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So Trump believes PUTIN is the better leader?

So Trump believes Putin is the better leader? Seriously?

Lets look at putins job as president of Russia.
-His economy(russian economy) took a huge hit as the world told him to fuck off after his invasion.

Oil production has slowed!


Plus he has lost every war he has gotten into!!! He has silenced gays, and acted like a dictator of his own people, Yet you believe he is the better leader? hahahaha

Here is a little something for the loserterians to consider.








Think about it! Obama has created 10 million private sector jobs, stopped the mess Bush caused that had us losing 800,000 jobs/month and ended up with records left and right in the stock market. Putin? Not so much.

What's wrong? Who knows, what he think really, but he works at good relations, being solidary with majority of Russia, who elected Putin...

Saddam Hussien also won landslide "elections "!

And Obama too. And US presidents too. Do you mean, any US president is just someone like Saddam Hussien?
Russia was allowed to port naval ships in Sevastapol, not the entire Crimea, retard.

And the treaty allowing them to be there was set to expire in 2017.

No the Treaty was extended for another 25 years. Look it up. Now as I put in my other post Crimea was autonomous and asked Russia to assist in the secession from the nazi lovers in Kiev.
Holy shit!

So if Mexican Army paratroopers drop into the US to "protect the Mexican people of California", it's not an invasion, right?

The Ukrainian government did not ask Russia to invade the Crimea, dumbass, and that is all that matters.

Goddamn. I've seen some amazing leaps and twists of idiocy by apologists for Russia before, but you take the cake.

By the way, you incredibly ignorant dipshit, Russia has also invaded the eastern part of Ukraine.

Re: Crimea. It was autonomous and had every right to ask Russia to protect her people from the nazi loving sons of bitches Bandera idolizing bastard in Kiev that America, NATO and the EU turned the Ukraine over to.

Re: Eastern Ukraine has not been invaded by Russia. Those are Ukrainian rebels fighting the nazi army of Kiev.
You have been using the exact same reasoning Hitler gave for invading the Sudetenland.


Here's the truth. You might want to try accepting it some time. Not one source is Russia Today.

Ukraine crisis: Crimea leader appeals to Putin for help

Ukraine crisis: Crimea leader appeals to Putin for help - BBC News

and you will find the same story here

Ukraine's Crimea leader asks Putin for help
Prime minister of autonomous region appeals for help

Ukraine's Crimea leader asks Putin for help

and here (pssssst it's CBS)

Pro-Russian leader in Crimea asks Putin for help

Pro-Russian leader in Crimea asks Putin for help

and here it's the Guardian in Britain

Crimea crisis: pro-Russian leader appeals to Putin for help

Crimea crisis: pro-Russian leader appeals to Putin for help

Let me know if you want more. I'm loaded for bear.

Crimea’s reunification with Russia reflects the will of the majority of the Crimean people, the head of a French delegation visiting the peninsula says. He added that if it had not joined Russia, it could have been turned into a battle zone like east Ukraine.

“The referendum on Crimea’s accession to Russia reflected the will of the people,” Mariani said, adding that, during their visit to the peninsula, the French delegation “got an impression that the decision to reunify with Russia corresponds with the majority opinion” of the Crimean population.

Mariani also stressed that, if it was not for the referendum, the peninsula could have been turned into another battlefront like eastern Ukraine, so “whatever the conditions, the referendum had to be held – and quickly.”

Crimea referendum reflected people’s will – French delegation head
View attachment 88766
^ Crimea after hearing the results of referendum

Putin: Thinking of Crimea, they choose not to notice that the will of the Crimean people, 70 percent of which are ethnic Russians and the rest speak Russian as their native language, was to join Russia. They prefer to ignore this. In one place, in Kosovo, the will of the people can be honoured, but here – it cannot. All of this is about political games.

Indeed, our military personnel were there to ensure security at the voting and referendum. If we had not done so, we would have faced a tragedy even worse than the one in Odessa when people were burned alive in the House of Trade Unions, when nationalists trapped defenceless and unarmed people inside the building and burned them alive.

Most importantly, though, the Crimean parliament, which had been elected two years prior to the voting under the Ukrainian law, voted in favour of the referendum and later, in favour of independence. It is an absolutely legitimate representative body elected by Crimean people. This is first.

