So , took my teenage son to the dr today .. Obamacare in the works.

we don't have to guess here ...Your a well-documented repub-LIE-retard

as compared to you billy....a well documented idiot who never questions when the Democrats shove their Dicks in your just suck away....

so you don't like the tasted of my dick in your mouth???? you said you did ... especially after I pulled it out of your ass, poop and all:suck:

sorry i said.....that was your best Friend .....but while i got your attention i have a question for you.....have you ever questioned what the Democrats tell you?...because your posts here sure as hell dont indicate i just suck away on whatever you are if you can stop sucking for a minute....prove me wrong....
Billy, we call it Obamacare because it's easier than saying "Getting fucked out of the health care you liked, or the doctor you liked and having to pay twice as much for the privilege care".

Billy aint allowed to say that.....or question anything about it....

you are as stupid as mudpacker ... are you two butt buddies ??? you sound like it ... one has his dick in your mouth, while the other is packing mud

you two should get married ... then you can cut your health care cost:gay::suck:

answer my question in the post above Billy.....i know its going to be hard....but you can do it....
Billy, we call it Obamacare because it's easier than saying "Getting fucked out of the health care you liked, or the doctor you liked and having to pay twice as much for the privilege care".

no. you call it obamacare because your fellow wing nuts told you to. and you were hoping it would fail and be attached to this president.

oops... i figure that isn't ultimately going to go so well for you.

but you won't call it obamacare then.... just like the right didn't rant and rave when the heritage foundation devised it
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the Post Office has lots of Vets working there from every decade.....everyone of then has said each Administration Republican or Democrat has treated Vets like shit....and this includes the new guys coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan....most said there is some good points but by and large every Administration treats returning Vets like shit....just repeating what they said....
You don't really believe him do you? He isn't being honest, just trying to smear Republicans, that's all they have. Republicans haven't had the federal pocketbook since Obama has been in office.
That's the problem: too many people had shitty insurance, but only found out when they actually needed it.

when you are deciding which one you want Synth you are supposed to check out what is covered and the various costs.....if dumbasses like billy just said ...oh look ....ive heard of them....ill take this one.....then they deserve what they get.....

Look, as I said I called first and asked if they covered it... they said yes they did ..then I went and had it done ... when the bill came, then all of a sudden they said they didn't cover it ... they asked me if I had it in writing who did I talk to... I didn't have a name but i did learned get it in writing first before you go and get any procedure done... they stuck me with the bill ... what so hard to comprehend about that ...I guess you didn't comprehend that part that I said I checked first ... just not they way they want us to check ... what I was pointing out is back then insurance companies would fuck you any way the can ... regardless how good your plan was ... now because of Obama care you get these things with out having to have it in writing you idiot to get it done ...

did you look at your booklet billy?.....if it doesnt say it in there aint dont just listen to some person on the phone.....if it says it in there than you could have fought it.....did that happen?....
Billy, we call it Obamacare because it's easier than saying "Getting fucked out of the health care you liked, or the doctor you liked and having to pay twice as much for the privilege care".

no. you call it obamacare because your fellow wing nuts told you to. and you were hoping it would fail and be attached to this president.

oops... i figure that isn't ultimately going to go so well for you.

but you won't call it obamacare then.... just like the right didn't rant and rave when the heritage foundation devised it
Health Summit 2010
CQ Transcriptions
Thursday, February 25, 2010; 6:11 PM
OBAMA: An interesting thing happened a couple of weeks ago, and that is a report came out that for the first time, it turns out that more Americans are now getting their health care coverage from government than those who are getting it from the private sector. And you know what? That's without a bill from the Democrats or from President Obama. It has nothing to do with, quote-unquote, "Obamacare."
President Obama makes closing remarks at White House health summit

October 06, 2011, 09:00 am

President Obama is embracing the term “ObamaCare” on the campaign stump, attempting to turn the tables on critics who use it in a derogatory way.
“They call it ObamaCare?” the president told supporters at a St. Louis fundraiser Tuesday evening. “I do care! You should care, too.”
President embraces ObamaCare label | TheHill

Aug 09, 2012

President Obama is now happy to call it "Obamacare."

