So , took my teenage son to the dr today .. Obamacare in the works.

you sure that was a Chiropractor? Chiro lays me on a flat table with some cushing on it and does his thing with his bare hands....i have been to 2 other ones and they did the same thing....i think you got took....

Mine had me stand while checking my back...laying down to adjust it. I agree...that dude sounded like a quack.

and if thats all the guy did was pop the center of this strange table.....geezus....

Dude...if it fixed my back (and it largely did), I would have done the Macarena wearing a chicken suit! :eek:

Fortunately, I didn't...just had to stand on a wooden block and hold out my right arm while this dude checked my back.
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Being retired military they are sending everyone on post now.. HE has severe back pain. I had taken him to the ER on Tuesday because he was in tears. THis was the follow up appt. ER suggested an MRI. Our hospital is a small one and only has a travelling MRI there. So we get to the DR and they refuse to do the MRI says they have to cut back due to OBAMACARE and we have to wait for it and see if he still has more issues. Thanks OBAMA . NOT

According to Harry Reid you're lying for the Koch Brothers.....
Mine had me stand while checking my back...laying down to adjust it. I agree...that dude sounded like a quack.

and if thats all the guy did was pop the center of this strange table.....geezus....

Dude...if it fixed my back (and it largely did), I would have done the Macarena wearing a chicken suit! :eek:

Fortunately, I didn't...just had to stand on a wooden block and hold out my right arm while this dude checked my back.

but he did not use this strange table right?.....thats what im saying....
Even Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles doesn't take obamacare insurance. You have a better chance of getting in if you don't have any insurance at all and qualify for one of the charity programs than getting in with obamacare insurance.

first of all if you had a brain in your head, which by your post alone says you don't, there isn't anything in the health care policies called obama care .... what you're telling us here in your moronic post here, is that all of the private sector insurance companies in the country, that cedar sinai doesn't take anyone of them ... that's how stupid you are ... the ACA or obama care as you call it is nothing more then a pathway to a private sector insurance company ... you idiot !!!!

Run away!!!!

Run away!!!!

Run away!!!!
Billy, we call it Obamacare because it's easier than saying "Getting fucked out of the health care you liked, or the doctor you liked and having to pay twice as much for the privilege care".
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Billy, we call it Obamacare because it's easier than saying "Getting fucked out of the health care you liked, or the doctor you liked and having to pay twice as much for the privilege care".

Billy aint allowed to say that.....or question anything about it....
No matter what you privately think how it works is that individual people who have insurance from an obamacare exchange will not get care from their doctors or preferred hospitals. They are not likely to be happy about it and will vote accordingly. They will vote accordingly no matter how much they are told they are better off.
I get MRI's and CAT scans at the VA where I go, with no problem..Also had to go to a private hospital last May to have appendix removed, they paid for it all...
these bozo's are liars ... nobody would refuse to give a mri ... the money they make, give me a break ... in 2003 the insurance I had was supposed to be great ... I call in to see if they covered MRI ... they said yes they did, 100% I got one ... after my first class fucking from the insurance company and a parting of $5000 dollars from my account I learn what to do regarding to insurance companies

Bullshit. We are talking about Tricare and the military base who is refusing it. UNLESS you have dealt with the MILTIARY insurance you don't know crap!!!
Stop expecting the taxpayers to coddle you for the rest of your life!
According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), unless something changes rapidly, there will be a shortage of 45,000 primary care doctors in the United States (as well as a shortfall of 46,000 specialists) by 2020.

In some ways, the shortage of providers is worse than the numbers indicate. Many primary care doctors and dentists do not accept Medicaid patients because of low reimbursement rates, and many of the newly insured will be covered through Medicaid. Many psychiatrists refuse to accept insurance at all.

Christiane Mitchell, director of federal affairs for the AAMC, predicted that many of the estimated 36 million Americans expected to gain coverage under Obamacare will endure long waits to see medical providers in their communities or have to travel far from home for appointments elsewhere.