Second, the international legal framework. When the settlement of the Kosovo issue was under negotiation, the UN International Court of Justice passed a judgment that was met with applause by all Western partners. The Court decided that the settlement of independence issues did not require the decision of country's central authorities. So, we did everything in accordance with international law, the United Nations Charter and principles of democracy, which include, first of all, the free expression of peoples' will.

Interview to Bloomberg

Excellent. You know what Stratford I understand that liberals believe all of Obama's propaganda and the west's propaganda. BUT I do not understand conservatives who don't believe a damn thing that Obama says on any other issue, but they buy into this "Russia is the bogeyman" crap.

Despite being presented with facts over and over and over. It's nuts.

Putin: A good friend of mine from Germany told me: we had this flood in Bavaria and I got the impression they could blame you for the flood, too. This cannot continue forever.
Meeting with heads of international news agencies

Vladimir Putin: I think I mentioned our ”guilt“ in the floods in Europe. I think this is another such joke. Actually, I think it is indecent to mention Russia when speaking of any issue, even those we have nothing to do with, to make our country out to be some kind of scarecrow. This not what intelligent people would do, I think.
Joint news conference with Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi
Even the Palestinians and Israelis have figured that out. They're now gonna meet in Moscow for peace talks. Obama is a disaster. Period, end of story.
And his loyalty is to Putin.

Sure, as long as Putin keeps appointing him.....Yep, there's a lot of long, lasting love between these two. LOL

You really don't have an understanding at all of their relationship do you?

It goes back to the days of his father's murder. Putin earned his undying loyalty because Putin came to the funeral and the cemetery to pay his respect to Kadyrov's beloved father.

And Putin respects Kadyrov and appreciates his loyalty.

Here's a quote that says it all.

"Putin is gorgeous. He thinks more about Chechnya than about any other republic [of the Russian Federation]. When my father was murdered, he [Putin] came and went to the cemetery in person. Putin has stopped the war. Putin should be made president for life. Strong rule is needed."

Ramzan Kadyrov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Re: Eastern Ukraine has not been invaded by Russia. Those are Ukrainian rebels fighting the nazi army of Kiev.
A complete lie. Do you work for Pravda? Stop gobbling Putin's cock.

What is the lie? That they are rebels? That the Ukrainian army that is fighting there is nazi? And you Obama lover need to get up off your knees and stop getting drilled in the ass by western propaganda.

Both statements are true. Are the rebels receiving weapons from Russia? I don't know and I don't care because the west has no problem supplying weapons to all sorts of rebels to overthrow governments.

So certainly you have no right to complain if Russia assists rebels or helps their allies like we do in the west.

Even steven. And the Azov Battalion are nazi lovers as is the current government in Kiev.

That the Ukrainian army that is fighting there is Nazi?

What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?

It's the Azov Battalion and yes they like Kiev love and admire the Nazis. The Ukraine's biggest hero is Stepan Bandera who fought with the Nazis. And Bandera's party perpetrated a mass murder of Poles in WWII. Quite a famous massacre.

I know my Ukrainian history very well because I am third generation Ukrainian. And I don't believe in western propaganda any more than I believe any other propaganda.

I believe in facts. Here meet some of the boys fighting for Kiev.


What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?
So Trump believes Putin is the better leader? Seriously?

Lets look at putins job as president of Russia.
-His economy(russian economy) took a huge hit as the world told him to fuck off after his invasion.

Oil production has slowed!


Plus he has lost every war he has gotten into!!! He has silenced gays, and acted like a dictator of his own people, Yet you believe he is the better leader? hahahaha

Here is a little something for the loserterians to consider.








Think about it! Obama has created 10 million private sector jobs, stopped the mess Bush caused that had us losing 800,000 jobs/month and ended up with records left and right in the stock market. Putin? Not so much.

What's wrong? Who knows, what he think really, but he works at good relations, being solidary with majority of Russia, who elected Putin...

Saddam Hussien also won landslide "elections "!

And Obama too. And US presidents too. Do you mean, any US president is just someone like Saddam Hussien?

Oh Obama not only won in landslide elections but in some cities he actually won all of the votes in 2012.


And they have voting districts like this one in Chicago for a Democrat who is Hispanic. It's called gerrymandering. The practice of designing a district for a politician that guarantees a win. Gee. He's never lost.

Check it out.

Fuck. I can't bleev we actually have someone stupid enough to bleev Russia has not invaded Ukraine.

This has to be a fucking joke.

I'm third generation Ukrainian. And the propaganda the west has put out there to justify the overthrow that THEY backed to depose a duly elected President and his party is just that. Bullshit propaganda.