Once a term of derision used mostly by Republicans who have vowed to repeal the new health care law, Obama deployed it in both of his Colorado appearances on Wednesday.
"The Affordable Care Act -- also known as Obamacare," Obama said to applause from backers at the University of Denver.
"I actually like the name," he added. "Because I do care -- that's why we fought so hard to make it happen."
Obama embraces the term 'Obamacare'


But Obama last year reappropriated the term for himself, making the phrase a staple of his stump speech and hawking “I (heart) Obamacare” bumper stickers. ( I Love Obamacare | DCCC )
“We passed Obamacare — yes, I like the term — we passed it because I do care, and I want to put these choices in your hands where they belong,” Obama said at a typical stop in Iowa last October.
Taking 'Obama' out of health care - Reid J. Epstein -

the heritage foundation didn't mandate the law :dunno:
Billy, we call it Obamacare because it's easier than saying "Getting fucked out of the health care you liked, or the doctor you liked and having to pay twice as much for the privilege care".

no. you call it obamacare because your fellow wing nuts told you to. and you were hoping it would fail and be attached to this president.

oops... i figure that isn't ultimately going to go so well for you.

but you won't call it obamacare then.... just like the right didn't rant and rave when the heritage foundation devised it

Hey Pelosi, Reid and even OBAMA called it OBAMAcare at the beginning. Only when it started to fail that the left got their panties in a wad. Got to blame the other guys and not who made this awful law
as compared to you billy....a well documented idiot who never questions when the Democrats shove their Dicks in your just suck away....

so you don't like the tasted of my dick in your mouth???? you said you did ... especially after I pulled it out of your ass, poop and all:suck:

sorry i said.....that was your best Friend .....but while i got your attention i have a question for you.....have you ever questioned what the Democrats tell you?...because your posts here sure as hell dont indicate i just suck away on whatever you are if you can stop sucking for a minute....prove me wrong....

nope that was you you begged me for it poop and all ... oh how you republicans forget .... as for your question... right back at you... have you ever questioned what the republicans tell you??? then you know my answer ...

when voting for someone if I agree with them 60% of what they say that would be a great thing for me ... as for voting for a republican, that will never happen ... here's why ... what they have to say, I have never agreed with, even 10% of the time ... they don't support any of my views...

as for dems...did we get the public option ????? no we did not .. I disagreed with that ... did that cause me not to vote for a dem ??? hell know !!!! because the alternative was to vote for a republicans or even worse a libertarian what they have to offer was 100 times worse

when Obama offered up medicare, social security, and a few liberal Liberal/dem plans to the republican ... when he did that would I have changed my vote to vote for a republican HELL NO !!!! because the alternative was to vote for a republicans or even worse a libertarian what they have to offer was 100 times worse ....republicans don't support any of my points of view... to give them a chance to be in office you will never accuse me of causing that ...
when you are deciding which one you want Synth you are supposed to check out what is covered and the various costs.....if dumbasses like billy just said ...oh look ....ive heard of them....ill take this one.....then they deserve what they get.....

Look, as I said I called first and asked if they covered it... they said yes they did ..then I went and had it done ... when the bill came, then all of a sudden they said they didn't cover it ... they asked me if I had it in writing who did I talk to... I didn't have a name but i did learned get it in writing first before you go and get any procedure done... they stuck me with the bill ... what so hard to comprehend about that ...I guess you didn't comprehend that part that I said I checked first ... just not they way they want us to check ... what I was pointing out is back then insurance companies would fuck you any way the can ... regardless how good your plan was ... now because of Obama care you get these things with out having to have it in writing you idiot to get it done ...

did you look at your booklet billy?.....if it doesnt say it in there aint dont just listen to some person on the phone.....if it says it in there than you could have fought it.....did that happen?....
didn't get a booklet ... we were told to call them for approval ... as I have said we learn by our mistakes ... after that I get it in writing first ..

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