So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

Ukraine War: Vladimir Putin has gambled everything and lost

Ukraine War: Vladimir Putin has gambled everything and lost​

Until Vladimir Putin lunched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in the early hours of February 24, he was winning his standoff with the West. He had compelled the United States and Europe to take his demands seriously; he experienced the pleasure of being treated as the leader of a great power; and he had succeeded in intimidating the Ukrainians as well as Russia’s other neighboring states and the wider world.

All he had to do to solidify his victory was to recognize the independence of the so-called separatist republics in the Donbas, acknowledge that Ukraine’s chances of joining NATO were nil, and continue his creeping subversion of Ukraine in the expectation that, sooner or later, it would drift back into Russia’s orbit.

And then he blew it all by invading Ukraine.

Overnight, Russia became a pariah state. The West has already imposed an expanding range of sanctions with more expected. International opinion has almost unanimously condemned Putin’s war of aggression, and thousands of his own citizens have expressed their opposition to the war in demonstrations and petitions.

Most importantly, Ukrainians have fought back, fiercely. This was something Putin probably did not expect. In his initial announcement of a “special military operation,” Putin called on Ukrainian soldiers to lay down their arms, not out of concern for their lives, but because he truly believed they would be happy to do so. But they weren’t and they didn’t. Instead, they have inflicted punishing losses on his invasion force and have inspired the watching world with their courage.

Now the supposed chess grandmaster Putin has effectively maneuvered himself into an unwinnable position. Ukrainians throughout the entire country, regardless of the language they prefer to speak, their religion or ethnic background, have rallied around the flag. Tens of thousands have volunteered for territorial defense units. Many more have donated blood. Untold others have handed over their savings to help finance the defense of the country. An historic wave of patriotic fervor has gripped Ukraine.

The Ukrainian nation has been joined by diaspora Ukrainians, who are now busy staging rallies and fundraising for their homeland. All these Ukrainians now consider themselves part of a modern Ukrainian nation that is as diverse as it is united in its opposition to Putin and everything he stands for: namely dictatorship and vassalage. Ukrainians have demonstrated that they love their country, despite all its extant faults, and that they are willing to sacrifice greatly for it.

Ukraine’s dramatic show of wartime unity and national strength is exceptionally inconvenient for Putin. In his increasingly unhinged attempts to justify his war, the Russian ruler has claimed to be fighting against a ragtag band of “fascists,” “Nazis,” and “drug addicts” who represent no one but their own interests and their “paymasters” in the West. As it turns out, Putin has declared war on a patriotic nation of more than 40 million people in a country the size of France.

His options are now all bad. He could still physically destroy Ukraine and commit a massive genocide against its inhabitants, but even the craziest of Russian imperialists would probably balk at the idea of what would be the most colossal atrocity in human history.

Putin may yet try to establish a puppet Ukrainian regime in Kyiv that would be happy to do his bidding, as intelligence reports have long predicted. However, that would mean occupying a huge country indefinitely. This would probably require around a million soldiers, all of whom would become targets of a Ukrainian resistance movement that would be sure to emerge.

Alternatively, Putin could try to work out some kind of deal with the current Ukrainian administration, but that would mean effectively admitting to his inner circle if not to the Russian people that his bloody enterprise had actually achieved nothing that negotiations could not have produced at far smaller cost.
/——/ Libtards cry that Putin fails to bring back the USSR
The Republicans I know support Ukraine. Am glad to hear that many of you are changing your minds. You need to be honest about where you were getting your news and mind set last week 2 many of you were taking Tucker at face value. and its pointless to try and turn it around that its liberals and independents supporting Putin. Am sure there is a few extremes from both party's keeping this going. Lets talk about how we can help with out shedding any American blood.
Victimhood fetish much? I don't want you silenced, boy -- I want everyone to see how utterly unhinged leftists are.

You don't have to respond to my posts, boy. But you're weak.
The irony of me being weak but you supporting the communists through Trump in the home of the brave.

Youre as easy as taking wheat from blind chooks.
Putin didn't invade during Bush's first term, either. Or Obama's. He waited until their second term.

This would have been Trump's second term. If Trump was in office right now, we'd be out of NATO and Trump would be having Putin sign his Moscow Trump Tower contract.