Yeah, it was sad when Putin's puppet ran away before his people could give him the Ceaușescu treatment.

First off his election was monitored by the EU's election branch and it was fair and square. As was the election of his party.

Putin's puppet. No. Ally. Just as the US has allies with people in power that favor doing business with America. Are you going to call the Presidents of France or Germany or Italy or Belgium or the Prime Minister of Britain America's puppets?

I believe that would be a grave insult to all those leaders.

As to running away, he is very lucky to have escaped with his life from the nazis the west installed in power.

As was the election of his party.

As was the election after he fled.
The election where no Nazis got elected.

Putin's puppet. No. Ally.


You've got ass backwards. It was the election of the nazi lovers that we support.

With your bizarre assertion that the Ukrainian President was Putin's puppet then everyone in the world that deals with America has a leader that is an American puppet.

Got it!


You know toddster if you want to believe all of Obama's bullshit it's your right to do so even though the facts are polar opposite to the propaganda.

I back up everything I say with facts and truth. I have no need to spout opinions because I deal in realities.

We agree, Obama is full of shit.

Now get the fucking Russian troops out of Ukraine.
No the Treaty was extended for another 25 years. Look it up. Now as I put in my other post Crimea was autonomous and asked Russia to assist in the secession from the nazi lovers in Kiev.
Re: Crimea. It was autonomous and had every right to ask Russia to protect her people from the nazi loving sons of bitches Bandera idolizing bastard in Kiev that America, NATO and the EU turned the Ukraine over to.

Re: Eastern Ukraine has not been invaded by Russia. Those are Ukrainian rebels fighting the nazi army of Kiev.
You have been using the exact same reasoning Hitler gave for invading the Sudetenland.


Here's the truth. You might want to try accepting it some time. Not one source is Russia Today.

Ukraine crisis: Crimea leader appeals to Putin for help

Ukraine crisis: Crimea leader appeals to Putin for help - BBC News

and you will find the same story here

Ukraine's Crimea leader asks Putin for help
Prime minister of autonomous region appeals for help

Ukraine's Crimea leader asks Putin for help

and here (pssssst it's CBS)

Pro-Russian leader in Crimea asks Putin for help

Pro-Russian leader in Crimea asks Putin for help

and here it's the Guardian in Britain

Crimea crisis: pro-Russian leader appeals to Putin for help

Crimea crisis: pro-Russian leader appeals to Putin for help

Let me know if you want more. I'm loaded for bear.

Crimea’s reunification with Russia reflects the will of the majority of the Crimean people, the head of a French delegation visiting the peninsula says. He added that if it had not joined Russia, it could have been turned into a battle zone like east Ukraine.

“The referendum on Crimea’s accession to Russia reflected the will of the people,” Mariani said, adding that, during their visit to the peninsula, the French delegation “got an impression that the decision to reunify with Russia corresponds with the majority opinion” of the Crimean population.

Mariani also stressed that, if it was not for the referendum, the peninsula could have been turned into another battlefront like eastern Ukraine, so “whatever the conditions, the referendum had to be held – and quickly.”

Crimea referendum reflected people’s will – French delegation head
View attachment 88766
^ Crimea after hearing the results of referendum

Putin: Thinking of Crimea, they choose not to notice that the will of the Crimean people, 70 percent of which are ethnic Russians and the rest speak Russian as their native language, was to join Russia. They prefer to ignore this. In one place, in Kosovo, the will of the people can be honoured, but here – it cannot. All of this is about political games.

Indeed, our military personnel were there to ensure security at the voting and referendum. If we had not done so, we would have faced a tragedy even worse than the one in Odessa when people were burned alive in the House of Trade Unions, when nationalists trapped defenceless and unarmed people inside the building and burned them alive.

Most importantly, though, the Crimean parliament, which had been elected two years prior to the voting under the Ukrainian law, voted in favour of the referendum and later, in favour of independence. It is an absolutely legitimate representative body elected by Crimean people. This is first.

Second, the international legal framework. When the settlement of the Kosovo issue was under negotiation, the UN International Court of Justice passed a judgment that was met with applause by all Western partners. The Court decided that the settlement of independence issues did not require the decision of country's central authorities. So, we did everything in accordance with international law, the United Nations Charter and principles of democracy, which include, first of all, the free expression of peoples' will.

Interview to Bloomberg

if it had not joined Russia, it could have been turned into a battle zone like east Ukraine.

