you pay for it back then and you had no choice in changing their minds .. but now you do ...

like i had a shitty Ins Co......mine never did what you are saying.....the solution was to pick a better Co.....

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