"Fuck you, Zelensky! You should have given me some fake dirt on Biden!"
Poor baby. Your fantasy didn’t come true. Now it’s all on Xiden and gullible rubes like you who voted for this. When are leaving to go fight those mean Russians again?
You're FOS.
No, you’re full of shit. As usual...

You can slink off now.
Allowing Putin to take Ukraine is surrender. It is not difficult to understand. Unless you're a Trumptard.
Hey dumbfuck, not our war. We’re not fighting. So we can’t surrender. Easy to understand. Unless you’re a retard like you. Again coward, when are you leaving to fight the big bad Russians? So far a total of ZERO of you “brave” leftards have volunteered.
Putin didn't invade during Bush's first term, either. Or Obama's. He waited until their second term.

This would have been Trump's second term. If Trump was in office right now, we'd be out of NATO and Trump would be having Putin sign his Moscow Trump Tower contract.

"Fuck you, Zelensky! You should have given me some fake dirt on Biden!"
You must suck at the game of clue
Delusional post. What is your point?
I can believe that, dumbass.

The orange traitor has been a Russian asset for years..

People connected to Russia or former Soviet republics have paid cash for 86 Trump-branded properties, a total of $109 million, with many of them using shell companies, McClatchy has reported.

President Trump once described those deals more modestly. “I have had dealings over the years where I sold a house to a very wealthy Russian many years ago. I had the Miss Universe pageant — which I owned for quite a while — I had it in Moscow a long time ago. But other than that, I have nothing to do with Russia,” he said in an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt in November 2017.
No, you’re full of shit. As usual...

You can slink off now.
No, shit you fucking moron.

It's the methane from drilling that burns.
On a regular oil rig, they flare off the methane.
Fracking causes the methane to infiltrate water wells because the methane is under pressure, due to fracking.

You can slink off now.
Textbook economics, perhaps. Real-world economics? His ideas fail every single time. But he's an academic. He doesn't have to be right for people to kiss his ass.

Really? Because it seems to me that the people's whose "economics" fail every time are Republicans.

Every Republican President in my lifetime has had at least ONE recession. Except Bush-43, he had two. (And everyone thought he was an underachiever!)

Biden didn't do that.

Biden organized international sanctions and responses that have done exactly that.

Oh, so now you're an expert in petroleum geology? Did you learn about it from Reich?

It's kind of simple. If you are doing elaborate ecological devastation to get a few drops of oil, you really aren't being practical.

Amazing how Chavez and then Maduro so completely fucked it up, then, huh?

You mean after we inflicted a 20 year economic blockade on them for picking a form of government we don't like?

Here's a crazy idea. Next time a country picks socialism, let's leave them the fuck alone, and let it rise or fail on its own.
A question you've never answered:

How much of what someone else earned is your fair share, and why?

Who said the rich have 'earned" anything? This is where or system has it backwards.

The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth. They did not do 43% of the physical or mental labor to produce that wealth. That was done by people working in factories or in service jobs.

Now, before you piss yourself and scream "Communism!!!", I actually do see a need for investors. What I don't see is someone slaving away at an Amazon Warehouse for slave labor wages while Bezos uses the profits to fly off in a dick rocket with Captain Kirk.


Then again, it might be the perfect metaphor for our current situation!

We actually had the right balance between FDR and Reagan. The working class had unions and fair labor laws, to make sure they got their fair share, and the rich paid their fair share in taxes to pay for infrastructure and public works.

Republicans, of course, fucked it up by getting stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their religious, racial and sexual fears.
No, shit you fucking moron.

It's the methane from drilling that burns.
On a regular oil rig, they flare off the methane.
Fracking causes the methane to infiltrate water wells because the methane is under pressure, due to fracking.

You can slink off now.

Has methane ever infiltrated a water well before fracking?
We actually had the right balance between FDR and Reagan. The working class had unions and fair labor laws, to make sure they got their fair share, and the rich paid their fair share in taxes to pay for infrastructure and public works.

What was their fair share? How do you know it was their fair share?

Man in Moscow​

A man in Moscow bought a newspaper, glanced at the front page and threw it away.
Next day: same again.
And again the next day.
Eventually the seller asks: "Why do you do that?"
The man replied: "I'm just checking for an obituary."
"But obituaries aren't even on the front page."
"Oh, the one I'm looking for will be."

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