Only if Russia invaded and started killing people. Like Russia invaded Ukraine.

When and how did Russia invade the Ukraine? Please prove this invasion occured.

Vladimir Putin admitted to deploying Russian military specialists to eastern Ukraine on Thursday, dropping nearly two years of denials that Russian servicemen were involved in the conflict there, writes Roland Oliphant in Moscow.

Speaking at an annual televised press conference, Mr Putin denied that “regular forces” were involved in the conflict, but conceded that “people dealing with tasks…in the military sphere,” had been involved in the conflict.

“We never said that there weren’t people there dealing with certain tasks, including in the military sphere,” he said, when challenged by a Ukrainian journalist about two captured Russian officers currently held in Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin admits: Russian troops 'were in Ukraine'

Re: Eastern Ukraine has not been invaded by Russia. Those are Ukrainian rebels fighting the nazi army of Kiev.
A complete lie. Do you work for Pravda? Stop gobbling Putin's cock.

What is the lie? That they are rebels? That the Ukrainian army that is fighting there is nazi? And you Obama lover need to get up off your knees and stop getting drilled in the ass by western propaganda.

Both statements are true. Are the rebels receiving weapons from Russia? I don't know and I don't care because the west has no problem supplying weapons to all sorts of rebels to overthrow governments.

So certainly you have no right to complain if Russia assists rebels or helps their allies like we do in the west.

Even steven. And the Azov Battalion are nazi lovers as is the current government in Kiev.

That the Ukrainian army that is fighting there is Nazi?

What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?

It's the Azov Battalion and yes they like Kiev love and admire the Nazis. The Ukraine's biggest hero is Stepan Bandera who fought with the Nazis. And Bandera's party perpetrated a mass murder of Poles in WWII. Quite a famous massacre.

I know my Ukrainian history very well because I am third generation Ukrainian. And I don't believe in western propaganda any more than I believe any other propaganda.

I believe in facts. Here meet some of the boys fighting for Kiev.


What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?

#1 Russia never put Jews in ovens

#2 Russia never bombed the shit out of Britain

#3 Russia never killed Ann Frank

#4 Russia fought with America not against America

#5 But the Nazis had better and snappier uniforms than the Russians. Well actually they had the best uniforms of all the participants in WWII.
I'm third generation Ukrainian. And the propaganda the west has put out there to justify the overthrow that THEY backed to depose a duly elected President and his party is just that. Bullshit propaganda.

Yeah, it was sad when Putin's puppet ran away before his people could give him the Ceaușescu treatment.

First off his election was monitored by the EU's election branch and it was fair and square. As was the election of his party.

Putin's puppet. No. Ally. Just as the US has allies with people in power that favor doing business with America. Are you going to call the Presidents of France or Germany or Italy or Belgium or the Prime Minister of Britain America's puppets?

I believe that would be a grave insult to all those leaders.

As to running away, he is very lucky to have escaped with his life from the nazis the west installed in power.

As was the election of his party.

As was the election after he fled.
The election where no Nazis got elected.

Putin's puppet. No. Ally.


You've got ass backwards. It was the election of the nazi lovers that we support.

With your bizarre assertion that the Ukrainian President was Putin's puppet then everyone in the world that deals with America has a leader that is an American puppet.

Got it!


You know toddster if you want to believe all of Obama's bullshit it's your right to do so even though the facts are polar opposite to the propaganda.

I back up everything I say with facts and truth. I have no need to spout opinions because I deal in realities.

We agree, Obama is full of shit.

Now get the fucking Russian troops out of Ukraine.

May be only if Trump wins you (and other brainwashed morons like you) will finally figure out: there are no Russian troops in Ukraine, but there is official Washington controlling Ukraine and spreading all kinds of anti-Russian propaganda.

Twenty five years after the USSR collapsed, Ukraine is worse off than it was under direct rule from Moscow.
Currently, it’s financially beholden to the IMF, which can reduce its economy to rubble with a stroke of a pen and its leaders are apparently chosen by foreign officials and wealthy lobbyists with no connection to the country. To make matters worse, Kiev has completely burned its bridges with Russia, which hosts the largest Ukrainian diaspora in the world.
Modern Ukraine is 25 yrs old, but is it actually independent?
I'm third generation Ukrainian. And the propaganda the west has put out there to justify the overthrow that THEY backed to depose a duly elected President and his party is just that. Bullshit propaganda.

