So , took my teenage son to the dr today .. Obamacare in the works.

Even Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles doesn't take obamacare insurance. You have a better chance of getting in if you don't have any insurance at all and qualify for one of the charity programs than getting in with obamacare insurance.
Being retired military they are sending everyone on post now.. HE has severe back pain. I had taken him to the ER on Tuesday because he was in tears. THis was the follow up appt. ER suggested an MRI. Our hospital is a small one and only has a travelling MRI there. So we get to the DR and they refuse to do the MRI says they have to cut back due to OBAMACARE and we have to wait for it and see if he still has more issues. Thanks OBAMA . NOT

You're a liar. But we already knew that.

You should be finding a good chiropractor, anyway, not a doctor who is only going to recommend cutting.

Actually, the last time I went to a chiropractor I walked out of the joint in more pain than when I went it. The dude had me lie down on a special, spring-loaded table. Then, when I wasn't expecting it, he quickly snapped the mid-section of the table which was supposed to make me feel better. I paid the man, left, and never returned.
Even Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles doesn't take obamacare insurance. You have a better chance of getting in if you don't have any insurance at all and qualify for one of the charity programs than getting in with obamacare insurance.

Maybe we can all get elected to Congress and exempt/divorce ourselves from the Obamacare debacle. But, alas, we're to do as they say ... not as they do.
Being retired military they are sending everyone on post now.. HE has severe back pain. I had taken him to the ER on Tuesday because he was in tears. THis was the follow up appt. ER suggested an MRI. Our hospital is a small one and only has a travelling MRI there. So we get to the DR and they refuse to do the MRI says they have to cut back due to OBAMACARE and we have to wait for it and see if he still has more issues. Thanks OBAMA . NOT

Even under O'Care.....would good will it be with the expected upcoming shortage of doctors?
Why would there be a shortage of doctors?

According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), unless something changes rapidly, there will be a shortage of 45,000 primary care doctors in the United States (as well as a shortfall of 46,000 specialists) by 2020.

In some ways, the shortage of providers is worse than the numbers indicate. Many primary care doctors and dentists do not accept Medicaid patients because of low reimbursement rates, and many of the newly insured will be covered through Medicaid. Many psychiatrists refuse to accept insurance at all.

Christiane Mitchell, director of federal affairs for the AAMC, predicted that many of the estimated 36 million Americans expected to gain coverage under Obamacare will endure long waits to see medical providers in their communities or have to travel far from home for appointments elsewhere.

During the debate over the ACA, Mitchell said the AAMC pushed for the federal government to fund additional slots for the training of doctors, but that provision was trimmed to keep the ACA from costing more than a trillion dollars over 10 years.

Are There Enough Doctors For The Newly Insured? - Kaiser Health News

If the government was willing to literally FORCE the American people to buy medical insurance from private companies (exempting themselves of course) then they will be willing for FORCE doctors and dentists to accept the pennies that Medicaid pays for their services. We're all one step away from a government that will FORCE us all to do whatever it dictates, whenever it dictates it. It reminds me of a government once run by King George of England.
Being retired military they are sending everyone on post now.. HE has severe back pain. I had taken him to the ER on Tuesday because he was in tears. THis was the follow up appt. ER suggested an MRI. Our hospital is a small one and only has a travelling MRI there. So we get to the DR and they refuse to do the MRI says they have to cut back due to OBAMACARE and we have to wait for it and see if he still has more issues. Thanks OBAMA . NOT


Thanks for your well-documented and intelligent reply. I'm guessing that you're a Progressive?
Being retired military they are sending everyone on post now.. HE has severe back pain. I had taken him to the ER on Tuesday because he was in tears. THis was the follow up appt. ER suggested an MRI. Our hospital is a small one and only has a travelling MRI there. So we get to the DR and they refuse to do the MRI says they have to cut back due to OBAMACARE and we have to wait for it and see if he still has more issues. Thanks OBAMA . NOT

Maybe your doc just trusts the American College of Physicians? See #2 at Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question.
You all are hating too much. I get free healthcare and its the best ive ever had. Its 10x better than the insurance starbucks was giving me. I had a $20 copay, with obamacare I got a $5 copay. $2 prescriptions, and with starbucks I had to pay $10. Most of you all are getting an upgraded plan for cheaper, so stop hating. Who cares if someone making 6 figure salaries is getting paid less? Not me.
Being retired military they are sending everyone on post now.. HE has severe back pain. I had taken him to the ER on Tuesday because he was in tears. THis was the follow up appt. ER suggested an MRI. Our hospital is a small one and only has a travelling MRI there. So we get to the DR and they refuse to do the MRI says they have to cut back due to OBAMACARE and we have to wait for it and see if he still has more issues. Thanks OBAMA . NOT

You're a liar. But we already knew that.

You should be finding a good chiropractor, anyway, not a doctor who is only going to recommend cutting.

Actually, the last time I went to a chiropractor I walked out of the joint in more pain than when I went it. The dude had me lie down on a special, spring-loaded table. Then, when I wasn't expecting it, he quickly snapped the mid-section of the table which was supposed to make me feel better. I paid the man, left, and never returned.

he did the same to me, then the next visit said he thought I was moving better. I told him sure, with plenty of narcotics I could stand the pain after he treated me.....tried acupuncture, what a waste....
If you think that military sponsored healthcare is bad after you get out of the service, then you never needed medical care as an active member.
Being retired military they are sending everyone on post now.. HE has severe back pain. I had taken him to the ER on Tuesday because he was in tears. THis was the follow up appt. ER suggested an MRI. Our hospital is a small one and only has a travelling MRI there. So we get to the DR and they refuse to do the MRI says they have to cut back due to OBAMACARE and we have to wait for it and see if he still has more issues. Thanks OBAMA . NOT

You're a liar. But we already knew that.