During the debate over the ACA, Mitchell said the AAMC pushed for the federal government to fund additional slots for the training of doctors, but that provision was trimmed to keep the ACA from costing more than a trillion dollars over 10 years.

Are There Enough Doctors For The Newly Insured? - Kaiser Health News
Thanks for the link.

So this is all about doctor greed. Doctor who i saw the other day when i asked him how all this stuff is affecting him.....he said as a Doctor i am glad that more people may be getting health care.....but the paperwork side of it is a even worse than what Medicare was....he said many Doctors dont like Medicare because of the shit you have to put up with with them....this wont help matters....if they dont streamline this no telling what will happen....

OK, then the Republicans should be working on the digitizing of medical records, and streamlining of the clerical work, like Hillary Clinton and Newt Gingrich talked about in 2005!
I get MRI's and CAT scans at the VA where I go, with no problem..Also had to go to a private hospital last May to have appendix removed, they paid for it all...
these bozo's are liars ... nobody would refuse to give a mri ... the money they make, give me a break ... in 2003 the insurance I had was supposed to be great ... I call in to see if they covered MRI ... they said yes they did, 100% I got one ... after my first class fucking from the insurance company and a parting of $5000 dollars from my account I learn what to do regarding to insurance companies
then you had shitty wife has a had at least 3 from 95 to 05.....never paid a dime....not even a co-pay.....
That's the problem: too many people had shitty insurance, but only found out when they actually needed it.
well i have to agree there.....every back problem i have ever had carrying the mail was solved by one of these guys....the regular Docs. just prescribed pills or sent me to the Ortho guy who was talking out of there quick....

Chiropractor, massage therapy, PT - a lot of things might help but don't discount surgery. Its a very easy surgery, you're up, out of bed, eating real food - all the same day. Piece of baklava.

i knew to many guys in the PO Ludd who had Surgery instead of giving a Chiro a chance....those guys were never the same again and always have back pain,even the ones who have mounted routes....i will go see my Chiropractor first....
I have a friend who had that laser spine surgery. He's all fucked up.

A good chiropractor is not always easy to find, but the good ones can work wonders.
Thanks for the link.

So this is all about doctor greed. Doctor who i saw the other day when i asked him how all this stuff is affecting him.....he said as a Doctor i am glad that more people may be getting health care.....but the paperwork side of it is a even worse than what Medicare was....he said many Doctors dont like Medicare because of the shit you have to put up with with them....this wont help matters....if they dont streamline this no telling what will happen....

OK, then the Republicans should be working on the digitizing of medical records, and streamlining of the clerical work, like Hillary Clinton and Newt Gingrich talked about in 2005!

hey i got no problems with making things easier to deal with....
these bozo's are liars ... nobody would refuse to give a mri ... the money they make, give me a break ... in 2003 the insurance I had was supposed to be great ... I call in to see if they covered MRI ... they said yes they did, 100% I got one ... after my first class fucking from the insurance company and a parting of $5000 dollars from my account I learn what to do regarding to insurance companies
then you had shitty wife has a had at least 3 from 95 to 05.....never paid a dime....not even a co-pay.....
That's the problem: too many people had shitty insurance, but only found out when they actually needed it.

when you are deciding which one you want Synth you are supposed to check out what is covered and the various costs.....if dumbasses like billy just said ...oh look ....ive heard of them....ill take this one.....then they deserve what they get.....
Being retired military they are sending everyone on post now.. HE has severe back pain. I had taken him to the ER on Tuesday because he was in tears. THis was the follow up appt. ER suggested an MRI. Our hospital is a small one and only has a travelling MRI there. So we get to the DR and they refuse to do the MRI says they have to cut back due to OBAMACARE and we have to wait for it and see if he still has more issues. Thanks OBAMA . NOT

I went to the hospital for my routine phlebotomy and blood work. They told me Obamacare is working just fine. I have had zero problems with my insurance. BTW, I'm calling bullshit on what you said. Hospitals make money by providing MRI's to patients. Secondly, Obamacare does not determine what services are covered and which are not. That is determined by your insurance company. If there is a problem with your insurance, then you need to be talking to your insurance company.

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