So , took my teenage son to the dr today .. Obamacare in the works.

Obamacare registrations are closed for the rest of the year.

Even under O'Care.....would good will it be with the expected upcoming shortage of doctors?
Why would there be a shortage of doctors?

There has been a shortage and projections were showing an even greater shortage long before Obamacare was enacted. But since Obamacare was enacted, those opposing it have used the shortage of doctors as an argument. The thing is that doctors and the medical field in general have already been addressing this issue by consolidating many practices and adding on many more Nurse Practitioners. This is the wave of the future.

I have to see a hematologist four times per year. I see a Nurse Practitioner three times and the doctor only once per year. The NP is just as knowledgeable as my doctor about my condition and treatment, and I actually like her better. Either way, this is where we are headed. It will help bring down costs also.
This was my friends comment on my facebook ..

Remember last summer when I broke my leg? Took THREE WEEKS to get the authorization to do an MRI. All that time I was WALKING around on my leg - the tibia was broken INSIDE but not all the way through so it didn't show up on Xray. Finally got it approved.

So us retired and active duty military have been screwed since Obama took office. He hates the military so does said person in this thread. Which is sad because if it wasn't for the military he would not have the freedom to speak what he wants to.

Military are not covered under Obamacare. There have been issues with VA care for decades, but it has gotten somewhat better.
Being retired military they are sending everyone on post now.. HE has severe back pain. I had taken him to the ER on Tuesday because he was in tears. THis was the follow up appt. ER suggested an MRI. Our hospital is a small one and only has a travelling MRI there. So we get to the DR and they refuse to do the MRI says they have to cut back due to OBAMACARE and we have to wait for it and see if he still has more issues. Thanks OBAMA . NOT

Nope. For the first time, my own insurance is no longer accepted in all the major hospitals (and good ones) in my area. I had heard about individual doctors refusing to take insurances, but never entire hospitals. That means if you get sick or have an accident and want to go to a certain hospital which has better equipment or doctors, or perhaps happens to be the one your doctor works out of, you're shit out of luck. I suppose there are millions upon millions like me out there. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, wait till the businesses have to start complying. Then we're talking tens of millions loosing their health care. Of course the con artist mafia thug we have for president has pushed the date back after the mid terms, and given the big businesses an exception.

To make a King story short my agent scrambled to find another insurance company that was accepted by those hospitals and doctors, in the nick of time. But I have to pay about $200 more per month now for my family. That's part of the money Obamacare has "saved" people like me.

There have always been differences in insurance plans. Not all companies provide coverage with all doctors, especially the really cheap plans. I had to research through the ten or so different companies offering insurance in my area. I finally settled on one of the three better known companies, because almost everyone accepts their insurance, including all four of my doctors and all the hospitals that I go to. On top of that, they were one of the few companies that offered insurance out of network. Many do not. Of course, I have to pay a bit more but that was my choice.
I get MRI's and CAT scans at the VA where I go, with no problem..Also had to go to a private hospital last May to have appendix removed, they paid for it all...
these bozo's are liars ... nobody would refuse to give a mri ... the money they make, give me a break ... in 2003 the insurance I had was supposed to be great ... I call in to see if they covered MRI ... they said yes they did, 100% I got one ... after my first class fucking from the insurance company and a parting of $5000 dollars from my account I learn what to do regarding to insurance companies

Bullshit. We are talking about Tricare and the military base who is refusing it. UNLESS you have dealt with the MILTIARY insurance you don't know crap!!!

Well excuse us. You were blaming Obamacare and the private insurance that you can purchase through it. You never blamed Tricare. In case you didn't know, there have always been issues with Tricare. This has nothing to do with Obamacare.
Thanks for the link.

So this is all about doctor greed. Doctor who i saw the other day when i asked him how all this stuff is affecting him.....he said as a Doctor i am glad that more people may be getting health care.....but the paperwork side of it is a even worse than what Medicare was....he said many Doctors dont like Medicare because of the shit you have to put up with with them....this wont help matters....if they dont streamline this no telling what will happen....

My doctor said it saves her money because the bills get paid. The Medicare paperwork is nothing new. Nor has it changed.

BUT, when Medicare first started, it took a long time for both doctors and patients to get used to it. Same with ObamaCare. And, when the dust settles, when we can get the damn Rs out of the way, it will be good for all of us.

Next, we need to clean up the VA and TriCare but no way the Rs will stand for that.

Any extra paperwork would come from the insurance companies, not Obamacare. What Obamacare is forcing doctors to do is move to electronic records, and that is very expensive. That is what is forcing some of the older doctors to just throw in the towel and retire. My doctor said it was costing him over $50,000 to convert. They should have removed this as a requirement for any doctor within ten years of retirement. If Republicans hadn't been so damned set on trying to derail the whole thing, they could have actually proposed some changes that would have been helpful. Doctor who i saw the other day when i asked him how all this stuff is affecting him.....he said as a Doctor i am glad that more people may be getting health care.....but the paperwork side of it is a even worse than what Medicare was....he said many Doctors dont like Medicare because of the shit you have to put up with with them....this wont help matters....if they dont streamline this no telling what will happen....