Yeah, it was sad when Putin's puppet ran away before his people could give him the Ceaușescu treatment.

First off his election was monitored by the EU's election branch and it was fair and square. As was the election of his party.

Putin's puppet. No. Ally. Just as the US has allies with people in power that favor doing business with America. Are you going to call the Presidents of France or Germany or Italy or Belgium or the Prime Minister of Britain America's puppets?

I believe that would be a grave insult to all those leaders.

As to running away, he is very lucky to have escaped with his life from the nazis the west installed in power.

As was the election of his party.

As was the election after he fled.
The election where no Nazis got elected.

Putin's puppet. No. Ally.


You've got ass backwards. It was the election of the nazi lovers that we support.

With your bizarre assertion that the Ukrainian President was Putin's puppet then everyone in the world that deals with America has a leader that is an American puppet.

Got it!


You know toddster if you want to believe all of Obama's bullshit it's your right to do so even though the facts are polar opposite to the propaganda.

I back up everything I say with facts and truth. I have no need to spout opinions because I deal in realities.

We agree, Obama is full of shit.

Now get the fucking Russian troops out of Ukraine.

They aren't in the Ukraine.
Excellent. You know what Stratford I understand that liberals believe all of Obama's propaganda and the west's propaganda. BUT I do not understand conservatives who don't believe a damn thing that Obama says on any other issue, but they buy into this "Russia is the bogeyman" crap.

Despite being presented with facts over and over and over. It's nuts.
WOW! Well said!

Maybe people who pose as conservatives are just moles and now they show their true colors.

Russia is not the enemy. Developing friendly relationship between Russia and the U.S. would be very beneficial for both countries. Partnership in trading and even military partnership in the ever changing political climate.
Obviously Putin is a better leader. Is anyone really questioning that? Obama is a petty Anti-American Marxist dunce. I seriously believe he hates America far more than Putin ever could. This isn't even worth debating. It's Putin by a Landslide.
You have been using the exact same reasoning Hitler gave for invading the Sudetenland.


Here's the truth. You might want to try accepting it some time. Not one source is Russia Today.

Ukraine crisis: Crimea leader appeals to Putin for help

Ukraine crisis: Crimea leader appeals to Putin for help - BBC News

and you will find the same story here

Ukraine's Crimea leader asks Putin for help
Prime minister of autonomous region appeals for help

Ukraine's Crimea leader asks Putin for help

and here (pssssst it's CBS)

Pro-Russian leader in Crimea asks Putin for help

Pro-Russian leader in Crimea asks Putin for help

and here it's the Guardian in Britain

Crimea crisis: pro-Russian leader appeals to Putin for help

Crimea crisis: pro-Russian leader appeals to Putin for help

Let me know if you want more. I'm loaded for bear.

Crimea’s reunification with Russia reflects the will of the majority of the Crimean people, the head of a French delegation visiting the peninsula says. He added that if it had not joined Russia, it could have been turned into a battle zone like east Ukraine.

“The referendum on Crimea’s accession to Russia reflected the will of the people,” Mariani said, adding that, during their visit to the peninsula, the French delegation “got an impression that the decision to reunify with Russia corresponds with the majority opinion” of the Crimean population.

Mariani also stressed that, if it was not for the referendum, the peninsula could have been turned into another battlefront like eastern Ukraine, so “whatever the conditions, the referendum had to be held – and quickly.”

Crimea referendum reflected people’s will – French delegation head
View attachment 88766
^ Crimea after hearing the results of referendum

Putin: Thinking of Crimea, they choose not to notice that the will of the Crimean people, 70 percent of which are ethnic Russians and the rest speak Russian as their native language, was to join Russia. They prefer to ignore this. In one place, in Kosovo, the will of the people can be honoured, but here – it cannot. All of this is about political games.

Indeed, our military personnel were there to ensure security at the voting and referendum. If we had not done so, we would have faced a tragedy even worse than the one in Odessa when people were burned alive in the House of Trade Unions, when nationalists trapped defenceless and unarmed people inside the building and burned them alive.

Most importantly, though, the Crimean parliament, which had been elected two years prior to the voting under the Ukrainian law, voted in favour of the referendum and later, in favour of independence. It is an absolutely legitimate representative body elected by Crimean people. This is first.

