So, uhh...err...Benedict Boehner is a conservative and the most 'anti-establishment' speaker ever!


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
The most hated pile of shit in America, Benedict Boehner seems to think that in addition to being Speaker of the Obama-Democrat Ass-kissing wing of the Republicommunist Party, Benedict Boehner seems to think he is a comedian as of late. Benedict Boehner in his failed attempt at comedy defended his...his...haha....haha..haha...being conservative, and uhh....haha..pffffff....haha...bwahhhahahaha...being the...haha..haha...most anti-establishment speaker of the house ever.

Unfortunately for Benedict Boehner, the vast majority of Americans don't have the intelligence of a grapefruit like he has. He's fooling nobody outside of anyone who is a step to the left of falling off the side of the planet. Make no mistake about it, Benedict Boehner is an America-hating communist who swings from Barack Obama's cock.

While Benedict Boehner laughably claims he is anti-establishment, let's take an honest and factual look at what Benedict Boehner really is:

Anti-opposition to Obama and Democrats
Anti-opposition to communism
Anti-TEA Party
Anti-1st amendment
Anti-dissent/differing opinion
Anti-small government

Bendict Boehner is a traitor to America, the Republican Party and to anyone who can properly identify as a real human being. Unfortunately, Benedict Boehner has a small hoard in his cocksucker coalition like Jake Starkey and JoeB-whatever-the-fuck-the-number-is-after-his-fuckin-name is, who claim to be real Republicans, when in-fact they're really America-hating communists.

If anything good has come out of this, several family members and friends who are registered Republicans, they've finally seen the light and seen the Republican Party for what it is, a pile of shit party that gives the middle finger to America and only caters to special interests. Several woke up and have left the Republicommunist party and registered Libertarian, others are in the process of doing so.

In conclusion, fuck the Republicommunist party and fuck traitor Benedict Boehner.


I doubt we agree on much of anything. However; the difference between Nancy Pelosi and Benedict Boehner is this: while I detest Nancy Pelosi, I respect her in that she never stabbed her Democratic voting base in the back. She fought George W. Bushit in every possible way she could. She had an agenda and fought relentlessly to push it through. I respect her tanacity, determination and vigor.

Then you have Benedict Boehner, never has there been a speaker that has so stabbed his party voting base in the back as had Benedict Boehner. He doesn't oppose the opposition party like Pelosi did, he does everything he can to make sure the opposition gets everything they want and then some. Boehner is a worthless cowardly, backstabbing pile of shit in every sense of the words.

In conclusion, I'd trust Nancy Pelosi each and every time over Benedict Boehner because I believe she is a multitude more honest than Benedict Boehner.
Boehner will be kicked to the curb within a few years but the damage he will do by then is yet to be measured.
Boehner beats the heck out of some tea party wacko plutocrat.

I wasn't aware that small government and abiding by the Constitution was whacko plutocrat. Maybe you should move to Cuba, given your politics, you'd be right at home there.
Boehner will be kicked to the curb within a few years but the damage he will do by then is yet to be measured.

Give Benedict Boehner credit, it is an amazing feat to destroy a political party in the manner he, the born loser Karl Rove, and that turkey-looking fuckwad - Bitch McConjob have.

They have rapidly accelerated the Republican Party to going the way of the Whig Party. Pollster, Pat Caddell, a truly great and unbiased person took a poll in which he found on a very conservative number that at least 1/3 of Republicans are about to leave the party. A major talk show host, Mark Levin stated he is on the verge of leaving the Republican Party. This is the beginning of the snowball rolling downhill. The Republican Party is dead, it just doesn't know it yet. The Republican Party only serves special interests all while extending their middle finger to their voting base and America.

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