My doctor said it saves her money because the bills get paid. The Medicare paperwork is nothing new. Nor has it changed.

BUT, when Medicare first started, it took a long time for both doctors and patients to get used to it. Same with ObamaCare. And, when the dust settles, when we can get the damn Rs out of the way, it will be good for all of us.

Next, we need to clean up the VA and TriCare but no way the Rs will stand for that.

sorry Ludd this Dr. said its worse and the girl behind the desk who handles the billing was shaking her head yes.....she said im sure it will get better....but right now it sucks.....she said those unaffected of course like me,nothing has changed as far as Billing goes.....but the newly enrolled in the ACA.....a mess....

In many areas, doctors are dealing with new companies that they have never had to work with in the past, so much of this is just learning the new paperwork for each company. This is where single payer would be so much easier and cost effective for everyone.
One of the reasons I can no longer vote Republican (I actually used to vote for them because they wanted to work for us) is that they blocked a bill that might have helped the OP.

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry | Reuters

They've been blocking things they'd never have blocked under Republican Presidents because they want people like the OP to make the case that it's "Obama" or some such other boogeyman to blame.

Republicans have been making cuts to the VA ever since Obama got into power. It's great politics. Piss off veterans by blocking common sense bills, blame it on Obama, get re-elected and then pass those bills and take credit for the fact that your son gets the MRI.

It's cynical and reprehensible but those are today's Republicans, who have been shortchanging veterans and first-responders for years now, all in order to get people to blame Obama for it.
Thanks for the link.

So this is all about doctor greed. Doctor who i saw the other day when i asked him how all this stuff is affecting him.....he said as a Doctor i am glad that more people may be getting health care.....but the paperwork side of it is a even worse than what Medicare was....he said many Doctors dont like Medicare because of the shit you have to put up with with them....this wont help matters....if they dont streamline this no telling what will happen....

OK, then the Republicans should be working on the digitizing of medical records, and streamlining of the clerical work, like Hillary Clinton and Newt Gingrich talked about in 2005!

Geeze [MENTION=24278]Synthaholic[/MENTION]

...with the passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), this has changed. A new electronic medical records mandate was added to PPACA to ensure the protection of privacy while streamlining the EMR system. This electronic records mandate is set to take effect in 2014.
Electronic Medical Records Mandate | iSalus Healthcare

We use this one:
PointClickCare. Enriching Lives Through Technology

But don't get the IT support that was promised.
Being retired military they are sending everyone on post now.. HE has severe back pain. I had taken him to the ER on Tuesday because he was in tears. THis was the follow up appt. ER suggested an MRI. Our hospital is a small one and only has a travelling MRI there. So we get to the DR and they refuse to do the MRI says they have to cut back due to OBAMACARE and we have to wait for it and see if he still has more issues. Thanks OBAMA . NOT


See that? Everyone is covered and happy. Billycock says so.
Thanks for your well-documented and intelligent reply. I'm guessing that you're a Progressive?

we don't have to guess here ...Your a well-documented repub-LIE-retard

as compared to you billy....a well documented idiot who never questions when the Democrats shove their Dicks in your just suck away....

so you don't like the tasted of my dick in your mouth???? you said you did ... especially after I pulled it out of your ass, poop and all:suck:
Even Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles doesn't take obamacare insurance. You have a better chance of getting in if you don't have any insurance at all and qualify for one of the charity programs than getting in with obamacare insurance.

first of all if you had a brain in your head, which by your post alone says you don't, there isn't anything in the health care policies called obama care .... what you're telling us here in your moronic post here, is that all of the private sector insurance companies in the country, that cedar sinai doesn't take anyone of them ... that's how stupid you are ... the ACA or obama care as you call it is nothing more then a pathway to a private sector insurance company ... you idiot !!!!

Run away!!!!

Run away!!!!

Run away!!!!

so what you're saying mudpacker is theres a obama care policy ??? you been packing mud in your ears for too long ... now you really have shit for brains...
Billy, we call it Obamacare because it's easier than saying "Getting fucked out of the health care you liked, or the doctor you liked and having to pay twice as much for the privilege care".[/QUOTE

the guy clearly said that they don't take obama care ... now that you actually read what the moron said, you're trying to back pedal here ... we get it ... I said obama care is all insurance companies ... now you're saying they don't take "blue cross blue shield"???? your saying that they don't take "Aetna, human" and all the other companies on the web site ??? becasue they bought their health care through the ACA web site ???? how do they KNOW it came through the ACA web site ... you guys just hate anything OBAMA so much that you can't see the light because the sun is in your eyes ... nice try ... like always you've failed again ...
have to pay twice as much... Priceless !!!!
how is blue cross blue shield "Aetna, human or any of these companies Getting you fucked out of the health care ??? please explain that one ... we are dying to hear your brilliant answer here ... please enlighten us all ...
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Billy, we call it Obamacare because it's easier than saying "Getting fucked out of the health care you liked, or the doctor you liked and having to pay twice as much for the privilege care".