Second, the international legal framework. When the settlement of the Kosovo issue was under negotiation, the UN International Court of Justice passed a judgment that was met with applause by all Western partners. The Court decided that the settlement of independence issues did not require the decision of country's central authorities. So, we did everything in accordance with international law, the United Nations Charter and principles of democracy, which include, first of all, the free expression of peoples' will.

Interview to Bloomberg

if it had not joined Russia, it could have been turned into a battle zone like east Ukraine.

Only if Russia invaded and started killing people. Like Russia invaded Ukraine.

When and how did Russia invade the Ukraine? Please prove this invasion occured.

Vladimir Putin admitted to deploying Russian military specialists to eastern Ukraine on Thursday, dropping nearly two years of denials that Russian servicemen were involved in the conflict there, writes Roland Oliphant in Moscow.

Speaking at an annual televised press conference, Mr Putin denied that “regular forces” were involved in the conflict, but conceded that “people dealing with tasks…in the military sphere,” had been involved in the conflict.

“We never said that there weren’t people there dealing with certain tasks, including in the military sphere,” he said, when challenged by a Ukrainian journalist about two captured Russian officers currently held in Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin admits: Russian troops 'were in Ukraine'


That's not having troops on the ground and actively fighting.

Just as you have no troops on the ground in Syria but the military and the CIA have been involved in the conflict to overthrow Assad right from the get go.

America is involved consistently with attempting to overthrow governments on a regular basis. Tch tch.

At least Putin doesn't want to overthrow the Ukrainian government. Not like we did in the west to overthrow a duly elected government in the Ukraine.

He's just assisting the rebels in the east to attempt to achieve either independence or autonomy.

Therein lies the difference.
Excellent. You know what Stratford I understand that liberals believe all of Obama's propaganda and the west's propaganda. BUT I do not understand conservatives who don't believe a damn thing that Obama says on any other issue, but they buy into this "Russia is the bogeyman" crap.

Despite being presented with facts over and over and over. It's nuts.
WOW! Well said!

Maybe people who pose as conservatives are just moles and now they show their true colors.

Russia is not the enemy. Developing friendly relationship between Russia and the U.S. would be very beneficial for both countries. Partnership in trading and even military partnership in the ever changing political climate.
Follow the money trail for source of 'Russian threat' paranoia

As Charlie Chaplin commented in his classic 1947 black comedy Monsieur Verdoux, "Wars, conflicts, it’s all business!"

It was a US President, Dwight D Eisenhower, who first warned us about the US military-industrial complex, back in 1961:“We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military–industrial complex”, he said.

No one could accuse Ike, the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe in World War Two, of being a ‘pinko’ or a ‘Kremlin stooge’. But the situation is much worse today than it was back in Eisenhower’s day.

Neocons have embedded themselves in the corridors of power. They claim to be interested in spreading ‘democracy’, but the reality is that the neocon movement is all about money and profits. Henry ‘Scoop’ Jackson, the US politician who railed against détente with the Soviet Union in the 70s, was, with very good reason, nicknamed the ’Senator for Boeing’.

How much longer will the citizens of the world put up with a situation in which warmongers with ties to the military-industrial complex are allowed to stoke up international tensions? The next time you read or hear someone issue stark warnings about the ‘Russian threat’ - and why NATO needs to hike its spending to deal with it - just follow the money trail.
Last edited:
A complete lie. Do you work for Pravda? Stop gobbling Putin's cock.

What is the lie? That they are rebels? That the Ukrainian army that is fighting there is nazi? And you Obama lover need to get up off your knees and stop getting drilled in the ass by western propaganda.

Both statements are true. Are the rebels receiving weapons from Russia? I don't know and I don't care because the west has no problem supplying weapons to all sorts of rebels to overthrow governments.

So certainly you have no right to complain if Russia assists rebels or helps their allies like we do in the west.

Even steven. And the Azov Battalion are nazi lovers as is the current government in Kiev.

That the Ukrainian army that is fighting there is Nazi?

What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?

It's the Azov Battalion and yes they like Kiev love and admire the Nazis. The Ukraine's biggest hero is Stepan Bandera who fought with the Nazis. And Bandera's party perpetrated a mass murder of Poles in WWII. Quite a famous massacre.

I know my Ukrainian history very well because I am third generation Ukrainian. And I don't believe in western propaganda any more than I believe any other propaganda.

I believe in facts. Here meet some of the boys fighting for Kiev.


What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?