You should be finding a good chiropractor, anyway, not a doctor who is only going to recommend cutting.

Actually, the last time I went to a chiropractor I walked out of the joint in more pain than when I went it. The dude had me lie down on a special, spring-loaded table. Then, when I wasn't expecting it, he quickly snapped the mid-section of the table which was supposed to make me feel better. I paid the man, left, and never returned.

you sure that was a Chiropractor? Chiro lays me on a flat table with some cushing on it and does his thing with his bare hands....i have been to 2 other ones and they did the same thing....i think you got took....
Being retired military they are sending everyone on post now.. HE has severe back pain. I had taken him to the ER on Tuesday because he was in tears. THis was the follow up appt. ER suggested an MRI. Our hospital is a small one and only has a travelling MRI there. So we get to the DR and they refuse to do the MRI says they have to cut back due to OBAMACARE and we have to wait for it and see if he still has more issues. Thanks OBAMA . NOT

Take him for a massage and he'd probably be fine. You shouldn't need an MRI for back pain.

ABSOLUTELY WRONG! You DO need an MRI, because that is how STRUCTURAL DAMAGE is detected! Stop giving medical advice, you dumb-ass!
You're a liar. But we already knew that.

You should be finding a good chiropractor, anyway, not a doctor who is only going to recommend cutting.

Actually, the last time I went to a chiropractor I walked out of the joint in more pain than when I went it. The dude had me lie down on a special, spring-loaded table. Then, when I wasn't expecting it, he quickly snapped the mid-section of the table which was supposed to make me feel better. I paid the man, left, and never returned.

you sure that was a Chiropractor? Chiro lays me on a flat table with some cushing on it and does his thing with his bare hands....i have been to 2 other ones and they did the same thing....i think you got took....

Mine had me stand while checking my back...laying down to adjust it. I agree...that dude sounded like a quack.
Even Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles doesn't take obamacare insurance. You have a better chance of getting in if you don't have any insurance at all and qualify for one of the charity programs than getting in with obamacare insurance.

first of all if you had a brain in your head, which by your post alone says you don't, there isn't anything in the health care policies called obama care .... what you're telling us here in your moronic post here, is that all of the private sector insurance companies in the country, that cedar sinai doesn't take anyone of them ... that's how stupid you are ... the ACA or obama care as you call it is nothing more then a pathway to a private sector insurance company ... you idiot !!!!
Last edited:
Even Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles doesn't take obamacare insurance. You have a better chance of getting in if you don't have any insurance at all and qualify for one of the charity programs than getting in with obamacare insurance.

Maybe we can all get elected to Congress and exempt/divorce ourselves from the Obamacare debacle. But, alas, we're to do as they say ... not as they do.

as I read your post here so far DriftingSand, it says moron all over it
Why would there be a shortage of doctors?

According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), unless something changes rapidly, there will be a shortage of 45,000 primary care doctors in the United States (as well as a shortfall of 46,000 specialists) by 2020.

In some ways, the shortage of providers is worse than the numbers indicate. Many primary care doctors and dentists do not accept Medicaid patients because of low reimbursement rates, and many of the newly insured will be covered through Medicaid. Many psychiatrists refuse to accept insurance at all.

Christiane Mitchell, director of federal affairs for the AAMC, predicted that many of the estimated 36 million Americans expected to gain coverage under Obamacare will endure long waits to see medical providers in their communities or have to travel far from home for appointments elsewhere.

During the debate over the ACA, Mitchell said the AAMC pushed for the federal government to fund additional slots for the training of doctors, but that provision was trimmed to keep the ACA from costing more than a trillion dollars over 10 years.

Are There Enough Doctors For The Newly Insured? - Kaiser Health News

If the government was willing to literally FORCE the American people to buy medical insurance from private companies (exempting themselves of course) then they will be willing for FORCE doctors and dentists to accept the pennies that Medicaid pays for their services. We're all one step away from a government that will FORCE us all to do whatever it dictates, whenever it dictates it. It reminds me of a government once run by King George of England.

you do realize there are plenty of doctors out there that accept medicaid ... and they don't pay pennies they pay a fair price ... if the doctor doesn't like what they pay the send them on there way to a doctor who does want them ... sooner or later these pompous ass doctor that rape the patient for their money will walk in line with the rest or phase out of the system entirely you moron !!!!
Being retired military they are sending everyone on post now.. HE has severe back pain. I had taken him to the ER on Tuesday because he was in tears. THis was the follow up appt. ER suggested an MRI. Our hospital is a small one and only has a travelling MRI there. So we get to the DR and they refuse to do the MRI says they have to cut back due to OBAMACARE and we have to wait for it and see if he still has more issues. Thanks OBAMA . NOT


Thanks for your well-documented and intelligent reply. I'm guessing that you're a Progressive?

we don't have to guess here ...Your a well-documented repub-LIE-retard
Actually, the last time I went to a chiropractor I walked out of the joint in more pain than when I went it. The dude had me lie down on a special, spring-loaded table. Then, when I wasn't expecting it, he quickly snapped the mid-section of the table which was supposed to make me feel better. I paid the man, left, and never returned.

you sure that was a Chiropractor? Chiro lays me on a flat table with some cushing on it and does his thing with his bare hands....i have been to 2 other ones and they did the same thing....i think you got took....

Mine had me stand while checking my back...laying down to adjust it. I agree...that dude sounded like a quack.

and if thats all the guy did was pop the center of this strange table.....geezus....

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