Billy aint allowed to say that.....or question anything about it....

you are as stupid as mudpacker ... are you two butt buddies ??? you sound like it ... one has his dick in your mouth, while the other is packing mud

you two should get married ... then you can cut your health care cost:gay::suck:
No matter what you privately think how it works is that individual people who have insurance from an obamacare exchange will not get care from their doctors or preferred hospitals. They are not likely to be happy about it and will vote accordingly. They will vote accordingly no matter how much they are told they are better off.

talk about back pedaling your legs must be getting soar ... and yes they wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill vote accordingly... you can count on that... the real question here is, that seems to escape you, is who is voting for whom ... we will find out this november won't we
then you had shitty wife has a had at least 3 from 95 to 05.....never paid a dime....not even a co-pay.....
That's the problem: too many people had shitty insurance, but only found out when they actually needed it.

when you are deciding which one you want Synth you are supposed to check out what is covered and the various costs.....if dumbasses like billy just said ...oh look ....ive heard of them....ill take this one.....then they deserve what they get.....

Look, as I said I called first and asked if they covered it... they said yes they did ..then I went and had it done ... when the bill came, then all of a sudden they said they didn't cover it ... they asked me if I had it in writing who did I talk to... I didn't have a name but i did learned get it in writing first before you go and get any procedure done... they stuck me with the bill ... what so hard to comprehend about that ...I guess you didn't comprehend that part that I said I checked first ... just not they way they want us to check ... what I was pointing out is back then insurance companies would fuck you any way the can ... regardless how good your plan was ... now because of Obama care you get these things with out having to have it in writing you idiot to get it done ...
Billy, we call it Obamacare because it's easier than saying "Getting fucked out of the health care you liked, or the doctor you liked and having to pay twice as much for the privilege care".
You're on government Medicare, gramps, so what the fuck are you bitching about?

mudpacker is try to back pedal here he... is trying to say if you buy Blue Cross Blue shield or human or Aetna through the obama care (ACA)web site that you are going to get refused by cedar sinai ...becasue you bought it through the ACA web site and the don't accept obama care ... which isn't a policy but these guys think it is ...
Being retired military they are sending everyone on post now.. HE has severe back pain. I had taken him to the ER on Tuesday because he was in tears. THis was the follow up appt. ER suggested an MRI. Our hospital is a small one and only has a travelling MRI there. So we get to the DR and they refuse to do the MRI says they have to cut back due to OBAMACARE and we have to wait for it and see if he still has more issues. Thanks OBAMA . NOT

I went to the hospital for my routine phlebotomy and blood work. They told me Obamacare is working just fine. I have had zero problems with my insurance. BTW, I'm calling bullshit on what you said. Hospitals make money by providing MRI's to patients. Secondly, Obamacare does not determine what services are covered and which are not. That is determined by your insurance company. If there is a problem with your insurance, then you need to be talking to your insurance company.

not in my retired Federal Worker.....what Blue Shield sent me in their booklet and what they will cover is different than what the Govt. is covering.....Blue Shield covers more....Co-Pays are less.....when i called to inquire why, they said i have to call the HR Dept and ask them why they are covering less or why the Co-Pays are higher....B.S. said they cover exactly whats in the booklet,if the Govt covers more or less thats something i have to take up with of the medications my wife takes that was covered under BS,the govt wont .....they gave a list of the 3 they are covering....3 my wife has already tried and they dont work as good....its like....oh well.....
One of the reasons I can no longer vote Republican (I actually used to vote for them because they wanted to work for us) is that they blocked a bill that might have helped the OP.

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry | Reuters

They've been blocking things they'd never have blocked under Republican Presidents because they want people like the OP to make the case that it's "Obama" or some such other boogeyman to blame.

Republicans have been making cuts to the VA ever since Obama got into power. It's great politics. Piss off veterans by blocking common sense bills, blame it on Obama, get re-elected and then pass those bills and take credit for the fact that your son gets the MRI.

It's cynical and reprehensible but those are today's Republicans, who have been shortchanging veterans and first-responders for years now, all in order to get people to blame Obama for it.
the Post Office has lots of Vets working there from every decade.....everyone of then has said each Administration Republican or Democrat has treated Vets like shit....and this includes the new guys coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan....most said there is some good points but by and large every Administration treats returning Vets like shit....just repeating what they said....

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