#1 Russia never put Jews in ovens

#2 Russia never bombed the shit out of Britain

#3 Russia never killed Ann Frank

#4 Russia fought with America not against America

#5 But the Nazis had better and snappier uniforms than the Russians. Well actually they had the best uniforms of all the participants in WWII.

The question was Nazis and Commies, not Russians.

#1 Stalin killed 20 million, at least.
#2 Russia enslaved her neighbors, exported its death cult, which killed 10s of millions more.
etc. etc.
Yeah, it was sad when Putin's puppet ran away before his people could give him the Ceaușescu treatment.

First off his election was monitored by the EU's election branch and it was fair and square. As was the election of his party.

Putin's puppet. No. Ally. Just as the US has allies with people in power that favor doing business with America. Are you going to call the Presidents of France or Germany or Italy or Belgium or the Prime Minister of Britain America's puppets?

I believe that would be a grave insult to all those leaders.

As to running away, he is very lucky to have escaped with his life from the nazis the west installed in power.

As was the election of his party.

As was the election after he fled.
The election where no Nazis got elected.

Putin's puppet. No. Ally.


You've got ass backwards. It was the election of the nazi lovers that we support.

With your bizarre assertion that the Ukrainian President was Putin's puppet then everyone in the world that deals with America has a leader that is an American puppet.

Got it!


You know toddster if you want to believe all of Obama's bullshit it's your right to do so even though the facts are polar opposite to the propaganda.

I back up everything I say with facts and truth. I have no need to spout opinions because I deal in realities.

We agree, Obama is full of shit.

Now get the fucking Russian troops out of Ukraine.

May be only if Trump wins you (and other brainwashed morons like you) will finally figure out: there are no Russian troops in Ukraine, but there is official Washington controlling Ukraine and spreading all kinds of anti-Russian propaganda.

Twenty five years after the USSR collapsed, Ukraine is worse off than it was under direct rule from Moscow.
Currently, it’s financially beholden to the IMF, which can reduce its economy to rubble with a stroke of a pen and its leaders are apparently chosen by foreign officials and wealthy lobbyists with no connection to the country. To make matters worse, Kiev has completely burned its bridges with Russia, which hosts the largest Ukrainian diaspora in the world.
Modern Ukraine is 25 yrs old, but is it actually independent?

there are no Russian troops in Ukraine,

Dude, drink another bottle of vodka.
Right wingers WELL deserve to be ruled by dictators...after all, its better than thinking for them.

After all that love of our Constitution expressed by right wingers....POOF its all gone when a half black guy becomes president...bring on despotism, right morons?
First off his election was monitored by the EU's election branch and it was fair and square. As was the election of his party.

Putin's puppet. No. Ally. Just as the US has allies with people in power that favor doing business with America. Are you going to call the Presidents of France or Germany or Italy or Belgium or the Prime Minister of Britain America's puppets?

I believe that would be a grave insult to all those leaders.

As to running away, he is very lucky to have escaped with his life from the nazis the west installed in power.

As was the election of his party.

As was the election after he fled.
The election where no Nazis got elected.

Putin's puppet. No. Ally.


You've got ass backwards. It was the election of the nazi lovers that we support.

With your bizarre assertion that the Ukrainian President was Putin's puppet then everyone in the world that deals with America has a leader that is an American puppet.

Got it!


You know toddster if you want to believe all of Obama's bullshit it's your right to do so even though the facts are polar opposite to the propaganda.

I back up everything I say with facts and truth. I have no need to spout opinions because I deal in realities.

We agree, Obama is full of shit.

Now get the fucking Russian troops out of Ukraine.

May be only if Trump wins you (and other brainwashed morons like you) will finally figure out: there are no Russian troops in Ukraine, but there is official Washington controlling Ukraine and spreading all kinds of anti-Russian propaganda.

Twenty five years after the USSR collapsed, Ukraine is worse off than it was under direct rule from Moscow.
Currently, it’s financially beholden to the IMF, which can reduce its economy to rubble with a stroke of a pen and its leaders are apparently chosen by foreign officials and wealthy lobbyists with no connection to the country. To make matters worse, Kiev has completely burned its bridges with Russia, which hosts the largest Ukrainian diaspora in the world.
Modern Ukraine is 25 yrs old, but is it actually independent?

there are no Russian troops in Ukraine,

Dude, drink another bottle of vodka.

Your Government supported an illegal coup in Kiev. But you and most Americans don't know that. The American Government/Corporate Media didn't tell ya so. But that's where all the problems in Ukraine began.

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